Chapter 2


Soul hadn't been too thrilled when Maka brought home a cat but he just made sure that Maka knew that it was her responsibility and that he wasn't helping.

"Don't worry about it," Maka said quickly before hurrying herself and her new cat into her room and locking the door. She leaned against the door and slid down to the ground.

The black cat investigated the room for a couple of minutes before walking over to Maka and meowing.

Maka looked at the cat and gave a small smile.

"I suppose you need a name don't you?" she said and looked at the cat for a moment before deciding on a name. "How about Ivy?" Maka said after observing the cat's green eyes. The feline purred in agreement which made Maka laugh quietly. "Alright, Ivy it is."

Maka stood up from her spot and began to change into her night clothes. As she did this she thought over everything that had happened that day.

'I have magic. Like real witchcraft magic … Can I still be a meister? What will happen if people find out?'

Ivy jumped onto Maka's bed and stretched out comfortably.

Maka sighed and then crawled into bed. She laid down and then groaned in frustration when she realized she had left on the light, but as soon as she thought about getting up to turn it off the light went out. The new witch giggled.

"Well at least it has some uses," she muttered to herself and slowly fell asleep as she absentmindedly stroked Ivy's fur.


Eruka had ran to find Medusa after she saw one of the meister's from the DWMA perform magic. The frog-like witch was very excited. Medusa had been sour towards her since Eruka's last failed mission but now, Eruka was sure, Medusa would forget all about that.

Soon, Eruka found herself in Medusa's lair and searched around for her, finding her in the laboratory.

"Medusa! I have news!" Eruka said happily and jumped up and down slightly.

The blond haired witch sat in her chair with a pencil in her hand. She was wearing a black dress with her white lab coat over top.

"What is it?" Medusa asked sharply and did not look up.

"I found a witch!" Eruka answered and moved closer to Medusa. This made Medusa look up from her work. Medusa raised her eyebrows, silently telling Eruka to continue. "I remember seeing her around the DWMA. I think she's a meister. There was a hurt cat in an alleyway. It looked like it was going to die, but the girl used magic and the cat was fine!" Eruka said quickly, smiling the whole time.

Medusa stood up and began to walk around the room slowly.

"What does she look like?" Medusa asked curiously as she tried to determine who this girl was.

"She had blond hair, tied back in two pigtails. She was wearing a red …," before Eruka could continue Medusa had already figured out who she was talking about.

"Maka Albarn," Medusa stated. "My my, who would have thought that that girl would turn out to have magic within her," the witch sat back down and crossed her legs.

Medusa shooed Eruka away and started to formulate a plan. She knew that if she wanted to increase her chances of resurrecting the Kishin having inside help would be astronomical, but how to do it was the question.

She tilted her head back and looked up at the ceiling. Medusa knew that an easy way to talk to her would be to at school when she was working as the nurse, but how to do it without rousing any suspicion would be another matter.

'She is the smartest in her classes. Perhaps I'll ask her for help in a project I'm doing and then confront her about being a witch, get her on my side and then … Yes, that's exactly what I'll do,' Medusa decided.


Maka awoke the next morning feeling refreshed and yet exhausted at the same time. When she opened her eyes she found Ivy sleeping on top of her stomach, reminding Maka that everything that had happened yesterday was real.

Slowly, Maka lifted herself from her bed and Ivy soon got the message and bounced off of Maka. The morning sun provided just enough light that Maka was able to get dressed and put all of her school things together.

The blond open her door and went into the kitchen for breakfast. Ivy started meowing and looking expectantly at the fridge.

"You must be hungry. I'll have to pick up some cat food on my way to school, but for now," Maka said and started to look through the fridge. "Fish. Well aren't you lucky that we have leftover fish."

She grabbed a plate from the cupboard and put some of the fish onto the plate. Once it was on the ground, Ivy immediately started to eat.

Looking around, Maka decided to try her magic again to make sure that yesterday had not just been a fluke. She closed her eyes and wished for a bowl, cereal, and milk to appear. When she opened her eyes all the items were there. She sighed but took the cereal box and prepared her breakfast.

"Mornin'," Soul yawned as he walked into the kitchen. He walked over to the fridge and began to look for something to eat. "Where did the fish go?" he asked.

Maka's eyes widened slightly and then fidgeted.

"Sorry Soul, I gave it to Ivy … there's cereal though if you want some," Maka said quickly.

Soul didn't respond and just took the cereal box that was in front of Maka.

"You know that the cat is black right, and not green?" Soul said as he ate.

"Yes, I did notice that. But her eyes are green, hence the name Ivy," she explained. Soul muttered a quiet 'whatever' and then took his cereal to his room.

Maka laughed to herself before putting away her and Ivy's dishes. Once she had finished she checked the time and decided to leave for school. She grabbed her bag and had almost reached the door when she noticed Ivy following her.

"I'm sorry Ivy, you can't come with me," Ivy meowed disappointingly in response. "I'll be back after school I promise. Do you want to go outside until then or stay here?" Maka asked. Ivy moved to the door and pawed at it. "Alright, outside it is," the young meister opened the door and Ivy bounded outside.

Ivy followed Maka for a bit before heading off in a different direction. Maka headed to a pet shop, bought some cat food and then resumed her walk to school. She didn't see many students, but that wasn't unusual for her as she was almost always the first one at school. However once she arrived today, she ran into someone in the hallway.

"Good morning Maka," Medusa said, sporting her regular black dress and lab coat.

"Morning Medusa, how are you?" Maka asked politely and couldn't help but notice how Medusa's dress seemed to cling to her nicely. Luckily for Maka, Medusa didn't seem to notice and kept talking.

"Funny you ask, I'm actually in a bit of a rut and was going to ask you for help," Medusa said, smiling.


"Yes, you see I'm doing some medical research and I'm stuck. I thought that perhaps you'd like to help me, seeing as you're the brightest student here," the nurse said sweetly. She crossed her arms under her breasts which made them stand out a bit more. Maka bit her lip at that and this time Medusa noticed and smirked inwardly to herself.

"W-what kind of research?" Maka stammered and tried to change her focus from Medusa's body to her words. 'What the hell Maka? Since when have you had trouble concentrating on a conversation because of somebody's looks?' Maka said to herself.

Medusa took a step closer to Maka, knowing that with the right motivation her plan would work marvelously.

"It's top secret," she whispered to Maka. "I can't discuss it here. We could discuss it after school if you're interested," Medusa said slowly and couldn't help but let her own eyes wander Maka's body, feeling it was only fair.

Maka had frozen when Medusa took a step closer to her. Her mind was in overdrive and her heart beat had quickened.

"Y-yeah that sounds great," she stammered again and took a step back from Medusa so that she could gather her thoughts. "Where do you live?" she asked.

"Just come up to the nurse's office after school and we'll walk there together," the older witch stated. Medusa looked down at Maka's hands and subtly smirked. "I'll see you then," she said and then walked away.

Maka watched her walk away and brought a hand up to her face to brush away a stray hair. When she did she almost screamed as she noticed that her hand had a red glow to it. She ran into the nearest bathroom and stayed in there until the red had gone away.

She was so confused, what with her new found magic, with whatever had happened to her when talking to Medusa, and with her hands glowing red. The new witch sighed audibly and knew that today was going to be a very long day.

A/N: I am so sorry about the long wait, and I know that this chapter isn't the best but I already have an outline done for the next chapter, so I promise that it won't take so long next time!

Thanks for reading :)