This is a story based of my 'Living Suit of Kyuubi' pics.

As usual, enjoy.

-Age of Characters-

Naruto Uzumaki: Age 16

This takes place some time after Naruto defeats Nagato.




Deep within the forest of Konoha was the container of the Kyuubi and hero of the Leaf Village, Naruto Uzumaki, who had been training for days, trying to perform the Big Ball Rasengan without the assistance of his Shadow Clones, as he wanted to get stronger if there was anyone just as powerful as Nagato was.

While several members of were against Naruto leaving the village alone, Tsunade entrusted them that they had nothing to worry about as the blond haired Jinchuuriki could take care of himself, as he did defeat all Six Paths of Pain, and if anyone tried to fight him, they would only wind up like the countless enemies Naruto had defeated, broken and beaten.

However, the Hokage was unaware of what was going to happen to Naruto, something that would change the brat's life forever.

-With Naruto-

The young Uzumaki was sweating profusely as performing Rasengan alone was more challenging then he anticipated, but that didn't stop him from giving up, in which Naruto focused his Chakra, charged at a large boulder and exclaimed. "Big Ball Rasengan!"

Meanwhile, beneath the boulder lead a trail of stairs, as torches had been mounted to the sides of the tunnel to illuminate the path for those who would dare travel within.

And at the bottom was a lab, filled with vials, scalpels, syringes and other medical equipment, as well as cages, holding cells and metal slabs, though the room wasn't empty. Standing around a table, with what looked like a simple full body gray coloured suit on it, were a group of men and women, who looked to be scientists, as they all wore typical white lab coats.

"We can't abandon the project! We've sacrificed too much to get this far!" One of the men stated, as he slammed his right fist on the table.

"And how far may that be?" A blond haired woman, wearing a pair of glasses asked, before she stated. "Every experiment with the Bijuu suits has ended as a complete failure."

"And we've run out of test subjects." Another man, with black spiky hair and goatee added, as these scientists used anyone they could get their hands on for their project, missing ninja, bandits, people they offered money to or even just abducted, as they were still ninjas and had various methods of acquiring 'volunteers'.

"We can always find more people to experiment on." The first man insisted.

"And then what?" The blond woman asked, before she told her colleagues. "The result is always the same. Once the subject has been injected with a sample of the Bijuu and then suited up they don't gain control over the powers of the Tailed Beasts, but the Bijuu suit seems to control them. Transforming the host into nothing but a mindless animal."

"And when too much of the Tailed Beast's Chakra is placed within the suit or the subject they become an animalistic aggressive and uncontrollable monster, which we always have to 'dispose' of. And we've lost too many people to create the ideal Tailed Beast ninja." The black haired man added.

"Fine. The Bijuu suit project is terminated." The first man said, defeated, before he asked. "So, what's our next move, Megumi?"

"Terminate the remaining suits. They are of no more use to us." The woman now known as Megumi replied, before she pointed at the gray suit. "Start with this one. It has no Bijuu Chakra within it and is more useless than the others."

However, before any of the scientists could place a single finger on the suit, a loud explosion erupted from the outside.

"An intruder has broken through." Megumi stated, as she believed whoever had broken through their defences would prove too powerful to subdue.

Megumi then made her way over to a skull that stood a top an old pedestal and filled her left hand with Chakra, before she placed her hand on the top of the skull's head, in which the eye sockets began to glow an eerie red, before the wall beside the skull opened up, revealing a secret passage.

"Quickly, we must leave." Megumi stated.

"Right." Both men said, as they quickly made their way into the secret passageway, before the one with the goatee asked. "But what of the suits?"

"Like I said they are of no use to us and won't be to anyone." Megumi replied, as she made her way inside and began to leave the lab, oblivious as to what was soon to happen.

-Back on the surface-

'I did it.' Naruto thought to himself proudly, as he took off his headband, wiped the sweat off his forehead and put it back on, as the container of the Nine Tailed Fox had perfected the Big Ball Rasengan and had turned the practice boulder into tiny pieces of rubble.

But it was after the dust cleared that he could see a stairway leading underground where the boulder once stood, which intrigued the Leaf Village ninja's curiosity, before he decide to go down and investigate without so much as a second thought.

As Naruto continued to make his way down the stairs, eager to know what was at the end inside, parts of the suit on the table began to twitch, as it seemed the suit had life and a mind of its own, before the suit brought its head up and thought to itself. 'Sense... Somebody coming... Matching Chakra... Perfect host...'

-Moments later-

After a fair amount of walking, Naruto had finally made his way down all the stairs and was left in awe at the sight before him. To him it looked like he had found one of Orochimaru's old labs, as there was medical equipment scattered all over the place, as well as cages, holding cells and metal slabs, which were covered in blood.

But all of that was not as surprising to Naruto when he noticed a pile of several strange looking suits, in which the blond picked one of the suits up and was left confused and speechless as the suit looked exactly like the One Tailed Beast, Shukaku.

'Host... So close... Need host... Better life... With host...' The suit thought to itself, as it tried to pull itself up, but only managed to sit up for a second, before it collapsed and dropped onto the floor.

Upon hearing the sound of the suit fall, Naruto dropped the Shukaku suit and went over to the source of the noise, in which the Jinchuuriki found a suit on the ground beside a table, though it didn't look like the other Bijuu based suits he had seen in the pile.

Naruto then reached down and picked the suit up and began to examine it, but all of a sudden his hands began to glow with orange coloured Chakra, which on instinct made the Konoha ninja drop the suit.

'Ok fleabag, what's the idea?' Naruto mentally demanded, as he knew the Kyuubi had something to do with his Chakra acting up.

'Don't blame me, Kit. I didn't do this.' Kyuubi replied in a surprisingly honest sounding voice.

But before Naruto could further question the Nine Tailed Fox, the pair were distracted when an orange coloured Chakra aura surrounded the suit and soon the entire appearance of the suit began to change.

The suit's colour changed from grey to orange, as its fingertips and toes transformed to claws.

Nine long tails grew out of the suit's lower back. And to complete the unusual transformation, the suit's head grew a set of long orange ears and began to mould, until it looked exactly like the Kyuubi.

Seeing this transformation was starting to creep Naruto out, in which he turned away and planned to tell Tsunade what he had found and just witnessed, but before he could leave, something pounced on him and forced him to the floor.

Naruto quickly turned around to see who his attacker was, but the Jinchuuriki was shocked to see that the one who attacked him was the Kyuubi suit, as it pressed its hands into Naruto's chest and looked down at him through its empty eyeholes.

Naruto then tried to kick the suit away but found he was unable to move his legs, in which the container of the Nine Tailed Fox freaked out, as the suit had consumed his legs within its own and seemed to have control over them.

And things only went from bad to worse for Naruto, as two of the Kyuubi suit's tails wrapped around Naruto's arms, while a third tail wrapped itself around the Konoha ninja's head, now Naruto was beginning to panic, as he couldn't move any part of his body or see what the suit was doing.

-After an unknown amount of time-

Naruto slowly opened his eyes and woke up, before he stood up and rubbed the right side of his head as the container of the Kyuubi had just had one very weird dream, which to him was more like a nightmare.

But then Naruto realized that he was still in the nightmare, as the Jinchuuriki looked down and was shocked to see that he was now wearing the Kyuubi suit, in which the blond began to tug at the ears, then the tails and then Naruto began tugging on the material that covered his chest, as he searched desperately for a zipper or any way to remove the suit from his body.

It was then Naruto knew he needed help in removing the strange suit, in which the Leaf Village ninja planned to summon a Shadow Clone or two to help pull the suit off him.

However, before he knew what happened, a surge of great pain spread throughout his whole body.

The pain was so intense that Naruto collapsed onto all fours and cried out in pain, as it felt like his very bone structure was reshaping itself.

Though after an unknown time of agony, the pain stopped, which ceased Naruto's cries and made him question what was going on, but first, he wanted to get out of the cursed Kyuubi suit.

Naruto then began to get up, but half way his body ceased and forced him back down on all fours, which scared him and made him mentally ask the Kyuubi, with the same amount of worry. 'Kyuubi, what's going on?'

However, the Nine Tailed Fox didn't respond, which angered Naruto and made him demand aggressively. 'Didn't you hear me, you stupid fox? What's happening to me?'

But the result was the same, which caused Naruto's fear to increase, as the blond knew the Nine Tailed Fox would snap back and threaten him if the Kyuubi was ever insulted.

'Fine. Don't answer me! I'll get out of this without you!' Naruto thought to himself, before he sat down and placed his new claws on his chest and pulled, but the second he did the blond yelped out in pain, as it felt like the suit had fused with his skin.

Desperate for help, Naruto planned to summon some Shadow Clones to assist him in his ordeal, only wanting to be free from the Kyuubi suit's hold and not caring if it did hurt if his Clones pulled hard.

But when he performed the Jutsu nothing happened.

Naruto tried over and over, desperate for his Shadow Clones to help remove him from the suit that had become like a prison to his body, but no matter how many times he performed the Jutsu no Clone came to his aid.

It was then Naruto did something he never thought he would ever do; he gave up and began to cry.

As tears continued to trail down Naruto's face, the blond didn't know what to do, as he knew he couldn't return to Konoha dressed up like the Kyuubi as he feared those who once feared and hated him before he defeated Pain would fear and hate him again and would try to kill him the second he would put a single tail within Konoha and it seemed like he would be in this state for the rest of his life.

But it was then an unknown voice mentally told Naruto. 'Don't worry host... I take care of you...'

Naruto was surprised by the unknown voice and asked. 'Kyuubi, is that you?'

'No... Not Kyuubi... I am combiner of Kyuubi and host...' the voice replied, which shocked Naruto as he figured out this voice belonged to the Kyuubi suit.

'Why are you doing this?' Naruto demanded.

'To make lives of host and me better...' The suit replied, which only confused Naruto and made him question. 'What are you talking about?'

'Without host I will die... With host I live and we have good life...' The suit told Naruto.

'Sorry, but I don't want you in my life, as I already have a good life.' Naruto told the Kyuubi suit back, before the suit replied. 'Host wrong... I search host's memories of past and not good... Lots of pain...'

Naruto was about to reply to the suit and rebuttal against it, but before the young Uzumaki could say a single word, he began to feel dizzy and lightheaded, in which Naruto instead said, as Naruto's eyes drooped and glazed over. 'Memories of my past are not good... Lots of pain...'

'That's right, host... Listen to me... Trust me...' The Kyuubi suit told the hazy minded Jinchuuriki.

'I trust you...' Naruto replied in a monotone voice.

'Good host... Now go sleep... Everything will be better when host wakes up...' The Kyuubi suit told Naruto, in which the Konoha ninja obeyed, closed his eyes, curled up like a fox would and fell into a deep sleep, unaware that as he slept the suit began to go through Naruto's memories, suppressing every memory Naruto had as a human, leaving only his morals, instincts and his ability to make decisions and think for himself.

-When Naruto woke up-

Naruto let out a small yawn, before he took in his surrounds and found himself in a cave, which was concealed behind a waterfall. 'Where am I?' Naruto asked himself, before the transformed fox questioned. 'And who am I?'

'You're in your den.' An unknown voice mentally told him, before it said. 'And from what I can tell... Humans call you Naruto...'

'Naruto?' Naruto thought to himself, as that name did ring a bell, before he asked the voice. 'But who are you? Are you my conscience?'

'Yes... I am your conscience...' Naruto's 'conscience' replied.

'What should I do now, conscience?' Naruto asked, in which his 'conscience' told him. 'Find or hunt for food... Find a vixen... To claim as your mate... And avoid humans... Most humans bad and will hurt you...'

Listening to his conscience, Naruto made his way out of his den, avoiding the waterfall as he did as he didn't want to get his fur wet, before he run into the vast forest of Konoha to live out his life as a simple minded fox.

Visit and look up LiquidPhazon Living Suit of Kyuubi to see the pics. :)