Thank you Alaina E for my 300th review! Seriously, this is a big milestone for me, my first 300th!

Sorry, I don't know why I haven't updated this. This had been waiting to be updated for ages; honestly I wrote this before I updated my last chapter. Sorry, thank an anonymous review on my other story (when Ziva regresses) for this update :)

They sat around the campfire with their dinners in hands. It was getting dark, the stars coming out and allowing the fire to dance on front of them. Isaac had moved onto a packet of sweets that Phillip was digging into every now and then. Usually the kids would be encouraged to eat all of their dinners however they were on holiday, not their normal routine. Gibbs coughed, placing his plate down onto the grass and looking round. Everyone stopped eating at turned to listen to him.

"I'm retiring," he went straight to the point as usual, no sugar coating. He held up his hand to keep Abby at bay while he continued. "Tony, you'll be leading the team."

Tony's face lit up however it was a bittersweet mixture. He didn't want Gibbs to leave but leading the team was his dream. "Thank you, boss."

"Ziver, they're investing in another team," He told her. "You'll be taking up senior field agent on that one, can't work under Dinozzo,"-she nodded-"McGee, you'll be senior field agent."

Everyone remained in a stunned silence for a few moments. Sure, Gibbs was getting on in years; however none of them had expected this. Tony, the one experiencing the most joy from the occasion could barely keep from smiling. Although he had missed Gibbs when he last retired he had enjoyed the experience and was looking forward to it. McGee was taking a step forward too however without Gibbs to protect him he was slightly concerned. He wouldn't even have Ziva who protected him/took hits at him depending on her mood. Ziva, she knew she could not work directly under her husband however she was having the most trouble with it. Although working in the same building, she would be losing all three team members. Tony took her hand and offered her a reassuring smile.

"No Gibbs, you can't go!" Abby cried, wrapping her arms around him. "You are splitting up team Gibbs!"

"Can't stay on forever Abs," Gibbs replied. When she sat back down he added, "Still staying in the country, can't leave this lovely lot."

Eden ran into his arms crying as if the news would greatly affect her. The twins exchanged looks before copying their sister. Once by one the other children followed suit and Gibbs was crushed by a sea of under-eighteens. When they came away Abby hugged him again. Ziva looked at her knees, looked away, looked back at her knees then came over and joined in. He smirked. There was no doubt in his mind he would be missed.

"Well this just adds to the news," Eden exclaimed. "Grandpa Gibbs is leaving and Auntie Abby and Uncle Tim are getting a divorce."

Tim turned to Abby offended, as if she had said something to someone before he had been told. She just gave an 'Abby-look' to mid-air while she waited for someone to say something.

"Sweetie, that isn't happening." Tony told her.

"Yes it is!" She cried, upset that no-one was listening to her. "You and mama are getting divorced, Uncle Tim and Auntie Abby are getting divorced and you and Auntie Abby are getting married and we are all going to live happily ever after!"

He shut his eyes, holding his breath. How does one respond to something like that? "That isn't happening."

"Yes. It. Is!" She emphasised each point as best she could. "Mama is going to go far away and we will live happily ever after."

Ziva nodded her cocked head and looked at her daughter. She didn't know what she should say to that. Her four year old daughter hated her. Eden would not allow her to do anything for her anymore.

"Motek, how about we have a chat, yes?" Ziva tried.

"No!" She screamed, "I want you to go away!"

Eden burst into tears, running off into the woods. Ziva counted to three slowly before getting up and following her daughter. For a few moments she was scared she was gone and she experienced a moment of panic. She heard her crying at the base of a tree, her light up sneakers blinking in the dark. Ziva slowly sat down beside her, wrapping one arm around her. Eden struggled against her.

"Eden, Eden," Eden accidently hit Ziva's chest painfully as she tried to struggle. Ziva raised her voice, "Eden, Eden stop!"

She didn't stop struggling until Ziva clasped both hands onto her arms and shushed her, pulling her close and rubbing her back. Once she was sure she was settled she spoke, "Eden, why do you want me to go away?"

"Because you're gonna go anyway," She cried playing with her mother's Star of David.

"What, why do you think I would go away?"

"Because you did and you're goin' to 'gain."

Ziva caught her breath, holding back the tears she knew were forming. "Motek, Motek, look at me,"-Eden looked up at her mother. They both looked so similar, so beautiful-"I am never going to leave you ever again."

"How can I be sure?" She dropped her gaze again.

"Because," Ziva looked up, brushing the hair out of her face. "I love you so, so much and I know, no matter how hard I try, I could never ever leave again, not for long, never forever."

"Are you sure?"


Eden burst into fresh tears, wrapping her arms around her neck and burying her head into her hair. Ziva stroked her hair, kissing the side of her head lovingly. She whispered words in Hebrew to her. Slowly she felt the little girl fall asleep, leaning in closer to her mother as her arms went limp. Ziva, still not ready to return to the camp, held her breath and arranged herself better as she stroked Eden's twig covered hair.

The older children had made their way into their tents with torches and bundles of chocolate and sweets whereas the twins were hyper and doing their best to wind up their father. He was tired, the day was exhausting and he was concerned about Ziva. Noah was sitting beside him rambling about the day whereas Isaac was jumping up and down on front of him, bracing himself against Tony's outstretched arms.

"Go to bed," He spoke slowly, obviously holding back him frustrations. Gibbs was smirking from ear to ear on front of him.

"Did you know a female hippo is called a hypomonimousiemouse?!" Isaac told him.

"What? No it isn't," Tony murmured, "bed, please, bed!"

Abby stood up, sweeping over to them and dropping down to her knees beside them, an arm behind both of their backs. "If you go to bed now I'll read to you."

Both boys suddenly quietened, Noah being the one to speak. "Can we eat snickerdoodles while you read?"

"Yes you can," Abby agreed, passing the box to the older boy.

Tony mouthed a thank you to her as she smiled back. She sat in the tent with them, opening the book bag and taking one out at random. She had to go through five books (fortunately all very thin and light) before she found one both boys agreed with. They both laid down in their sleeping bags with a snickerdoodle in their little hands as she read Roald Dahl to them.

Outside the group could hear Abby reading to them however they all zoned it out and laughed as Tony ran his hands through his hair in an exhausted fashion. Jimmy passed him a box of cookies that he graciously accepted.

"You know we won, right?" Tony mumbled between bites.

Laughing, McGee replied, "Yeah right."

Before they could begin another argument Ziva returned with a sleeping Eden in her arms. She had one hand stroking her daughter's head that was resting on her shoulder while her legs were firmly wrapped around her waist. Tony stood up to take the child from her arms however Ziva shook her head, protectively holding her away. Tony took a step back as she carried her into their tent and laid her down in her own sleeping back. When she was sure she would not waken she brushed the wild brown curls away from her innocent baby face and lay down beside her, one arm supporting her head and the other draped across Eden.

About an hour later when the adults heard the children settle and turn out the lights they dispersed into their own tents. Tony quietly removed Eden's sleeping bag and 'puss-cat' from the girls' tent, unzipping it and wrapping it around Ziva and slipping the stuffed cat under Eden's arm. Things were going to change but that was something he could accept. Gibbs was leaving NCIS, he would be leading the team, his daughter was going off to college, his baby would be starting school shortly and all he could wish for was that everything would remain exactly the way it was, forever.

"Ti amo (I love you)," Tony whispered, one of the few phrases he knew of Italian.

He saw Ziva's lips twitch. "Ancho'io ti amo (I love you too)."

So once again I want to assure you all I have no idea if the Italian is correct, blame Bing translator. I hope you have enjoyed these camping chapters. I need to know about colleges in America such as what ones Azzy and Lily could be going to. Seriously, the internet only helps so much. I'm jumping forward a few months; one of the next chapters will be Tony and McGee talking about 'Adam'. Thank you and REVIEW.

Also I may not be updating very often-as you have seen-as I have two others on the go right now. I apologise and thank you so much for sticking with me.