Disclaimer: I don't own anything
Well this is the end of this story. Thanks for hanging in there with me when it looked like I was never going to finish it. I've started a new story and the idea is silly and crazy. Only one person knows what it's about right now but I'll start posting it very soon.
Thanks to: Nimue68, jenny crum, iluvtorun, DMfANATiC69, Lenika08, ilovetowriteSMP, Kimd33, Gemini-Victoria, ReadtoRelax, crystal817, Shortstakk7932, Dustyfog416, WolfMoon20045, PRINCESSNIA, sazzieazzie, Alliecattie, aquaimp, RangeBabe1227, UnitedShipper, Running-Wild22, Leigh59, doralupin86, stuffofledgends, starchick, Karmah kitty, handsome-uks, randy sunshine, MoonInLove07, Charmedandcriminalmindsrock, kmn1829, NinknHotchfan, Yin- Yang M, derekngarcia, CrazyCrimMind, 42070, KiararaKitty08, micknjoots89, jayjrat, MissAnnaH519, jenninemarie, kate, mscarm, arses21, rynidgirl, RainbowCubes87, Emily Coval Has Battle Scars *who left me by far the oddest/funniest comment, and anyone who reviewed, followed, and/or favorited this story under guest.
I am thankful that you all read this story in the first place.
A/N: A special shoutout goes to my friend and beta evgrrl09. Over the course of writing this story she has become a really good friend to me when I needed one so for that I say thank you. I swear to God if you get sappy on me I will send you horrible modeling pics of Shemar from the early 90's.
A/N2: I've also decided to go the crazy route and name my muse. Hopefully this time if I give the bitch a name she will be more useful in the future.
The kitchen in Rossi's mansion was filled with laughter. At a marble island in the middle of the kitchen was Fran Morgan-Rossi helping Jack, Henry, and Alessandra frost and decorate cupcakes to celebrate Dave's recent retirement from the BAU and also he and Fran's decision to take a few months and travel internationally.
The children were placing tiny Italian and Irish flags onto the completed cupcakes and Fran was whipping up more frosting for more delicious treats.
"Grandma, can we have a cupcake?" Alessandra asked with a large hopeful smile that showed her dimples.
"Well, of course you can Ali," Fran said while placing three cupcakes on a plate and motioning for them to sit at their large kitchen table.
"Ooh, cupcakes! Gimmie one," Derek said as he came into the kitchen.
Fran batted Derek's hand away from the platter that the cupcakes were on.
"Derek, you gave to wait like the rest of the grown ups, " Fran said scowling at her son.
"Come on. Just one for your favorite child," Derek pleaded.
"Well then I will take one since I'm clearly the favorite Morgan child,"Desiree said as she handed Spencer their eight month old son.
"First of all, Des, your last name is Reid now so give it up." Derek chided.
Desiree stuck her tongue out at Derek and reached for a cupcake, but she stopped when Fran glowered at her.
"Des, like I told Derek you have to wait." Fran said as she went back to stirring the buttercream frosting to get it to the right consistency.
Just then Penelope came into the kitchen and placed a kiss on Alessandra's frosting covered cheek, as well as Henry's. She fist bumped Jack because being a little over eleven she didn't think he would appreciate a kiss.
Penelope then breezed past Derek and Des who were bickering over who the favorite child was. They stopped as they watcher her snag a cupcake and take a bite.
"So what do you think? " Fran asked Penelope.
"Mhmm, they're excellent my compliments to you and our mini chefs," Penelope said, then took another bite.
Both Fran and Penelope couldn't contain their laughter when Des and Derek scowled at them.
"I'm not about to deny a pregnant woman anything," Fran said while pointing to Penelope's protruding belly. "Plus, we all know she's my favorite. She gives me fewer headaches."
"Ma, you wound me," Derek said dramatically. He placed his hand over his heart and started to stagger backwards.
Des jabbed Derek with her elbow and rolled her eyes at his silliness.
"Derek, you're such a dork," Des said as she tried once again to take a cupcake but quickly drew her hand back when Fran hit it with a spatula.
"Well, Ma, since you won't give me a damned cupcake I just have to get my sweets any way I can." Derek said as he pulled Penelope close to him. He then wrapped his arms around her, dipped her and gave her a kiss that was borderline inappropriate for the young audience in the room.
Derek chuckled as he stood Penelope back up and he almost hooted when he heard Alessandra, Jack, Henry, and Reid yell, "Gross!"
All the noise in the kitchen woke little Isaac Reid up. Spencer cradled his son in one arm, grabbed the diaper bag in the other, stood up and proceeded to walk towards the sink.
Everyone was quiet in the kitchen as they watched Spencer shake a warm bottle using his left arm and comforted his sniffling son with the other.
"How? How did he do that" Derek asked bewildered to no one in particular. It wasn't a secret that Spencer Reid wasn't the most graceful of agents. He was tall, gangly, and had more of a shuffle when he walked then an actual stride. He didn't prowl like Morgan, or have a confident stroll like Rossi, or a commanding gait like Hotch.
"After coming home from long cases and seeing Des exhausted, I learned to do more than one thing at a time when it came to looking after Isaac and helping my wife around the house," Spencer said with a shrugged. He then placed the bottle in the now almost distressed Isaac's mouth. A moment later Isaac sighed in content as he ate.
"Damn, Pretty Boy grew up," Derek said as only a proud big brother would as he watched Spencer fed his son.
Spencer rested his son against his shoulder and patted his back. With a loud burp little Isaac proceeded to hurl little chunks of milk on his father's shoulders.
"Now there's the Reid I know," Derek said with a laugh.
"Ha-ha," Reid said sarcastically.
"Derek be nice," Penelope chided as she handed Spencer a dish cloth to clean the mess up.
It was later in the afternoon and the entire BAU and their families were sitting poolside keeping a careful eye on the children splashing around in the pool. Jack had taken it upon himself as the oldest to teach the other children of the BAU how to swim.
"Is that cute or what?" Penelope asked as she watched Jack try and teach Alessandra how to float on her back.
Emily smiled brightly at Penelope, and Penelope returned the gesture. Once she agreed to become Mrs. Aaron Hotchner; she, Aaron, and Jack became a tight knit family that grew by two more. Gracie Elizabeth Hotchner was the spitting image of Emily with her father's steel determination. She was a fearless little girl that was currently giving her father a heart attack.
"Gracie get down from there!" Hotch yelled at the little girl while flipping a burger on the grill.
"But..." Gracie said with a pout as she climbed off of the lawn chair she was attempting to use as a diving board.
"S'okay Gracie, they never let me do anything fun either," Alessandra said to her best friend.
"It's like little mini versions of ourselves," Penelope said to no one in particular.
"I think it's fantastic our kids are so close," JJ said as she took a sip of her beer. As soon as she said those words she had to jump out of her chair to stop her own daughter from shedding her water wings and plunging right in the deep end of the pool.
"Chloe Penelope LaMontagne, you put those back on now," JJ said sternly to her three year old daughter.
"No!" the little blonde girl screamed.
JJ began to mutter angrily, "Wait until I get my hands on you. You might want to pack your bags because you will be living in time out."
"Toddlers," both Penelope and Emily said at the same time. Emily just now seeing the terrible twos emerge from her son Ethan.
"Well I can't wait for this little one to meet the world," Penelope said as she caressed her large baby bump.
"I can't believe you are letting Derek name this one," Emily said
"Tell me about it. So far his ideas have made me cringe. Who the hell names a baby Diesel or Blade?" Penelope asked with a wrinkle of her nose.
"Oh, that's not the worst one I heard. Derek and Hotch were talking on the jet and your idiot husband thought that Stone would be a good name. Why not just name the kid Boulder and put a kick me sign on his back?" Emily chuckled.
"Laugh it up Prentiss. I trust him with my life, why not with naming a baby?" Penelope asked logically.
"Yeah, you say that now, but after hours and hours of labor you'll be giving birth to some kid named after a car part. I can see it now, little Engine Morgan." Emily said as she took a bite of her potato salad.
"What was I thinking letting him name our son?" Penelope said after groaning
"You have no faith in your man," Derek said as he walked up to Penelope's chair and began massaging her shoulders. "Plus, mama, I have already decided on a name."
"Now this I gotta hear," Dave said as he placed a large platter of ribs on the table everyone was sitting around.
"Dinner's ready. Come and get it," Dave yelled.
Everyone sat around eating and laughing. Alessandra sat on one side of her uncle Spencer and Chloe sat on the other. The two girls loved to ask Spencer questions because he always had the answer.
"Why do ducks quack uncle Spencer?" Alessandra asked. She excitedly waited for Spencer to answer.
"Sweetpea maybe we should let your uncle Spencer eat," Penelope said.
"Yeah your uncle Spencer can't afford to get any skinnier," Derek said chuckling. "Ow! Mama Des kicked me." Derek stuck his tongue out at his sister and rubbed his shin.
"Children, behave or I'll ground you both," JJ said, glaring at Derek.
The children around the table giggled, including little Isaac, even though he had no clue what was so funny.
After the laughter died down Dave stood up and clinked a butter knife against his wine glass.
"I have something to say, " Dave said while standing up.
"As you all know I'm retiring next month." Dave said while looking at Fran. It was something they had talked about for months. It was Dave's idea that he retire and spend more time with Fran. She wanted to make sure that her husband would be happy in whatever decision he decided to make. That was when Dave knew he could retire and be happy spending the rest of his life with one woman.
"With Hotch taking on the role as section chief and Derek becoming unit chief, I just wanted to say I feel confident with permanently leaving the BAU. I know the unit Gideon and I created will be left in good hands. So...to all of you." Rossi raised his wine glass high in the air. Everyone followed suit even little Isaac who held his sippy cup above his head, mimicking his mother and father.
"I say, thank you to all you. There's so many reasons to list so I leave it short and sweet. To the BAU, my many grandchildren, and to my wife. Grazie." Dave took a gulp of his wine and sat back down.
"Damn hormones," Penelope said through sniffles.
"Ooh, Mama said a bad word, " Alessandra said, and broke out into a fit of giggles.
Later that evening the entire team, minus their children, were still sitting outside watching the sun go down over the horizon. Fran, being the genius she was, hired a babysitter from the neighborhood to keep an eye out for all the sleeping children.
Penelope sighed as she sat snuggled up with Derek on a chaise lounge.
Derek looked down at her as she rested her head on his chest.
"What was the sigh for, Baby Girl? Are you and Ty okay?" Derek asked with a touch of concern in his voice.
"No. Nothing like that love bug. It's just every once in a while when it's quiet I think about how far we've come. We started out as flirty friends then became the best of friends. Next thing I know we aren't even speaking to each other and now look…. The team is even closer now than we were. We have one beautiful little girl and our little boy is on his way."
"I know what you mean. Who would've thought we would end up here together?"
"We all did," JJ said and then Hotch snorted.
"It took you two long enough. I was afraid I would have to order you two to get together," Hotch said.
"Oh, like you have room to talk Aaron," Dave said pointedly to Hotch.
"Said the man that broke every frat rule there ever was," Hotch batted right back.
"Alright guys, enough," Derek said playfully.
"Way to stick up for dad," Hotch said which caused everyone to laugh.
"Don't remind me. I still think it's weird that Rossi is my step dad." Derek said but he grinned showing that he wasn't upset in the least.
"God, we are a hot mess," JJ said.
Fran laughed. "You guys aren't a mess, you're a family, and I for one am glad to have all you heathens in my life."
Well that's all folks
Drop a review if you have time.
I've also decided to do companion one shots for this story. The first should be posted soon. Its the story of how Fran and Rossi met in Chicago.