This is my first fanfic. Resubmitted. All mention of anything even remotely related to Treasure planet, especially the character Jim, belongs to Disney. Thanks for your time. R&R

I never believed in fairy tales, or movies. Oh sure as a young kid, especially disney. Now though, if someone told me that they were actual real, I would turn the other way, laughing. Unfortunately I was wrong.

My name is Danny, I am seventeen years old and yes I am a girl. My adventure began on a trip to the beach. My family would do this every year, yet seeing as how my dad was away on business, and my mom was off doing who knows what, I was alone.

Well, not entirely alone, my dad had a house maid, who had become somewhat of a companion to me. I also had a little scottish terrier named Molly. Together we lived in Beaverton, Oregon.

Now, being a sucker for traditions, I convinced Amanda, the house maid to accompany me on the trip. While Amanda tried in vain to catch a few rays of sun. I took off down to the rockier shores of the coast. The cold, fierce wind wind blew my blonde hair back, as if trying to tell me to turn back. I only laughed, as Molly yipped and barked running around my legs trying to get me to throw the ball.

"Alright, Molly here you go," I said throwing the tennis ball as hard as I could.

The little terrier bolted after the yellow ball, never letting it leave her sight. I laughed and watched as the wave crashed at the sand, blowing in a cold salty wind. Soon the white terrier came prancing back, with the tennis ball securely in her mouth.

"Good girl, Molly" I congratulated watching her small little tail whirl like a helicopter blade.

"Stand back, this one going far," I warned her, but she simply turned around in circles, anxiously waiting for the ball.

"Go!" I yelled throwing it even father than the time.

Molly quickly sprinted down the beach. She was about to catch the ball, when her ears pricked up. Without warning she took off, barking.

"Molly wait!" I yelled trying to get her attention.

After chasing her, for what felt like half the beach, she finally stopped, sniffing at some oddly shaped piece of drift wood.

"I chased you halfway across the beach, just so you could sniff at drift wood!" I yelled, shocked that Molly would go to such lengths.

Molly began bark and tug at my pants. So reluctantly I followed her, again. She led me behind the piece of drift wood, there unconscious was a boy who looked to be about my age.

"Oh my god," I gasped rushing towards the boy "Hello? Can you hear me?"

I brought my ear to his mouth and found that he wasn't heart rate quicken. My mind went blank. Panic quickly began to take over.

"Get a hold of yourself!" I thought "This boy is dying and you need to do something!"

Thinking as quickly as I could, I began to perform CPR. One long breath. Three short pumps. Again and again I do it. In my mind my thoughts beat to the rhythm of CRP.

"Don't die, don't die, don't die," I thought again and again.

Finally after the fifth breath, he began to cough. Up came sea water and spit, but all I cared about was him being alive.

"Can you hear me?" I asked cradling his head in my hands. He just looked at me as though I had antennas for ears.

"Thhh- thank you," he croaked out, barely louder than a whisper.

"Don't thank me just yet," I told him.