This story idea is from Zak Saturday. What is it about? You will have to read it to find out.

I do not own The Secret Saturdays and Young Justice. If I did, I would be rich.

Saturday Residence-2010 Thursday 4:00 P.M.

Zachary "Zak" Saturday did not think it was a major problem. These sort of things always happened.

"Did you have to make a scene again Zak?"

Drew Saturday ran a hand through her white hair looking pointy at Zak. Zak only shrugged his shoulders as a response. He did not even look up from his video game as she walked in the main control room.

"I did not make a scene! The Bunyips hit me first. It was free game after that…" Drew raised an eyebrow.

"Just because they hit you first, that doesn't mean you had the right to hit them back. Even it 'was free game'. Doc, talk some sense into him."

Both Doc and Drew were parental over Zak, but Doc was the more "responsibility saves the world" kind of parent. Drew was more like "I'm your mother, so deal with it" parent. Therefore, in this case Doc's fatherly responsibility trait came out.

"Zak. Zak. Zak look at me." Zak turned his attention from the game to his father, for a spilt second showing his father he had his attention.

"The Bunyips are childish by nature Zak. As the older and bigger guy, you shouldn't have attacked them back." Zak shook his head.

"They were okay. A few scratches never hurt anyone."


"Okay, okay. I'll apologize the next time we visit them."

Doc signed deeply. That was far as he was going to get out of Zak right now.

Australia-2010 Wednesday 3:00 P.M.

Zak ran toward the airship as Bunyips ran after him. The Bunyips had hit him first! Why were they so upset? Okay…so dumping paint all over them was not the best idea. First of all, they had punched him in the face, while he was trying to concentrate using his power.

Anyway... the mission had been simple enough. Talk to the Bunyips. Get them to stop terrorizing the people. Go home and play Call of Duty. Relax for the rest of the day. See? Simple mission. Then all of suddenly, he got socked out of nowhere, and well now, you know the story.

Saturday Residence-2010 Thursday 4:05 P.M.

This event had gained a lot of media attention inside Australia, but the Saturdays had managed to keep the news within Australia this time and not have the whole world know what was going on. The other Secret Scientists were no longer after Zak, but that did not mean that they were not keeping an eye on him.

Still, the other secret scientists were not the only ones keeping an eye on Zak…

Justice League Tower-2010 Friday 9:00 a.m.

"What are you doing Batman?"

Batman. The caped crusader. The greatest detective alive. Ones of the world's greatest superheroes of all time was looking at a kid doing a fancy magic trick.

"It's not a trick Flash."

Flash, the fastest man alive eyed the boy on the screen, looking between him and Batman. "Who is he?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out."

Batman hit a few keys, not even looking up from the computer to greet the new people. Flash shook his head as Batman blandly ignored Wonder Woman, and Superman. The other big two superheroes in the world.

All four superheroes eyed the screen as the boy's face was enlarged. The boy was lean, but not scrawny. He had a cocky grin on his face as his eyes glowed a golden-yellowish color. The boy's orange shirt was ripped in a few places, and Flash noted that a bruise was forming on his left cheek.

Batman made the picture normal size, only grunting when Superman asked the question on everyone's mind.

"What are you doing?"

"Work. Just like the rest of you should be doing." Batman walked out of the room in a huff, leaving the others behind bewildered. Flash scratched his head.

"Well that was rude."

Saturday Residence-2010 Friday 5:00 P.M.

The Saturdays were enjoying some quality family time, when a knock on the door alerted them. Zak did not even look up as his mother walked in with a guest.

"Zak Saturday?" Called a gruff voice. Finally, Zak looked away from the game, to see a man in all black, wearing a cowl.

"Can I help you?"

"My name's Batman. And I have a few questions that I would like you to answer."

This serves as a prologue of sort so...future chapters are definitely going to be longer. So see ya next time!