Oh wow. I let two years go by without finishing this fic when I said I would.

Like I said, I haven't forgotten about this story. But when muse disappears completely, that not even the show nor the OTP has the same spark for me anymore, it's difficult to get back into it. I am determined to finish it, even if it has been YEARS (I know, I know). Just let me get back into this ship and maybe the story and the "feels" would flow like it used to. By hook or by crook, I will finish this.

Thank you for the patience. And thank you for the reviews and the follows. I'm surprised that people still find this story despite the hundreds of many new writers, and talented at that, who emerged over the past couple of years. I miss reading my old friends' stories, and I miss interacting with readers here. Give me a bit more time and I will have a chapter (or two) wrap this baby up. And then maybe it's high time I start a new one.

Leave me messages and reviews. Maybe they'd motivate me into writing again. *wink wink*