Prince: I was just rereading a work of pudgypudge called You Only Live Twice about a stallion Naruto who was once a soldier in Celestia's court until a false accusation kicked him out. I think eventually he's going to have Naruto meet up with Kurama once more and I really can't wait to read when he does. In the fic, Naruto is given a second chance at life without remembering who he was prior to the series (which has to be the Naruto we all know and love). The main point of me bringing this up was if pudgypudge could create this Naruto, why can't I have the KoPs be introduced into this world as well. Only this time . . . Kiactu is a fox while Naruto and Kurama are in their bangle forms on his wrist. I may allow Naruto and Kurama to materialize in a fox form as well like during the second season or something.
Kiactu: The pairings are listed as below.
Kiactu/Rainbow Dash/Fluttershy/Twilight Sparkle/Rarity/Applejack/Pinky Pie/Spitfire
Naruto/Scootaloo/Applebloom/Sweetie Belle
Prince: And before you can say anything, remember that a dog and a Rainicorn on Adventure Time were able to have pups . . . or colts . . . Whatever they decide to name them. And don't forget that a cat and a rabbit were able to have children (Reference to Amazing World of Gumball).
It was a cloudy night in Equestria and Princess Celestia could only stare up at the moon. A hundred years had passed since she had sealed her sister into the moon. The clouds were then parted by a streak of light that hit the ground in a thud that she could hear from the palace bedroom. She didn't want to get out of her warm bed to see what it was, but she knew that she would have to. The people of Equestria needed to know that they were under the protection of her and her court.
Stretching her wings, she flew to the source of the crash before flying over and inspecting it before touching down. It was hard to tell what it was because of the fact that it was buried in the dirt but she tried her best to pull it out using magic. Of course, not knowing what was down there, she didn't expect to find a small fox. 'I don't think ordinary foxes can fly,' she said to herself as she watched the little thing crawl its way out of the hole.
"Gods forbid I try that again," he said as he stood up. Celestia was shocked. It was a talking flying fox. "I guess the backlash was so powerful Naruto and Kurama had to use their Dormant forms to restore power." The fox glanced down towards the two rings on his paws. He shook the dust off his form before glancing towards the alicorn who just stood there in shock. In all of Celestia's thousands of years of life, she had never come across something as . . . fascinating as this. For some reason, she wanted to get answers from him. The fox seemed wizened and aged older than the alicorn.
"Who . . . Who are you?" she asked, making the fox pause for a brief second. He turned his ears and lifted his snout in the air to see if he could sense the owner of the voice from before. His eyes strayed upon Celestia and she had to gasp. His right eye was entirely black with a white crosshair surrounded by two red circles. There was a mark of a four pointed star in his fur that had two little arches between each of the points. ". . . I'm going to go out on a limb and say that there are no humans here whatsoever," the fox said.
"Humans? There have been no known sightings of humans since Starswirl the Bearded's Era." She could see the fox's ears pin back against his head. "No . . . humans?" he asked. "That must mean I have no way back." He sat on his haunches before raising both forepaws into the air, revealing a small rectangular device behind one of his bangles. "Damn this canine body," he growled, standing up. He could bend his arm up and down, but he couldn't bend it to the sides. So he used his tail to tap the screen.
"Sora . . . Are you there?" he asked. Static was his answer and the fox sighed before standing back up. "I'm so out of contact range that I can't even get to the base." He then scratched the back of his ear with his back paw before sighing. "If there are no humans, then I guess that equine species are the more dominant species?" He got a nod in reply. "Well then, would it be too much of a bother to ask you if you would find a spot for me to sleep? I don't feel like digging a den like an actual fox." His statement made Celestia question if the animal was actually a fox. There were doubts inside her that he was a human, but there seemed to be something underneath the surface.
It had been a couple of years since then. Kiactu, as he was now named, taught her the habits of humans. In return, she taught him about the different species of ponies here: Earth ponies (regular horses), unicorns (ponies with horns that excelled in magic), pegasi (ponies that had major expertise in the air), and her species of pony, the alicorn. Alicorns like her, in Kiactu's own words (not hers), trumped the other equestrian species because they were the full package. With wings so they can fly, horns to help guide their magic and immense strength to pull of incredible feats like carrying the sun across the sky, the alicorn was the major badass of the Equestria society.
Kiactu taught her most of his past, leaving out key details that he would never reveal to anyone except for those closest to him. It astounded her that something so small could change its form into something so big. He could grow to be a staggering hundred thousand feet high, though his body seemed more feral and malevolent. But Kiactu was kind and gentle . . . at least to her and her court. She could not say the same for her guard.
Kiactu had each of them on their toes as soon as he walked in the building. For those who slacked off and got lazy on the job (and a bit chubby in his opinion), he had them running laps around the kingdom with special seals drawn on the inside of their legs. No rank was spared in his effective training as Celestia swore she would see the captains of her Celestial Guard running with some of the privates. "MOVE IT, MAGGOTS! DO YOU THINK ANYPONY IS GOING TO GIVE UP WITHOUT A FIGHT JUST LIKE THAT?! I WANT TO SEE YOU TO TROT UNTIL YOUR HORSESHOES ACHE!"
He ran alongside them, literally nipping at their ankles as they ran faster and faster. After a rigorous training session, he would always find time to encourage them to do better. Sometimes even she was impressed by the generosity he would share. "Anyhow, who's up for a spar against me?" he asked. Many of the soldiers groaned as they didn't want anything to do with the fox before them. For something so little, he could take down a high-powered stallion like it was nothing. Even their magic did little to slow him down or hinder him.
Another few years flew by and Celestia could do nothing but marvel at her army. Their training by Kiactu seemed to have improved their speed greatly and, though they still lost to him, it began to take longer than three minutes to take them down (which was the last average it was when they started their duel). Kiactu sat up in his bed before sighing. He knew that it would be a good time to leave, though he wasn't worried at all about time. Time flowed differently between each world and since he lived outside of it, anyone who travelled within the same wormhole as he would not age . . . or reverse-age. The same couldn't be said for those who decided that they wanted to travel by another source.
Because their bodies couldn't take the aging process created by cross dimensional travel, people (who weren't Namae no Nai) would either be aged until they turned to dust or go back in time to before they were even born. This was the day he met the Wonderbolts. Kiactu could only feign sleep as a lieutenant walked through the throne room. He could feel the female's eyes upon him before the pressure lifted and she turned her attention to the princess. "I apologize for Captain Cloudstrife's absence, Princess Celestia," she said. "He had some things to attend to in Cloud City."
"Of course, Lieutenant Spitfire," the princess said. The young mare then proceeded to debrief the missions to her princess, all the while casting quick glances towards the fox in the room. "Um . . . Princess, why is there a fox here?" Spitfire asked. "I thought that foxes were meat-eating creatures that only ate ponies."
Celestia chuckled a bit before explaining that this was a different breed of fox that could find nuts to take place of its meaty diet. "I've been letting him stay here since he was a little kit." She could hear a growl from him as if she made it true. "Anyway, he's a fast little joker. Faster than anything I've ever seen before and cunning as well. Anypony would have difficulties racing him."
He also didn't get that pony speech where after every word with the suffix –one was then replaced with the word pony. Like somepony, anypony, nopony, and the rest. "Ma'am, if I may, is there any way I can test your statement?" Spitfire asked. A sudden look of confusion spread across the princess' face before a smile of acceptance crossed her snout. "Of course, if it's okay with him." She turned her attention to him and tried to wake him up.
He said nothing as his ear twitched and the princess puffed out her cheeks. "It wouldn't do for you to act like a little colt anymore," she told him. "Well then I'll act like a big kit, then," he told her. "I need my sleep so buck off." Spitfire was appalled by the way he spoke to someone as powerful as the princess like that. She was about to wake him up when he moved his head to face her. Forgetting about his eye for a second, she began to lay onto him about manners.
"Please stop talking," Kiactu answered. "I'd rather go to sleep. You're bugging me."
"Wha - How dare you speak to the princess in such a manner?!"
"Your name . . . It's Spitfire . . . Right?" After a shaky yes, he opened his mouth and exhaled a column of flames that did nothing but ash the pony before him. "Does that mean you can actually spit fire?" Spitfire stood there for a second covered in ash before glaring down at the strange talking fox. "The princess said you could outrace anypony here, am I correct?" Spitfire asked. Kiactu's ear twitched. "Yeah . . . So?"
"I demand a race . . . To test your speed," she challenged. Kiactu stared deeply into her eyes before stating, "Clean yourself up and we'll see." Celestia could only glance as the two of them created banter. She giggled into her hoof at the competitiveness between the two. "Well, I guess the answer has just been given. I wish the best to both of you, though I wonder where the race is going to be."
"Are you serious?" Kiactu asked, turning his gaze from challenging Spitfire to staring blanks at the princess. "There's an army racetrack about five miles to the north that I train with the guards." He turned his attention to the guards posted outside the door. "OI! HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I WHIPPED YOUR SORRY TAILS SINCE FIVE YEARS AGO?"
"A million . . . per day . . ." one of them answered.
"There's your answer," he said. "I'm the fastest and most powerful being this side of Manehattan!" Spitfire glared at him before telling him to prove it.
The two waited on the tracks for Celestia to show. Spitfire began to stretch her body out while Kiactu just laid there with his head in his paw. "How many laps do you want to go?" he asked the Wonderbolt's Lieutenant. "How about two or three?" she suggested. Kiactu sighed as he watched Celestia begin to flap her wings and descend from her place above the sky in the center lane. "Are the two contestants ready?" she asked.
"And . . . GO!"
Spitfire was off, charging around the track in record speeds as the Wonderbolts in the audience (and some guards) cheered her on. The rest of the guards were urging a bored Kiactu to get up as Spitfire had passed him once. She was about to pass him a second time when he finally got up and got into a pose, his forepaws out in front while his tail stuck in the air. He then pulled his body with his front paws and vanished into thin air.
A sonic boom was the only sound made before Kiactu reappeared back at the starting line with his claws digging lines into the ground. Spitfire finally passed the line with a shocked look upon her face. "What?" he asked. "Two laps? I did sextuple that."
"There's no way . . . That someone as small as you can beat a pony in less than a second," Spitfire gasped. "Oh? I can prove it, right Celestia?" The princess nodded before letting her magic create a screen on the air. Visual playback began to slow down to show Kiactu running at normal speed (to him). The only way to tell that he was moving so fast was the flower that took about an hour to get to the half-quarter of the screen.
Soon after that, Spitfire began to challenge him more and more before losing each of them. Eventually, Kiactu began to get bored of the castle and thought of leaving one night. He left a letter on the throne before walking out of the throne room. The halls were empty during the night, which was a major breach in security, but it made up for it by doubling the guards outside the palace walls. He slowly pawed the door open before looking left and right before nodding, exiting the room, and closing the door with his tail quietly.
Kiactu ventured off into the night and didn't stop until he came to a little town called Ponyville. The next morning, after she had raised the sun, Celestia walked inside the throne room before noticing that Kiactu wasn't there. Knowing that he was able to take care of himself, she then turned her attention to her throne. In it was a neatly folded piece of paper which stomped her as Kiactu never showed that he was able to fold things neatly.
She opened it up to read:
How long has it been since you found me in that crater? A good five years? I just wanted to say that they were the happiest years of my life. . . . No wait, that's a bit too cliché. Aw fuck it. I just wanted to say that I've left the castle to find a new home. I knew that eventually we would have to split paths and didn't want to make you sad. Well . . . sadder than if I was to tell you this to your face. Oh! And when our paths do cross again, don't stomp my face in, please. It's my bread and butter! I can't have you messing up my bread and butter!
Due Fully yours
Kiactu Maheem
P.S. Tell Spitfire that she'd better be better at racing when we meet up again!
Celestia was about to write him back when the sky was blasted by a rainbow, making her jump for a bit before noticing that the roof to her academy had been blown off. A giant baby dragon could be seen from her window and she flew off to see who would become her new student.
"Ugh . . . FOOD!" Kiactu yelled as he slowly pulled himself out of the Everfree Forest. His body was caked in blood, although none of it was his but some foolish manticore that decided that he wanted to fuck with the wrong vulpine. "Gods I should've eaten the manticore's remains," he said to himself. "I'm in the body for it. But then that giant snake came and ate it before it slithered off, only to be carried away by that giant eagle that was caught in mid-air by that dragon, which then bit off its head. Gods that was something to see."
Kiactu looked towards the camera and smiled, his hunger suddenly forgotten as his vulpine eyes sparkled for a bit, before turning back and pulling his way to an apple tree in front of him. "Eh, it's not meat but it'll do me until I actually do get some nuts in my system," he groaned before thinking the sentence over as he blinked. ". . . Fuck . . ."
He hit a tail against the tree trunk and watched as one fell to the ground. He then bit into the side before recoiling at the taste. "Must've gotten one that wasn't all the way grown," Kiactu commented, spitting out the taste before using his claws to dig into the tree bark and climb all the way up. His tail wrapped around one of the apples at the very top and he brought it to his mouth before taking a good look at it and dropping it in his hands. Kiactu rubbed the apple against his fur before nodding at its sheen and biting into its hull.
"What really concerns me is can a fox really eat apples?" he asked himself. "Nuts, berries, grubs, worms, small mammals, birds, and others I know. But do they eat apples? We'll find out in about two to three hours." He happily bit some more into the meat before the tree began to rock after a knock on it. Kiactu bent down to wrap his arms around his branch as the whole tree started to rock. Suddenly, an apple above him fell on his head, making him lose his grip and slide over the side before trying his best to hold on. His grip began to slip before the next thing he knew, he fell to the ground.
Only, it wasn't on the ground he landed, but in a bucket of apples. More apples then fell on top of him, covering him up from head to toe in the red fruit before the bucket began moving. Kiactu was knocked unconscious by the sudden bludgeoning on the head, so he couldn't say anything as the basket was taken to the owners.
"Is he awake?" a little girl asked with a thick southern drawl. "Eyup," a lower baritone voice said as it too had a hint of the southern tone in its voice. "Ah think the little critter's comin' to!" yet another southern voice said, this one an older female. Kiactu began to roll over before shaking his head and trying to get the headache to subside. "OOOOOOOOW!" he yelled as he began to rub his forehead. "What hit me?"
He turned to look at the ponies staring at him. "Umm . . . Yip?" The littlest, a golden filly with red hair and a giant red bow then grabbed him by the neck with her front hooves before hugging him close to her chest. "Aww, he's just so cute!" she said. "Can we keep him, Applejack?"
"I don't know . . . He needs to be housebroken, potty-trained, fed daily, and given water," a Stetson-wearing tan pony with blonde hair and a trio of apples upon her flanks, much like Celestia's. The third one, a bright red stallion with golden hair like his sisters and green apples on his flanks, lazily rolled a piece of wheat between his teeth. "Why's the little critter giving me tha stink-eye?" the older sister asked as Kiactu just glared at her. "Maybe it's because you insulted me by acting like I couldn't take care of myself," he growled out loud, gaining the ponies' attention. "Ah apologize, Mister," the cowboy pony said. "But aren't foxes s'posed to not be able to talk?"
"Normal foxes, yeah, but I'm nowhere near normal," Kiactu answered. "While I can survive on my own like a regular fox, there is little I can't do." And there wasn't. With one swing of his tail, Kiactu could clear a tree of apples, which stunned the ponies of Apple Acres. Not even the heavyweight of their farm, the big brother Big Macintosh, was able to make a tree do as Kiactu could. After a few months of living there and sleeping with the little sister Applebloom in her bed, Kiactu decided to stay there for a while. It was the annual Summer Sun Celebration the day after tomorrow and he remembered Applejack saying something about a dignitary from Canterlot coming to check on preparations. It really bored him as he listened, but it was better than doing nothing at all.
Especially since Applebloom was brushing his fur with a brush. Kiactu's tail moved back and forth as she expertly groomed his pelt before letting it stop. He scratched the back of his head with his hind paw before stretching and yawning, showing a row of sharp teeth before flattening himself out. "Don't worry," Kiactu told her older sister as she looked about ready to freak out. "You act as if there is nothing working right. Wait until something goes wrong before you start freaking out."
"Is it alright if you act as her guide while we're here?" Applejack asked of Kiactu, who glanced at her before sighing. "It's fine. I guess since I'm the only one with Canterlot experience, then I'm the one who gets to act as a tour guide for the Master/Mistress Overseer." He stood up before shaking the sleepiness out of his body. "I'll be the best da – Er, darn tour guide in the world," Kiactu told her, looking at Applebloom. Whoever said that he always cursed around little kids could suck his furry foxy balls.
Prince: There you have it. The first chapter in My Little KoPs. Did you know that the first version of this story I wrote essentially had Sora in it? I decided to cut the Keyblade wielder out because it was a little difficult to keep him in character. Instead of the lovable gullible fool that he was in canon, I had made it so that he was a little bit doubtful of Kiactu's ideas.