Katherine smiled softly as she gazed at her typewriter. It was early in the morning, before her father would be awake. The strike had just ended. Her father had softened, and given in to Jack's demands, as well as her own. The newsies had won, and it was all thanks to Jack. Katherine's stomach was filled with butterflies as she thought of the cocky, yet charming newsboy. His perseverance and leadership had led the newsies of New York to victory. Katherine once scoffed at the thought that Jack would ever romance her. But, times have changed. And Katherine couldn't be happier.

Morris Delancey leaned against a cinderblock wall in the shadows of an alleyway. The strike had just been settled, but Morris wasn't satisfied. He didn't understand how Pulitzer could just give in to the newsies scum and their leader, Jack Kelly. Morris rolled his eyes- he despised Jack Kelly. Every newsie feared Morris, and his brother Oscar. The brothers relished the young newsies' fear. But their fear evaporated whenever their precious leader, Jack, was around. Jack was the only newsie that ever bested the Delancey brothers. Morris wanted to crush Jack Kelly. But, Morris wasn't totally stupid. He knew Jack could outsmart him, or even beat him in a fist fight on a good day. So Morris decided it would be better to strike Jack in the heart, and he knew just the way to do it.