Dan and Phil sat awkwardly on the sofa as they ate their breakfast. It was getting more and more awkwardly and silent, until they barely noticed each others existence anymore. Phil hated it. He was losing his best friend. Why? Because of those stupid FanFiction's on the internet, those comments about "Phan4Ever" on Youtube, those tweets from Twitter and posts from Tumblr. Those little things making them awkwarder and awkwarder.
Dan had changed a name of his video, and a giant shitstorm tsunami exploded. But truth is, things were just getting awkwarder and awkwarder until they stopped talking completely. They would never look each other in the eye, they'd never wear their Robert Pattinson or wolf masks anymore to scare each other anymore. Is was like they were ghosts to each other.
Phil was getting sick of this. He wanted his best friend back. The anger was building up inside of him until he let go, slamming his bowl on the coffee table, he stood up.
"Look Dan, you're my best friend! I'm sick of not talking! It's too fucking awkward and I can't handle it! I feel like I've lost you, and I probably have. Because of those comments, posts, tweets and FanFictions," Phil exclaimed, startling the brown haired boy at this sudden out burst.
"You-you swore!" Dan yelled, also standing up.
"Do you hear a word I just said?"
"Yes, and I've been feeling that same way, I never should've ignored you," Dan sighed, smiling at the blue eyed man before him, "I shouldn't have let those things get to me, I'm sorry."
Phil smiled and hugged his best friend, "we'll always be friends, right Dan?"
"Of course, til death, Phil," Dan smiled, hugging the boy back. They realised after a while of hugging it was getting slightly awkward so they pulled away.
"Want to play Sonic? Like we used to?" Phil grinned, Dan chuckled.
"Yes! As long as you don't kill the poor hedgehog!"
"You're just violent when it comes to video games!"
Phil put the disc in the ps3, and plugged in a controller. They sat on the couch, playing the game, talking like they used to, laughing like they used too.
They were friends, and that's all they'll ever be. They knew that, and that's what they wanted to be. Not just friends, but best friends. And they were happy with that.
So I read a fanfiction, well, a letter really. And it came to my attention, that Dan and Phil, are just friends and that's all they'll ever be. Hate this story as much as you like, but it's the truth. Dan changed the name of one of his videos because of the Phandom, and they're shipping.
It seems normal to us, but I realised, it probably makes them so fricken awkward. It doesn't seem like it but what if it does?
I know I've written FanFic's about them loving each other and blah blah blah, but it probably makes them so fucking awkward around each other. Even if it doesn't, I still feel like it's partly my fault Dan changed the title of 'hot sexy Phantastic action' to- 'some bloopers from phil is not on fire 4'
I might continue my stories, I might not. Thanks.
Feel free to send me as much hate as you like, I don't care!