So, here's me with another story but it's humor this time! XD I know that a lot of people are now writing stories like these but... I had this stuck in my head a while and all of the chapters are planned out! Not to mention that the Kazekage of Suna beta-read this! XD
Hannah: Me and Ethan in this?
Me: Yeah but Ethan's different as well as you.
Ethan: How?
Me: *evil grin* You will find out soon! Anyway before the other characters in this can talk, on with the show! XD
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, I own Hannah her family and a bit of the plot that is all. Enjoy!

Surprising Introductions

"Damn it Gaara! Slow down!" Naruto growled as he chased the flamed headed Kazekage through the trees of Konoha, which were now turning from vibrant green to flamboyant reds, yellow, and browns.

This had started as a simple meeting between Gaara and Tsunade, although no one knew what it was about. Rumors were spread that the reason for the meeting, was about the inauguration of Naruto Uzumaki as Hokage. Of course, when these rumors reached Naruto, he decided to snoop in on the meeting. Which lead to Gaara finding him, and an angry Tsunade. Which lead to her stating that it was Gaara's idea to have the meeting….

Which now lead to Naruto chasing Gaara all over the Leaf.

"Gaara just tell me already!" Naruto shouted as Gaara swung himself down from the treetops with a smirk at the blonde's anger.

Gaara didn't say anything as he ran, but merely considered the choice of telling the blonde Jinchuuriki of what brought him to the Leaf. The rumors about Naruto becoming the next Hokage were true, although Gaara didn't expect the whole village to be talking about it when he arrived. He had a feeling that Kankuro had something to do with the rumor, only his brother didn't know much about the meeting either.

The meeting, itself, was to discuss with Tsunade, on the terms of Naruto's inauguration to Hokage. So that when the time came, the Daimyo of the Land of Fire couldn't disagree to her choice. This way Naruto's inauguration as Hokage could be an easy one, rather than difficult like everything else in his life. Although Gaara had a schedule to keep since war was coming, and he had just gotten back from the Mount Kage meeting, so he wasn't pleased when Tsunade had shouted at him to run….


"Naruto! What the hell are you doing in my office!" she had shouted as Naruto jumped to his feet from off the floor. Gaara had sensed him and pulled him out of his hiding spot just above their heads, and had let him fall after his sand had pried him loose from the ceiling. Naruto with a crazed look in his eyes just pointed a finger, shifting between the two of them so he could point at them.

"Is this meeting about my inauguration to Hokage?!" he shouted as Tsunade growled and Gaara raised an invisible brow at the word Naruto used. He was pretty certain that it wasn't in his vocabulary to begin with ,and wondered if he had picked it up along with the rumors.

"I have no fucking idea! This was Gaara's idea!" Tsunade cursed as she pulled a bottle of saké from under her desk out with a grimace. Naruto turned his hand still pointing a finger toward Gaara and glared.

"YOU!" he shouted as he took a menacing step toward Gaara who, in surprise, took one back. Tsunade snickered at the antics in front of her as she popped the bottle open and gestured to Gaara.

"Run bitch run!" she howled as Gaara's eyes widened, while Naruto pounced, and Tsunade laughed and chugged her bottle down. Gaara dashed, and seeing the only thing that could be useful at the moment, he jumped and was out of the room… through a window as Naruto ran after him hard on his heels.

"Damn rats raking my movie screen." Tsunade slurred, the potent alcohol taking its affect as she hiccupped before staring out her "movie screen."

-End of Flashback-

"Gaara!" Naruto shouted although rather than a plea, it was a warning, as Gaara's traveling mind snapped back into reality… just long enough to realize he had jumped into a river… literally.

Water rushed around the Kazekage as Naruto landed on the river's edge, yet was careful not to end up like the now soggy red-head. Gaara growled as he stood and shook his arms, splaying water droplets everywhere while Naruto began his hysterical laughter. Gaara's clothes stuck to his body and his hair was matted to his forehead covering up the love sign on his head. His sea-foam eyes smoldering with anger as the blonde, now clutching his sides hooted with laughter.

"Shut. Up." Gaara growled as he pulled himself out of the water, while Naruto continued to snicker with laughter behind his hand.

"You know this is funny right?" Naruto asked before howling with his same hysterical laughter once more. Gaara glared and with a simple flick of his wrist, sand shot out and before Naruto knew what had happened, he too had ended up in the river.

"You know this is funny right?" Gaara murmured back with a smirk on his face as he chuckled at the blubbering blonde in the water.

"No-oooh!" Naruto screamed as he slipped backward into the water after trying to stomp his way over to Gaara. Gaara merely shook his still wet head at the thought, before taking a step forward and offering his hand to the underwater blonde.

"Now that we've been knocked into a river, will you tell me now?" Naruto asked once he had been saved from the river, which he was currently sending glares to as Gaara shook his head.

"I can't." he just muttered throwing a glance over his shoulder as a dark figure darting back behind a tree. Naruto raised a brow, before he grinned and cupped his hands over his mouth.

"Hey! We saw you! You can come out now!" he shouted as Gaara rose to his feet, Naruto following suit from were they had sat on the riverbank as they waited for whoever it was to come out.

Hinata and Sakura froze from behind the tree, eyes wide with horror at the thought of two boys seeing them. All they were clad in were their swimsuits, Sakura's a white one piece while Hinata wore a navy blue one. They had gone swimming since fall was coming, and they needed to get away from the stress of their destroyed village. It was the last warm day of the season and the other girls had work to do leaving Hinata and Sakura in the company of each other. Although Sakura had no problem with Naruto, she felt uncomfortable with the thought of Gaara seeing her, and Hinata was just scared stiff with the thought of Naruto alone.

"Get dressed!" Sakura hissed to the still, stiff with horror, Hinata as she started to pull up her skirt. Hinata blinked once before nodding and tugged on her fishnet shirt over her head, while the two boys waited.

"Hm… maybe they ran away." Naruto offered throwing a hopeful glance at Gaara, who just shook his head at the thought.

"No I can sense their chakra." he said as Naruto sighed and decided once more to call out to whoever was behind the tree.

"We know you're still there and there's no point in hiding!… If you don't come out soon we'll come over and see who it is!" Naruto shouted as Hinata finished tugging on her pants, and Sakura shimmied her shirt over her head. With an exchanging of looks, the two girls finished up with their clothes, and came out hoping that they didn't look too terrible.

Gaara rose a brow while Naruto just blinked at the two girls. Sakura's hair everywhere while Hinata blushed a million different shades of red. Their clothes were rumbled and wrinkled and their skin looked dry damp as though it had been dried hastily. Naruto cracked a grin as he shared a glance with Gaara both boys thinking the same thing.

"You two were swimming weren't you!?" Naruto concluded as Gaara raised a brow, expectantly at them waiting for an answer as well.

"Naruto, you idiot! Why the hell were you jumping into a river anyway?!" Sakura screamed, avoiding the question as Hinata blushed once more, while Naruto put on a pretend look of hurt.

"Aw man Sakura why do you always have to blame me!? It was Gaara who jumped in! I was pushed!" Naruto explained as Gaara flicked his wrist again with a glare, as Naruto once more flew toward the river.

"Gaara!" Naruto screamed as he started to fly, and grabbed Gaara's arm, effectively pulling the wide-eyed Kazekage into the river with him as the two girls stared, blank faced and the same 'what the hell?' expressions at the now wet boys.

"Idiot." Sakura mumbled as she turned to walk away, as Hinata looked confused of whether to help Naruto, or to go with Sakura. That was until Sakura came back with the extra towels they had brought, and whistled for their attention.

"Yeah! Towels!" she shouted as Gaara and Naruto, who had each other by their collars shared a look, before trying to throw each other away, and run for the towels. That succeeded in them slipping backward, and falling to the river once more while Sakura and Hinata gave them small amused smiles.

"To think that the Kazekage jumped into a river." Sakura muttered once they had all settled on the riverside. Gaara just turned his face into a stoic one while Naruto laughed.

"He jumped into river! Oh he jumped into river- Don't kill me!" Naruto sung but that quickly changed to a cry of help as the tables turned and Gaara took off after the poor blonde boy, while Hinata giggled and Sakura smiled with an eye roll.

Sasuke watched with a dumbfounded expression as the Fifth Kazekage, chased the upcoming Sixth Hokage… or was Naruto to be the Seventh. Sasuke had killed Danzo, and Tsunade was back as the fifth, so Naruto was going to be…. Sasuke didn't bother to growl as he pushed the thought out of his head. He had come back to Konoha to destroy it (despite the fact that he was still weak) and had stopped mesmerized when Sakura had came into his view as well as Hinata. He didn't leave when Gaara and Naruto entered the picture, but had stayed confused as too why they had jumped into a river. Which led to him being in this predicament, since he couldn't escape without being noticed.

His onyx eyes narrowed in displeasure as he tried to think of ways out. That was until a black hole appeared behind him, it seemed to be the size of a dot at first, yet in a matter of seconds, it was almost the size of Sasuke's head. Its appearance was quite and soundless, as Sasuke grumbled to himself, unaware of the growing black spot behind him. The hole grew until it was nearly the size of a small child, and behind to draw air in creating something like a vacuum. Sasuke felt the puling him his clothes, yet deemed it was nothing but wind… until it seemed to swallow him whole….


As Sasuke finally came up for a plan of distraction, the large hole moved quickly and within seconds engulfed the Uchiha deep with its darkness. Sasuke couldn't even scream as he disappeared into the darkness, while the hole shrunk to the size of one of Shino's bugs. It floated easily through the air, as though it was just a tiny black spec of dust. Until it settled behind the girls.

Sakura and Hinata were finally packing up the remainder of their things, when the tiny black hole floated behind them and began to expand once more. Hinata was the first to see it, yet before she could shout a warning to her fellow ninja, the black hole had already engulfed them bags and all. It didn't shrink back immediately as it shuddered and its surface rippled like a pond disturbed from the rain. It wasn't long until the girls' bags were thrown out on the ground, before it shrunk and began to drift through the wind again.

Gaara smirked as his sand wrapped easily around the blonde, as he proceeded to pull him back to the riverside. Naruto made several noises, yet didn't say anything as Gaara walked. It wasn't until a few steps later what he realized, Naruto had intended when Gaara caught him.

"NO!" Gaara shouted as Naruto let a look of relief pass his face, while Gaara stared in horror as his sand became damp. With a seep of his arm, Gaara flung Naruto at a tree as he stared at his now wet sand in despair.

"Wow Gaara your sand is really absorbent!" Naruto shouted where he stood sideways on the tree truck, his feet planted firmly in place as Gaara glared up at the blonde, waves of anger rolling off of the Kazekage as Naruto chuckled. His pants, Gaara noticed with growing anger, were dry.

"Naru-" Gaara started to shout as Naruto turned and ran, not seeing the large dark hole that had sucked away the redhead as he stopped in mid scream.

"You're not gonna catch me until you tell what the meeting was!" Naruto yelled over his shoulder, his eyes closed before he turned and ran, while the spot flew after the blonde giving him the chase that the Kazekage should've been leading.

"Gaara! Gaara? Ga-" Naruto started to yell, yet it turned to a question once he had turned around to see the should have been fuming Kazekage, only to see he wasn't there. The dot had flown under a branch and quickly wove its way behind Naruto as he started to call out the redheads name, although this time only to be interrupted, as he too was sucked in.

The black hole shuddered, and as soundless and quickly as it had come, it began to shrink until it disappeared within itself.

-Our World-

"Hey Ethan pass the chips!" a girl shouted where she lazed on a black couch, while her twin brother Ethan, lay sprawled on the matching love seat.

"Get them yourself Hannah!" he called back as said girl whined, and waved a finger at the bag of chips.

"But they're closer to you!" she whined as Ethan looked up from were his head was on his arm to the blue bag right in the middle of the couches and glared.

"They're closer to you!" he said back pointedly as Hannah made another whiny noise in the back of her throat, as she waved an arm toward the chips. Almost willing them to move closer to her.

It was summer vacation for both Hannah and Ethan, and not only did they get the summer off, they also had the house to themselves since their aunt was out of town. Their mother had taken their baby sisters to Japan with her for a business trip, since the last time both Hannah and Ethan had went to Germany with their mother for the summer. It wasn't even a real business trip; just a meeting or two while a few of the company members played and traveled with their kids.

It was their little sisters turn at the adventure, and after spending most of the school year learning the language, they were ready to set off, leaving Hannah and Ethan alone. Although with the exception of their older sister Cece, who was going to come check up now and again on them as instructed by their mother. The twins didn't care too much since leaving two sixteen year olds, in a house all alone for the summer just sounded like trouble to begin with.

"Ethan-! Oh! Let's watch that episode of Naruto Shippuden!" Hannah yelled stopping herself from whining, as she waved her arm up toward the TV as Ethan scrolled down toward the episode.

"We've already seen that one." he muttered as he went to travel back up the screen, when Hannah moaned again.

"Pleassssee!" She cried as Ethan slapped a palm to his forehead in aggravation, to his annoying younger sister.

"Fine! But… on one condition!" Ethan muttered as he and Hannah flung themselves upward and sat up without much effort.

"What?" Hannah called excitingly as her brother smirked and pointed at Hannah ready to initiate the first dare of that summer.

Each and every summer there consisted of many dares, pranks, and injuries resulting from the pranks and dares. Yet after a few too many trips to the hospital, their mother had them install rules that she had to approve off. So far they had 56 rules with 37 conditions total. Yet they still found a way around it in order to be on the top.

"You have to go for one month without speaking! It starts at the very end of this episode of Naruto, the end credits count also, and only I can give you permission for you to talk! Also I have to poke you in the throat in order for it to authorized! Also you can mouth some words and make a grunt or two but nothing more! Deal?" Ethan started as Hannah paused for a second as she stared at her brothers outstretched hand.

"But what if I'm in pain-" she started but Ethan cut her off quickly, wanting only the silence that would fall right after.

"You can scream then but if you talk you're out. So if you say 'Ow' then its fine but if you add on then I win." Ethan finished a smirk on his lips as Hannah grinned, and grasped his hand with hers before they gave each other a small shake and started to watch the episode….

"Yay! Time for another one!" Hannah shouted as she flung herself at the remote as Ethan growled and tried to push her off.

"Hey! No it's not!" Ethan shouted as Hannah tried to pry the remote from his hands as Ethan dragged both Hannah and himself to their feet as he tried to shake Hannah off.

Hannah held on as she twisted herself away, and tried to pull it to the left at the same time, but failed as Ethan fell on her causing Hannah to face plant into the carpet as Ethan knocked his head against hers. They groaned yet didn't stop fighting as their fingers slid over the buttons of the remote, and before they knew it they had hit a dark green button. The green button didn't really have a purpose, but their mother had told them before not to touch it.

As Hannah and Ethan rose to their knees, each pulled at the remote, trying to get it away from the other, their TV surged with a bright white light. Flinching from the sudden burst of light in the dark room, they turned away from the TV as it started to fade back to blue. Slowly they turned their heads back toward it, and not daring to move just studied it from where the sat. Hoping the storm that was brewing outside hadn't broken their flat screen.

"TV are you okay?" Ethan started his eyes wide along with Hannah's as they stood, and watched, and as if by response the TV surged light once more.

The twins, blinded from the light, stumbled to the couches and curled up on them, burying their faces in them. They didn't see the dark figure, that had hid behind the loveseat Ethan was on, be the first to examine the room. The room was a standard size for a living room with two black couches and a TV in it. The floor was hard and the smallest of the couches was pushed against the only window in the room while the other was pushed against the opposite wall. The figure blinked, blinded also from another surge of light, and quickly found the hallway, and it wasn't long before they drove through one of the doors, and was glad when they discovered it to be a closet.

Four more times, light surged from the TV, making it a total of five as the twins remained still, faces pressed against their black couches. Slowly and hesitantly, the twins raised their heads from the couches and blinked eyes, adjusting to the dimness once more. Until they looked downward and froze confronted by….

Four pairs of eyes. One pair a light lavender, another sea-foam, the third an ocean blue, and lastly an apple green.

Silence rang throughout the room as Naruto, Sakura, Hinata, and Gaara stared at the kids in front of them. They both looked the same age as them and yet they seemed to look nothing alike. They were totally different as they studied the kids more noticing that it wasn't just appearance alone that set them apart yet gender as well. As they studied the kids, the kids studied back with a mixture of surprise, fear, and shock on their faces. It wasn't even two seconds later that they finally responded, as they simultaneously opened their mouths and…


It was the girl who started to move first, yet the boy as hard on her heels. They flung themselves off the couches and down a hall before stopping in front of a door. Still screaming, they fumbled with the door for a minute before it finally gave way, and still screaming, they threw themselves inside before slamming the door shut.

-Inside The Closet-

"Is this a pra-" Ethan started his eyes wide as Hannah cut him off.

"No," she muttered as she reached into her pocket and produced a pill, Ethan watched quietly still freaking out as she swallowed.

"Are you kidding-" he started once again, and once again, Hannah cut him off.


"How the fuck did this-"

"I don't know."

"…Shit…." they muttered together as they sighed while Hannah rubbed her temples, and Ethan his chin, when a voice behind them spoke.

"You're telling me." they froze and slowly the twins turned their attention into the darkness, when a vivid red began to blaze.

-Outside The Closet-

"How the fuck did this happen?" Sakura hissed as the puzzled group looked around their new environment.

"I don't know…" Naruto mumbled as Hinata squeaked for attention.

"I-I saw a b-big b-black hole… I-it's what b-brought us here… m-maybe?" Hinata stuttered as the rest of the group's eyes widened in surprise. Gaara opened his mouth to say something when they were interrupted by screaming.

They turned in time to see the twins bursting out the door and slamming it shut taking deep breaths until their gazes landed on the group once more, and their screaming resumed. They watched as the strange kids from earlier ran down another hallway, before throwing another door open and running through it.

"…They obviously weren't expecting us…." Naruto muttered once a second had passed as they nodded in agreement to his words.

"Let's try to calm them down maybe they hold some of the answers." Gaara suggested as the group nodded once more and began to lay out their plan.

-With The Twins-

Ethan and Hannah gulped down air as they sat down on the first of the steps. Their backs sliding down the door that had led them to the basement as they panted.

"That was (huff) an Uchiha (huff) right?" Ethan said breathlessly as Hannah nodded.

"I think (huff) it might be Sasuke." she replied as breathless as her brother.

"You mean Sasu-gay." he snickered as Hannah grinned next to him.

"Yeah. But what the hell are we going to do?!" she whisper shouted as Ethan shrugged.

"Don't you have food in your room?" he asked as Hannah glared at him.

"Oh so you keep a 12 pack of root beer in your room for a week ONE time-!"

"Which you didn't share!"

"That's because you don't like root beer!"

"It's the thought that counts!"

"Are we really having this discussion when we have ninjas in our living room?!"

"Yes I believe we are!"

"Oh shut up! I think I might have weapons in my room."

"Don't you mean that Nerf dart gun with no ammo and your Xploderz gun."

"At least my Xploderz has ammo and at least we have something!" Hannah finished as Ethan sighed before nodding his agreement to his sisters words.

With their banter finally done the twins stood up, and began to descend down the stairs. Yet they froze not even three steps, as sand swirled in the dark basement. In less than a moment, it cleared and sea green eyes glared up at them from the bottom of the steps, as the twin's own eyes widened. Silence crept in, yet it wasn't long until the twins did what they had done most of the time before.

They screamed.

Yet again.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" they screamed as they turned tail and ran up the stairs once more, and threw the door open only to hit something hard.

Looking up the twins blinked as a blonde haired boy grinned back at them, the whisker-like markings marring his face giving him away, caused the twins to scream again and turn down the stair once more. Forgetting the other one down there until they made two steps downward, and saw him halfway up the stairs approaching them and they turned back stopping at the door way. The twins looked back and forth between the two in fear, as they took a step away from the one on the stair yet stopped afraid to go near the other one. Their legs trembling as they slowly approached them, and their instincts activated, and before they could think properly they turned and-


Naruto blinked as Gaara stood at the door way staring with matching 'what the fuck?' expressions at what the two kids had done in their fear.

They ran into a wall.

Slowly the two kids began to fall backward as they lost consciousness, and quickly Naruto grabbed the boy and Gaara, the girl. Both of them groaning yet stayed knocked out, as they carried them back into the other room. The girls stared dumbfounded as the guys laid the kids on the couches, the girl placed on the loveseat while her brother on the long one.

"What the hell did you do to them?!" Sakura hissed as quietly as she could as they stared at the kids before them.

"Nothing, they ran into a wall!" Naruto whisper shouted back.

"They did what!?"

"I-I g-guess we s-scared them t-that bad."

"They were talking downstairs. I heard most of the conversation but…"

"What is it Gaara?" Naruto asked as he turned his attention toward the Kazekage.

"They said something about… Sasuke." he muttered and he turned his attention toward the set of doors were the twins had hid originally.

"Sasuke?" Sakura breathed as Hinata pointed toward the twins again.

"A-Are they s-siblings? They look so d-different…" she stuttered as they turned their attention back on the children.

It was true, they realized, as they studied the sleeping boy and girl that they were the same age. The boy had sliver-like hair, that fell into his eyes time and time again, with what the boys could remember dark grey eyes. The girl on the other hand had dark brown hair with eyes the same hue or color. Aside from the colorings and their genders they were very similar facially as all twins should be.

"So what the hell are we going to do?" Sakura asked after a minute as Naruto shrugged.

"We could try waking them up."

"I-I don't t-think that would b-be a good plan N-Naruto." Hinata countered and just as Gaara opened his mouth to add on to the conversation something fell out of the closet….

Or someone.

They stared a bit shocked as Sasuke stood grumbling and trying to untangle himself from the cords found in the closet. He had hoped to make a sneaky get away and figure this predicament out himself only it didn't help when he got stuck and trapped in the closet.

"So they were right." Naruto muttered as apple green eyes locked onto black diamond ones.

"Sasuke…" Sakura breathed once again, yet before she could start yelling, the girl on the couch moaned and sat up before opening her eyes and froze.

She stared wide-eyed at the gang while they stared back at her waiting to see if she would scream again and run. Only she didn't this time as she exhaled yet didn't take her eyes off the ninja before her. She didn't say anything as she slowly got to her feet and edged herself near her brother yet didn't make any move to wake him up. Instead she forced her wide eyes to narrow at the group, the challenge in them saying 'if you want my brother you're going to have to go through me,'.

The group paused by her sudden change as Naruto just gave her a nervous grin and took a step back showing that they didn't mean harm as the girl relaxed a bit. She was still on guard though as Sakura approached her.

"Can you tell us what happened?" Sakura asked as the girl blinked confusion crossing her face as she shook her head and shrugged.

"S-so you don't k-know either." Hinata stuttered as the girl nodded to her and sighed she gave them an apologetic look as though trying to make up for screaming for earlier as Naruto just waved it away.

"It's fine I guess you don't have people coming out of your screen often!" he joked as the girl nodded to him, not smiling with the blonde as Gaara narrowed his own eyes.

"What's you name?" he asked as the girl blinked to him and frowned, she shook her head and poked her throat as Sakura's own eyes widened.

"You can't talk?" she asked as the girl confirmed it and shrugged once more, she turned down the hall way were the Uchiha was still struggling and paused a moment, a hint of a smile playing on her lips at the sight.

"Help me." he growled as the girl smirked and gestured for the others to help him as Naruto assisted him.

After Sasuke was free she gestured them to follow her as they traveled down the hall, realizing it was longer than it looked. Some minutes later she stopped as she pointed to five doors then to the five of them individually.

"R-Rooms?" Hinata asked as the girl brightened a bit still didn't smile but nodded to her. "W-will we f-find out more I-in the morning?" she asked once more and once again the girl nodded.

"No offense but why should we trust you?" Sasuke asked as the girl blinked and shrugged indifferently once more she pointed to them then to the rooms, shrugged, and with that proceeded to try to walk away.

Yet to everyone's surprise Gaara stopped her.

"I want answers." he commanded as the girl stopped and glared at him before twisting out of his hold. She nodded to Hinata before pointing down the hall as Hinata's eyes shown in understanding.

"S-since she can't t-talk she'll h-have her brother t-tell us in the m-morning." she stammered as Hannah gave a gracious nod toward the young Hyuuga and held out a hand gesturing for them to listen to her.

"How will your brother know?" Gaara asked as the quiet brunette just gave him a blank look and gestured to him before all of them. The gesture saying for them to ask and show themselves to her brother and they'll get answers.

"Well thank you for the rooms anyway." Sakura said politely as the girl nodded to her and turned away once more down the hall.

"We can't trust her-" Sasuke started but the pink haired medic cut him off.

"Who we can't trust is you!" she hissed as Naruto began to cut in.

"It's not like they were expecting us so no traps." Naruto said as Hinata blinked and quickly scanned the rooms with her byakugan and confirmed Naruto's suspicions.

"See! Now let's go to bed." Naruto said as he opened one of the doors revealing a king sized bed already made with brown covers on it and a dresser next to it. Two other doors inside the room revealed one to be a bathroom and another a closet empty of clothes. The other bedrooms were the same granted three had small vases of flowers while two didn't hold such items.

"At least the beds are made." Naruto said after closing the doors from the exceptions of the rooms. The other nodded as they decided to call it a night and sleep in the beds although Gaara just stood in his room.

He stared at the bed with confusion, all he ever did on a bed was simply lay on it. Not to mention with fear that he would fall asleep and lose control. Even being free of his demon nightmares still plagued the insomniac as he sat on the edge of it thinking about what had caused them all to be there-

When he heard a loud groan from the living room.

Quickly Gaara left his room and turned toward the noise to find the girl struggling to lift her still unconscious brother by his arm. She had him with one arm around her neck while hers wound his and was trying to carry him when she had stumbled into a wall. The crash had made him groan yet he stayed asleep as she tried to move with him again. She gritted her teeth and was ready to move again when the weight of her brother got easier to carry.

She couldn't help but inhale sharply when she realized that Gaara had started to help her carry her brother.

The boy groaned once more as they traveled down the hall yet stayed asleep. He wasn't too heavy for his age and between the girl and Gaara they could handle him very easily. As they walked Gaara studied the girl as much as he could, noticing her loose black shirt and light blue jeans. He also could see some colored flecks in her eyes but couldn't make out the colors as they walked through the dim lighted hallway. Finally they stopped at a door as the girl pushed it open, it was a bit difficult maneuvering the boy through the door without smacking his head on the door frame (which they did at least twice) before finally making it to the bed. The girl simply ducked out from underneath her brother's arm and let him fall, only Gaara was still stuck and quickly fell with him.

Gaara growled from under the boy as said kid snored on as the girl snickered and pried her brother off of Gaara. He glared at her but she simply gave a smirk as the boy dragged himself to the middle of his bed and fell back asleep comically. With a quick nod to the door they filed out as the girl closed it. With one glare at Gaara as though saying she didn't need to help she turned to leave and once more Gaara stopped her.

"Stop glaring." he commanded but she continued to do so the situation going from serious to comical very fast as Gaara continued to get angry.

"I said-" he started but the girl rolled her eyes and shook her head with one last glare at him. Gaara growled as returned it before shoving into her on his way to his room. He wasn't expecting the girl to grab his shoulder and try to punch his face in.

Sand stopped it through the comically the girl blinked and continued to try to jab at Gaara, sand stopping all of her attacks. She even tried to fake walking away to hit him only for more sand to fly out. Growling she continued her onslaught of punches and jabs but to no avail. Puffing at last she tried one more slowly and was able to put her fist to his cheek gently before snapping her hand away from his face. Gaara smirked while the brunette glared and with one final huff, she threw her hands in the air her gesture saying 'screw it!' and proceeded to walk away uninterrupted this time, yet fuming with anger.

Gaara watched amused at what had transpired before him as the girl slid through her living room turned toward the direction of the hallway and door that led to the basement. He smirked as he remembered her facial expressions ranging from 'What the hell?' to 'I going to kill you if I ever get through your sand'.

"That will never happen." he muttered as he turned away from the hallway and sat on his bed once he had found and entered his room. He would have to be on his toes with her and as he turned his face toward the ceiling wondered what the kids were going to reveal in the morning.

Hey! So what ya think? Also you have to admit if Naruto characters randomly started to pop out or your T.V. you would running away screaming too! (Although... I don't we'd run into walls...) Still when one's a psyco, another know Rasenshuriken, another has monstrous strength, the other can take you down by tapping you in spots and the last can kill you with sand! I'd run... but not into a wall! XD
Ethan: Why did we have to dye my hair?!
Me: Because I loved your personality but I wanted to write you with white hair.
Hannah: I though you called it plantuim blonde?
Me: Go we shall discuss this later!
Ethan: hair though...
Me: Well that's that! Hope you enjoyed and until next time folks! XD Bye!