Disclaimer: We don't own The Mentalist, it would be very scary if we did LOL

A/N Nerwen Aldarion: I know I'm completely insane writing a fourth multi chap when I have a bunch more to do but honestly this is all Steele's fault. I got this idea when I was chatting with her about her fic Red Leaves of Fall (READ THAT ONE!) and we started passing ideas back and forth and before we knew it we were writing this one together. Our evil minds have combined together to bring you this cruel work, we truly are evil LOL

A/N SteelSimz: So I know I have a current one but after several conversations with Nerwen I couldn't but help agree to write this story. Combined with our evilness I think we came up with something worth reading. A special thanks to Nerwen for the suggestion because it has been a amusing, violent ride so far. Enjoy the story.


Secluded in Red

Chapter 1: Playing With Fire

Jane unlocked the door to his motel room and stepped inside before tossing his keys onto the table and heading over to the teakettle he had. Filling it with water he started the burner and waited for the water to boil. It had been a relativity quiet day at the office until he got bored and decided to do some tricks on the team which earned him not only the cold the shoulder from Lisbon but also her yelling at him to leave after a few hours. He was making his way to his attic when she'd stopped him.

"Don't you dare head up there." Lisbon said annoyed right before finishing off her coffee.

"Where do you suggest I go?" Jane smirked. Lisbon raised an eyebrow and purposely walked over to him slowly.

"Go to your motel before I force you to leave."

"Why exactly?"

"Jane, you are pestering everyone here, so for the sanity of my team and me, I suggest you just go."

"Where is your sense of fun?" He asked knowing full well that he was pushing her buttons.

"I swear I will shoot you if you don't leave."

"I give." He raised his hands in surrender. "But, what if a case comes up?"

She shrugged. "If I need your help then I will call you."

"When haven't you needed my help?" Jane asked quizzed.

"Jane, just get out of here." Lisbon ordered before walking away from him. He swore he head her mutter the word "jackass" as she went into the kitchen.

So now he was back at his motel with nothing to do. Sitting down on the bed he grabbed the remote and flipped on the TV and started to go through channels in hope of finding something about animals on the Discovery Channel. He saw a talk show and stopped, they had a young man talking about his new book. Jane rolled his eyes and was about to turn the station when the image of Red John's smiley appeared on the screen. He turned up the volume and listened closely.

"Well, you see I don't believe that Red John is the bad guy here." The man he presumed was the author said.

"But he is responsible for several deaths." The over-plucked reporter pointed out.

"Yes, but I believe he was forced to do all these murders under hypnosis." The guy stated with a knowing smile. Jane wanted to punch that smirk off his face. He reminded him so much of himself at that age, cocky, arrogant, and clueless about the world around him.

"In your new book, you state that you firmly believe that one man is responsible for causing all of this." The reporter held up a book that was entitled: Into The Darkness of Red: The True Red John Story.

"Yes, you see this man used his ability to con Red John so he could then make money off him."

The woman cocked her head to the side. "And who is this man, Mr. Chase?"

"Patrick Jane." Mr Chase replied without hesitation.

She looked unconvinced over the ridiculous claim. "But wasn't Mr. Jane family killed at the hands of Red John."

"I am led to believe that Mr. Jane killed his own family then made it look like Red John." Jane felt like throwing the remote at that ludicrous assumption

"But why all the other murders?"

"Those poor people were murdered because they stumbled upon Mr. Jane secret." Well this was getting even better.

"Which is?"

"That he was a fraud."

"Except I admitted that freely you moron," Jane thought.

"But he admitted that he was one after the deaths of his family." The reporter stated as he looked down at his notes.

"Publicity stunt." Mr. Chase smiled at the camera before continuing. "See Mr. Jane needed more reason for the public to be afraid of him so he created this whole scheme. Now he is using his ability to send Red John to do his bidding then he goes to the crime scenes and gives false clues to those working for the CBI."

"I wish I was that brilliant, that would be a real trick."

"And you believe the CBI has no notion of this?" The reporter questioned.

"I believe that they are either blinded by their own stupidity or they are under hypnosis."

"My, my mass hypnosis of the entire CBI, I really am a genius."

"Your book is a very bold and much different from those written about Red John."

"That is true, but once again I must state that I believe that Red John is not doing the killing under his own power."

"If you could meet this so called Red John what would you say to him?" The reporter's question made Jane jump to his feet and walk over closer to the TV. The teakettle was whistling but he didn't care.

He looked directly into the camera now. "I would say that you are not responsible for these awful killings. Rather you have been force to kill by a man with a stronger mind that craves injustice. You are innocent and incapable of hurting anyone unless you are under the power of Mr. Jane." Mr. Chase finished.

"Well, that is it for now. Mr. Chase's new book is due out next week." The reporter flashed her bright grin and the show went to a commercial. Jane pulled his phone out of his vest pocket and press speed dial one.

"I told you to go home." Lisbon answered crankily.

"We have a problem, Lisbon."

"What?" Lisbon voiced was filled with concern. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but I believe that Red John is about to kill again."

"Jane…" Lisbon said not convinced.

"Teresa, trust me." He pleaded.

She sighed heavily. "How do you know?"

"I just watched a man talk about him on TV. He claimed Red John had no power over who he killed but rather I forced him to do all of this."

Lisbon was quiet for a few moments before speaking. "What is his name?"

"The last name is Chase."

"Jane, will you please stop pacing?" Lisbon told him as she pinched the bridge of the nose. The two of them were in her office she was sitting at her desk but Jane was making tread marks on the floor.

"He is going after him." Jane finally stopped moving and took a seat from across her.

"Jane, we have people looking for him."

"They are not working hard enough." His voice was firm and cold, she hated it when he sounded like this.

"Jane!" Lisbon warned just as her phone rang. "Hello. Yes. Will be there shortly." She hung up the phone and looked over at Jane. "We are up."

"What? No, we have more pressing matters."

"Jane, mouthing off on camera isn't a crime," she reminded him.


"No, we are officers of the law and unless Chase committed a crime there is no reason to continue searching for him." Lisbon told him as she got to her feet and headed out the door to the bullpen.

The rest of the team were sitting at their desks, idly doing reports in order to pass the time. "We're up."

"What's the case?" Rigsby asked.

"A murder by the docks. Rigs you drive." Lisbon ordered right before she felt Jane place a hand on her elbow.

"You can't let this matter drop." Jane insisted.

"I know this is important to you but my hands are tied." She moved away from him and headed back to her office to grab her stuff.

But Jane was persistent. "So that is it?"

"Yes." Lisbon sighed as she opened the desk drawer and grabbed her gun. "Come to the scene, it will help distract you for a while."

"I don't want to be distracted." Jane pouted and crossed his arms across his chest.

"You are my consultant so you do as I say."

"Since when?"

"Since forever, Jane." Lisbon grabbed his arm and forced him out of the door. "Go meet up with the guys."

"We are making a mistake." He told her over his shoulder as he walked over to the elevator.


They arrived at the scene and Jane was out of the car before Rigsby had the chance to turn off the engine.

"Is he okay?" Van Pelt asked as the four of them got out, her eyes following Jane.

"He will be fine." Lisbon closed the door and waited for Rigsby to join the team. "Cho, Rigs, go check out the scene. Grace, you are with me."

"Yes, boss." Cho answered and headed off in the opposite direction.

"Let's go." Lisbon motioned as she and Van Pelt headed over to the sheriff.

"Agent Lisbon?" The sheriff asked as they approached.


"Sheriff Taylor." He held out his hand and Lisbon shook it.

"Who is the victim?"

"Lisbon!" Jane yelled from a distance. Lisbon ignored it and focused on the sheriff.

"Thomas Chase, a local writer." The sheriff explained calmly.

"Excuse me?" Lisbon asked shocked. She couldn't quite believe what was happening now.

"Hmm, the last name is Chase."

"Jane." Lisbon muttered under her breath and walked away from the sheriff and headed to the crime scene.

"I told you." Jane told her when she approached him.

"Did he leave a smiley face?" Lisbon asked cautiously.

"Not around here but if you check his apartment you are bound to find one." Jane said as he walked away from her. He stopped a short distance away from her before turning around. "You should have listened."

"Jane, we had no way-"

"You knew!" He yelled.

"Jane, lower your voice."

"I told you and you did nothing." Then he pointed to the body. "His death is your fault." Then he walked away from the scene.

Jane was obsessed. There was no other way to put it. Lisbon had long since come to expect this from him whenever a Red John case came up. But he was angry, angry because she had failed to get to Chase in time to catch Red John. A part of her knew that his anger was mostly focused on himself, on what he perceived as his own failings…but she couldn't really blame him for putting some of the guilt on her.

She should have listened.

Lisbon couldn't even figure out why except…except a part of her really just wanted this to end. This nightmare seemed infinite and took darker turns every year. She hated this, hated not knowing when this monster would strike, hated feeling so useless. But most of all…she hated what all of this did to Jane.

He was in his attic again, disappearing with the reports from the crime scene. Lisbon didn't know if he wanted absolute silence while looking over the evidence…or if he was trying to find some lead so he could work this alone. Probably both.

Well she didn't give a damn about his need for silence; she was going to keep him in line this time. This time…he wasn't going to be alone.

She was quiet as she opened the attic door. There he was, sitting by the window, a file open on his lap but he wasn't looking at it. He was staring out at the view, she knew he wasn't seeing it; he was lost in his own thoughts.

"Jane…" she began softly, "do you want to talk?"

Jane didn't look at her. "I'm working."

"Take a break." He didn't say anything, didn't move at all. Lisbon sighed and stepped closer to him. "Jane, I really think we should talk."

Finally he turned around to look at her, she saw cold determination in his eyes. "Fine…talk."

Lisbon hated that he was putting all of the weight of this conversation on her. But she was the one who started this after all. "It is not my fault that Red John killed Chase."


"It's not your fault either." For a second she saw a glimmer of emotion in his eyes, a bit of pain and guilt. She knew she had him here. "Chase was well versed in the Red John file, he knew there are risks when he reached out to him."

"He was a fool," Jane agreed, "a fool with an even more foolish idea."

Lisbon nodded. She thought about leaving, about letting it all go but Jane's voice stopped her before she could turn. "He met him."


"Red John reached out to Chase before…gave him information."

She gaped at him for a minute. "How…how would you know that?"

"His book," Jane answered simply, "he knows things, things only Red John would know. This was a set up, a game for him just as much as it is for me."

Lisbon closed her eyes for a minute as she processed this information; she opened them again to stare into his face. "All right…what do we do now?"

"I'm going to find out where."

Her eyes flashed. "You? No you are not going to do this alone." Jane gave her a look, as if to say that her words were pointless. "Stop this, Jane. I'm done letting you pull your one man crusade to find this bastard, you will need our help."

"What I need is to be left in peace."

"Stop pushing us away."

He stood up, as if he was exasperated with her. "I'm doing what needs to be done."

"No, you are doing what you want because of revenge," she corrected him. "Can't you see that there is more to life then chasing a ghost?"

"What else is there?"

"People, Jane. People who want to help, people who care about you, people who l—." She stopped herself from uttering the last word, she was not about to lay that down at his feet. But Lisbon could see that it was useless, he already knew.

But it didn't seem like he cared.

Jane gave her the coldest look she had ever seen from him. "There is nothing more important than revenge. Nothing."

"And what about the team? What about me?"


She felt that word pierce her heart like a knife through the chest. It hurt, it hurt knowing that she was worth so little in his eyes. For a second she almost lost the battle with her emotions, she felt the rush of tears but she somehow found the strength to swallow it down.

It was her turn to be cold.

"Maybe I am nothing to you," Lisbon stated, "But I am still in charge of this investigation. So you will tell me everything you have, starting with the list of places to check."

"Or you'll do what?" Jane asked, almost amused by this, "Arrest me?"

"No, I'll have to taken off the case." She glared at him coolly. "Look at me, see if I'm lying."

She wasn't. She knew that and so did he. For a second she saw a flash of rage in his eyes and he glared at her. But he wisely kept his mouth shut; she was not above physically hurting him if she had to. He walked over and handed her a small slip of paper. "You are making a mistake."

"Maybe," Lisbon replied, "But it shouldn't matter. Since you don't care what happens to me."

Jane didn't say anything and she couldn't tell what he was feeling, he was wearing that same cold mask once more.

Lisbon just gave him one more cold look before turning back away from the attic and heading to the bullpen. Her stride was fast and angry, a part of her really wanted to go back up there and give Jane a piece of her mind. Another part of her hated herself for still feeling sympathy for him, for making excuses for his behavior.

He was sad and broken, he needed to be healed. She knew that and she still couldn't believe that he had actually meant everything he'd said.

So the person she really hated in this moment was the one responsible for it all. Red John.

The rest of the team was busy working at their desks. Lisbon walked right over to where Grace was and handed her a list. "Find the addresses for these places, we are all going to take some and search them. Jane thinks Chase met up with Red John at one of them."

"Okay," Grace said, taking the slip of paper. But she eyed Lisbon with concern. "You're upset."

"I'm fine."

"You don't sound fine."

Lisbon thought about denying it but she was too furious to actually put up the effort. "I hate this," she admitted. "I hate how Jane gets whenever Red John enters the picture. He becomes obsessed and shoves everyone aside."

Grace looked at her sympathetically. "I know."

"I hate him," Lisbon declared. "I hate the bastard that made Jane like this." She smiled bitterly now. "You know what? I'd love to meet Red John, so I can tell him to his face what I really think about him."

"Wouldn't that be a trick," Cho remarked, not even looking up from his work.

"Meeting him would be dangerous," Grace reminded her.

"I don't care, I hate him for what he did to Bosco…but mostly for Jane. I think he's a miserable son of a bitch," Lisbon stated. She stared off into space for a moment, briefly imagining her fantasy of finally getting to meet the bastard…and possibly slugging him. Then she turned her attention back to Grace. "Let me know when you have the addresses. I want to get started on this right away."

For once Lisbon was ready for this case to be over with. It wasn't even about finding Red John anymore it was about getting Jane back, her Jane. He always went this crazy over Red John but he never took out on her…except now. She hated this, hated watching him fall deeper and deeper into the abyss.

More than anything she wanted to punch the man responsible for all of this.

But she was working a case because she was a professional and she had a job to do. Which is why Lisbon was hunting down the places Chase had gone to in the past few weeks. They needed to know where he might have met up with Red John or any of his followers.

She didn't know what reason he would go to an old abandoned warehouse though.

Lisbon checked the door; it was unlocked so she carefully stepped into the building. The place was dirty and deserted. The floor was littered with beer bottles, cigarette stubs and pieces of rope. One old rusty chair sat in the middle of the floor, just resting there. She made a quick run through the room but didn't see anything that was suspicious. Looks like this was just another dead end.

Until she turned around to see the dark figure with a gun.

It took a second for the danger to register in her mind, and then her hand instinctively went for her gun. "I would not do that Agent Lisbon, we both know that it is fruitless."

The voice was soft, cultured, high pitched, and muffled by the transparent mask. Transparent mask…she remembered hearing that description before.

"You know who I am." He said and she could hear his smile. "Wonderful, then you are well aware why it is in your best interest to do as I say."

All she could do was gape at him, this monster that had been a constant nightmare for the past decade. He was right. She knew. She knew she was in incredible danger, she knew what this man was capable of and she knew that she should be very, very afraid.

"Now, take out your weapon." Lisbon carefully pulled out her gun, using two fingers to put it out in front of her. "Set it on the ground." Lisbon did as she was told, never once taking her eyes off of him. "Kick it away."

The skittering sound of her gun sliding across the floor was a reminder that she was by no means safe now.

Red John stepped closer to her so now she was looking into his cold eyes. They were a dark brown, almost black. That was the one part of him she would ever be able to identify beyond his voice. "Well, Agent Lisbon. You finally have what you want. Now you and I can talk, face to face, as you requested."

She had said that. In a fit of rage she'd said she wanted to meet him and now…now here they were.

"Tell me. What did you want to say?" He asked, his voice quiet and reflective. "What was so important that we had to meet?"

Lisbon stared at him, mostly trying to keep her own fears in check. She didn't want to start shaking or crying in front of him; she didn't want him to know that she was afraid.

"I could venture a guess. Patrick, you want to talk about Patrick."

The mention of Jane was enough to spark that anger that was simmering within her, that burning hatred for this man. "I want you to stop hurting him."

Now Red John laughed. "Don't play the naïve fool. You know that not all of his pain is caused by me. He has had chances to stop this game, to walk away, he refuses."

"He doesn't have a choice."

"Of course he does. He may hide behind pronouncements of protection but we both know it boils down for revenge. His desire for revenge outweighs everything." He pointed the gun straight at her face. "Except for you."

She didn't break eye contact as he continued. "I have wanted to meet you for a very long time, ever since I realized how much you truly meant to him. Patrick has proven time and again that he is willing to sacrifice anything to get to me…except you." He ran the pistol of the gun across her chin. "Have you ever thought about why that is?"

It took a lot of willpower to remain calm but somehow Lisbon found that strength. "No."

He laughed lightly again. "Liar." He pulled the gun back a few inches. "It consumes you, wondering why, why do you matter so much to him? Is it possible to hope? Hope that he could feel something for you…the same way you feel for him.

"You're so loyal, Agent Lisbon. We could pretend that comes from just time and friendship but that would be foolish. I am not blind, I have seen much, much more than Patrick or you have ever realized. I know how you feel; I know he captured your heart without any intention without you even realizing it until it was too late.

"You love him," Red John stated this with firm authority, "there is no need to lie to me anymore, Agent Lisbon. I knew you loved him before you did."

Somewhere in the middle of his speech she had stopped breathing and all she could hear was the pounding of her heart, loud and fast in her ears. "I…I don't…"

He put the gun to her cheek now. "I told you…there is no point is lying to me."

It went against the grain to be at all open with this monster. But she didn't really have a choice. He was right, there was no point in lying to him.

"What do you want?" she asked him honestly.

Red John pulled the gun back again. "For Patrick to see my vision."

Lisbon shook her head. "That won't happen."

"You're so certain."

"I know Jane. He might be blinded by revenge but he is not blind to what you are and what you do."

He took one step closer to her. "Patrick and I are more alike then you would believe. We share the same talents, the same mind and the same ability to inspire loyalty and trust…it is not illogical to believe we could share the same vision."

"Jane is nothing like you."

"Blind devotion," Red John stated, "you don't even recognize how deep you are. You'd follow him into hell just to be with him, to save him. Saint Teresa falling for the sinner. It's a very beautiful tale. The question is, can the saint redeem the sinner?"

She stared at him for a very long time, she couldn't find any way to refute his claims. She did love Jane; she'd known that for a while. She wanted to save him, she knew that too. He might drag her down to hell with him…but she was willing to take that risk.

Everything he'd said was the truth.

"What do you want?" Lisbon asked him again.

"What do you want?" Red John asked, avoiding her question.

She straightened her posture. "I want to save him."

"And how do you plan to do that?" Red John said, she could feel his smirk, "it is in direct opposition to my plans."

"You can't have him," Lisbon told him, her voice firm.

"That implies he's yours."

She faltered at that statement, hating that Red John had managed to catch that slip. Jane wasn't hers, not really. But she wanted him to be. "He won't go with you."

"You cannot be certain of that."

"Neither can you."

For once Lisbon realized she had Red John, she'd actually shown him up. She knew it from the way he'd stiffened, from the glint of anger in his eyes. Then he relaxed, clearly impressed at her quick mind. "You're right, I cannot be certain. But I do know that this game is going to end in one of two ways. One of us will die…or he will finally see the true purpose of my plans."

Lisbon shook her head quickly. "No."

"You are not a fool, even you should see that it is the truth."

She tried to fight those thoughts, to refute his logic but Red John was many things…foolish was not one of them. A sickening feeling twisted her stomach into a knot; she knew that Red John was right about one thing. Jane was determined to have this end with Red John dead…and she could see where Jane might be the one who sacrificed his life instead.

If Red John was right about that…he might be right about the other.

She had to stop it.

"No," Lisbon said again, "I can't let that happen."

"It is inevitable."

She shook her head. "You can't have him, maybe he'll die but I won't let you twist him into following you either."

"But that is my wish."

"Choose something else then."

He put the gun to her cheek, pressing hard until her flesh molded to the muzzle. "Do you truly believe that you can win this?"

But she didn't back down. "What do I have to do to save him?"

Red John stared at her for a very long time. To her surprise she didn't see anger or resentment but something very close to admiration in his gaze. "There is only one thing…"


He stepped back, his gun still pointed at her. She could feel the smirk radiating from his whole demeanor.

"A trade."


Jane was doing what he normally did on nights like this. He was holed up in his attic flipping through the manuscript of Chase's book, trying to find that connection to Red John. Something was there, it was right in front of him. He just had to see it.

He was distracted from his work when his phone rang. He wasn't surprised to see Lisbon's name pop up on the screen. Jane wondered if Lisbon would lecture him about his obsessions or just sullenly sulk. He'd been rather cruel to her and he knew he owed her an apology.

Jane sighed and picked up the phone. "Yes, Lisbon?"

But she didn't say anything. All he heard was heavy breathing and silence.


Still nothing and Jane felt a sick feeling in his gut that something was very wrong.

Then the line went dead.

It only took a minute for Jane to find out where Lisbon had been going from Grace. He didn't say anything to anyone else on the team but got in his car and headed towards the warehouse she'd been checking out. The first thing he saw was her car parked outside and Jane felt his anxiety only heighten.

She was in trouble. Something was wrong.

He carefully walked into the warehouse, the door was unlocked and it was completely silent. "Lisbon?" He called out, honestly terrified of what he might find.

Then he heard the most beautiful sound he knew.

Her voice.


He breathed a sigh of relief before entering the room completely. He saw her immediately, seated in a rusty chair in the middle of the room, her hands behind her back. Jane rushed over to her as she still struggled with her bonds.

Her hands were tied behind her back with rope, the knots were intricate but a puzzle Jane could easily solve. Her gun was resting in her lap. "You all right?" Jane asked, his voice slightly wooden because he was beginning to recognize what had happened.

"I'm fine," Lisbon told him. He pulled on the rope and the bonds fell free and Lisbon was finally able to draw her arms back. But Jane put both hands on her shoulders to keep her from leaving.

Jane looked into her eyes, searching with his probing gaze. "He was here."

Lisbon stared back at him. "I'm okay."

"What did he do?"

"He didn't hurt me."

"What did he do?"

"Nothing," Lisbon replied. "We talked."

"About what?"

"You," Lisbon told him honestly. "You and him and the game you are playing. He said that one of you is going to have to die."

"He's right," Jane said, taking her hands in his and helping her to her feet.

Lisbon didn't like the sound of that statement, he could tell. But he didn't let her leave yet. There was one more important question he had to ask. "Why did Red John do this? Why did he want to meet you?"

She gave him a hard look and then a very small smile. "I asked."

She didn't give him time to ponder that bit of information; she headed out to her car, putting the phone to her ear to call in the rest of the team. Jane watched her go, knowing that something else had happened.

But damned if he knew what it was.

It was quiet in Jane's attic and he wasn't expecting things to pick up by any means. That was fine, he was ready to enjoy a quiet evening of tea and brooding. It was Lisbon who had other plans as she quietly entered the attic. That wasn't unusual.

Her locking the door was.

"Lisbon," Jane said, turning around to look at her. "What are you doing here?"

She stood by the door for a few moments, toying with her hands. She was nervous, he didn't know why though. "I…I wanted to talk about what happened today."

That interested him. "Are you going to admit that there was more to the story?"

"No," Lisbon told him. Her voice was firm but she didn't go on either, for once Jane wasn't entirely sure if she was lying or not. She was hiding something…maybe.

She stepped forward softly. "I met Red John, Jane…and he didn't kill me."

"You have no idea how happy I am," Jane told her. His voice was flat; he was trying to keep her at a distance. It wasn't how he really felt though; the elation at knowing that she was safe could not be expressed by any joy or action. Nor the all-encompassing fear at realizing just how close she had been to being killed by his nemesis.

"Lisbon…I am sorry," Jane managed to say. "What I said to you earlier…that was wrong."

"But it was the truth," she said softly.

"No, not really," he told her, "but…it has to come first."

"I know," Lisbon replied, "I know." She looked down at her feet for a moment and then met his eyes again. "But something happened today and I…there is something I have to do now."

"What?" Jane asked, honestly unsure over what she was talking about exactly.

Lisbon didn't say anything at all. But there was a determined look on her face as she walked towards him. Every step bringing her closer and closer and Jane suddenly began to wonder if she was going to…

She stopped right in front of him, so close that they could feel the warmth of each other's skin. Lisbon looked up at him with liquid eyes; Jane was enraptured by her in this moment. She reached up to put one hand on either side of his face, stepped up on her toes so she could press her lips to his.

The kiss was soft and gentle, a first exploration of new territory. He didn't respond at first, surprised and not surprised by what was happening. But when her tongue traced the seam of his mouth…well there was only so much temptation a man can take.

He pulled her against him and let the kiss deepen for a moment, finally tasting the inside of her soft mouth. He could feel her hands shaking as they moved up to twine themselves in his hair. Jane put his hands on her shoulders to gently push her away, but not far. "Lisbon…what are you doing?"

"What I want."

She moved to kiss him again but he stopped her. "Why now?"

"Because…I'm finally letting myself."

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked, "You don't know what you are getting into."

"Yes I do," she told him firmly, "Why are you trying to stop it?"

"Maybe I don't want this."

Lisbon shook her head. "That's not true."

"Oh you are so certain?"

"Of course," she scoffed at him, "You said you loved me and then lied about it."

"Did I?"

She ignored his lie again. "You get jealous any time I even work with another man."

"Oh, poor Rigsby and Cho then."

"You kissed me back just now."

Well he couldn't very well deny that. "Maybe it was just curiosity…and now I want to let you down easily."

But a wicked grin appeared on her lips. Suddenly her hand meandered down his neck, across the buttons of his vest and found its destination at the front of his pants. He hissed with pleasure at the feel of her small hand gliding over the hard length of him through the fabric of his clothing. Jane couldn't help but close his eyes at the sensation.

"You don't want to let me down," she leaned in and whispered huskily in his ear, "When everything else is going up."

A feral growl escaped his throat and he looked down to see a devilish gleam in her eye, right before he attacked her mouth with his.

Lisbon continued her slow torture, increasing the pressure which only made Jane even more frenzied with his passion. His hands twined in her hair, then down her back to her waist so he could press her even closer to him.

She finally moved her hand back up to his chest where she methodically began to undo the buttons on his vest and shirt. That brought a moment of clarity from Jane, in between the cloud of lust that was hanging over his mind. He stilled her hand with his. "Red John is already after you," he reminded her.

"I'm not putting my life on hold for him." Lisbon said taking her hand out from underneath his. He wouldn't let her undress him…so she started to undress herself. Slowly unbuttoning her blouse one by one to reveal her small perfect breasts beneath the lace of her black bra.

His breath caught in his throat at the sight. She smiled softly and took his hand in hers, bringing it to her breast. Jane couldn't stop himself from feeling, from letting his thumb glide over her nipple. The sensation was heavenly.

But there was one thing she had to know.

"It won't change anything, Lisbon," Jane reminded her, "I won't stop looking for him…and he will come first."

"I know," Lisbon told him and he was shocked to see that she wasn't lying. "And I don't care." She moved closer, now pressing her breasts up against his partially revealed chest. "Stop fighting, Jane. Take what you want."

"And you know what I want?"

"You want me," Lisbon said firmly, "So stop being a coward and just take it!"

Jane never did handle challenges wisely.

In a flash he had her pressed up against the attic wall and finally tasted the soft white flesh of her throat. She moaned at the pleasure and returned to her earlier task of taking off his vest and shirt, greedily running her hands over the skin she revealed.

"Are you still going to call me a coward?" he whispered in her ear, tracing the shell with his tongue.

"You haven't even started yet."

His hands found the front clasp of her bra and soon she was rid of her fabric. He didn't waste time, leaning down to taste the flesh he revealed. He heard her ragged breath when he took one pink bud into his mouth and she pressed his head closer to her chest. He gave the same attention to the other breast and she was panting by the time he lifted his head to meet her eyes. For a moment all they did was look at each other, for the first time not hiding the longing in their gaze, then she pulled him up into a hungry kiss.

Her hands found the fastening of his pants and soon enough they dipped inside to feel him without the barrier of clothing. It took a moment for Jane to gather himself; the sensations she was bringing were blissful. His fingers found the button on her own garments. "We should move this somewhere more comfortable."

"Shut up," she told him, squeezing him now. A strangled sound emitted from his throat when she did that and there certainly was no turning back now.

He pushed her pants down while she did the same to him but he pressed her up against the wall to return the favor. Running his fingertips over the inside of her thigh and then up to her wet core. He buried two fingers inside of her and she let out a sharp cry, digging her fingernails into his biceps.

Jane let her get lost in the sensation of his thrusting fingers for a few moments before leaning in and whispering in her ear. "Coward?"

She bit her lip and then opened her eyes, trying to fight the sensations he was causing. "That remains to be seen."

He smiled now and she whimpered in disappointment when he removed his fingers. Only to groan with delight as he lifted her up against the wall. They both gasped when the crown of him nudged her folds and then he slid in with one deep thrust.

They reveled in that moment, of skin on skin, feeling the sensation of being filled completely. Then they joined in a fast, rough rhythm of lust.

Lisbon's cries were muffled by the skin of his shoulder but his own gasps and pants filled the air. He pressed her closer to the wall, putting one hand against it for leverage as he quickened the pace. This wasn't slow and sweet, this wasn't about lasting…this was just raw passion.

She bit into his shoulder just when he felt her walls clench around him and she let out a loud moan. He was barely able to hold out through her climax but managed to steady himself long enough to keep up the pace.

Lisbon was still shaking from the aftershocks, running her fingertips over his slick skin. "Let go," she whispered into his ear.

And he did.

It took a long time for them to come down from that high. He was still buried inside of her, his face pressed against the warm skin of her throat, her hands gently stroking his damp curls. Finally he pulled back to meet her eyes and he didn't see any regret there.

He wondered about that. About all of this. Lisbon would never have let this happen, not now and especially not like this.

Something was different.

But he'd wonder about that later.


The sound of a vibrating phone broke the silence in the very early hours of the morning. The sun was only just breaking through the clouds, not yet warming the chilly air in the dark attic. Lisbon shivered and pressed closer to the warm body that was surrounding her. But her phone kept buzzing and finally her mind clicked that she had to answer it.

She scrambled for it, finding it on the floor right underneath her. "Lisbon," she answered, not taking the time to check the I.D.

"Boss," Cho said his voice was as emotionless as always. "We have a case."

Lisbon sat up, actually covering her naked body with her arms as if the man could see her. "All right, where is it?"

She listened as he told her the address and what little information he knew. Then he said, "You want me to call Jane?"

Lisbon glanced over at the man in question. He'd woken up during her scramble for her phone and was now looking at her with a questioning glance. His hair deliciously sexy and rumpled from sleep and her fingers.

"Uh…no, I'll tell him myself," she replied, not once taking her eyes off Jane. "Call Rigsby and Van Pelt, I'll meet you there." Lisbon hung up her phone, still looked at him. "We have a case."

"I figured that."

They simply stared at one another for a long moment, the gravity of their actions the night before finally sinking in.

"So…" Jane said, breaking the silence, "that happened."

Lisbon nodded, smiling softly. "Yeah it did." She met his eyes with a gentle gaze. "We'll talk about it…later, okay?"

"All right," Jane agreed. She wanted to kiss him but decided not to press her luck. Instead she moved to get off of the cot, groaning at the crick in her neck and her sore muscles. "God, Jane, how the hell do you sleep on that thing?"

"Usually I don't have to share it," he replied smoothly.

She was ready to reply but was stopped short by the sight of Jane bending over to pick up his clothes, giving her a perfect shot of his magnificent ass. He turned around and grinned when he caught her staring, she blushed and looked away, finally gathering her own clothes.

"I have a change of clothing in my locker," Lisbon told him as she pulled her pants on. "I'll get them while you head out to the scene," she quickly told him the address.

"You have to change?"

"I don't want them wondering why I'm wearing the same clothes from yesterday."

"I doubt they'll suspect you were up here with me doing unspeakable things against that wall."

She blushed again, more at the memories this time. "I don't want them asking questions either way." Then she met his eyes with all seriousness. "But I don't regret last night."

Jane kept his gaze on hers while he buttoned the cuffs of his shirt. "Neither do I."

Her whole body filled with warmth at his words and she smiled again. "We can talk about it later," she reminded him.

"Yes," Jane agreed, "later. Now we go to a crime scene and try to forget about this. Good luck with that."

"You too," she said, still smiling as she left the attic.

She regretted a lot of things in the last twenty-four hours…this was most definitely not one of them.

Lisbon finished signing the paperwork then dropped the pen on the desk before leaning back against her chair. Their current case was that of a son of a political figured who was killed in a nearby field. While Jane had told her was the ex-girlfriend she just couldn't arrest her without proof and now they were forced to wait for autopsy because an accident had taken priority. She had actual hoped that there would be more paperwork for her to finish so she could avoid Jane for a little longer. They had agreed to talk later about what had happened between them but she wasn't sure she how the conversation would go. She knew he would ask again why she decided to make a move but she couldn't tell him the truth.

Getting to her feet she grabbed her stuff and got ready to head home but looking into the bullpen she noticed that Jane wasn't asleep on his couch. As she made her way to the elevators she debated if she should go up to the attic to talk to Jane about last night or just go home and deal with it tomorrow. Feeling exhausted not just from the case but from the night before she pressed the elevator button and made a mental note to call Jane when she got home apologizing for not stay around. She made her way out of the CBI and to her car when she noticed that Jane's car was still in its parking space, which meant he was in his attic.

"Leaving already?" Jane voiced startled Lisbon as she came around to the driver's side of her car.

"I thought you were in your attic." Lisbon ignored his question and unlocked her car.

"I was waiting for you." Jane took a step closer to her so they were within inches of each other. She looked up at him for a few seconds before looking away. She didn't trust herself not to kiss the man standing in front of her.

"I know we need to talk." Lisbon admitted as she pushed past him and opened the car door.

"Yes, we do." He agreed then walked away from her leaving Lisbon wondering what he was doing but she saw him appear shortly on the passenger side of the car, he opened the door and got in. Lisbon let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding before getting into the drivers seat then shut the door.

"Jane, about last night." Lisbon began but Jane waved her off.

"Not here." Jane informed her as he waited for her to start the car.

"But your car is here." Lisbon pointed out, realizing the moment she said it that it wouldn't surprise anyone that his car was parked in the parking lot overnight.

"People won't say anything. Let's go to your place." Jane suggested then leaned back and closed his eyes. Lisbon shook her head and started the car before pulling out of the parking lot.

"I wasn't avoiding you tonight." Lisbon explained as she drove home.

"I know." Jane said with a hint of smugness that made Lisbon want to punch him. She glanced over at him and noticed that his eyes were closed as she drove. He seemed nice and relaxed while she felt more out of sorts then ever before but then again she was holding something back from him and she knew that for once he wasn't picking up on her lie.

"Jane?" Lisbon asked, as she got closer to her place.

Jane held up a hand to stop her from continuing. "We will talk when we get there."

"Fine." Lisbon huffed and tightened her grip on the steering wheel.

Lisbon pulled into her parking spot and killed the engine. She got out in a hurry knowing that Jane would be following her. And she was correct when she started to unlock her apartment door she felt Jane presence behind her waiting for her to open the door. She opened the door and went inside, turning on the light just as he was closing the door.

"Do you want some tea?" Lisbon asked him as she made her way to the kitchen. She got a few inches away when she felt him grab her arm and pull her back to him quickly. He turned her around so she was facing him before he leaned down and kissed her passionately. He pushed her up against the front door as his hands started to unbutton her blouse. Hers, meanwhile, were running through his soft blond curls. Lisbon broke the kiss for air and tried to talk but Jane's lips found her neck and started leaving small kisses there and she her higher brain function disappeared.

"We need to talk." Jane said suddenly as he removed his lips from her neck and backed away from her. Lisbon stood there stunned that he had just broken up what he started. She silently cursed him as she grabbed his hand and led him over to the couch.

"Sit." She ordered before taking a seat on the couch. He nodded and then sat down awfully close to her, making her doubt that they would be able to get though this conversation without jumping each other.

"Why?" Jane asked as suddenly.

"What?" Lisbon had been focused on her thoughts that she hadn't even heard him.

"Why did you choose now and don't tell me the same reason you gave me in the attic because I know you were lying." He told her as he looked at her.

"I told you the truth." Lisbon answered hoping that he would see that she was telling the truth…partly.

"So you just figured it was time?"

"We have been doing this stupid dance between each other for a while and you know it has gotten worse since you returned from Vegas." Lisbon told him as she got to her feet in hopes of putting some distance between them. "And you were never going to make a move."

"You know exactly why."

"Yes, Red John."

"And you know that as long as he is alive that I cannot devote myself to anyone." Jane pointed out.

"I know that but is it worth giving up all happiness until you find him?" Lisbon asked but Jane didn't say anything so she continued. "So I decided that I would give you the happiness that you deserve and make a move."

Jane got to his feet and walked over to her. "You know that I don't regret it for a second."

"Neither do I, but what happens now is in your hands." Lisbon told him as she placed her hand in his. "So what do you want?"

"You." Jane said simply as he pulled her closer than kissed her again.

"Feel like finishing what you started?" Lisbon asked suggestively after Jane broke the kiss again.

"You tell me?" He smiled and leaned back down to kiss her but she put a hand on his chest to stop him. "What?"

"Follow me." Lisbon grabbed his hand and led him up the stairs to her bedroom. When they arrived at the door she turned to look at him. "It will be more comfortable than your make-shift bed."

"There is nothing wrong with my bed." Jane pointed out as he watched Lisbon hands go to work on his vest.

"Jane?" Lisbon asked.

"Yes, my dear."

"Shut up." She grabbed the lapels of his suit jacket and pulled him into the bedroom.


"We should order something to eat." Lisbon said as she lay in Jane's arm after their lovemaking session.

"Or I could just cook something for us." Jane offered as he started to leave kisses on her neck.

"I have nothing in the fridge." She replied as she turned in his arms and captured his lips in a kiss.

"Then what do you suggested we order?" He said between kisses.

"I'm not hungry for food anymore." She pushed him on his back and moved on top of him allowing the sheets that had been covering her to drop to her hips, reveling her breasts to him.

"Now that you mention it, I'm not that hungry either." His hand came up to her right breast and gave it a slight squeeze registering a moan from her as she lifted her hips and reach between them in order to guide him into her. They both gasped at the feeling of being connected again until Jane in one swift movement leaned forward and then pushed her on her back.

"I want to be in control." He growled as he started to thrust.

"Yes, sir." Lisbon moaned before grabbing his head with her hands and pulling him into a kiss. Those words were the last between them for the rest of the night.


Lisbon was woken by the sound of the alarm. Turning it off she turned to look at the man she had spent last night with but he wasn't in the bed and his spot was cold. Getting to her feet she noticed a note on the dresser and walked over to read it.

"Needed a change of clothes will see you at the office. P.S. You owe me a shirt"

A soft smile played on her lips at the note and at the memory of his ripped his shirt somewhere along the fourth or fifth round of lovemaking. Shaking her head she went into the bathroom and got ready for work.

In twenty minutes she was at the CBI, with none the wiser as to her late night activities. Just as she got out of the elevator Jane was standing there with a cup of coffee in his hands waiting for her.

"For you." He said as he handed her the cup.

"Thank you." She blushed as their fingers touched and stayed there for a few seconds longer.

"Cho is bringing a suspect in to be questioned." He informed her as the two of them headed to her office.

"Help him when he gets back." Lisbon replied as she dropped her stuff on her desk.

"Will do."

"Oh, and Jane."


She walked over to him and lifted herself on to her toes so she could whisper into his ear. "I didn't rip your shirt."

"Yes, you did." He replied with a smile as he wrapped an arm around her waist.

"No, you ripped it when you were in desperate need to get it off of me." She whispered again then moved away from him leaving him speechless. She sat down on her desk chair just as Jane walked over to her and bent down to whisper into her ear.

"Next time listen to me and don't wear any clothes."

He then straightened up and walked out of her office. Lisbon grabbed a pen and threw it towards the door but he was long gone. The smile that had been on her lips faded as her thoughts went back to the reason that her and Jane were now together. She pulled out her phone and texted him to have dinner with her tonight and then started on her paperwork. She was going to savor every moment she had being with Jane that was a promise she was making to herself.

One Month Later

Jane woke up in Lisbon's bed, a very common occurrence over the last few weeks. But he was surprised to find Lisbon's side of the bed completely empty. The sheets now cool since their owner was gone. At first he assumed she'd gone down stairs but he didn't hear any sounds of Lisbon getting ready for her day.

It was no matter. It was a little late, no doubt she'd decided to head to the office early and let him catch up on sleep. It would not be the first time she had done that sort of thing. Jane quickly dressed and hurried over to the CBI, actually eager to see her face again.

But a quick glance in the parking lot proved she was not there. Even more disconcerting…her office was empty.

"Where's Lisbon?" He asked, Cho and Rigsby were already there too. Grace was obviously running a little late.

Rigsby shrugged. "She's not in yet I guess."

That was when Jane got a very bad feeling. Sure, maybe she was in a meeting with Bertram or with a judge or something like that…but he couldn't shake the idea that something was very, very wrong.


Two hours later, Jane was certain that his initial instincts were right. Lisbon was never late, certainly not two hours later. The rest of the team agreed, especially when any time they tried to call her cell phone they all got the same voice mail message. Her phone was off or she wasn't answering…or wasn't able to.

Cho put a search out for her car but by the end of the day there was no sign of her. Brenda Shettrick was quick to pull the media in, plastering Lisbon's face on the news. Bertram was going to call a press conference if she wasn't found by the morning.

Jane watched it all with a sickening feeling tearing his stomach to shreds, he had a terrible idea. But no…no this was not Red John's style. Where was the sign? Where was his trademark symbol to let him know what he had?

Besides…wouldn't he have just killed her?

"Go home, Jane."

He looked up at Cho from his couch, blinking at him in surprise. "What?"

"You should go home," Cho repeated.

"I'm waiting for Lisbon."

"Every cop in the state is looking for her…none of us are doing any good just sitting here."

"And you think being at home will help?"

Cho just stared at him. "It's two in the morning." Jane couldn't hide his surprise, how long had he been sitting there watching his worst nightmare come to life? "We all need to get some sleep so we can get back to the search tomorrow."

"Oh yes, sleep. That'll come easily."

"Just go home."

He thought about protesting some more but Cho wasn't going to budge so easily. More than that he wasn't entirely wrong. There really was nothing he could do at the moment. He could go to his attic and think but the CBI was bustling with people searching or the missing agent…and right now he needed peace.

So Jane made it back to his motel room in brooding silence. He didn't really want to be here but he didn't have anywhere else to go. Lisbon's place was now being watched by SACPD, it would be interesting to see if they had put together that the few men's stuff in her apartment actually belonged to him.

He opened the door to his room, all he saw was darkness. Jane flicked on the light, feeling that emptiness he hadn't felt in weeks. Not since Lisbon had forced her way into his life completely. He hated emptiness now.

Jane was so focused on his thoughts that it took a moment for him to see that something was on his bed. Two things actually.

He walked over to see what they were and felt his heart skip a beat and then speed up exponentially.

One of them was Lisbon's badge.

The other was a blank card, completely white except for the small red smiley face…drawn in blood.

And just like that, his nightmares became reality.

A/N: Well what did you think? The set up is pretty big and this story is going to be a VERY interesting ride, just try to figure out what Red John has planned for Lisbon and Jane hehehe.

Next chapter: Jane has to overcome his depression after Lisbon is still missing...until Red John leaves him some clues that may lead him to the woman he loves.