"Are you ready?" a soft voice inquired.

"Absolutely," was the determined reply. A young man looked down at his legs, which were laying out straightforward on the bed. There were loosened wrappings underneath them that had been recently taken off. After a long pause, he finally attempted to move. His left leg twitched, bringing a smirk. His right leg twitched; more joy. He managed to move one slightly towards the edge of the bed.

"You're doing it!" the girl exclaimed.

His leg continued sliding to the edge of the bed, and finally dropped off the side with a thud.

"Did you feel that?" She asked, wincing as she hoped he didn't.

"A little bit!" he answered. Bittersweet. His other leg followed soon enough, and he was now sitting on the edge of the bed with both legs dangling to the floor. He extended his hands to the young woman.

"Teo, are you sure you're ready for that? You've made a lot of progress already," She smiled.

"I can do this," he answered, "I haven't failed yet, I'm gonna keep going."

She grabbed his hands, concern on her face, though nonetheless supportive. He shifted his weight onto her arms and clumsily pulled himself up into a standing position. Quickly, however, and almost in a panic, he slid his arms up to her shoulders and grabbed on for support. She reached beneath his arms and around his torso to keep him from falling.

"Are you sure you can do this?"

"Ty Lee, I'm fine, I just need to stabilize myself " he trailed off, concentrating. After adjusting his legs little by little, he tried to take a step, looking down at his feet. "Here goes "

The boy slowly dragged his left foot forward. It slid across the ground and wouldn't normally be considered an actual step, but for him... it was something he had never accomplished before. Ty Lee took a simultaneous step as he moved, and a smile lept onto her face. She quickly looked up at Teo, ecstatic.

"You did it!" She squealed, leaping into a full-on hug, including a delightful kiss with it. The force of her leaping into the hug and the lack of support he was now receiving forced the couple to fall back onto the fluffy bed where they simply laid and laughed together as they stared at the ceiling.

It was a new beginning for Teo.