Hey! It's the last chapter! I might cry, in fact I know I will!

Thank you guys so much for just everything! For all the support and for your reviews, follows, favorites, and just for reading this story! Also for taking the time to read all of this! Lol I hope you've enjoyed this and it made you happy!

I wish I could bake you all cookies, I'm that happy and excited!

So, this chapter is almost like an epilogue, and I hope you love it!

Again, thank you for everything! XOXO

Chapter 11: Happily Ever After

*Nine years later*

Jackie and Steven walked hand in hand to the park. It was mid-afternoon, and they were both very excited to go to their favorite place. Jackie squeezed Steven's hand and smiled at him. He smiled back, released her hand and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close to him.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Jackie and Steven looked over their shoulders, seeing their two children trailing behind. their little girl, named Mia, ran up to Jackie's side and grasped her hand. She had dark hair like Jackie's, but it was curly like Hyde's. She had Steven's beautiful blue eyes and Jackie's porcelain skin. She was six now. Jackie reached down and picked up her little girl and placed her on her hip. Mia wrapped her arms around Jackie's neck. The other child, their son, named Jake was now eight. His hair was also like Jackie's, dark and mixed with waves, and he had mismatched eyes like her. He ran up to his dad and took his hand. Steven squeezed his son's hand and smiled down at him. They all continued to walk to the park so the children could play.

When they finally reached the park, Jake released his father's hand and ran to the playground. Jackie set her daughter down on the ground and she followed her brother. Steven again took Jackie's hand and led her to a bench nearby. They both laughed as they watched their children's imaginations grow and explore. Mr. and Mrs. Hyde relaxed and smiled as Mia pretended to be a princess watching over her kingdom over by the jungle gym, and Jack pretending to fight an evil dragon over by the sand box. They were just as creative and imaginative as their parents.

Jackie looked at her husband and smiled. "How was the store today?" She asked him. He put his arm around her and pulled her close.

"It was fine, you know usual work stuff." He answered. Jackie giggled a little at his Zen laziness at his job. It could be annoying, but still something she loved about him. "How were the girls?" He asked her.

Jackie's Home for Abused Girls was doing great. Many girls over these years had come to stay with them. Several girls had moved on and found closure, thanks to Jackie. The girls would be hurt and scared, but Jackie, from knowing what they went through, could always help them. Currently, four girls were living in the house. They were all different ages and had different backgrounds and stories, but they were happy there was a place they could go to escape. The goal of the house was to help the girls recover from their abuse and give them a place to stay as long as they needed, and helping them get back on their feet once they were ready. Jackie was so happy about the help she had also been getting. Kitty had taken her nurse and mother skills to make sure the girls were healthy and well taken care of, Donna had helped by giving the girls the inner strength to find their own closure and find their ways, and Steven, Red, Eric, Kelso and Fez would help in any way they could. Jackie was able to connect with the girls and continue her own process of moving forward.

"They were wonderful. Donna, Eric, Kelso and Fez were gonna take them to the movies this evening." She said. Steven smiled at her. She quirked her eyebrow. "What?"

"Guess," he teased her.

She thought for a moment, then said: "You're happy." She grinned at him. He leaned toward her and pressed his lips to hers.

These nine years had been truly amazing. Jackie and Steven had been married in a garden wedding, with all their friends with them. The couple moved into Jackie's old house. Their love for each other grew more each day. Their two children had only brought them closer and they were a great family. They wanted to be parents like Red and Kitty, who had loved and taken care of them. Hyde even involved W.B. since he had proven to be a pretty great guy. Steven and Jackie were, almost needless to say, way better than their own parents. Not to say they didn't experience a few problems here and there, but they always found their way through.

"Steven?" Jackie said. He hummed in response when he turned to make eye contact. "what would make you even happier right now?" She asked.

Without hesitation, he answered: "Nothing," Jackie grinned at him and kissed him with passion and love.

"Ew!" The couple turned and saw their children staring at them. They laughed and jumped off the bench and started chasing the kids around the park. They all laughed and ran around playing. It was a wonderful afternoon.

*Six hours later*

Mia and Jake were jumping up and down on their beds, waiting for their parents to tuck them in and kiss them good night. They had an amazing afternoon playing in the park, their favorite place in the world. Jackie and Steven walked through the door, into the children's room. Steven immediately went inside and grabbed his daughter, swinging her around in the air as she laughed and giggled. Jackie grinned and went after her son. She took him in her hands and sat on his bed, pulling him to sit on her lap. Steven fell on Mia's bed and Mia landed beside him. They all laughed again.

"Well, it's time for bed." Jackie said between laughs.

"No!" Both the kids shouted. "We need a story!" Jake said.

"Ok, how about the story of Princess Jackie and Prince Hyde?" Hyde asked. Both the kids shouted for joy. This was their favorite story! Mia and Jake crawled under the covers of their beds. Jackie cuddled next to her son and Steven sat up next to Mia.

Jackie started. "Once upon a time, there was a beautiful Princess, named Jackie. She was very glamorous and kind, and she had a big heart and dreamed of true love and happiness. But, sadly things were not all well for Princess Jackie, since her parents, the Wicked King and Queen were two very horrible people. So, one night, feeling tired of their unkindness to her, Princess Jackie decided to run away and try to find a new kingdom." The kids smiled at their mother, hanging on every word.

"But, then," Steven interrupted. "Princess Jackie came across Prince Hyde."

"But, she called him by his real name, Prince Steven." Jackie quickly threw in. Steven rolled his eyes, but smiled at her.

"Any way, he talked to the Princess, and soon they were great friends!" He said. "He took her to his secret kingdom where they laughed and played for a very long time and after a while they talked and found out they had a lot in common."

"Yes," Jackie stepped in. "You see, Prince Steven's mother was a . . . a-" she looked at Steven as she searched for the right word.

"A whore." Hyde said.

Jackie quickly covered Jake's ears. "Steven!" The kids laughed and so did Hyde. "No, she was a witch. A very mean and nasty woman." She said, regrasping the children's attention. "So, unfortunately both their parents were very cruel and horrible people to their children."

"So, they decided they would be there for each other." Steven said. "And as they grew they became closer and closer."

"And then, as time continue, they knew they loved each other." She said, smiling lovingly at her husband, who replied to her smile with one of his own. "They were very happy together."

"But then, Prince Steven's mother, the w-" he paused to look at Jackie who was giving him a glare. "Witch." She rolled her eyes, causing him to smile even more. "She left Prince Steven, and although she was a witch, it hurt the prince very much. But, his Princess was there to help him get through it." He again connected eyes with Jackie, and was truly thankful she was there. "So, the Prince left his castle and went to live with a very kind and loving family in the Forman Realm. In the Forman Realm, were King Red and Queen Kitty, and their dorky girly son, Eric. They treated him like he was a part of their family. He was happy there, but he still worried for Princess Jackie."

"You see, Princess Jackie had decided to go back to her castle with the Wicked King and Queen. And the King started using his wickedness to hurt the poor Princess. Every day she was hurt and afraid. But, the one person that could make her happy and protect her was her Prince." She smiled and winked at Steven.

Steven smiled back at first, but then his smile faded. "But, tragically, one day he was not able to protect her and the evil King used all his wickedness to hurt the Princess."

"But, the Princess contacted him and he used his quick thinking to help her." Jackie quickly said, trying to cheer him up. "She was rescued by guards from the town and taken to a doctor."

"And Prince Steven went and saw his Princess at the doctor's, and he promised her she would never be hurt again." Steven said, reaching over to Jackie and squeezing her hand. She squeezed his back. "So, the Wicked King was locked up for good, and the Evil Queen ran away, never to be seen or heard from again."

"So, Princess Jackie, when she was feeling all better, went with Prince Steven into the Forman Realm, where King Red and Queen Kitty took care of her as well and they were happy." Jackie said, smiling at her children. "And, then she had an amazing idea! She wanted to help princesses just like her that were hurt by wicked people, so she transformed her castle, so it was welcome to all and she had help from the Prince and her new family." She squeezed Steven's hand again and smiled at him.

"And then, Prince Steven realized he was so in love with the Princess that he wanted her to become his Queen." He grinned at her and she blushed. "So, he took her to their kingdom and he asked her to marry him."

"And she said yes, at least a billion times." She said laughing. "So, they were married, and they had two beautiful children. A handsome boy, and a beautiful girl." She said and kissed the top of Jake's head and Steven wrapped his arms around Mia before kissing her as well. "And they all lived, happily ever after. The end!" Jake and Mia clapped. They always loved hearing that story. Jackie and Steven smiled at each other and at their children. They knew that these kids were happy and they knew they were loved.

Jackie and Steven tucked in their kids, gave them both kisses and wished them pleasant dreams, as they turned off the light and left the room. Once the door was closed, Steven wrapped Jackie up in his arms. Her arms went around his neck. They kissed, both their lips in the shapes of smiles.

"I love you, Queen Jackie." Steven whispered against her lips.

"I love you, King Steven." She whispered to him.

Their story was filled with true love, heart ache, sadness, happiness, friendship, and so much more. Their kingdom was something beautiful, amazing and wonderful and it was theirs.

And they lived Happily Ever After, The End

I hope you loved it! I will say that I cried a little!

Thank you so much for reading this story! I hope you enjoy and loved it, and I hope it made you smile! I LOVE LOVE LOVE you guys! You are all amazing! I'm filled with happiness and I hope you are too!

Please review, follow, favorite, send me a message, or just be happy filled with love! Or all of the above! WOO!

Again, thank you guys sooooooo much! Luv ya! I hope you know you are loved, and I hope you believe in true love and happy endings!

THANK YOU! Have I said that too many times? Oh well!
