Here it is... The big finale!

The two heroes faced the giant powerful robot containing the two villains.

"Aim at the cockpit" Sonic whispered to Rayman.

"That was my plan" Rayman replied.

"Make sure to take Rayman down first" Andre said to Eggman.

"Sonic is a much bigger threat to us than him, he is the one that's need to go down first" Eggman said

"I know Rayman, he is more dangerous"

"Trust me, that thing is no match for the hedgehog"

The two started arguing who they should take down first while Sonic and Rayman looked at them through the cockpit glass awkwardly.

The heroes looked at each other, and both took the chance of homing attacking and shoot a charged fist at the cockpit.

The robot was down for a minute and inside it the villains had decided.

"We target both?" Andre asked

"WE TARGET BOTH!" Eggman screamed as he lunched the robot back to its feet, ready to fight.

While this was happening Tails put Globox in charge of the blaster on the tornado.

"It should be easy for you to use. Just point it in the direction you want and press the buttons to fire" Tails explained.

"Okay, sounds simple" Globox said a bit worried as he climbed up and the two took off.

Sonic was running endlessly, trying to distract the robot from Rayman while Rayman tried to land good attacks at the cockpit.

At first is seemed like it was working and our heroes had the advantage.

"We are losing!" Andre was panicked.

"Not yet!" Eggman said while loading all of the emeralds into the robot, making it triple powerful.

The robot soon grabbed Sonic who was running at his top speed and smashed him right into a wall.

The robot then grabbed Rayman and threw him into Sonic causing them both to collapse.

The two villains were laughing hysterically while moving towards the collapsed heroes and started to carge a giant energy beam that was aimed right at them.

All looked lost for Sonic and Rayman until the robot was hit by a sudden shot.

The shot came from the tornado's blaster as Tails pressed on the gas to give Globox another chance to hit it and release the chaos emeralds out of the robot. But they were all drained from power.

"They drained the power out of them! We won't survive this!" Rayman was sure that this was the end until Sonic put his hand on his back.

"Not yet!" Sonic told Rayman before he called Tails who was busy dodging the robot's attack.

"Tails, we've got the emeralds here, throw us the last one!" Sonic said to Tails.

"Once we will have an opening!" Tails said while avoiding another attack.

Sonic got up and asked Rayman to help him shape the emeralds in a circle on the ground.

"Wait, look at them! They are dead! They drained all of the energy from them!" Rayman told Sonic who just grinned at him.

"They drained all the negative power of the emeralds; those emeralds don't contain only negativity but also positivity! As long as we support each other and believe in ourselves we can still make them work!" Sonic explained

Rayman looked at Sonic and said "Dude that is the cheesiest thing I have ever heard in my life."

"But it's convenient for us so START COLLECTING THEM!" Sonic screamed at Rayman and both started gathering them in a circle.

Tails and Globox were still looking for an opening to throw the last emerald down to Sonic and Rayman but were always blocked.

"You won't get away from us!" Eggman yelled at them while firing a laser at them.

The tornado was almost hit by it but because of the sharp turn it started diving down to the ground fast, giving them a chance.

As soon as the tornado was about to crash Tails stabilized it and threw the emeralds to Sonic.

The villains didn't notice it and continued their pursuit after the tornado.

As Sonic catches the emerald he noticed Globox giving them a Tumbes up. As if to say, "Go!".

Sonic put the last emerald in the circle and he himself stood in the middle with Rayman joining him as he didn't want to sit this one out.

The emeralds rose and started to spin and Sonic himself started to float, his spikes raised upwards, his blue fur turned into a golden yellow one and as he opened his eyes they turned red, becoming Super Sonic.

Rayman was amazed by the power of the gems as he as well noticed a change in him. His hands were no longer white, but gold. He then realized he used that power before thanks to the lums.

"My golden fists! "Rayman said happily.

"Turns out our universes share something!" Sonic said

"Seriously? All those changes yet your voice is the same!" Rayman said

"I get that a lot, now let's kick their butt!" Sonic said detriment as he flew upwards faster than before, taking Rayman with him.

Tails and Globox couldn't handle the robot for much longer and were ready to lose. But before the two were consumed by the robot's lazer something hit the robot.

That was Sonic holding a dazed Rayman in his hand.

"Sonic! Rayman! You are all right!" Both Tails and Globox were happy.

Sonic put Rayman at the wing of the tornado and told him to attack the cockpit until he says otherwise. Sonic then flew upwards through the sky.

Rayman didn't hesitate and attacked the robot with his golden fists, causing Andre and Eggman to lose control.

Soon after Sonic told Rayman to charge his fist and release once he gives the word.

Tails knew were Sonic was going with this and started to encourage Rayman to charge his fist.

Sonic started spinning down towards the robot and when he got close…


Rayman sent his charged fist into the cockpit and just as it hit Sonic came zooming from above smashing into the cockpit alongside Rayman's fist causing the robot to explode.

After distraction of the robot, Andre woke up from the explosion and saw Rayman above him.

"No! No! NNNNNNNOOOOOOOO!" Andre screamed before Rayman scared him again back into a red lum.

Sonic who looked at the process was shocked.

"This is how you scare them?!"

"Better than believing in positive elements" Rayman said jokily.

The 4 heroes started to look for Eggman who just got away while screaming "I will get you one day, hedgehog!"

Sonic giggled, "Yeah, sure you will."

Globox looked at Rayman "So what now?"

"Heading home I guess, everyone must be worried about us". Rayman answered.

"So how are you going to return?" Tails asked

"We have a lum, which will do." Rayman said while Tails smiled.

"So, it was nice knowing you, Rayman and Globox." Said Sonic

"Nice knowing you too, Sonic The Hedgehog and Miles "Tails" Prower. " replied Rayman

The two pairs shook hands.

"Let's hope we will meet again one day!" Sonic said as Rayman used the once Andre to open a portal back.

"Take Andre, if you will ever want to visit our dimension just use him" Rayman said to the pair.

"Tails will probably figure out how to use him for that." Globox added.

The 4 said goodbye one more time and after that Rayman and Globox jumped into the portal before it closed.

"So that was a wired adventure" Sonic said

"Weirder than meeting our younger selves? " Tails asked.

"Maybe on par, buddy" Sonic replied as both returned home with the red lum that was once Andre.

Meanwhile in Rayman's dimension, both Rayman and Globox tell everyone about their adventure on earth and how much they hope they will get to introduce them to Sonic and Tails.


And that was my Sonic The Hedgehog and Rayman crossover fanfic! Hope you enjoyed it. Leave a review if you got something to say about the story and I have allready planned a way for this to go on.

I own nothing.