Noooooooo Rogue! Or should I say Raios? If you have no idea what I mean read the manga.

Pleas excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes.

I don't own Fairy Tail

Also NyanCat Rulez you are going to hate me even more after this. :)

The cells are completely surrounded walls instead of bars and the door only gas a small cage near where an average head would be.

Lucy's POV

I heard something move and looked up to see Rogue Cheney. I was beyond shocked. What was he doing here?

"I was sent here to help you escape," he told me. He then reached out his hand to help me up. I hesitated at first, eventually grabbed it. He helped me up and turned toward the door. "Stay behind me," I nodded as a reply even though he couldn't see it.

"Shadow Dragon's roar!" he shouted. One second a ray of darkness was formed the next second the door was gone.

"Come on," he said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my cell. I could feel a blush form on my face. We started to walk forward, only got to feet out of my cell till Rogue stopped abruptly. My face collided with his back.

"Sorry," he mumbled. He let go of my hand, grabbed some keys that were hanging in the wall and walked towards another cell. I went over as he unlocked it. When he opened the door we saw Yukino on the ground crying. She looked up at us and ran over to give Rogue a hug.

"Rogue! Thank you!" She sobbed as she continued to hug him. Rogue looked pretty shocked and had no idea what to do. He then put a hand on her back to try and comfort her. I wish I could be the one hugging Rogue.

"Yukino we need to leave before the guards get here so we need to hurry," he said as he grabbed her wrist. We started to walk towards what seemed like the exit when Yukino stopped.

"Wait! We need to rescue Arcadios!" she yelled.

"Arcadios?" Rogue said. Yukino escapes Rogue's grasp and ran over to the set of keys that were still in the door. She grabbed them and started looking for which cell he was in. Rogue then sniffed the air and headed to a random cage.

"Is this him?" He asked. Yukino came over and peaked in the little opening in the door.

"Yes! Thank you Rogue!"she said. She then unlocked and opened the door. Yukino then ran over to Arcadios and started to shake him violently.

"Wake up! Please! Wake up!" She yelled. His eyes fluttered open. "Good now get up. We need to escape quickly!"

"No. We need to go through the eclipse plan," he said.

"What why?" Yukino asked.

"If we don't our world will be destroyed," he replied.

"I guess your right. Rogue take Lucy and get her out of here," she commanded.

"What is this eclipse plan?" I asked.

" I don't really know myself. All I know is you need the 12 golden zodiac keys and a celestial mage. Also the fact that it can help save our world from some impending doom that is coming," Arcadios answered.

"But what's going to destroy our world?" I asked.

"I don-," Arcadios started before he was cut off.

"A hoard of 10,000 dragons are on their way to kill us all," I told them.

"How? How do you know that ?" Yukino asked.

"I just do ok. I will tell you more details later, but first we need to leave," Rogue said.

"I'm not going," I said. Rogue's eyes widened slightly. "I'm going to stay and help them with the eclipse plan," I announced.

"Then I'll stay too and do what I can to help," he said after thinking about it for a couple seconds.

"Rogue escort the girls to the place where we will start the eclipse plan. Yukino will lead you there. I need to go find their keys so we can activate it," Arcadios said. Rogue nodded and Arcadios dashed off.

"Okay follow me," Yukino said. Rogue and I followed behind. We all left the cells and went out to a hallway only to have to stop. A group of soldiers were waiting for us. Rogue simply released another dragon roar and they went flying. We all run off and start going in what seems like random directions. After a good 10 minutes of running we make it to a giant library. As soon as we get in though we are surrounded by soldiers again. Rogue just knock them all down with his magic and we run off. Yukino then reaches a giant book shelf in the wall.

"Hold them off for second!" She yells. Rogue and I take a battle stance and start to attack all the soldiers. We both are using hand to hand since I don't have my keys and Rogue must not want to hurt them too badly. Rogue then knocks out the last guy, but we both look up to our right when we here a noise. The bookshelf is coming down on us. I put my arms up in front of my face as if it will actually protect me. Then out of no where I'm pushed to the ground and i hear a loud thud. I tried to open my eyes, but there is too much dust. After a good minute or two I open my eyes. My eyes widen in shock. Rogue is on top of me keeping the shelf from crushing me. I feel heat rise to my face. His eyes are closed and his face is scrunched up as if he was in pain. Suddenly he opens one, but just barely.

"Hurry and get out. I can't keep this up much longer," Rogue tells me. I quickly get out of harms way and stand up. Then the book shelf starts to fall, but then it stops. I look and see that Arcadios is keeping up. Just in time too. Rogue quickly scrambles out and lays down on his back. Arcadios finally drops the heavy book shelf and it hit the ground with a loud thud. I quickly go over to Rogue and find that his head is bleeding. I rip part of my shirt and wrap his head. As soon as I was done I find that Rogue is staring at me.

"Thank you," he says.

"No thank you for saving me," I tell him. He smiles and tries to get up, but collapses. He must have been tired from all the fighting plus the bookshelf was made out of metal for some odd reason. Must be a new style. I help him up only to have him taken away by Arcadios who just throws him on his back like a sack of potatoes.

"We need to hurry," Arcadios says. I nod and we both hurry over to Yukino who seemed to have open a hidden passage.

We go down this long spiraling staircase for what seemed like forever. Eventually we reached the bottom and went through this large door. Immediately Rogue is put up against the wall and Arcadios gives us our keys back.

"There is something very important I have to tell you both," Arcadios starts. "In order to complete the plan one of you must give up your life," he informs us.

"I'll do-" Yukino starts.

"No. I'll do it. Yukino," I say as I grab her shoulders with both hands. "Live on and enjoy your life, please," I tell her. She hesitates and nods her head. I don't know why, but I feel I should be the one to do this. I think about all the times I've spent with my Fairy Tail and even times before that with my family. My mom, I wonder what she would say to this. I bet she would be proud, but very sad. I going to miss them. All of them. I'll miss Natsu always sneaking in my bed. I'll miss Happy's love for fish. Erza's protectiveness, Gray's stripping, Juvia excessive love for Gray, my conversations with Levy, Mira's matchmaking, Elfman taking about being a man, Wendy's child like behavior and even Gajeel's terrible singing. It's sad too cause I will never get to see any more couples formed. I'll never see Gajeel and Levy get together or Elfman and Evergreen or Wendy and Romeo and many others. I will also never get together with anyone. I wish it didn't have to end this way. I really want to tell him my feelings, but it might just make this worse.

"Can you all tell my family that I love them and to please move on without me?" I asked them. They shook their heads yes. Yukino came up too me and gave me her keys. I took them, but not without her giving me a hug.

"Good luck," she said as she gave me a sad smile. I nod back with my own sad smile. She then walks over to the other two. Arcadios then picks up an unconscious Rogue and throws him over his shoulder. They all start to leave and wave good bye.

"Oh, wait, i forgot to tell you how to activate it. In order to activate it put all the keys in the slots and read the spell on the wall," Arcadios tells me. I give him a nod and then they all walk out. I look back and see 12 places for the keys to go in on the ground in a circle. I put the keys in and stand in the middle of the circle. I look up to see a spell engraved in stone on the wall. I look over and them start to sing the spell. As I do the castle starts to shake.

Rogue POV

I open my eyes and find that I'm outside the castle. The Arcadios guy and Yukino are standing to my right staring at the castle. What the hell happened? And where's Lucy? I then look back at the castle and realize its shaking and that many people are pouring out of it.

"What's going on?" I ask them. "And where's Lucy?"

"She's inside. She gave up her life to activate the eclipse plan," Arcadios informs me. No. No. No! I never got to tell her how I feel. I get up and start to run back into the castle, but someone grabs my arm. I look to see and Arcadios has grabbed it.

"It's too late. The spell has already started and she can not go back," he tells me.

"But-" I say.

"I'm sorry Rogue," he tells me. All of a sudden a very bright light comes and I'm blinded. The light then disappears. I look around and see that everything that was destroyed from the first earthquakes were fixed. I looked back at the castle and I see it has fallen. I fall to my knees and start to cry. Out of no where 2 arms circle around me. I look and see that Yukino is hugging me and she's crying as well. After what seems like forever Arcadios speaks up.

"We should probably tell her family now," he suggests. I nod and stand up with Yukino. I rub the tears off my face and we all start to walk to the arena.

After a good hour we finally make it. We open the door only to have the entire Fairy Tail guild come out and many others. They start surrounding us and asking questions.

"Shut up everyone!" Titania shouts. Everyone went silent and then she nods at us as if giving us permission to speak. I nod back.

"She...she gave her life to go through the eclipse plan," I tell them. Out of nowhere I'm punched in the cheek.

"You bastard! How could you! You were supposed to go rescue you her not get her killed!" Natsu yells. I look down in shame. I was supposed to.

"Natsu," a white haired mage says as she grabbed Natsu's arm.

"No Lisanna! This bastard got Lucy killed. I knew we couldn't trust a Saber!" He yells. Natsu gets ready to punch me again, but is stopped by Arcadios.

"Natsu, there was nothing he could do. She chose to give up her life for you guys so you would all live. Plus he was unconscious because he saved her before," Arcadios informs him. "She wanted us to tell you all that she loves everyone of you and that she wants you all to move on without her," he continues. Everyone bursts in to tears and starts crying. Many are now hugging each other. I start to walk away since I don't really belong here, but I'm stopped by Markrov.

"Thank you child for helping her," he says. I give him a nod and a sad smile and start to walk into the arena. I immodestly run into the rest of SaberTooth.

"We all heard Rogue! Good job!" Sting says.

"Good job Rogue," Master Jiemma says. "You helped save us all and get rid of a fairy in the process," he continues. I can feel hatred burn inside me wanting to punch the hell out of him. I decide against it cause I'm afraid Minerva will hurt Frosch. I see her give me a sadistic grin and then hand me back Frosch at which she had been holding. I take Fro and hug her. "We are going back to the hotel so come on," Jiemma says. We all follow him till I decide I want to go on a walk.

"Sting take Frosch I'm going on a walk first," I tell him.

"Sure whatever Fairyslayer," he says. One moment he's standing the next he's on the ground from my punch. "Oi! What the hell Rogue!" He screams while grabbing his face.

"Just take Frochand go!" I scream at him. He then takes Fro and walks away.

I started my walk and just headed off in some random direction.

The End

Just kidding! XP

Why? Why?! Why?! Why did she have to give her life? I never got to tell her how I feel. Even when it finally came to it I couldn't even muster up any courage to tell her. I just wanted to scream and shout(lol I love that song). I suddenly stopped and realized where my feet took me. I was at the collapsed castle. There were many people who stopped to look at the dreadful sight. A few even tried to go walk on what was left but, were immediately stopped by the magic council who seemed to just get there. After looking at the seen I started to turn away. Bu-dump. I looked over my shoulder but chose to ignore the strange noise. Bu-dump. I turned around completely this time. What was that noise? Bu-dump. A...a heartbeat? Bu-dump. Yep defiantly a heartbeat. I know there were other people around, but this one was slow and faint. Where was it coming from though? Bu-dump. I started looking around but, couldn't figure it out. Bu-dump. My eyes widened with shock as I turned back towards the fallen castle.




I honestly cried a little when I wrote this.

Anyway thanks for all the reviews and such!

Please R&R

Also I need OCs for my other story Lunar Blaze so if any if you would be so kind enough to make one for me that would be awesome! The criteria for it is in the other story.