The Chase

The first time John finally allowed the words to pass his lips they were both out of breath from chasing a killer halfway across London and John didn't even know he'd said it until later.

John leaned his back against the alley wall and stared as Sherlock calmly sat on the suspect and texted Lestrade to come pick his suspect up.

"God, I love you, Sherlock." The words hung in the air between them but John was too busy trying to catch his breath to notice.

Sherlock glanced up from his phone and sent his best friend a bright smile. "Yes, John."

It was only after Lestrade had arrested the killer and the team had left that John realized what he'd said. He swallowed hard and looked over at Sherlock. How was he going to take this? Sure he hadn't said anything rude or mean when he'd said it but still, maybe he was ignoring it until they were alone. The other man was beaming one of his special smiles, the ones only John saw and then rarely.

Sherlock turned from the departing light of the police cars. "I've always loved you, John."

John grinned.

Falling in love with his best friend was easy, telling said best friend of his love was a nightmare, living with and loving forever the same best friend was both the hardest and easiest thing in the universe.

A/N: So that's it. Hope you all enjoyed my story. Sherlock's Point of View of these same events starts tomorrow.