Disclaimer: Don't own Rookie Blue.
A.N. Wow! It feels like forever since I wrote a multichapter (and I don't count Concussion Confessions because that was supposed to be a one-shot). I'm not 100% positive that I'm going to finish this one but I decided that I would post the first chapter to "get a feel" for if people are interested (if not, it'll go in my folder of unfinished work...got lots of that after season 3 because a bunch of things I started working on had to be thrown out after episode 9).
This is a future fic - my thoughts right now is that the writers are going to do an amazing job getting Sam and Andy back together so I'm just going to pick up later on the time line. More details about their relationship and work habits will be revealed as the chapters go on...this multichapter was started based on a one-shot that I wrote after 3.09 and 3.10 that I realized would just leave people asking for more so it evolved into a story.
I hope you enjoy!
Hauntingly Familiar Chapter One:
He walked towards the squad car with two cups of coffee and hid his surprise when he realized that his partner was seated in the passenger seat. Normally they either did rock-paper-scissor or she started out driving and he finished off the shift.
He opened the door and slipped the two cups into the cup holders before sliding in and closing the door. "I've gotta admit McNally, I thought you'd be a little more excited to see me," he said as he turned on the car (she left the keys in the ignition) and pulled out.
Andy opened one eye to glare at him. "Admit it, you missed me more the past two weeks than I missed you Nick." She reached for her coffee and hummed with pleasure as the hot liquid warmed her.
Nick chuckled. "You win that one." The past two weeks he had been reassigned to 27th to help their detectives with a military case.
"You're just happy to be back on scut work," she teased.
"You heard about that?" Nick groaned. It was a lifetime ago, when Gail was missing, that he had made that comment.
"Nick, everyone heard about that."
He sighed and decided that it was time to change the topic before he dug himself into a bigger hole. Instead, he turned the tables on her. "Wanna tell me why you're so exhausted?"
"It's nothing."
"Really? Should I be calling Sam?"
She punched him lightly on the shoulder. "DO NOT call him."
"Then talk to me Andy." Ever since their undercover, they had been close. He was like the brother she never had (even more so than Chris or Dov) and she was like the sister he always dreamed of having. They were incredibly close and made a deal to talk to each other, especially when it could affect the job. Sam and Gail were both surprisingly supportive of the relationship (especially after Sam realized that Nick would talk to him if something Andy said was something he needed to know about).
"It's just...he's working on a case so he's been home late every night this week. Some of their CI's and the surveillance that they had to do all require 'the dark of night' as he termed it." She looked out the window. "I know that he told me not to wait up but..." she trailed off.
"And then you pretend you're asleep when he comes home," Nick supplied, finishing her sentence. "So Sam has no idea."
She shook her head. "No, once I hear the alarm, then I can sleep. Sam knows me too well, he'd know if I were faking. I'm normally out by the time he comes into the bedroom." She sighed. "I should have told you sooner so you could request a different partner this week."
Nick rolled his eyes. "Using 15th for the bust?" The deal was that whenever Sam was one of the lead Guns and Gangs detectives on a case, Andy and her partner had to be on a different shift if they were using 15th for the bust.
"Yeah, in a few days."
Nick shrugged. "So? We'll have a sleepover party, like we always do, although neither of us will sleep because you know Gail's going to be involved." He was about to say more when the radio cut him off with a collision call.
The rest of the morning was busy. When they stopped for lunch, Nick wasn't surprised to see that he had a text from Sam saying 'look after her, she's exhausted.' He smirked and responded with 'got your back but you two need to talk about it.' He neglected to tell Andy about the text but knew that Sam would follow up on the advice.
Their afternoon was pretty boring. Nick talked about the military case (probably gave her more information than he should have - not that she would be telling anyone) as he drove around. He knew it was a mark of her exhaustion when she told him to keep driving after lunch but he didn't say anything.
For her part, Andy was having two conversations. She had gotten her 'second wind' after lunch and would have switched with Nick but Sam texted her. She knew that if Nick drove, she would be able to converse with Sam. She realized that Nick would think that she was exhausted and constantly checking her phone for the time but she didn't care. When Sam's text said that he wasn't driving, she took the opportunity to chat with him about trying to align their days off for a mini vacation.
Eventually Sam had to go and she turned her full attention to Nick. He was complaining about a cop from 27th - and she realized that it was Samuels. "Don't mention him to Chris," she advised.
Nick prodded gently and got the story out of her. When she finished, he glanced at the clock. "Ready to head back?" They had fallen behind on their paperwork. They still had a small portion of their shift left but he figured they would ride it out at the Barn with paperwork. This way, he would be able to ensure that she got home at a decent hour.
Andy nodded and was about to respond when the radio blared to life for a domestic disturbance four blocks away. "Or not," she muttered before pulling the radio. "Mark 1514, four blocks away."
Nick hit the sirens as Andy typed something into her phone.
"I hate domestics," she muttered. "Remember, if Social Services was paged and my mother shows up -"
"I know, I know," he cut her off. "If it's her case, call for another squad. If not, have her call for another social worker."
After a rough case, a judge had warned Claire and Andy to stay away from each other on the job because the defense could use their relationship against them. They had heeded the words of the judge.
When they reached the scene, Andy felt like she'd been put in a time bubble, transported back to the day she saw her mother for the first time in years. The husband and wife were fighting on the stairs and getting physical.
Nick and Andy quickly separated the two of them and they began to talk. Andy took the woman while Nick took the man. Nick asked him if he had a place to stay for the night since it looked like everyone needed some space to cool down. As the husband nodded, a young boy around the age of seven came out of the house with a bundle in his arms.
Andy glanced at the mother, waiting for her nod. At the woman's nod, Andy stepped towards Nick. They had a quick conversation with the husband before the husband entered the house.
When the door closed behind him, Andy looked at Nick. "Something feels wrong," she said softly, settling her hand discreetly on her gun.
"I know. I should have gone in with him. He asked for a little bit of privacy to pack his stuff." He settled his hand over his gun. "Hopefully the social worker will be here soon and we can resolve this."
Suddenly they heard, "where's Ana? Tyler, where is your sister?"
Andy backtracked to the mother. "Stephanie, I need you to calm down."
"No!" The woman was close to tears. "I thought Ana came out with Tyler. If he's alone with her..." she trailed off, dissolving in tears.
Andy motioned for a neighbor to come over to take the baby. She knew that she shouldn't but she needed her own arms free and she had a feeling that Stephanie might drop the baby.
Once the baby was safe, Andy grabbed Stephanie by the shoulders and shook her firmly. "Stephanie, you need to calm down so I can help you. If you're crying, I can't understand you."
Stephanie took a few deep breaths. "Ana's three and a half. When she was born, she looked just like me. Drew thought she wasn't his and even after the paternity test, he still thinks that I rigged it."
Andy cursed. "Nick?"
Nick shook his head. "We're going in. Ma'am, I need you to move to your neighbor's yard." He pointed to the neighbor who was holding the baby. As they walked up the steps to the house he grabbed his radio. "Dispatch, this is Mark 1514 requesting backup."
They waited for the dispatcher to respond before knocking on the door.
There was no answer, not that either of them expected there to be one. Andy pressed her ear to the door. "Nick, I think I hear a child screaming."
Nick pulled her away from the door. "On my count. Three, two, one." They kicked the door in.
Guns raised, they entered the house. "Drew!" Andy yelled. "We need Ana, now."
"She's not mine! She's the reason that my marriage is falling apart. She's the reason that my marriage is the way that it is."
As he spoke, Andy and Nick moved further into the house, following the sound of his voice.
Drew must have heard them moving through the house because he met them in the living room. Ana was with him. Her hair was soaking wet and dripping. Andy bit back a gasp. The way she saw it, Drew had been trying to drown his own daughter by holding her upside down. Then she realized that the other sound that she heard was the bathtub running and internally cringed.
Both Andy and Nick kept their guns trained on Drew. Andy took a deep breath to steady and control her emotions. "Drew, let Ana go and we'll leave." Drew glanced at the guns and then took his hand off of his daughter. "Ana, it's okay sweetie. I want you to come here." As she spoke, she dropped one hand from the gun and held it out to the little girl.
Drew made a guttural sound. "She's the reason..."
"No she's not!" Nick said firmly. "She's your daughter Drew. DNA proved it. Some kids look exactly like one parent. She's your daughter."
As Nick spoke, Ana took a hesitant step towards Andy. When she realized that her father was not going to stop her, she hurled herself at Andy, clutching Andy's leg desperately. Andy took the hand that she had removed from her gun and reached down to blindly stroke Ana's cheek in a soothing manner. Then she felt Ana shiver and made a decision. She shrugged out of her jacket, still managing to keep her gun trained on Drew. She pulled off the jacket and crouched slightly, knowing Nick had her covered. She draped the jacket over Ana, making sure to have the hair drip onto the jacket instead of down Ana's back.
As she straightened, she noticed Drew take a step towards her. She quickly pushed Ana out of the way. "Knife!" she yelled as Drew threw himself at her, shoving her into the wall.
It was over quickly. Nick came up behind Drew and pulled him off. He cuffed Drew and then grabbed Andy's cuffs to cuff the man to the couch. As he cuffed Drew, he called it in. "Dispatch, 10-33! I have an officer down. Send a bus and where's my backup?" He bit off his curses, knowing that Ana was listening.
As Nick worked, Andy leaned against the wall. She was winded and the knife was still embedded in her body. She knew better than to pull it out.
Ana moved closer to Andy and whimpered. Andy turned her face towards Ana. "Hey sweetie, it's okay."
Nick came over. "You need to sit down and slow your breathing." He helped her lower herself to the ground. Ana sat next to her and whimpered.
"It's okay sweetie, everything is going to be okay." Andy tried to reassure the little girl but she knew that the girl was scared.
Nick grabbed a blanket that was on the couch and wrapped it around the wound, careful not to hit the knife. "Andy..."
"I know," she whispered. "Don't swear in front of her."
Nick rolled his eyes at her. With one hand he kept pressure on the wound. With the other hand, he reached for his radio. "Dispatch, what's the 20 on my bus and where's backup?"
"Ambulance is two minutes out. Backup should be arriving now."
"Tell them I need the bag. The room is clear." He wondered what was going on. Normally, they were all on the same channel so he should have heard the backup saying that they were arriving. He would question it later, when he wasn't worried about Andy. The blood was leaving Andy's body fast and starting to pool, despite his attempts to stem the bleeding.
"Copy that," was the dispatcher's reply.
He looked at his partner. "Stay with me. Talk to me." He stood up and grabbed a pillow to place under her head since she was keeping pressure on her own wound even without him.
"Thanks Nick," she whispered.
"Don't thank me. Just keep talking to me."
The door opened. Dov and Chris ran in. Nick kept his hands on the wound. "Epstein, take him out. Diaz, get the girl to her mother."
Dov quickly released Drew from the couch and roughly pulled him outside.
Chris stepped forward, opening the bag that he was carrying. He ripped open the gauze and handed it to Nick. "You don't have gloves on."
Nick sighed. "No time. I'm fine. Can you take the girl out."
Chris set the bag down and moved towards Ana but the little girl whimpered and curled up closer to Andy.
Andy gritted her teeth. "Ana, this is my friend Chris. He's going to take you outside, okay?"
Ana looked at Chris. Chris held out a hand and then Ana raised both arms. Chris lifted her up. "I'll be right back," he told them softly.
As Chris took Ana out, Nick kept one hand on Andy's wound and used the other hand to root through the bag, looking for more supplies. "Andy, talk to me."
Andy watched Chris move towards the door. "I'm scared Nick," she whispered.
"I know. It's okay to be scared. The medics are going to be here soon and they'll get you to a doctor who can take out the knife."
"Okay." Her eyes fluttered and then closed.
"McNally!" Nick yelled.
A.N. Next up...getting Andy to the hospital and Sam's POV of the day...maybe a flashback or two - who knows!
Reviews make my day and encourage me to write/edit faster so let me know what you think.