Kisame sat in a chair, holding Deidara small hand gently as the frightened teen sobbed.
"Waah, why would Sam hurt me?" Deidara wailed.
"He technically didn't hurt you…" Kisame murmured, his whisper going unnoticed by the distressed blond.
"He's never been so mean to me before!" Deidara cried.
"Hush Deidara," Kakuzu shushed him, wrapping the blonds swollen arm up. He wasn't trying to be mean, but he knew the blond needed to relax, his heart rate was racing.
The blond flinched as Kakuzu worked on wrapping him up, but kept still.
"Alright Deidara, Mai will take you to one of our guest rooms and help you get into bed," Kakuzu said, getting the boy up onto his feet, and pushed him lightly towards Mai.
"If you'd like, Hidan and Tobi can sleep in the room with you tonight," Kisame added, giving the boy a small smile. Kakuzu nodded in agreement, handing the boy an icepack.
"No... I'd rather sleep alone tonight" Deidara said whimpering.
"Alright Dei, head on out, Sorry if you feel like you're being rushed but we need to go and check on Sasori." Kakuzu explained.
Deidara looked worried for a second.
"Is he going to be alright?"
"Yes Dei, we'll explain everything in the morning though, I promise." Kisame answered. Deidara nodded, before saying a quick 'Goodnight'.
Deidara headed off to bed with Mai right behind him guiding him to the guest wing of the mansion, while Kisame and Kakuzu hurried off towards the room where Pein was sitting with Sasori.
Once they got there, Pein unlocked the room, letting them in. Sasori's face was contorted with pain, as big fat tears fell down his face.
"I- I can't believe I did that... He's never going to trust me again!" Sasori cried.
"It wasn't you're fault," Zetsu reassured walking into the room. "Yeah bro, its not your fault."
"It is my fault! I couldn't control it!" Sasori cried, gripping his blood red hair in his fists, pulling roughly.
"We obviously just underestimated the time that we had, all we have to do is set the marking ceremony up a bit earlier," Kakuzu explained, grabbing Sasori's wrists and making him let go, before he ripped his hair out.
"You actually think he's going to let me near him?" Sasori asked skeptically.
"He's a smart kid, he'll understand once we explain everything." Pein said.
Kisamed nodded in agreement.
"We need know what happened before though." "What do you remember before waking up?" Zetsu asked.
Sasori got quiet.
"He headed off towards the bathroom to take a shower. I laid in bed, then next thing I know... you're pulling me away from him. I don't remember anything else. I just saw that bruise on his arm and... knew it was me that hurt him..." Sasori buried his head in his hands.
"You were probably slipping into the state a few times throughout the whole day, but it was so quick no one noticed, or it wasn't long enough for anything to happen." Kisame said.
"I have been sleeping a lot more… and I've been feeling light headed," Sasori admitted.
"Then its safe to assume, the episodes are going to increase." Kakuzu said, "Its best we get the marking ceremony done as soon as possible."
"But… he isn't ready." Sasori said warily.
"You are his master, he is the pet. You must remember that at the end of the day, he has no choice by to obey. It may seem cruel, but that's his purpose in this family. Especially since he accepted this when we found him" Kakuzu said, quite grimly.
Everyone remained quiet, letting the inevitable truth sink in.
It was true, pets were meant to serve, they treated theirs as equals because that's how they grew up, with their parents and their example.
"Yes, You're right Kakuzu, I just can't imagine hurting him.." Sasori sighed.
"I know it's a scary thing, Sasori. At the end of the day, even if Deidara were 100% on board, he would still be resisting. Every pet struggles. They all get scared, and they all have trouble holding still. The way I see it... you'd be doing Deidara a favor, by getting it over quickly and without having him anticipate." Sasori thought about it for a moment before nodding,
"When will be a good time?"
"You can get it done tonight,"
(Deidara's POV)
Deidara settled into his new bed, while Mai tucked him in. She made sure he was well covered up, before nestling the ice pack back on his arm, causing the boy to flinch slightly.
"Thank you Mai," he whispered quietly.
"No problem sweet pea," She smiled, "Well you just try to get some rest hun, call me if you need anything. Don't hesitate, alright?"
Deidara nodded, closing his eyes while Mai gently tucked a strand of hair behind his ears. He shifted around, before finally getting comfortable. Mai waited a little, feeling satisfied when she heard soft snoring coming from the blond, and his chest rising slowly. She left the room closing the door quietly.
As soon as the door clicked close, Deidara's eyes shot open, sitting up in bed. He ran a shaky hand through his hair, his eyes brimming with new tears. He tried blinking them back, not wanting to cry anymore, for fear of him running his tears dry forever.
He decided that falling asleep would be nearly impossible any time soon, so settled on watching some TV. He grabbed the remote from the side table near the bed and flipped through some channels. He decided on a random movie, that he didn't have the slightest clue what was called, but honestly couldn't care any less.
He was entranced in the unimportance of the movie, before a dark figure now standing in the door way caught his attention.
(Go back in time slightly.)
"What will I need to do?" Sasori asked as he rubbed his hands together slightly.
"Well you already know the ritual, so preforming the prayers won't be an issue," Kisame replied, resting his head in his palm.
"Yes I know the ritual, but should we lure him to a different room? Or should I just preform the marking ceremony in the room Mai put him in?" Sasori asked.
"Its important that we be as accurate as we can with this, but we've never been a super traditionalist family in the first place. So I think the guest room will work just fine. It will probably work best like that too. It will help make sure Dei is comfortable and as calm as possible." Kakuzu added.
"So what the plan?"
"Well I'm not about to let you deal with this on your own, I'll assist you as much as possible. He's probably going to freak out, so its best we try to stall a much as we can. Pein and I will go in and dress him more appropriately, Zetsu and Kisame will be outside of the room, they'll just wait outside incase we need another pair of hands. You on the other hand, can start the candle ritual right outside the door, so that we leave this as a total surprise. Then its just a matter of keeping Dei distracted while you quickly come in and get it over with." Kakuzu explained, playing out the entire plan in his head.
"And then what?"
"And then you have fun cleaning up all the blood!" "Plus a nice long cuddle session afterwards!" Zetsu replied.
"Odds are he'll be a little upset, we'll clean things up while you take care of him," Pein reassured Sasori placing a hand on his shoulder.
Sasori took a deep breath, before nodding quickly. "I guess its time then."
(Back to the present. Deidara's POV)
The guy standing at the door came closer, and I couldn't help let out a sigh of relief when I realized it was just Kakuzu.
"Shouldn't you be asleep mister?" he asked sternly.
I blushed a little, and grimaced at his chastise.
"Sorry Kakuzu-sama… I couldn't sleep." I said trying to sound as honest as possible.
"Well that's okay," he said sitting down next to me," I was going to wake you up anyways. I need to take a better look at your arm. I kinda rushed the exam earlier, but now that everything is taken care of I have a little more time."
I nodded, crawling out of the white sheets and scooting closer to him. He grabbed my arm gently, before starting to un wrap the bandage.
A light knock came from the door, before it creaked open revealing a head of red hair. I tensed a little, before realizing it was Pein-sama.
"Hello Deidara, nice to see your doing alright." He said, coming into my room and carrying something white in his arms.
"Thank you Pein-sama, I'm okay." I replied, watching as he handed the white garment over to Kakuzu.
"Here Dei," he said handing the big white t-shirt over to me, " you'll be much more comfortable in this."
I was planning on protesting and explaining that I was just fine in the clothes I had on at the moment, but before I got the chance, Pein was guiding my arm out of my shirt.
I kept quiet, allowing the bling-ed up guy dress me in the oversized t-shirt.
"Could you put his hair up Pein?" Kakuzu asked handing the guy a hair tie, "Its getting in the way."
I scoffed, since my hair clearly didn't even go past my shoulders. Nevertheless, I didnt complain while Pein-sama picked up my hair into a tight ponytail. I hadn't really got to know him yet, so arguing with him was the least thing I wanted to do.
Kakuzu silently gave Pein a look, a weird look. I guess they thought I wouldn't notice, but soon they plastered fake smiles on, and turned their attention towards me.
"Alright Deidara. Everything looks alright. Pein will you go get some more bandages from the bathroom?" he asked him. He smiled warmly at me, before heading towards the bathroom, without saying a word.
I hadn't realized Kakuzu got up and sat behind me, until I felt hands on both my shoulders.
""What are you doing?" I asked, shakily.
"Making sure there isnt any further damage. You never know if there might be like a pinched nerve or something." He answered quickly. I heard the door to the bedroom open, and my head swiveled to its direction. My heart leaped into my throat, as I clearly saw Sasori's figure standing before me. I could see Kisame and Zetsu standing behind him in the dark hallway. The only thing providing any light were five candles, placed in a pentagon shape, that eerily flickered. Sasori kept his head down, his red hair bouncing slightly with each step. He crept silently, closing the space between him and the blond.
(Normal POV)
Deidara whimpered, making his way to get away, but Kakuzu's grip tightened, keeping him place.
"And now that they prayers have been said, in honor of the five brothers, it is time to recite the rules of the human pet. May that now commence" Sasori said quietly, his voice trailing off with the shadows.
"Number 1: Pets are not allowed to associate with other masters, but their own." Kakuzu muttered behind him, causing Deidara to start to panic.
"Whats going on?" Deidara asked.
"Number 2: Good pets wait for permission before speaking" Pein continued, entering the room with a arm full of towels and bandages to clean up Deidara later.
"W-whats happening?" Deidara asked again.
"Number 3: Pets must not leave their homes without their Masters and without their collars and licenses." Zetsu started, "Number 4: Pets can speak to other pets, but only when given permission."
"Why won't anybody answer me!?" Deidara asked frantically, his eyes drowning in his own tears.
"Number 5: Pets must never ever hit their Masters" Kisame muttered, following Zetsu into the room. Zetsu brought over an arm chair from the wooden desk in the room, and brought it over to the center. Sasori slowly took a seat in it, waiting for his brothers to finish reciting the pet rules.
"Number 6: No Whining, You must be thankful for all your Master has to offer." Kakuzu said, standing up and forcing the blond to his feet. Deidara yelped, struggling to escape the elders arms. Pein walked over, grabbing one of the blonds arms and helping Kakuzu to walk the boy over to an awaiting Sasori.
"Number 7: No stealing" Pein muttered, giving the crying blond an apologetic look.
"Number 8: No pointing or indicating toward other Masters or places." Zetsu stood by Sasori, who's eyes were beginning to well up with tears now. "Number 9: No bad words"
"Number 10: Never loose sight of your Master in public" Kisame continued.
Soon enough, Kakuzu and Pein had the struggling teen standing directly in front of the red head, holding him up right, while his knees shook violently. For the final five rules, they continued taking turns, all four of them watching Deidara, now screaming, and Sasori who mouthed, 'its okay' to his pet.
"Number 11: No eating, unless your Master presents you with food."
"Number 12: Always address your Master by calling him Master before his or her last name"
"Number 13: Always obey every command your Master gives you."
"Number 14: When speaking to your Master, keep eye contact. But in public keep your head lowered."
"Number 15: Sit still, if your Master leaves you in a room."
Deidara was sat on Sasori's lap forcefully, while the red head wrapped his arms around the blonds wiggling torso. He inched his face towards the blonds neck, sniffing his delectable smelling scent.
"" Deidara cried, trying to distance himself. Konan's story running and running in his head, knowing and waiting for the dreaded words he was going to hear.
Sasori looked up into the reddened blue eyes, regret coursing through his body. He needed to get it over with.
"With this I mark you Deidara... as my honorable pet...forever." He said clearly, drawing a stillness in the room, before latching his teeth onto Deidara, marking him forever.
"AHH!" Deidara screamed, his whole body tensing, feeling his skin being pierced, and his blood running cold, before darkness overtook his vision.
(Sasori's POV)
My eyes shut tightly, hearing his earsplitting scream. My hands that were holding onto him, tensed up, hoping that by holding him closer I would provide some sort of comfort.
He cried for about five seconds, before going quiet, and limp in my arms.
"Whats wrong with him!?" I yelled.
"Its alright Sasori," Zetsu replied, grabbing my shoulders, "Let us take it from here,"
My arms uncoiled from around my precious pet, and in an instant he was out of my lap. Kisame and Kakuzu carried him to the bed, while Pein started tearing up a large piece of cloth and pressing it to him neck to stop the bleeding. His white t-shirt was soaked in red, and already his skin looked ghostly pale.
"Is he supposed to be this white?" I asked, finding a spot on the bed and grabbing his hand.
"Yes Sasori, this is normal. You have to remember that with the mark we've stopped his aging and growing, so its natural for his hair and skin to lighten up a little bit," Kisame reassured me.
"Look at that," Kakuzu said, pointing his finger to the outline of a blue bird in mid-flight, right in the center of Deidara's collar bone. I couldn't help but touch it, and suddenly the little blue bird glowed, filling me with warmth and happiness.
"...thats incredible.."
Before anyone could respond, Deidara began to stir. I flailed my arms around, not sure what to do at this point. Pein caught my crazy wrist, placing my hand over the bandage keeping pressure on his neck.
"Relax Sasori," Pein whispered, watching Deidara beginning to wake up. His beautiful blue eyes fluttered open, revealing to pools of blue slightly overflowing.
"Deidara? Dei? Can you hear me?" I asked, praying to whatever god that he wouldn't still be upset.
He gave me a puzzled look.
"Where am I"
My heart stopped, realizing the shock from the marking ceramony might have made him forget everything. Perhaps even forget who I was. I went to touch his face, but moved away a little, still looking very confused.
"Dei,... don't you remember who i am?" I asked, my voice cracking.
His puzzled look grew even bigger, before a big smile graced his face, bursting into abrupt laughter, making all of us jump. He poked my face playfully, before giggling.
"Of course I know who you are silly, You're my danna! Un."
The end.
Don't panic! This isn't done technically. My original plan for this story is though. So if you'd like me to continue, please send me ideas! Prompts! For one shots with these guys, for example like "Day at the Carnival" I will be continuing, I just have no idea where to go next with this! Help me out!