Gendry stumbled down from his horse, grabbing his side as he went. Blood oozed from the side of his face. Arya watched the blood glide down his skin. There was also blood covering the hand holding his side and a large gash on his left leg. He took two steps forward before stopping and wincing in pain. She could see he was badly hurt. His breathing was heavy, his body shaking.

Slowly, he raised his sword with his free hand and pointed it straight at Vargo Hoat. His head rose, blue eyes filled with rage stared daggers at the man.

"Let us finish this now, bastard," Gendry said, his voice filled with anger.

Vargo slowly walked around Arya, putting her in the middle of the two men. She felt the cold blade of his knife touch her throat. "Kill him," he ordered his men.

Arya watched, helpless, as four men walked towards Gendry. They circled him, each one taunting. Gendry turned in ever direction, his face showing his pain. The very act of moving must have been excruciating. One man came forward, his sword raised to strike. Gendry barely blocked the blow as it came in hard and fast. He stumbled, almost losing his balance, but was able to recover right as another blow came.

"Stop, please!" Arya begged. Gendry would not survive this assault, not in the shape he was in.

Vargo Hoat ignored her pleas as the pressure of the dagger grew. She watched in horror as several more of Vargo Hoat's men joined the circle around Gendry.

Suddenly, Gendry stood upright. Gone was the pain on his face. Gone was the weakness she had seen in him just moments before. He removed the hand from his side, grabbing his sword with both hands. She saw the strong fighter once more.

"NOW!" He screamed, causing everyone to freeze.

Behind Arya came a thunderous sound of horses and men yelling. Vargo Hoat turned them around to see what was coming in the darkness. At first, Arya saw nothing but shadows, but soon those shadows turned into moving objects. And those moving objects were headed straight for them. Men she had never seen before came into view of the fires around the camp. Hundreds of them rode at full speed, their swords raised in the air.

"No! It cannot be!" Vargo Hoat breathed.

The front riders made quick work of Vargo Hoat's men. Slashing them where they stood. Most of the men did not even have a chance to raise their swords before they were dead on the ground, their blood soaking into the dirt. It was an ambush, one that Vargo Hoat never saw coming. Everyone had been so caught up in Gendry that no one heard these new men approaching. It was his turn to be outnumbered. Behind the men on horses came men on foot… Gendry's army, or what was left of them. Leading the way was Sandor.

Vargo Hoat grabbed Arya, his blade still at her throat, and began moving away from the fight. She heard his breathing pick up. Heard the whimpers escape his mouth. He was in a panic watching his men die. She was able to see Gendry. Men lay dead at his feet as he swung his sword with deadly aim. By the time the last few men, who had been surrounding him, were left he had help killing them. The riders, whoever they were, were beasts with swords cutting their victims down with ease.

Sandor ran towards Sansa, Osha and Beth. The moment Sansa saw him she stumbled to her feet. He grabbed her, holding her tightly to him. Their hug lasted only a moment before he pushed her and the other two girls behind him. He drove his sword into the stomach of the man coming towards him dropping him quickly. The girls huddled together keeping close to him as he led them away from the slaughter into the darkness. They were safe now, Sandor would see to it. Arya was the only one in danger. As if to drive this point home Vargo Hoat applied more pressure to her throat causing her to cry out in pain.

"Enough!" He screamed. "Enough, or I will slit her throat!"

Most of his men lay dead or dying. What few remained ran from the campsite into the darkness. All attention turned to Arya and Vargo Hoat. They turned their swords towards him, moving slowly towards where they stood. Vargo Hoat backed up, his wide eyes looking all around him. He was trapped.

Gendry broke through the crowd of men, his sword raised and ready. "Let her go," he growled.

"One more step from any of you and I will slit her throat. I am a dead man anyway," he said, laughing in fear.

"Yes, you are. But it is up to you how painless your death will be. Let her go and I will make it swift and fast. Harm her in any way and I swear before the old gods and new you will beg for death before I am done."

The blade pushed deeper into Arya's throat. She slammed her eyes shut knowing she was about to die. Vargo Hoat would never let her go. Gendry saw the blade moving deeper into her skin and threw his sword on the ground. He raised his hands, showing the man he was unharmed.

"Let us resolve this like men. You and me without swords."

"I would rather you watch her blood flow from her throat," Vargo Hoat seethed.

"Gendry," Arya cried. She wanted his eyes to be the last she saw. She wanted his face to be the last face she saw. Their eyes met, and within him she saw love and fear. She saw anger and pain. Just moments ago she had thought he was dead. But, he stood before her alive and well. That thought caused a peace within her. She felt no fear in the end. Gendry was alive. "I love you," she whispered.

There was a noise behind them, something whistling in the air. Whatever it was struck Vargo Hoat causing him to push forward towards Gendry. Gendry reacted instantly, jumping towards them. He grabbed the hand holding the knife to Arya's throat and pried it away from her skin. Vargo Hoat began to make gurgling sounds, and his hold on her loosened enough to where she could wiggle free. Gendry held the wrist holding the knife and screamed at her to move.

Arya dropped to her knees and crawled away from the men, turning to see a large arrow protruding from Vargo Hoat's throat. His eyes were wide as tears slid down his face. Blood ran from his throat soaking into his shirt. Gendry stepped forward towards the man, leaving only inches between them. He slowly turned the man's wrist until Arya heard it pop. Vargo Hoat could only gurgle in response to his broken hand. Gendry slammed the knife into the man's chest, his face inches from Vargo Hoat.

"That is for my men! That is for my horse! That is for almost taking her away from me!" He whispered, his words like venom.

He removed the knife from Vargo Hoat's chest and slammed it into his heart. The man dropped to the ground, his last breath upon his lips. His eyes stayed opened. They stared at Arya, but the man saw nothing more.

Strong arms wrapped around her and she turned into Gendry's embrace. He held her tightly to him, his body slightly shaking. She clung to him, fearful that if she let go it would all be a dream and he would be truly dead. When he moved to let her go she clung to him tighter.

"I need to check your throat," he whispered, softly.

She shook her head no. Her throat was fine. She needed him to hold her more than anything in that moment. His arms wrapped around her knees and he picked her up. Arya hid her face in the crook of his neck, not caring where they went just as long as he didn't let her go.

"I had my men set up a tent for the ladies." Arya did not recognize the voice speaking.

"Thank you, Lord Beric. For everything. I owe you a great debt," Gendry replied.

"My men and I have been after Hoat and his men for ages. And I have high respect for King Eddard. You owe us nothing, General Gendry"

Gendry walked them towards one of the tents and entered. Only when he sat her on the hard cot did she finally look at him. Being this close she could see the gash above his eye had opened up and was bleeding. He also had a large gash on the side of his head, but it had stopped bleeding. Dried blood caked his dark hair. He gently raised her chin to see the damage caused. When he was satisfied no real damage was done he released her chin. For what seemed like forever they stared at one another. Words formed on Arya's tongue, but she did not have the strength to say anything. She feared the moment she opened her mouth she would sob. Instead, she gently grabbed his face in her hands. He was here. This was not a dream. Gendry was alive.

"I am okay," he whispered, as if reading her mind.

"I… I thought you were dead," she finally managed to say.

"I thought I was too, for a moment. It was a trap and we walked straight into it. By the time I realized it and tried to come back to you it was too late. There were too many of them for us to fight off. I lost most of my men before Lord Beric and his men arrived."

Tears ran down Arya's face. She did not have the strength to hide them, so she allowed them to run freely. Gendry raised his hand and wiped her cheeks, touching her as if she were made of brittle glass. Each feathered touch was a reminder that he lived.

"It will take more than a few cuts to keep me away from you, Arya," he said, softly.

"My sister? Osha and Beth?"

"They are safe. Sandor is watching over them in one of the nearby tents."

Arya closed her eyes, finally breathing a sigh of relief. The night's events crashed down upon her making her feel as though she hadn't slept in weeks. She felt every bump and bruise upon her body. The cut on her throat burned fire red.

"Who are those men?" She asked, several minutes later.

"Sleep, dear Arya. I will explain everything come the morning."

Gendry laid her down on the cot, sitting beside her and gently rubbing her face. She reached for his hand, bringing it to her lips. She softly kissed his hand and hugging it to her chest. Closing her eyes, she finally allowed herself to sleep.

Voices somewhere close by awakened Arya from her slumber. The moment she was conscious every part of her body hurt. She sat up, dragging herself to the edge of the bed.

"Ow!" she said aloud. Her neck felt stiff as a board. Pain shot from her arms straight down to the soles of her feet. Her head pounded with every beat of her heart.

Gendry poked his head inside, obviously hearing her waking. He looked much better than he did the night before. He had washed the dried blood from his raven hair. The gash above his eye was swollen and turning purple, but it looked better. His torn and bloody clothes were gone. He wore a white shirt with black pants, the soldiers clothing gone. Now, he looked like a regular person instead of the General that he was. Arya could only imagine what state she looked to be in.

"Good morning," Gendry said, stepping into her tent.

"Is it finally morning?" Arya asked, rubbing her aching arms.

"It is. And a beautiful one at that. We have arranged for you and the other ladies to bathe before we leave this place. If you are up to it?"

"Yes, please," she answered, feeling filth and stench all over her.

Gendry helped her to her feet, kissing her forehead softly before leading her out of the tent. The sun was bright, even through the thick trees. All around her men walked about. Some were cleaning up the damage caused by Vargo Hoat and his men. Some were standing around talking. One face stood out among the others.

"Sansa," Arya breathed, hurrying towards her sister.

Sansa saw her, her face showing raw emotion. She left Sandor's side, running towards Arya. By the time the ladies made it to one another Sansa was crying. Arya forgot about the pain in her body. She forgot about everything the moment her sister was in her arms. They had survived the night… both of them.

"They would not let me see you last night. I begged Sandor to take me to you, but he said you needed rest. That we all needed rest. I feared the worst, that he was keeping me from the real truth, even as he swore you were okay."

"I am okay," she whispered. Arya could barely talk through the emotions.

More arms wrapped themselves around Sansa and Arya as Osha and Beth joined them. Everyone wore bruises and cuts, but it seemed all were okay. It was a touching reunion witnessed by everyone in the ruined camp and lasted all the way to the river where the ladies would have their bath.

The water was cool to the touch, soaking into Arya's skin and lessening the pain in her arms and legs. She closed her eyes, taking deep breaths. She could hear Gendry talking somewhere close. She had begged him to constantly remind her he was close. He was talking loud enough for her to hear him, letting her know they were completely safe. Their bath was over before Arya was ready. She wanted to stay in the cool water all day, but they needed to get moving.

Her and the ladies climbed out, drying themselves off with soft silk, which felt amazing on her bruised skin. They helped one another into new dresses. There was not much of Arya's things that had survived the fires Vargo Hoat had set to their camp, but one case made of steel has survived. That case held Arya's dresses. She had enough to share with the other ladies. Once cleaned and dressed, she felt like a new person. Sansa put Arya's long hair into a braid that hung down her back.

Gendry and Sandor led them back towards the camp. Arya watched Sansa. She watched how her sister went straight to his side, like a magnet pulling them together. Even the glances they stole at one another spoke of how they were making sure the other was still there. They never touched one another, but their glances said it all. Both felt the same fear her and Gendry had felt. The fear of loss.

"There is someone I want you to meet," Gendry said, bringing her back to the present.

Gendry led them towards a group of men. She noticed the man Gendry had spoken to the night before. He had called him Lord Beric. The man noticed them coming towards him and turned fully towards them. Once they were close he and his men bowed before her and Sansa.

"Ladies, I would like to introduce you to Lord Beric Dondarrion, Lord of Blackhaven and head of House Dondarrion. He and his men came to our aid last night," Gendry said, introducing them to the man.

"Please, rise, Lord Beric. After last night you shall never bow to us. We owe you our lives," Arya said.

Beric Dondarrion rose tall, nodding his head at her words. "My men and I have been searching for Vargo Hoat and his men for many moons. He escaped our grasps more than I would like to admit. We caught his trail miles up the road and followed it. The trail lead us to General Gendry and his men in the woods. I wish I could say we arrived in time to assist them, but we were too late. General Gendry was able to explain what was happening, to which me and my men were happy to help."

"Many thanks to you and your men, good sir," Sansa said. "I swear you will be rewarded handsomely."

"We do not need any reward, your grace. I know your father, and I hold him in the highest respect. He has been very generous to me and my people. It was an honor to serve him by saving his daughters."

"Still, this act of service will not be forgotten," Arya said.

He bowed his head in reply. "You have the service of me and my men to lead you the rest of the way to The Twins, my princess. Nothing more will happen to you and your men, I swear this on my life."

"Thank you, Lord Dondarrion. We will accept your gracious offer when my men are well enough to travel."

"They are ready. What is left of us, anyway. I have sent the dead back to Winterfell and to their families," Gendry chimed in.

"How many are left?" Arya asked.

Gendry hesitated for a moment. His jaw clenched and unclenched, as if he were fighting his emotions. He could not fight them in his eyes as is pain shown clear. "Twelve," he said, low.

Arya felt a sharp dagger pierce her chest. So many dead from when they had started out at Winterfell. So many good men gone. Had her father underestimated the treacherous road they would travel? "May they rest peacefully. My father will make sure each of their families is taken care of."

Arya looked around the camp as the men talked for a moment. There were no signs that a bloody battle had taken place the night before. The wreckage of burnt tents were cleaned and disposed of. There were no bodies littering the ground as it was last night. It looked peaceful once more.

"Vargo Hoat and his men… what has been done with their bodies?" Arya asked.

"We gathered them all up and I had several of my men return them to their lands. Those men had families as well," Beric Dondarrion answered.

That act showed the true character of the man. He could have left them to rot in the ground, or to be made a feast for crows and wild animals. Instead, he gave them more than they deserved. He gave them back to their families.

"I must apologize to you ladies. I do not have a carriage for you to ride comfortably. All that I have to offer are good horses," Beric Dondarrion said.

"That will be more than enough, Lord Beric. The fresh air will do us all some good," Arya replied, giving the man a warm smile.

"Then, at your command, we will be off."

They gathered themselves on horses and left the campsite. Arya rode at Gendry's side. She turned one last time, staring at the place where so many had died. She felt a shiver run down her spine. Something whispered in her mind, warning her that this would not be the last time blood would be spilled. There was more death to come.