Summary: Perhaps it was the child's face, so much like their father's. Perhaps it was its piteous cries, high and annoying and impossible to ignore. Or perhaps it was nothing more than animal instincts, tugging at his dusty heartstrings. Whatever it was, Sesshomaru was stuck with it now. An uncharacteristic choice affects the world forevermore, and it began and ended with a word: "brother".

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or anything affiliated to it. This work of fiction has earned me nothing but the satisfaction of another story written. A hastily written thank-you note to Rumiko Takahashi and all of hers, both for creating the story and giving the legal rights for us to use it as we please.

Author's Note: Holy shit, this may end up having short chapters. How the hell does that work.

For those who walked into this room hoping for some yaoi, I'm afraid you are in the wrong place. If you are here simply for the tale of two brothers and what could have been, I think you may enjoy your stay.

001: One Word


The thing's cries ended with that word, whispered in a blend of awe and terror. Golden eyes met golden eyes and something somewhere shifted.

Words: 25