Jennine ValJean

By: ScienceExperiment5150

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my lovely girl Jennine. I own none of the characters from Les Miserables. They all belong to Mr. Hugo the author of the novel Les Miserables. This story will be going along with the 2012 musical with the freaking amazing Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, and Anna Hathaway!

Also I know he was in his 30's when imprisoned in the novel and musical, but for all intents and purposes I'm changing that up a bit so he will be 15, making him 34 when he is released, I am only doing this because Jennine is going to be 23 when they first meet. It will make a bit more sense after awhile I think but I made no promises!

Chapter One: First Meeting

"Jennine! Get out of here! You're going to be late! The Bishop is expecting you as of 10 minutes ago!" cried an elderly woman as a woman with dark brown hair and lavender eyes was shoved from a home. Jennine turned and hugged the older woman tightly. "Thank you for letting my stay with you, but I feel this is the last time we shall see each other Madame Clara. I couldn't have asked for a better adoptive family."

"Go on child. May God bless you in life as he had blessed us." Jennine grabbed her suitcase and tore off down the darkening street, her purple dress flying around her as she ran. About five minutes later she made it to the main street. There on the corner was the Bishop. "Forgive me! I am late…" she said as she came to a panting halt before him, to which he only smiled. "Come now, I know you came as swiftly as you could. Let us depart."

He offered her his elbow whish she took, the bishop leading them to his humble church.


"Wait here my child…." The bishop said to her softly, grabbing a lantern as he approached the doorway of the church. Jennine watched in the shadows and when the light was close enough she saw a figure lying by the door. She saw the figure jump up in fright upon seeing the Bishop.

"Come in, sir, for you are weary, and the night is cold out here. Though our lives are very humble, What we have we have to share." Jennine saw the man cautiously follow after Bishop Myriel before she too walked up after them, but waited by the door before she was ushered in by the Bishops sister. "There is wine here to revive you. There is bread to make you strong. There's a bed to rest till morning; Rest from pain, and rest from wrong."

Out of the corner of her eye she saw the man crouched down by the fire, he had not seen her as of yet, but she watched him closely. "Sit, my brother." The man moved cautiously and sat while a total of three places were set. "Come my child. Sit with us." Jennine placed her suitcase on the floor and then placed her dark cloak over it. The man turned round from his place on the bench and when he saw her he stood. His stare made her blush something awful and she managed a shy smile in his direction.

Once she sat the man sat as well and plates were set before all at the table. As Bishop Myriel said grace the man wolfed down his food. Jennine looked down at her plate and listened to the Bishop finish the prayer before she gave a small bow to him. "Forgive me, but might I go for a walk? The stars seem brighter this night." The man before looked like he was offended she looked at him smiling. "If you like once you are finished you can walk with me. I'd love the company. I'm sure there is an extra coat here, correct Bishop?"

"You are right my dear." He smiled at the girl who was looking at the man across from her still shyly and listened to her speak. "I expect you to be a gentleman as well, so I'll be out on the bench to the left of the door outside." Before she got up she pushed her plate closer to him, then she went for the cloak on her bag. Swinging it over her shoulders she hummed walking from the hall.

"Treat her well… she is the light of our eyes. I still remember the say I found her on our doorstep. Not but an infant of a year."


Jennine sat on the bench outside singing Ave Maria softly when she heard a throat cleared next to her. "So you did come out after all! Wonderful!" smiling she placed her hand in the crook on his arm, which made him stiffen. "What's wrong? I won't hurt you." She frowned slightly and let her hand drop, a small sigh passing her lips when he kept silent. "Might I have your name sir? I'm Jennine."

"Jean." Was his short reply. "Well Jean it is nice to meet you. Now come, walk with me!" there was a smile in her voice as well as in her eyes.


From the window the Bishop watched, smiling. 'My child… your path has changed. It no longer lies with us… but him.' The man sighed and heard the two women of the church talking in hushed tones about what horrible things the man must had done and how foolish and stupid the girl was for being alone with him. "Be still my sisters. He will cause her no harm, and she is no fool. She follows what her heart tells her. Just as she always has. You both know this."


The walk ended not but 20 minutes later. Jennine stopped by the door and took the man's hand gently in her own. "Thank you for the walk Jean. Now you best go inside and warm yourself by the fire. I'll see you in the morning should God will it." With that she turned and made her way to her rooms. Little did she know the next morning would shed a new light on the mysterious man.


She was woken to a cry of pain resonating through the small church. With hurried movements she grabbed a soft grey robe, throwing it over her nightgown and rushed from the room bare feet pattering on the floor. The sight before her made her gasp, her hand flying to cover her mouth. Before her was Jean, on his knees, a large cut now on his forehead. Working on auto pilot she pulled a handkerchief from her robe's pocket and tilted Jean's face up as she knelt beside him. He tried to pull back but she just shook her head and carefully wiped the blood away from his forehead.

She heard the Bishop saying he had given the silver to Jean and a few moments later his hands were unchained. "But remember this my brother. See in this some high plan. You must use this precious silver to become an honest man. By the witness of the martyrs, By the passion and the blood, God has raised you out of darkness, I have saved your soul for God." The bishop left the room, leaving the two alone. "Jean…" she sighed shaking her head. "You are a lucky man… stay here for a few more hours and I'll be sure to have some breakfast for you to eat."

It was in her nature to love all that she met, so before she got up she placed a kiss on his brow. "Remember. Keep close."


"Jennine my child, come here." Myriel called to her and she trotted over. "What is it Bishop Myriel?"

"I want you to go with this man. I feel he will need guidance and who better to give it to him than you? Should you ever need it, you will have a place here to come back to. You my child are going to change his life… And there is something I want to give to you before you go. It was with you when I found you all those years ago." He chuckled at the look on her face and pulled a small bag from his pocket. "I can only assume that they were your mothers. Wear them well Jennine."

Around her neck he placed a silver and pearl choker, and from the front of it hung a small silver cross. In her hand he placed a ring of silver, holding a few small diamonds as well as one silver pearl in its center, but she gave it back. "Keep it father, to remember me by. I keep my cross… it shall keep me on the true path of God."

"Very well. Take care my child." He placed a kiss on her brow and she ran off to make a quick breakfast.


Jennine had some bread and other small things to eat on a plate and made her way back to the main hall when she heard Jean from the distance.

"To touch my soul and teach me love?

He treated me like any other

He gave me his trust

He called me brother.

My life he claims for God above...

Can such things be?

For I had come to hate the world -

This world that always hated me!

Take an eye for an eye!

Turn your heart into stone!

This is all I have lived for!

This is all I have known!

One word from him and I'd be back

Beneath the lash, upon the rack.

Instead he offers me my freedom!"

Jennine heard his voice crack and felt tears come to her eyes, but still she continued to listen to his song.

"I feel my shame inside me like a knife.

He told me that I have a soul...

How does he know?

What spirit comes to move my life?

Is there another way to go?"

His hands lifted to the alter as it trying to reach out for something not there.

"I am reaching, but I fall

And the night is closing in...

As I stare into the void -

To the whirlpool of my sin."

Quickly he stood rushing from the room, past Jennine, not seeing her.

"I'll escape now from that world…

From the world of Jean Valjean.

Jean Valjean is nothing now!"

She finally learned his full name. Placing the plate down on a small table she rushed after him, the bottom of her robe flying around in the wind. Jean rushed to the edge of the hill ripping out his yellow papers. And he cried out letting the tore pieces fly, "Another story must begin!"

Jennine saw him drop his hands and walked up behind him. "Jean?" he turned around, his eyes still teary. "Come. First we eat then we shall take flight. You won't have to do this alone." She held out her hand to him which her took squeezing it tightly. She didn't mind, he was trying to calm his emotions. 'Soon… we shall be free…'


A.N. ok I know that this chapter was choppy, but it was the best I could do. Also the next part will be in the factory, eight years later just like in the musical and movie. I will have the occasional flash back to Jennine and Jean's past because it will be needed, here and there so call Jennine a MarySue if you want, they are in love and married next time we see then together. I'll have a flash back to their wedding day as well as wedding night wink wink nudge nudge! It will be a lemon! But anyway, they had eight years to fall in love and they did, so don't count on too many flash back because I want to keep this fan fic fairly short compared to the other ones! Thanks! ~5150

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