Always there

I bet you didn't notice
First time your heart was broken
You called me up and we talked til the morning (Oh)

I sighed. I had been sick for the last few weeks and greatly missed my best friend. Both of my father's told me that I couldn't see anyone due to the fact I was contagious. Well, now I'm not but Alice is on a date, so I can't have her over anyway. Damn I missed talking to her.

Pouting, I flipped through the stations on my T.V., hoping for something interesting. I found World's Dumbest, but all I could think about was Alice and her date with Jasper. Damn I hated him… no… hate wasn't enough. I loathed him. He didn't treat her right. Pissed me the fuck off.

My phone rang, displaying Ali's picture. I dived for the phone and picked it up. "Hey, Ali," I grinned.

On the other line she was sobbing. "Bella…"

I shot upright. "What's wrong, babe?"

"Jasper, he…"

I growled. "Say no more. I'm coming over, okay?"

"But, you're sick," she began.

"Not anymore, and you need me, so I'm coming over. I'll be there in ten minutes, tops, kay?"

"T-thank you, Bella."


I hung up and ran around my room, pulling on light jeans and a grey tank top. Alice loved it because it showed off my tattoo. A fire/water Yin Yang sign. I gazed at the mirror. My short hair was in a bed headed mess. I sighed and ran a hand through it, making it spike slightly. I then ran down the stairs, yelling an "Ali needs me," to my confused fathers. That was all they would need to explain my disappearance.

I ran the mile to Alice's house and snuck around the back. Her father hated me and yelled that I was condemned when he saw me. Whatever, bra. Looking around I found a handful of pebble and began tossing them at her window. After a moment she came to the window and opened it. I smiled sadly at her and said as quietly as possible "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, when you can't cope, just call me up and throw down the rope."

She coughed out a small laugh and tossed me the rope. I scaled the wall quickly, a product of doing it many a time before. Once I was inside Alice threw her arms around me, sobbing. I wrapped one arm around her and pulled the rope up with the other, closing the window. Once that was done I wrapped the other arm around her, rubbing her back and kissing her head.

"Ali, what happened?" I whispered, being sure to sound calm. That was a hard thing to do, seeing as the mention of Jasper in all respects pissed me off. Pissing me off was another hard thing to do, just so you know.

"Jasper… he wanted to… you know." I held in the growl. That boy was a man ho… no other word for it. Just sayen. "I told him no and he dumped me."

I held her closer, tucking her head under my chin. "Ali, he didn't deserve you, and I never did like him," I admitted. Alice pulled away slightly, looking at my face.


I sighed, wiping away her tears. "He didn't treat you right. He badmouthed you, had no manners, and when he looked at you… it was like you were a piece of meat. You don't deserve that. You need someone who will treat you with respect, someone who will be there for you, and someone who's going to love you for the woman you are, you know?"

She smiled tenderly at me, hugging me again and resting her head on my shoulder. "You just described yourself. You trying to say something, Bell?"

I blushed, chuckling weakly. "Naw. Just that you need someone better."

She kissed my shoulder and led me over to the bed. We lay down, her back pressed against my front and my arms around her. "I guess you're right."

I smiled lightly, kissing her head as she began to drift off. I was surprised she was awake enough to call me. I mean, it was four something in the morning.

"I like that shirt, by the way. It shows off your tat."

I smiled. The shirt was low enough to show the area between the top of my breast and my collar bone, where the tattoo lie. "Yeah. I still don't know why you like it so much."

"It reminds me of us."

I chuckled. "How so?"

"Well, you're gentle and peaceful, like water, but you're strong and fiery if you need to be."

"And you're the opposite?"

She nodded. "Together we balance each other out."

I smiled, pulling the covers over us. "I didn't think of that, but I guess you're right."

She hummed and snuggled against me a little more. "You'll need to hide under the bed in the morning when my dad comes in."

I sighed. "Out of the closet, under the bed…"

She giggled. "Thanks for being there."

"Always." I smiled, drifting off with her.