Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural. I want to, but I don't.

Author's Note: This story is actually completed. I'm putting it up in chapters because the way I formatted it isn't very compatible with fanfiction. So therefore it will be updated either every day or every second day, depending on whether I remember to post the next chapter. This story was written as a Christmas gift for one of my best friends, B.

Beta-ed by SecretDime. All remaining mistakes are mine.

All The Small Things

It had been sometime after Purgatory, after he had helped Benny clear out his maker's nest, after he had found out that Castiel had somehow pulled his arse out of that monster hell-hole. The first 'offering', as Sam had put it, was a hamburger. It was perfect in every detail and was everything he could've possibly wanted from a burger. One minute, the hotel room was void of delicious food stuffs and the next, there the burger sat, the pinnacle of fast food.

There had been a moment when he hadn't been sure what he should do with it, especially since Sammy had no idea where it had come from. There didn't seem to be anything wrong with it though and Dean dug in eagerly. The taste, the texture, oh god, the way the sauce oozed into his mouth with every bite, he couldn't help but moan. Nothing had ever tasted so good before in his life.

"Dude, could you at least try not to sound like you're having sex with your food?" Sam didn't look up from his research; he didn't want to see what was going on with his brother and the burger.

Dean ignored him in favour of another bite, closing his eyes and devouring that divine taste. Sam just shook his head and went back to his books, ignoring the obscene noises Dean made out of long practice and iron determination.

To Be Continued...