The War is Over

Chapter 20 - All Was Well

'Everything okay?'

Cassie was in bed, and Rose and Scorpius were upstairs. It was clear Draco had been waiting in the kitchen for her to come back in.

'Don't try and pretend like you weren't eavesdropping on the whole thing,' Hermione said with a raised eyebrow.

'I didn't eavesdrop on the whole thing, just the latter part. I was taking Cassie to bed, remember?' Draco said cheekily as he sat down at a bar stool, 'so how do you feel?'

'Kind of like I have closure,' Hermione said honestly.

'Well that's good then, isn't it?' Draco asked, surveying his wife carefully.

'I guess,' Hermione said thoughtfully, 'I mean it reiterated what I already know.'

'And what's that?'

'That I'm much happier now than I ever was back then,' Hermione said with a soft smile, 'that Rose is happier now than she was then.'

'Does he want to be involved in her life?' Draco asked quietly.

Hermione shook her head, 'He has his own family in America, he's going back to them tonight.'

'I still don't understand that,' Draco said, shaking his head in disbelief.

'I think I finally do,' Hermione said honestly, 'I never quite knew how long he was cheating on me for, but it was from just after Rose was born. When he looked at her he felt guilty.'

'So what did he come here for?' Draco asked with a frown, 'if that's how he feels about Rose.'

'He came to apologise,' Hermione said, 'and I'm glad he did.'

'Do you think we'll be seeing him again?' Draco asked as he watched the door of the tent curiously.

'I highly doubt it,' Hermione said with a smile, 'he's going back to his life and I'm going back to mine.'

'Good,' Draco said, kissing Hermione lightly on the lips, 'I'm glad you two sorted things out.'

'Yeah,' Hermione said, 'yeah, so am I.'

'Draco, I'm back!' Hermione shouted the moment she had walked out of the fireplace.

He rushed into the sitting room immediately, 'What happened?' he asked.

Hermione sat down and chewed her lip, 'You're not going to like it,' she admitted.

'Go on,' Draco said, looking worried.

'Well…they were both sorted into Hufflepuff…' Hermione said, watching Draco's face for a reaction.

'Huff…Hufflepuff?' He choked out, 'I…I…well I…I can learn to cope with that.'

Hermione grinned, laughing loudly and causing Draco to glare at her as he realised what she had just done, 'Okay, I get it. You're playing with me,' he said as he rolled his eyes.

'I'm sorry,' Hermione said through her laughter, 'I just couldn't resist and your face…oh my god your face was so funny. If you could have seen it,' she laughed some more.

Draco shook his head in amusement at how much of a joker Hermione could be at times, 'So are you planning on telling me what actually happened?' he asked, he was now the one raising his eyebrow at her.

Hermione smiled, she had just come from the sorting ceremony. It was one of the perks of being a teacher at Hogwarts, she actually got to see her children getting sorted. Draco had been panicking about it all day of course, ever since they said goodbye to Rose and Scorpius at 11am and put them on the train. His worst fear was of them both becoming Hufflepuff's or of Scorpius becoming a Gryffindor.

'You do realise if they both became Gryffindors and you tell me that now, I'm going to think you're lying,' Draco said, still amused, 'didn't your parents tell you not to cry wolf?'

'Alright,' Hermione said with a smile, 'I'll tell you what actually happened…'

'Get on with it woman,' Draco said, glaring at his wife.

'They were both sorted into the same house,' Hermione said honestly, 'that much is true, it just wasn't Hufflepuff.'

'What house?' Draco asked eagerly.

'Slytherin,' Hermione admitted sheepishly.

'Slytherin?' Draco asked with a grin, 'both of them?'

'And it gets better,' Hermione admitted, smirking a little at her husband, 'Albus Severus Potter…was sorted into the same house as his namesake, only it was his middle name…'

'Hah!' Draco said, laughing loudly, 'Al's in Slytherin too?'

Hermione nodded, still chuckling at the events of the night, 'does Potter know?'

'Not yet,' Hermione replied, 'but I'm pretty sure he saw it coming. Let's face it, those three are more like Slytherins than anything else.'

'Admit it, you were hoping Rose would be a Gryffindor,' Draco said with a grin.

'Or a Ravenclaw at least,' Hermione said as she rolled her eyes, 'but a Slytherin,' she shook her head in disbelief.

'She clearly takes after me,' Draco said, it was meant as a joke but it sparked something inside Hermione.

'In all seriousness Draco I'm sort of glad she's in Slytherin,' Hermione said, meeting her Husband's eye, 'it means she's got more of the man who raised her in her than the man who created her.'

'That's very philosophical,' Draco said as he kissed his wife lightly on the lips, 'but don't worry, I understand.'

'Have I ever thanked you?' Hermione asked with a frown, 'for all you've done for us?'

'You thanked me when you married me Hermione,' Draco said sincerely, kissing her again.

Hermione smiled, surveying Draco with amusement. He was being sincere but he was also smirking somewhat evilly, 'go on,' she said.

'What?' he asked innocently.

'I know you want to tell Harry about Al, and I know you know he's on nightshift tonight, so go on,' Hermione said, reading Draco's mind.

'You're great,' Draco said with a grin as he jumped up and kissed her once more before rushing to the fireplace.

'Hey Harry.'

'Draco, what are you doing in my office at this time of night?'

'What date is it?' Draco asked with a smirk as he sat down in the chair across from Harry's desk.

'The 1st of September…' Harry said, frowning slightly until it dawned on him, 'you know what house Al was sorted into?'

'I might,' Draco said cryptically.

'You know, of course you do, Hermione told you,' Harry said with narrowed eyes.

'I do know what house your son was sorted into,' Draco confirmed.

'And may I ask why you look so smug about it?' Harry asked, his eyes widening as he realised the only reason Draco would be smug about his sons sorting.

'Well he was sorted for his namesake, his middle name that is,' Draco said with a grin.


'Yep,' Draco said with a grin, 'along with Rose and Scorp.'

'Well I can't say I'm surprised,' Harry said with a chuckle, 'you've been corrupting my son ever since you married Hermione.'

'It wasn't intentional,' Draco said with a smirk, 'but I must say I am amused that a Potter has become a Slytherin.'

'Technically so has a Weasley,' Harry said, shaking his head in disbelief, 'I think it's good that Ron isn't involved in Rose's life. He wouldn't be able to deal with that.'

'Now that Hermione knows his address I'm kind of tempted to write,' Draco admitted with a grin that made Harry laugh.

All joking aside, life was good. The kids were in the same house, they were still friends, and life was good.

All was well.

The End

A/N – Ah, so it's done :D Hope you all enjoyed it and thanks for reading! I'm moving on to 'Eyes Open' and 'A Game of Hunger' now so I get those two finished and I've also got a Harry/Hermione one called 'Skeletons' in the mix.

Anyway, thanks again for reading guys! :D
