Author's Note: I started this right after I saw The Hobbit for the first time. I wasn't going to post this but through some persuasion I decided 'oh what the hell' and here it is. Please let me know what you think!

Thorin Oakensheild cut down goblins left and right. They had just reclaimed their home and he wasn't going to let it be taken from them. His eyes swept the battlefield, checking on each dwarf from his party to insure their safety. His eyes lingered on his nephews, fighting back to back, valiantly cutting down orcs. He felt his chest swell with pride before that feeling changed into blinding pain radiating from his left side. As two orcs came to finish him off he heard their guttural cries of pain and watched as they fell, Kili's arrows imbedded in their heads. He breathed deeply attempting to dull the pain and regain his footing. He distantly heard a cry of "Uncle!" and looked up to see Fili and Kili fighting their way to him. Dread settled in his chest and he struggled to get back to his feet. He cut down another orc and managed to get himself into a standing position only to see his elder nephew take an arrow in his chest. He heard Kili cry out in sheer panic but Fili merely stumbled before regaining his balance and continued to fight his way to his uncle's side, spinning to kill another orc that swung at Thorin's back. Thorin glanced at him once Fili turned and hissed out, "Idiot. What the hell do you think you're doing?"

When he got no reply he allowed his eyes to travel to Fili's face and noticed the horror-stricken expression. He followed his gaze and his stomach fell. Kili was on his knees, blood pooling out of his stomach and chest, eyes wide in shock. Fili darted from his uncle's side in an attempt to get to his brother, screams of "Kili!" ringing out. Thorin watched in horror as Fili took another arrow to his shoulder and paid it no heed, all his energy focused on getting to his younger brother. Thorin cut down another orc and stumbled, his strength starting to fail him. He forced all of his effort into getting to his sister-sons desperately hoping that he could get to them in time. He fought his way through orcs and goblins hardly feeling the pain in his side. He watched helpless as Fili was slammed into by a dying Warg and heard his cry of pain as his right leg buckled under him.

Thorin redoubled his efforts and managed to get to Fili the same time as Gloin who helped shove the Warg off him. Fili crawled his way to Kili who was now on his side, covered in blood, eyes glazed, and shivering violently. Fili weakly pulled his brother's head into his lap and ran his hands through the blood matted brown hair, helpless as to what to do. Thorin collapsed to his knees next to the boys and pulled Kili onto his own lap, allowing Fili to lean against him weakly. He vaguely realized that the other dwarves and a few Elven warriors had taken notice of their plight and had formed a circle around them, keeping orcs from reaching them. Thorin looked his youngest nephew over and sorrow hit him in a wave. Kili was dazed and frightened, eyes glazed over in pain. His chest was a mass of blood which Thorin tried to remedy with the boy's own cloak, pressing it to his chest, "Kili? Kili...can you hear me? You have to keep pressure on this."

He led his nephew's hand to his chest and helped him press down, "Pressure Kili, pressure."

Kili coughed weakly and blood bubbled up from his lips. Thorin closed his eyes briefly and swallowed. Blood from the mouth meant internal bleeding...little can be done to fix that. He felt Fili sag against him and glanced over at the elder brother. Fili had tears running down his cheeks, one hand grasping his brother's. Thorin took in the way his heir's leg was twisted at an awkward angle and the sheen of perspiration across his brow. Thorin glanced at the arrows sticking out from Fili shoulder and chest and pressed Kili's hand down harder on his wounds, "Pressure Kili. I need to help your brother."

Thorin placed one hand against Fili brow and felt the heat radiating from him and knew instantly that the arrows had contained poison. Fili brushed him off weakly and muttered his brother's name, eyes focused on the blood still pouring from Kili's chest, "Help Kili."

At the sound of his elder brother's voice Kili stirred slightly and rasped out his name, "Fili?"

Fili squeezed Kili's hand and attempted a small smile, "I'm right here Kili. I'm right here."

Kili coughed and more blood spurted from his mouth, "You're hurt."

Fili's smile wavered and more tears leaked out, "I'll be fine Kili. You just have to hold on, alright? For me?"

Kili whimpered as another wave of pain hit him, "Uncle?"

Thorin pressed more of the cloak onto his nephew's wounds, "You're alright Kili. You're alright."

Kili's eyes met his own and he felt the sting of tears behind his eyes at his nephew's words, "I'm scared."

Thorin heard Fili whimpered as he heard his brother, "You're going to be fine Kili. You're going to be fine. Just hold on."

Kili shifted and gasped before coughing up more blood, "Hurts."

"I know, Little One, I know," He hadn't used that name for his nephew since he was a small child. Looking down at him he realized, not for the first time, how desperately young he still was.

Kili met his uncle's eyes again and Thorin felt the first tear he had shed in years leak from the side of his eye at his nephew's words, " I'm going to die, aren't I?"

Fili lurched forward, ignoring the burning pain that was spreading through his own body in favor of comforting his brother and closest companion he'd ever have, "Keep pressure on your wounds, Kili."

Kili's eyes glazed over and Thorin realized, distantly, that his youngest nephew was no longer seeing them. Kili whimpered again, "Fili?"

Fili whispered back his brother's name and an answer, "I'm here Kili. I'm right here."

Kili whimpered again, not hearing, "Mama?"

Thorin watched in horror as Kili's shivers grew more violent before he went still, Thorin pressed his hand to Kili's wounds and felt Kili's own hand go slack under his, "Kili?"

Thorin removed his hands reluctantly and observed the shallow breaths still coming from his nephew, proving he was still with the living. Thorin turned his attention to Fili and began to reach for the arrows still imbedded in him, Fili roughly pushed him away, "Help Kili!"

"There's nothing more we can do for him!" Thorin snapped, watching as Fili broke down, sobs racking his frame. Thorin braced Fili against him and counted to three before yanking the first arrow out. Fili cried out in pain and Thorin felt it go through him like a knife. He murmured and apology before yanking the second arrow out as well. Looking his older nephew over he noticed that his one side and back was soaked in blood, "Fili, where else are you injured?"

Fili took a shuddering breath and touched his side, hand coming away slick with blood, "Uncle...this is your blood..."

It was then that Thorin remembered his own injuries and suddenly felt the pain and dizziness wash over him. Trying to push it aside he watched as the color drained from Fili's face and his eyes rolled to the back of his head before he collapsed, convulsing. The shuddering last a few mere seconds but it felt like a lifetime before he went still and didn't reawaken. Thorin felt his own strength fail him as he whispered, "Fili?"

He distantly heard joyful cries and cheers of, "The Eagles! The Eagles are coming!"

He fell back and struggled to keep his eyes opened. The last thing his saw was Oin and three Elves enter the circle and kneel beside him and his nephews before everything went dark.