"Well, I'm heading off to the library," Hermione announced, taking her bag.

"Again?" Ron gasped. "'Mione, I know you love reading, but you've spent every possible second in there since school started!"

"Don't you think you should take a break?" Harry asked.

"I'm just fine," Hermione assured them. "Well, I'm off!" With that Hermione nearly skipped out of the portrait hole.

"Geez, Hermione practically lives in the library now," Ron muttered.

"Every since those exchange students came, she's been there more and more," Dean told them.

"Yeah, I've seen her giggling with the Kiku fellow," Seamus added.

"Her and Luna have been hanging out a lot more lately," Ginny told them.

"What could they be up to?" Ron asked.

"I don't know, but she's almost as sneaky as Malfoy lately," Harry sighed.

"Don't be ridiculous, she's probably just making them feel at home," Ginny assured them. "Besides, this is a great opportunity for her to learn about cultures and stuff, they're probably teaching her."

"Yeah, but I've heard that Slytherin Arthur has joined them from time to time," Ron said.

"For a Slytherin, Arthur's not that bad," Neville defended. "I think the only reason why he's in that house is because he's pureblooded. That and he has a nasty temper."

"Artie's temper isn't that bad," Alfred muttered, strolling past them.

"He yells at you every hour," Harry reminded them.

"Yeah, I guess, but he means well," Alfred smiled. "It's true he gets mad easily, but I guess that's partially my fault."

"What did you do to make him so mad?" Ron asked.

"Well, when I was a kid, I might have dumped some of his tea bags into the pond near our house. I was tired of him bossing me around and trying to tell me what to do. We were only friends because our parents knew each other," Alfred asked. "It was sort of my way of rebelling."

"Wow…" Ginny muttered. Everyone at Hogwarts had been quickly acquainted with Arthur's love of tea. Shortly after arriving, a first year Slytherin had caused him to spill his tea. No one knew what Arthur had done to the poor kid, but it was rumored that he needed therapy.

"Yeah, so he's not bad, he just has a short temper. But you have to agree, he's the nicest Slytherin," Alfred laughed.

"That he is," Dean nodded.

"So, trust me, nothing bad's happening to her!" Alfred laughed.

"If you say so," Ron sighed.

"But…Mattie did say that she was with Kiku and Eliziveta at the same time," Alfred noted quietly.

"Eliziveta's that Seventh year girl, right?" Ginny asked. "The one that dotes on that nice Italian Hufflepuff."

"Yep, that's her," Alfred nodded.

"Is there something wrong with her being with both of them?" Seamus questioned.

"No, just…" Alfred muttered.

"Just what?" the group pressed.

"Just don't expect her to be pure anymore," Alfred told them before walking off.

"What does that mean?" Neville asked.

"You don't think those three could be…" Ron trailed off, gulping in fear.

"Hermione would never," Harry insisted.

"She has been a lot happier when she gets back from the library," Ginny told them.

"That's it! We're going to find 'Mione, right now!" Ron shouted. "We have to know what's going on!"

"YEAH!" The boys agreed.

"Boys," Ginny sighed, as they ran out of the room. She crossed her arms and followed, making sure they stayed out of trouble.

Harry and Ron entered the library quietly with their small group.

"Have you seen Hermione?" Seamus asked Madam Pince.

"No, is she alright?" she asked.

"What do you mean? Hermione said that she was coming here," Harry told her.

"No, she hasn't been here at all recently. If she is she rushes to finish her work and is out within the hour," Pince informed them.

"Alright, if she isn't here? Where else could she be?" Harry asked.

"I don't know, but I don't like it!" Ron whined. "After Alfred said."

"I doubt Hermione would be participating in such acts," Ginny huffed.

"Ginny!" A young Italian cried, latching onto her. "I haven't seen you in a while!"

"Hey, Feliciano," Ginny greeted.

"Ve~, how are you doing on that potions essay? I've been trying to complete it but I don't know a good way to start it," he sniffed.

"Maybe if you focused less on your precious pasta and more on classes, you'd be doing better," a blond German huffed, lightly hitting him upside the head with a book.

"Ve~, but, Ludwig, pasta's so good," Feliciano smiled.

"Hey, you're friends with that Kiku guy, right?" Neville asked.

"Kiku? Yeah!" Feliciano nodded happily.

"Why do you ask?" Ludwig questioned.

"Hermione said she'd be at the library, and we assumed she'd be with Kiku," Harry explained. "They've been spending a lot of time together. Do you know where they are?"

"Kiku said he would be in the Prefect's bath. He wanted to enjoy a soak with his brother Yao," Feliciano told him.

"Which is strange, considering Kiku doesn't think of Yao as a brother," Ludwig added.

"Well, I guess the next place to check would be the Prefect's bath," Seamus sighed.

"Let's go," Ron ordered, and the group rushed off to the special bathroom.

"Ve, Ludwig, you don't think that Kiku's doing…that…again, do you?" Feliciano asked.

"I wouldn't put it past him," Ludwig sighed. "Come on, I'll help you with your potions essay."

"Grazie, Ludwig!" Feliciano smiled, hugging his arm and nuzzling his face into it.

Ron walked up to the bathroom and attempted to open it. "Lemon fresh." He tried the door again but it still wouldn't open.

"There must be a locking spell," Seamus reasoned.

"Oh, what was that spell Hermione used in first year?" Ron groaned, rubbing his head.

"Alohamora," Neville recited, swishing his wand. They heard the soft click and Ron opened the door, rushing into the room.

"Where are you?" Ron shouted.

"Aiya!" A voice shouted. Everyone in the group had red faces when they saw that there was only Yao and Ivan in the giant bath tub. They water had bubbles as well as sunflower petals floating around. There were also candles around the tub. The Chinese teen had his face covered with his hands and was sitting rather close to the silver-haired Russian male.

"Comrades, what was the reason for barging in on me and my little Yao-Yao?" The Russian man asked.

"Sorry! We thought our friend was in here!" Ron apologized, covering Ginny's eyes. "We really didn't mean to intrude!"

"Why would you unlock the door, aru? It was locked for a reason!" Yao shouted angrily. Ginny removed her brother's hand so she could see them clearly.

"We're sorry. We had a suspicion that our friend, Hermione, was with Kiku. And we ran into Ludwig and Feliciano, who said that Kiku was going to bathe with Yao," Ginny explained. "Then Ludwig said it was weird because he normally doesn't like you. We thought it was a trick so that Kiku and Hermione would be alone, and are those hickeys on your neck?" she finished off, staring at Yao's neck. Her cheeks were pink and she was biting her lip a little.

"Ginny!" The boys cried in shocked.

"Yes, I put them on him," Ivan smiled, hugging Yao from behind and nuzzling into his neck, causing the Chinese man to blush. "They look good, da?"

"Da…ya…yes!" Ginny blushed, not able to tear her eyes away.

"If you tell anyone about this, you are dead, aru!" Yao shouted.

"Got it! We won't say a word!" Neville shouted as they rushed out of the bathroom. Yao growled and reached out for his wand, locking the door.

"Yao-Yao, are you ashamed of me?" Ivan pouted as the small Chinese man turned around in his arms.

"Of course I'm not, aru," Yao assured him. "But you're sister would kill me if she found out."

"That's right," Ivan muttered, remembering. "But I get so angry when I see those girls fawning over you; I just want to kill them."

"Don't worry, aru," Yao smiled, cupping his face. "You are the only one for me." With that the two kissed deeply.

"Kiku! If you're doing anything, I want copies, okay?" Ivan shouted loudly before giggling.

"You know, now I really don't want to be here if my little brother is watching," Yao huffed, pulling away from Ivan. Ivan pulled him back with a smile.

"Oh god…that was embarrassing," Harry blushed. The group slowed to a stop and tried catching their breath.

"Ginny! What got into you back there?" Dean shouted.

"I honestly have no clue," Ginny panted, her face still red.

"Alright, I think I'm going to bow out of this search for Hermione," Seamus blushed.

"I'm with you," Dean nodded.

"I need to get some Herbology homework done anyway," Neville nodded quickly. The three boys ran away before Harry or Ron could protest.

"You know, maybe we could question her when she gets back, or tomorrow even," Ron suggested.

"Yeah, maybe she's in the common room right now," Harry chuckled.

"Oh no!" Ginny shouted, grabbing their ears. "I have been running around this castle because of you two! Now, you will finish this and find Hermione, or so help me…" The two boys decided not to push her and continued their hunt for their brunette friend.