This is a poem I wrote about my lilligant, Bell.~ I caught her in my Nuzlocke run of Pokemon White. (For those of you who don't know what a Nuzlocke run is, it's when you play a Pokemon game with extra rules to make it harder - the basic ones being that if a pokemon faints, it's dead and you can't use it anymore, and you can only catch the first pokemon you find in each area.) In sight of these rules, I was very lucky to catch Bell, since it was only a 5% chance of her showing up. She will be appearing in my novelization of this run, if/when I decide to write it. But anyway, after that I felt inspired to write a poem about her, and here it is. It's a pantaum, a new style of poem I discovered recently and have been having a LOT of fun with!

Her name is Bell

She is fragile

All is well

Gently agile


She is fragile

A soft goodbye

Gently agile

A lullaby


A soft goodbye

Her name is Bell

A lullaby

All is well

Short, but I think it came across well in conveying what Bell is supposed to be like. :) The only thing I don't like that much is the line "gently agile", but I couldn't think of anything else that rhymes with "fragile". I'd take suggestions of anyone has one. :)