I am incredibly sorry for all of you followers who have been waiting for this story. I know it has been A VERY LONG TIME since I've last updated. I put this story off so I could do others. I lost a little bit of encouragement for this story, but now, I'm back! :) I am also incredibly sorry for this very short chapter, but it's also very funny. Enjoy! :)

The monster that had been standing in front of Beckendorf suddenly exploded and what was in its spot was a spot of burnt grass.

"Whoa!" he exclaimed and jumped back. He looked around to see where the source of that explosion had come from. He spotted the ship in the background, its canons at the ready. "Whoa," he repeated, though now gentle, and then said, "Cool," he made his way through the fighting crowd to this ship.

A girl with choppy brown hair ran into him.

"Oh, sorry!" He said.

"Jason!" She exclaimed. "Excuse me!" she shoved past him and sprinted to a blond boy lying in the grass.

He watched her and then ran off towards the ship. He climbed on board and his eyes glazed over in amazement. He's never seen anything like this. He felt a connection to this ship and suddenly had the urge to build something. Standing in front of him, was a small boy, about his age, with really curly hair that stuck out in twenty different directions and a tool belt wrapped around in the loops of his jeans.

"We need more ammo!" He yelled and then his eyes landed on Beckendorf. He stepped towards him. "Hey, dude—do I know you?"

Beckendorf shrugged and shook his head. "I don't know you."

The boy cocked his head to the side. "I haven't seen you before. Who are you?"

"The name's Beckendorf—Charles Beckendorf."

The guy's eyes widened. "What? You're Beckendorf?"

"Yeah—but," Beckendorf scoffed a laugh and shrugged again. "I still don't know you."

"No, but I know you."

"Who are you?"

"Leo; Leo Valdez," he took out his hand for Beckendorf to shake. He shook it reluctantly.

"Who's your godly parent?" he asked.

Leo answered, "Hephaestus. So we're half-brothers,"

"Hmm. I guess we are," Beckendorf tilted his head a little, as if to be suspicious.

"So, you wanna help out? We could use your help. I hear you're the greatest blacksmith in camp," Leo said with a grin, but then it faltered. "Well…used to be."

Beckendorf chuckled. "Thanks." He didn't mention about the 'used to' part. He laid a hand on the railing. "So who built this ship anyways? This is beautiful."

Leo blushed. "Well, I did. I call it the Argo II. Thank you—thank you very much." He wiggled his eyebrows.

Beckendorf raised an eyebrow at Leo, and thought, he is one weird kid. "Oh, really now? So I guess that makes you the better blacksmith around here." He clapped his hand on Leo's shoulder. "You stole my thunder,"

Leo stammered. "W-well, I didn't mean to. I didn't know I had to make this ship before I did—I'm real sorry about that—"

Beckendorf let go of him and threw back his head, laughing. "Don't sweat it, kid. I'm just messin' with you."

Leo smoothed down his shirt with shaky hands. "Oh…aha, right."

"So what kind of stations do you have around here?" Beckendorf asked as he walked away, his eyes wandering around the ship.

"Well, we have the canons down below and up here, as you can see, we've got the Huntresses and some of the wounded with bow and arrows—oh, that reminds me, you may wanna duck." Leo said as he crouched.

"What?" Beckendorf asked whirled around to face him. Leo grabbed his sleeve and pulled him down just as something whizzed over his head. It was an arrow as all the archers had shot at once.

"Wow," Leo said, his eyes glowing as they stood back up again. "That was so freaking close,"

Beckendorf shrugged. "Well, I can't die again. It wouldn't have really hurt me."

Leo shifted his feet awkwardly. "Yeah…true…"

"So where do you want me at, Captain?"

Leo looked up at him with twinkling eyes. "Captain?"

"Yeah, you're the one giving orders around here, aren't you?" Beckendorf asked.

"Uh—um, yeah," Leo spluttered. He couldn't believe that this legend of Camp Half-Blood was asking him to give him orders and calling him Captain. He liked it—but didn't ever think that this would happen to him.

"Well? Where do you want me at?"

"What's your favorite kind tactics you like to use?" Leo asked as he narrowed his eyes on Beckendorf.

Beckendorf smirked. "Good question. If you really know me, and we really are half-brothers, then what kind of tactics do you think I like to use?"

Leo paused. He wasn't sure what to say, there were so many choices. So he tried to give his most truthful answer: "Well, in my opinion," he rested a hand on his own chest, gesturing to himself. "I like to use the Greek fire and the bombs. What do you say about that?"

Beckendorf stared at him for a scrutinizing long time and Leo was starting to think he gave the wrong answer. Maybe that's how he died and now bombs are a touchy subject for him?

But then he laughed and clapped a hand on Leo's shoulder. "Well, Leo, I'd have to say that you really do know me that well."

Beckendorf thought about his last moments—because he sacrificed himself and blew up the ship. If he was able to do it then, then heck, he was going to do it now.

Leo grinned and released a breath of relief.

"Jason!" Piper cradled his body lying on the ground. His eyes were closed, and his breathing shallow. "No! You're not dead! You're fine!"

"Piper, I—" And then he cut off, his body going slack.

She stared for a while, studying his face. This couldn't be happening, she thought. Not now—why? He'd done so much, this can't be the end—

"Jason…no…" she said.

Piper felt a hand on her shoulder. It was Silena. Silena opened her mouth to say something, but then her brow furrowed and she tilted her head to the side. "What?"

Piper looked back down and saw the ends of Jason's lips tugging upwards. He peeked one eye open.

"Gotchya," he said.

She scowled and punched him in the arm and pushed him off of her. "Really? Don't you ever do that to me again!"

He sat up. "Sorry, Pipes," he kissed her cheek.

She sighed as her heart leapt forward when his lips came into contact with her skin. He pulled back, those bright electric eyes wide and twinkling from the sun, his eyebrows lightly pulled upward, his mouth firm, but soft as his bottom lip stuck out, making his scar curve. She couldn't resist his apology or the light smile and she turned her head.

Only to get a good look of the war that was happening everywhere around them. Swords clashed, screams echoed, and delighted roars of monsters filled the air. She couldn't stand it—this was never going to end.

"What else can we do?" She asked softly and Jason got up, helping her to her feet as well.

He sighed, his breath catching as if to answer, but then he didn't say anything, which told Piper that he didn't know the answer either.

"There's nothing else we can—"

Suddenly, a scream erupted and cut into the throng of war sounds. It was louder than the rest, and shriller, and half-bloods wouldn't have cared because they've all heard screams, but this one was coated with the word: "STOP."

Jason's sword clattered to the ground, turning into a coin before it softly padded against the ground. He stammered and blinked, coming to his senses and then bent down to pick it up. Piper glanced sideways at him, but then she looked back at where the voice came from.

Even the monsters stopped—that was how powerful this voice was.

The scream carried on for a while more, but then stopped abruptly for the person to breathe. And standing in the throng of enemies, was Drew Tanaka. Her mouth was pulled tight and angry and her eyebrows angrily stressed together. Her fists were on her boney hips, her feet separated at shoulder-length. Her chest rose and fell fast, like she was breathing heavily. She was definitely mad.

The rest of the Aphrodite cabin was behind her, all of them angry, but their eyes red like they'd been crying. Some were still crying, though no one knew why.

"Which one of you ugly idiots," she screamed, "destroyed our cabin?! Huh?! Explain to me right this second!" Her voice had charm speak poured into it.

A chorus of, "Um…not me," rang through—Jason being one of them—but some of the giants and monsters stopped, looking confused and blinked. They awkwardly shifted their scaly, slimy, disgusting feet and hesitantly raised their hands, admitting that they had done it.

Drew only looked even madder, her breathing going faster and her jaw clenched. She wrinkled her nose up and screamed, "YOU UGLY, STUPID, MEAT-HEADS! YOU DESTROYED OUR ONE DIRECTION POSTER!" She thrust out her finger. "APHRODITE CABIN—ATTACK!"

And they poised their bow and arrows, but they weren't just arrows—they were cylinder-shaped containers with pink stuff filled inside of it. They released it and those shiny, pink containers flew through the air, and landed on the monsters. Then they exploded with pink glitter covering the monster they touched.

The monsters were confused at first and they lifted their fingers to their eye, rubbing the pads of their fingers together, wondering what this pink substance is and why the cabin seemed to imply that it was dangerous.

Suddenly, one monster that was half woman and half snake began to scream and writhe and she twisted in an ugly, abnormal way. She tried to scratch the glitter off of her burning skin, but it didn't work—she only spread it around more. Her dying scream echoed in the air and she abrupt into gold dust, some leftover pink glitter floating through the air where she once was.

Then, simultaneously, every monster covered with the glitter blew up. The rest stood there, dumbstruck, and they didn't even have time to think before the Aphrodite cabin screamed out their different war cries:






And then all at once, they charged.

"Huh," Jason said. "I never thought I'd see this day."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Piper asked.

"That that band, One Direction, would actually be a reason for war."

Piper chuckled dryly. "You have no idea."

See...I told you. Very short. But if you'd like for more of this story, please review! And I kind of already have the ending in mind...so if you'd like anything else to be written in this story, please review that as well. :) I would love to hear your suggestions and comments!