All's Fair in Love and Football
College-verse- Dean is a first string tight-end for the one and only Kansas Jayhawks, he's well known on and off the field, but lately, he's been having issues at school. His grades are far from perfect and his prowess on the field can only carry him through school so far. His coach and advisors at school have the perfect tutor for him. Castiel Novak, a grade-A geek in a goofy trench coat makes Dean want to cringe but as an unlikely friendship forms, could Dean find himself wanting more?
AN: Okay, fair warning, there are a bunch of OC's in this chapter. They won't really play a part in the story and they're mainly centered on the football team, which won't really have much to do with the story until much later and then they're still only a very small part. Obviously, the story had to be set up or I probably wouldn't have written them in at all.
Chapter One- Welcome to the team, we suck
"The Hawks have had a disappointing season so far Jim, but with the injury on tight-end Cory Schleb, they may have some hope of recovery in the Lawrence native Dean Winchester. He comes from a very impressive background in football with two national championships at the High school level under his belt and the 22-year-old currently holds the record for most yards covered in a single game."
"That's right Don, but let's not forget that Mr. Winchester very nearly single handedly pulled the Lawrence High Lions to victory in last year's Championship game, scoring an impressive 10 out of their 13 touch downs."
"Very impressive indeed. It's going to be interesting to see what he can bring to this powerful team this year."
"It will Don. Playing ball at the college level is almost an entirely different game than playing at the high school level, but I think Winchester shows a lot of promise on the field. I was lucky enough to be invited to the first practice with the young Winchester and-"
Dean flicked the radio off with a sigh. Someone clapped him on the back and he turned to see Jordan Banks, a wide-receiver smiling toothily at him.
"Don't psych yourself out Winchester. They don't really mean that shit. They know we suck."
"Way to raise team moral Jord." The QB Mike Rollings laughed throwing a towel in Jordan's laughing face.
"I don't know why coach plays that in here anyway. Fucking annoying." Jordan said tossing Dean his helmet. Dean tugged up a smile though he felt like puking and put on his helmet, meeting the team in the middle for the customary pre-game huddle. He felt Jordan's arm come around him as he leaned in and looked over to smile at his friend. It felt good to finally be a part of this elite inner-circle after being out on the sidelines for so long. His confidence boosted and his smile grew.
"Let's fuck their shit up!" Mike yelled and various shouts of "Go Hawks!" and, "Fuck yeah!" chorused through the locker room and the second strings and freshmen stood back to let the starters pass. Dean flashed a cocky grin at them all before following Jordan out on to the field where he was greeted with a roar of approval and excitement from the crimson and blue clad fans. Dean would never tell anyone that in that moment, his eyes misted and it became hard to see.
"Winchester! My office, now!" Dean looked up from lacing his sneakers to see coach Robins' face leering at him from the doorway of his glass paneled office.
"Oh shit Winchester. This must be about the catch you almost missed." Jordan laughed and Mike chimed in with a witty, "I'm sure Robins can teach you how to catch." The two fell against the lockers laughing but Dean barely smirked as he tossed his sweaty shirt into his locker. Dean felt Jordan smack his ass as the two collected their bags and made for the door.
"Don't worry Winchester; you didn't choke nearly as much as we thought you would." Mike said and Dean clipped him with the edge of his wound up towel.
"Asshole!" he said with a smile.
"Winchester!" Robins called again, "Not a request!" Dean's smile faded and Mike and Jordan left him with a salute and a warning not to drop the soap. Dean watched them leave with apprehension before schlepping his bag and slowly making his way to Robins' office.
"Coach?" he inquired from the doorway. Robins looked up and gestured for Dean to sit. Dean nervously sat as Robins leaned his elbows on his desk, staring hard at Dean.
"Well done out there tonight Winchester."
"Thank you coach." Dean accepted the compliment but wondered where this conversation was heading. He remembered Jordan's parting comment about the soap and had to bite the inside of his cheeks to keep from visibly flinching.
"I wanted to save this discussion for after the game because it is a bit upsetting and I would hate to throw you off your game, so to speak." Dean's palms began to sweat as he watched his coach turn towards his computer and bring up a white screen with black writing and yellow and pink blocks. Dean tried to keep his eyes off of it. "This is a copy of your current transcript as it stands today. It is somewhat, less than satisfactory."
"Coach?" Dean probed for more information and Robins sighed.
"Dean, you are an exceptional ball player, but your academics are more than lacking. We have turned a blind-eye to it because you weren't a starting player, but as you are now a full member of this team, it becomes a real possibility that your playing privileges will be revoked if improvement is not made. Now you know the alumni want to see a 'W' as much as we do and you're leading us to that, but it can only take you so far." Dean nodded.
"What do I have to do?" Dean questioned, willing to do what it takes to remain on the team.
"Well," Robins pulled out a blue sheet of paper from a stack in front of him and handed it to Dean. "The advisor who agreed to make you his priority is recommending a tutor. He has contacted one of the Honor students to cover you in class."
"Castiel Novak?" he voiced and Robins nodded his head.
"First on Dean's Crimson list I believe and Vice-Chair for the student board in Delta Chi Fraternity."
"Delta Chi? The geek frat-" Dean paused when Robins glared.
"Not many people get this sort of chance Dean. You should embrace it and be grateful that you have so many willing to bend over backward for you. Remember, while you may think you are an irreplaceable asset to the team, keep in mind that that is exactly what Cory Schleb thought too." Dean's mouth went dry and he nodded. "Good." Robins said tone unmistakably lighter, "You will meet with Mr. Novak after Freshman economics tomorrow. You have leave to miss practice for the day. I expect you to be able to come up with a schedule that will be able to fit in both. You will present this schedule to me when you return to practice Monday evening. Dismissed."
"Thank you coach." Robins nodded after him and Dean pulled his bag onto his shoulder, trying not to think about how much this semester was going to suck.
Needless to say, Dean had a bit of trouble finding the library. He knew it was on Jayhawk Boulevard, but it took him driving slowly down the street, twice, before he found it nestled between Fraser Hall and the School of Journalism. He sighed before entering; feeling as if some sort of record had been shattered. Three years of college and he had not once set foot in any library KU had to offer. He failed to see that the irony was in the fact that he hadn't set foot in a library and now he was in this position. He walked up to the help desk with a confident smile on his face. The girl behind the desk shifted in her chair and smiled politely at him.
"How may I help you?" Dean leaned against the desk and flashed her a smoldering look. He couldn't help it, flirting was his go-to personality and she had great tits.
"Hi, my name is Dean and I'm looking for Castiel Novak. He was supposed to check-in when he arrived."
"Oh sure," she said and pointed off to the right where numerous tables were set up with computers and piled high with thick books. Dean couldn't suppress the groan. "He's there, black hair…bent over the Mac…" she pointed and Dean looked through the glass at his would-be tutor. His smiled faded and he resigned himself to the next two hours of torture. It's for the team; he would tell himself when the injustice of it all threatened to overwhelm him.
"Thanks." He said putting on a brave face and he could practically see her melt. Any other time he'd say fuck it, and fuck her instead, but he needed to stay on the team and, as unfortunate as it was, pussy was not going to make that happen for him. So, Dean breathed deeply and entered the open study area. "You Cas?" he asked and a bespectacled face looked up at him, annoyance written clearly over his features.
"I am Castiel Novak." He said pointedly but Dean ignored him and stuck out his hand for Castiel to shake.
"Nice to meet you Cas. I'm Dean." Castiel gripped the tips of Dean's fingers lightly and shook slightly before dropping his hand.
"I'm aware." He replied back and pushed his computer out of the way as Dean fwumped into the chair across from him. Dean watched as Castile's accusing glare raked over him and he grew uncomfortable under the searching stare. "Did you bring any supplies with you? Paper? Pen?" Castiel paused like he was an idiot for even asking but, "…Books?" Dean scratched the back of his neck and looked at Castiel apologetically. "Great." He voiced and them to himself, "This letter of recommendation better be worth it."
"Sorry?" Dean inquired and Castiel turned away from him, reaching for his messenger bag on the floor.
"Nothing." He dismissed, "You can borrow supplies from me today. I expect you to have your own next time." He commanded and Dean felt properly ashamed. He sat nervously picking at a snag in his jeans as Castiel dug through his bag.
"So," Dean began when the silence became too much, "Do we have any classes together?" He inquired in attempt at making polite conversation and he was surprised when the other scoffed at him. He handed Dean a pen with an expression of 'duh' written on his face.
"Hardly," he quirked an eyebrow, "I have honors. You're a junior who barely breaks the 200 class mark."
"200?" Dean ventured, immediately wishing he hadn't. The other boy looked close to laughing.
"Class levels?" he asked gauging Dean's comprehension. Dean shrugged and the boy sighed, "Every class has a number at the end of it signifying something like a difficulty level. You should be taking classes in the 300 to 400 range based on your year in school, major, etcetera." Castiel flicked an impatient hand, "But you," he glanced down at Dean's class list, "Have only freshman courses and an elective anthropology course. Seriously?" he looked back up at Dean in disbelief, "Did you even look at the classes you signed up for?"
"Hey, don't be a dick, geek. While you were buried in your books, I was busy getting laid. So back off." The eye roll he received in response infuriated him.
"Such an accomplishment. I'm sure your days working as a Wal-Mart greeter will be plentiful."
"Fuck you loser. You wish you were me." Dean threw the pen across the table and it hit Castiel in his stupid, smirking face. Dean stood and pulled his backpack over his shoulder when Castiel spoke behind him.
"They're considering taking away your scholarship Dean." He said and the tight-end turned back to Castiel who was now leaning back in his chair with his arm crossed over his chest.
"Excuse me?"
"Your grade point average is a 1.6. You're an astonishing 27 credits behind your peers and the Jayhawks aren't exactly the premier football team are they?" Castiel leaned forward, placing his elbows on the table, "If you leave now, any hope of a future after college is gone." Dean faced Castiel now and looked hard at him, trying to gauge the truth in his words. Dean could detect no lies in his eyes and so dropped his bag back down, slumping into his vacated seat.
"Why do you care?" Dean asked and Castiel shrugged, pulling an itinerary closer.
"I don't, but if you don't do this, I don't get paid and I need a new laptop." Castiel blatantly admitted and Dean nodded grudgingly. "We'll start with Physics 122; it seems to be your lowest grade. We'll move from there to Geography 143 and World History 244. I'm going to speak to your advisor about pulling you from Anthropology to put you in remedial algebra. You'll need it considering you're also taking College Algebra 171. Now, do you stay in the dorms or are you living off campus?"
"Off campus." Castiel nodded.
"Good, because for the next 210 days, your life is mine." Castiel warned pointing the pen Dean had assaulted him with straight at Dean's perfect nose.
AN: Thanks for reading everyone. So, who's dick do I gotta suck to get a review? I get so much traffic, but hardly any reviews! I tried super hard not to be annoying a whiny about reviews, but seriously! PWWWEEASEEE review! Also, I had a couple people PM me about the beta offer, however most of you have PM's disabled when I try to get back to you. The position for beta is still open and I'd loooove to get one! Hope I'm not asking for too much! Thanks again!