A/N So I got the idea for this when I was writing Practice, but didn't think I would have the time to write it. Then I got the flu. So the product of me spending four days in bed, is this story. You should probably read Practice first for this to make any sense at all.

He hesitated to open his eyes. It was a foolish fear. One he knew would not change if he opened them now or in a few minutes. Still, he paused. He tried to gleam what information he could from his other senses. He could hear what sounded like people. Not very close, muffled as if through walls. So he was still in the asylum then. But he could smell...dirt. The hospital he had been confined to was many things, but they had tried to keep the place as clean as possible. Sterile. This smelled like mud and what he had to assume was some sort of animal feces. He hoped was animal feces.

He had vague memories swirling about in his mind, fighting for dominance. His room at the hospital, two people appearing out of nowhere, a vortex of some kind. Then, then things became disjointed, hazy. He distinctly remembered being slapped by a blond woman, although he wasn't entirely sure why. Probably best to avoid her. He was carried...somewhere. These questions could be easily answered if he could just open his eyes. If he could just accept that he was somewhere other than the hospital. That he was Victor Frankenstein.

The insanity must have won out then. He was slightly relieved actually. Even if this was all a figment, a delusion of a broken mind, at least he knew who he had decided on being. No more uncertainty, no more desperate questions. Victor Frankenstein it was then. Might as well accept it now, open his eyes and see what kind of world he had created for himself. He allowed the smallest sliver of light to enter his eyes. Slowly, carefully, he took in his surroundings. He was a little disappointed in himself. A flimsy tent made of cloth, a simple mattress pallet and a blanket. He had thought his mind would have created something a little...better.

He moved slowly. Allowing himself to stretch out his tired arms and legs. He felt sore in several places, he wondered how long he had been asleep. He checked himself for bed sores. He found none, not too long then. He walked towards the flap he assumed was to be the entrance to his residence. He was definitely going to have to imagine a better place to stay. This simply wouldn't do. He had been raised in an estate with servants. Even Dr. Whale had a condo and a BMW. He had a brief memory of pushing that car through a...something. His head was pounding. Perhaps standing wasn't such a great idea.

Everything was so, out of order. He had the sudden urge to go for a run. To just start and not stop until he couldn't breathe. He cautiously moved the tent flap to one side and stepped out into the daylight. The dirt smell had come from what he assumed was supposed to be a road. The "town" was little more than several shanty houses and cloth tents haphazardly placed about. There seemed to be no design to it at all. In the distance he could hear wood being chopped, people yelling out orders. He could just make out what appeared to be a collection of log cabins. So this was just a holding area of sorts until the real town could be built. Good. He would hate to have to sound like a snob and ask Jefferson to take him back to the hospital because he didn't want to sleep in the dirt.

He wondered where they were. The two that came for him. Jefferson and...Ruby he believed. They must be helping out building the new town. His memories were so fractured, he knew certain things to be true and yet. He was entirely convinced this was all still an illusion. A dream. He walked away from the make-shift town and the sounds of the people at the legitimate town below. He moved towards the woods. He didn't know why. He just. He just needed to be alone for a few minutes. Which was ridiculous considering he was alone right now. His legs were telling him to run, so he increased his pace to a slight hobbled walk.

He found himself on a path. He didn't know where it was heading or why he felt the urge to leave the people who had brought him here behind. They seemed trustworthy enough, for hallucinations. More than trustworthy. He knew he shouldn't be doing this. He knew nothing about his condition, for all he knew he could be very sick. Leaving the only people who could aid him and venturing into the woods alone seemed like a terrible plan. But his legs kept moving him forward. Kept moving him farther away.

He knew he was used to this. The isolation. After Gerhardt had died he had preferred it. He didn't allow himself to dwell on the memory of his brother. He tried to piece together the facts he knew for certain.

1. He was a doctor. 2. He had a brother who died. 3. He could bring people back from the dead...Ok that couldn't be right. He would get back to that one. 4. He had lived in a place called Storybrooke his whole life but he also had memories of living on an estate with his father and brother. So perhaps in addition to these hallucination he also had a split personality. That would make sense. 5. He had been taken to a hospital after Storybrooke was destroyed and everyone in it killed. Then he hallucinated people from the town and they brought him here. Which was obviously a creation of his mind. He...

"Are you alright?"

He looked up to see a woman standing in front of him. He...he didn't recognize her. Strange that he would put people he had never met before in his dream world. She was rather pretty, the Dr. Whale persona he had created had the desire to hit on her.

"I. Sorry. I'm...I don't know what I'm doing actually." His head was truly pounding now. He rubbed the bridge of his nose attempting to relieve the pressure he could feel building. Why couldn't he get everything straight in his head? This should be easier now. Now that he had given in. Given up on ever being sane.

"You shouldn't be out here alone, these woods are very dangerous."

"You're out here alone." She didn't look like she could take down a bunny let alone whatever dangers were supposed to be in these woods.

"I'm stronger than I look." She glanced behind her. "We need to get you back to town, the ogres have been spotted in this area recently. I was scouting out here. You don't look very well, please we..."

"I'm fine. I just, I just needed some air."

"You're the man they brought through a few days ago. They spent weeks looking for a way to find you. I don't think they are going to be too happy to find you out wandering the woods alone. Especially without any shoes on."

Huh. He hadn't even noticed that.

"I'm Aurora. You're...Victor right?" Victor could feel laughter bubbling up in his chest. He didn't know why. It was such a strange thing to laugh about. He pushed down the urge.

"If you say so. I'm not entirely sure." He was having trouble seeing, he really shouldn't have left his tent. As dirty and probably disease infested as it was, at least he could have laid down there. He had to get this migraine under control before he ended throwing up on his new acquaintance.

"Perhaps I should sit down for a minute." She grabbed his arm as he attempted to sit.

"I'm sorry but you can't. We really shouldn't stay out here. It will be dark soon. The ogres aren't the only creatures that have been causing us trouble. Please just lean on me."

He didn't want to. Fictitious or not, he remembered being raised as a gentleman. Gentleman didn't lean on small women who would probably break in half. He attempted to move on his own. His sudden impact with a tree was less than ideal.

"Stop being so stubborn. Here." He did try to resist her looping his arm around her shoulders. But either he was much weaker than he thought, or she was much stronger than he was giving her credit for. Either way, she was carrying a good portion of his weight. He tried to aid her, to keep his feet underneath him, but he wasn't always successful. He didn't realize he had gone so far. It was dark by the time he saw the lights of the town. Torch lights. To think he imagined an entire world and he didn't even give the people electricity. He must be some kind of sadist to resign himself to a place like this. He bet it didn't even have hospitals or proper medical equipment.

Aurora was slowing down. He had to give her credit, they had gone several miles and she was still supporting him. But there were certain biological certainties that sheer force of will couldn't overcome. The lactic acid in her muscles was probably coming to a breaking point. He estimated she could make it another half mile before her legs gave out. He was just about to mention this to her when he heard a strangely familiar voice.

"He's over here!" It was the blond woman who slapped him. She looked like she was going to slap him again. Perhaps he would have been safer in the woods.

Several people started heading towards them. His arm was removed from Aurora's shoulders and places around a man's. He...he knew should know his name. He wanted to say David but for some reason it didn't seem like it was right.

"What happened?"

"I don't know, I found him wandering in the woods when I was headed back from my scouting of the outer farm land to the east." He had hardly been wandering. He had followed the path in the woods, it wasn't like he had been lost. He wanted to tell them as such but they seemed to focusing their questions towards Aurora.

"Where was he going?"

"He didn't say. He seemed...confused. I don't think he knew where he was. He seemed a little unsure of who he was as well." The crowd surrounding him was making him nervous. He didn't like them all here. He really wanted to sit down.

"Take him down to the main hall. Ruby was preparing to get a group together to start searching the woods, foolish girl was going to try to track him in the dark. You, go find Rumplestiltskin. The rest of you, go home. We appreciate your concern, we have it from here." Victor rather liked the old woman who took charge of the situation. An image of her with a crossbow flashed before him, and one of her serving him eggs and bacon at a diner. He didn't know what to do with those conflicting images.

"Three days you sleep and in the two minutes I decide to go grab some wood to start a fire you decide to get up and go for a walk. You really don't like to do anything the easy way do you my boy." There was a hint of concern in her voice. He wanted to tell her it was alright. He really hadn't expected anyone to be there. Why would there be someone at his bedside?

"It wasn't you're fault Granny."

"Sweet of you to say David, but it was my shift he wandered off on. If something had happened to him."

"He's fine." That was a complete lie, but Victor didn't want to make Granny feel bad about the situation so he kept his mouth shut. They weren't heading back to his tent, but towards the legitimate town. There were a few solidly built houses, what looked like a tavern, and a meeting hall. Quite the bustling metropolis.

His feet were starting to go. He heard David grunt as he suddenly found himself with more of Victor's weight. His head...

"Where the hell is Rumplestiltskin?" The blond woman...Emma still looked like she wanted to hit someone. Thankfully it appeared that it was no longer him. They entered the meeting hall after several agonizing steps. The hall had several people in it already. A young boy rushed towards them.

"Dr. Whale!" Emma pulled Henry towards her. She was whispering something to him. He felt the urge to tell the boy that everything was fine. That he was just a little tired. But before he could muster the energy, he felt himself being lowered onto a bench. A bench he no doubt would have slid promptly off of if Ruby hadn't sat down on the other side of him and held him up.

"What happened?" Why was no one asking him? It was simple, he had woken up and decided to check out the dream world that he had created for himself. Honestly these hallucinations were really uptight about this whole thing. He wondered if he could will them to be more relaxed about the whole situation.

"He woke up and decided to go for a walk. We don't think he really remembers anything yet Ruby." She was looking at him now. He tried, valiantly in his opinion, to keep his eyes focused on hers.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Ruby." My lord, his voice sounded terrible. So weak. He felt like he needed to sleep for several more days. Emma tried to interject.

"Ruby maybe we should wait till..."

"Do you remember how we know each other?"

"You came and got me."

"No, I mean before that. Before the hospital."

"You worked in the diner. Now you're a hallucination." He could hear them talking about him. They sounded so worried. This was what he had wanted wasn't it? To let go of that other reality and accept this one as the real one. He had jumped into that vortex willingly. But these headaches...Perhaps his mind was still trying to reject it. Trying to pull him out of his delusions and force him to accept that he was still laying on his bed in his solitary room. Staring at a crack in the wall.

"You said he would be better when he woke up."

"The mind is a fragile thing dearie. Victor's is especially complicated. You can't expect it to just come back to him all at once. He needs to be guided back." A man crouched down in front of him.

"If you hurt him..."

"Now now Charming, where is all this hostility coming from? I helped you find him, did I not? I told you that the curse might still affect him here, that his mind might try to reject any memories that return to him. Have I not lived up to my every word since we have returned here. "

"Yea, maybe a little too well."

"Well if you would like me to start transforming people into pigs and butterflies as they walk down the street, I suppose I could do that too."

"I don't need magic." It was the first words Victor had managed to get in. The conversation was getting out of hand around him and he didn't know how much longer he could stay awake. He didn't know why he choose those words but felt they were important to say. Although, Rumplestiltskin seemed endlessly amused by them.

"We both know that isn't true dearie. Now. Just stay calm and focus on my hand." It was a strange request. He really didn't know why he was doing it. Staring at a strange man's hand. "Focus on the lines. Follow them with your eyes. See where they start and end. See where they connect. Follow the connections. Do you see them all Victor? Can you figure out how they all come together?"

He could figure anything out given enough time. He traced the lines over and over. The pounding in his head was starting to fade to the back of his mind. He stared at the hand for a few more minutes. Suddenly it all made sense.

"You're insane."

"Well it would appear a more direct method is going to be necessary. You simply are too stubborn for your own good Victor." Several of the people around him moved to say something, one or two might have even gotten in a "Wait" or a "Don't" before Rumplestiltskin put his fingers on Victors head. No. In his head. He could feel the man's fingers in his head. Well if he hadn't been insane before.

"Ah, there you are." A light flashed in front of Victors eyes. He moved his arms to try and cover them, only to realize his eyes were closed. That the light was emanating from within his mind. Then it was gone. He hunched over and tried to catch his breath.

Ruby's arm around his shoulder wasn't just supportive any more, it was protective.

"What the hell did you do to him."

"I had hoped that he would be able to break down the last wall in his mind on his own. However it appeared that that would not be the case. So I simply released the curse myself. He's actually quite lucky that the curse was already mostly broken by the destruction of the town. If the curse had still been at it's full strength, there would have been little I could have done to help."

Victor felt several more hands on his shoulders and back.

"He will be ok now?"

"He might still have some slight confusion but, that will fade eventually."

Victor needed a drink of water. He needed something stronger than water actually, but for the moment any liquid would do. He was hungry too. Strange how you didn't notice these things when your mind was attempting to rip itself apart. At least his breathing seemed to be back under control.

"Dr. Whale?"

"Yes Henry." Victor raised his head to look at the young man in front of him. He took note of the concern on the faces of those around him.

"You said you would be right behind us."

"Henry, now's not the..." Victor waved Emma's interjection off. He exhaled and gave Henry a sad smile.

"I did. I apologize for lying to you Henry. But it seemed like the right course of action at the time." He expected Henry to be angry. Honestly, since the boy had confided in him all Victor had done was lie to him. "Can't guarantee I won't lie to you again either."

Henry was a very mature young man. More mature than most his age. So while he expected anger, deep down Victor hoped for forgiveness.

"Ok. But next time, tell us the plan. And we can see if we can come up with a better one. One that doesn't leave you all alone." So that's what this was about.

"Henry you didn't abandon me, I made a choice to stay."

"Doesn't matter. It won't happen again." Victor was in no mood to debate the issue. He knew if the situation arose he would make the same choice. From the look Emma was giving him, she knew it as well. He was not looking forward to that conversation. She had threatened to kick his ass.

"Henry. Dr. Whale...Victor is probably really tired so why don't we get him back to his tent and you two can talk about this later." Ruby helped him to his feet. Henry wasn't finished though. He wrapped his arms around Victors waist.

"I'm glad you're ok. And not you know, permanently insane or anything." Victor's smile was genuine.

"Me too Henry." He patted the boy's head. David helped Victor back to his tent. The rest of the group dispersed, albeit somewhat reluctantly. Although he got the distinct feeling one of them was always going to be close by for the next few days, in case he decided to go for any more walks.

"Henry's not the only one you know. We are all glad you're back. Even if you are a pain in the ass." Victor smiled. He wondered if it was too soon to make a joke about him sleeping with Mary Margaret. Probably.

"Your wife doesn't seem to mind my ass." David gave him a look that was equal parts amused and disgruntled. He was actually a little surprised the man didn't deck him again. "Too soon?"

"You really have no sense of self-preservation do you?"

"Not really."

"Good night Victor."

"Good night David."

Victor laid down on the mattress in his tent. He could hear the people moving about outside. It was a comforting sound. He no longer believed this all to be a construct of his own mind. He knew this realm existed, just as much as his own, just as much as Storybrooke. This place was real. These people were real. His memories were much more linear now. He could pinpoint when and where things had happened. Everything was making sense again.

So he lay there, staring at the hole in the tent flap. He focused on the crack of light that spilled onto the floor. He watched the shadows drift by outside, and thought to himself, this is real. He repeated it over and over. He knew it was. He kept his mantra up, and attempted to push down that small voice in the back of his mind. The one trying to claw its way up. The one trying to destroy the things he knew to be true. Perhaps if he just kept repeating it, one day the voice would disappear. One day, his doubt would disappear.

One day...