Toni fought back at the intense salt water threatening to cascade down her cheeks, not giving a damn about the S.H.I.E.L.D employees she continually barreled into. Eventually she found a blocked off hallway, bypassing the useless pass code system that an infant could hack.

As soon as the door closed with a swoosh, Toni let herself collapse in a pile of endless tears. Whimpers fell from her mouth by the dozen, her arms locking her legs; giving the illusion of comfort from another. She missed her friends. She missed her mother. Hell, she missed Steve. Anyone would do at this point.

She just wanted something to hold her. But no one would, everyone believed that she was just a spoiled brat given to much privilege. Toni was in such a deep depressive state, that she almost missed the swish of the doors behind her, and two large beefy arms encasing her in an embrace.

Loud vibrations enveloped the corridors, escalating to a near deafening pounding as they grew closer. At the peak of the sound, Steve swore he heard a very familiar voice shouting out amongst the chaos that was the Helicarrier. Looking out into fray, he spotted a certain boisterous god of thunder.

He stepped out of his hospital room, only to be shoved back inside by said god. Steve noted Thor's expression of relentless fury, the god calling out in both anger and sympathy.

"Lady Antoinette!" Steve froze, worry seeping into his pores, what on gods green earth had that dame done to piss the man off this much?! Thor continued his rant, oblivious to the quick to follow captain, "Woman of Iron, please come back. I would have words! Our brethren no not what they do, they're actions are guided by fear!"

Steve paused in his strides, blank expression cracking around the edges. What had happened while he was M.I.A? Snapping back into attention, he found that the larger man was leaving him behind. Running back up to Thor, Steve rested hand on the god's muscular bicep, only to jump back when his teammate thrashed out at him.

Realizing his mistake, Thor blinked and apologized in a… semi-loud tone of voice.

"Apologies." The god sighed though his nose, obviously still angered.

Steve waved off the apology, "It's fine, Thor."

Thor nodded his head slightly, "You are a good man, Sir Steven, I commend you on your forgiving nature."

Steve waited for the god to finish, before changing the subject, "Thor…What happened while I was gone?"

A dark look crossed his face, and Steve knew he would be treading through dark waters from here on out, "Our teammate has fallen victim to the clutches of false accusation. Those who dare called her their companion, have betrayed her trust and turned back on her in the Lady Iron's time of need. Sir Fury has called for the exemption of friend Toni from our brigade! None of our comrades came to her salvation."

Steve blinked, before taking off down the hallways ahead of Thor, calling out in vigor, "Stark? Stark?! TONI?!" Questioning a few agents, who appeared to have been tackled.

Finally, FINALLY, someone pointed him down a less used entranceway. Steve ran the hall, only stopping when he heard muffled sobs racking behind a blocked off door. Prying the locked door open proved to be simpler than he originally presumed.

With a swoosh, the door opened to reveal a disheveled lump of anguished Toni sobbing noisily on the black tile. Escaping his initial shock, Steve sat on the ground next to her, and gathered Toni into his arms. He honestly expected her to fight him, since technically they still weren't even acquaintances.

Surprisingly, she cuddled into his chest, allowing her seemingly interminable sobs. Not that he's wanted them to end, he rather enjoyed their close proximity, comforting her made his chest tighten around the area his heart lies.

With Toni cuddled up to him, Steve felt like less of an outsider. Like his being in the future (present?) had viable meaning, and that reason, was this woman. This cold, insincere, destructive, beautiful, and secretly inwardly kind woman, needed him. He wouldn't disappoint her. Carefully, he ran a thick hand through her chestnut curls soothingly, as her lithe arms clung to him desperately, and Steve, against all odds, felt content.

A/N: Ok, so I wrote this like a month ago, then lost it. I honestly wasn't going to use it in this story, but I thought we could use a little fluff. R/R