Liara woke slowly, eyes peeping open the tiniest bit as she stretched languidly, relaxed after a good night's sleep. Her eyes widened slightly when she saw the time; how had they managed to sleep nearly until noon? Again? She smiled softly as she turned in Shepard's arms; it must be the company.

It never ceased to amaze her how right it felt to be here; there was nowhere else she slept better than curled into Jane's arms with her soft breath on her back and the steady beat of her pulse echoing in her ears. Liara gave thanks once again that they were both alive and well; after so many years apart and despite all the troubles in between, they were still here to enjoy this.

Her smile broadened as she took in her lover's face, relaxed in sleep with a faint smile playing about her lips, legs twined around her calves. Shepard murmured unintelligibly as Liara shifted, pulling her closer and nestling back into the warmth of the covers. Almost against her will, Liara found her hand reaching out to trace the outline of her face, down her jawline and over her lips; she giggled when Shepard nipped her lightly, eyes flickering open as she reached up to catch Liara's hand and hold it to her cheek.

"Good morning." That soft tone never failed to send a rush of warmth through her body, part joy, part arousal. She delighted in watching her soft lips shape the words.

Liara shook off her reverie, "It's closer to afternoon. We've practically slept the day away."

Shepard's smile turned mischievous, "Then there's no point in rushing to get up, is there?"

Liara smiled in return, not sure what her lover was planning but perfectly willing to while away the hours at her side. "No. I suppose not." She leaned forward to press a playful kiss to Shepard's nose.

Shepard tilted her face up, catching Liara's lips as she pulled away. Liara smiled against her lips and Shepard slipped her tongue inside, delighting in her taste. She groaned appreciatively in the back of her throat as Liara's hand slipped down her throat to her breasts, tracing patterns in the sensitive flesh.

Shepard pulled back slowly, unwilling to break the kiss until she had to. "I've been meaning to speak to you for a while now." Her hand skimmed lazily down Liara's back, running a smooth nail down the dip of her spine until she arched forward to press their chests together. Liara frowned slightly and Shepard nipped at the corner of her lip, pressing light kisses along her face until she smiled again.

"About what?"

"All those little blue babies we're going to have."

She felt Liara's soft puff of laughter against the hollow of her throat, "Did you want to get started now?"

"Hmm. Not a bad idea, but that's not what I had in mind."

Liara arched against her once more as she felt Shepard pulling away. "Are you going to tell me what you had in mind?" She giggled again as Shepard propped herself on her elbows to gently push her into the covers, hand on her shoulder to turn her onto her back. Her giggle turned to a gasp as Shepard leaned forward to take a nipple in her mouth, swirling around it until she felt it responding to her ministrations.

She pulled away, "Those children are going to need names." Her breath was cool against Liara's wet skin and Liara shivered, her hand brushing through Shepard's hair, pushing it out of her face so that she could see her expression more easily.

"What sort of names did you have in mind?"

Shepard ran her thumb around the neglected nipple, ignoring Liara once again as her tongue traced a path between her breasts; "I was hoping you might have something in mind. It just wouldn't feel right, bringing all those children into the world without even a name to call them by."

Liara snorted, "You're not making any sense; we'll have months to think up- SHEPARD!"

Shepard smiled innocently back at her, baring those wicked teeth that did such wonderful things. "If you're still thinking, I mustn't be doing my job right." She laved the small nip, sucking the skin into her mouth to soothe it.

"Shepard." Liara's tone was a warning she would do well to take heed of.

"Liara." That was the closest humans ever came to a purr, and didn't it just send shivers up her spine?

Shepard's progress continued down to her lower ribs, fingers stealing down to her hips. "I have an idea."

Liara groaned, "This won't end in disaster."

"Why don't you try throwing out a few names and we'll see if we can't find a few we agree on?" Her tongue swirled about Liara's bellybutton, dipping in as she gasped.


"No, I don't think it fits." Shepard grinned up at her as she descended lower and lower until Liara could feel her hot breath on her lower lips.

Liara's fingers twined in her hair as Shepard ran her tongue teasingly up the seam, pulling away just before she came to the sensitive nub.

"Jane." Liara whispered lovingly.

"Not that either, it's taken."

Shepard's fingers massaged the hollow at her hip bones gently as Liara followed her rhythm, arching to bring her tongue deeper but Shepard was stubborn, running her tongue from side to side now, still no closer to Liara's goal.

Liara blushed to see the satisfied smile on her face, blushed still more as her eyes fluttered closed. "Look at me."

Shepard's voice had dipped to that husky register she reserved only for their bed and Liara's eyes shot open once more to meet Shepard's gaze as she knelt there between her legs.

"Any other ideas?" Liara twisted, thumbs brushing softly against Shepard's temples as her fingers ghosted through her hair.

"Do you thinkā€¦" She paused as she felt a light tremor go through her, sighing in frustration when Shepard stopped.

"Do I think?"

"Could we name one after my mother?" Liara felt a small pang of anxiety, "Forget it- it was a silly-" Her hips arched as Shepard pulled her clit between her lips, running her tongue around it maddeningly.

"That is a wonderful idea for the eldest, but what about our second?"

"Maybe-" Liara cut off again as Shepard buried her face between her legs, licking into her voraciously. "Ah, Jane!"

She subsided, breathing heavily, her hands moving to clutch the sheets at her side.

"You are so beautiful, do you know that?"

Liara felt the sting of happy tears in her eyes, "You tell me everyday."

"It can't be said often enough." Shepard's hands ghosted up her hips and over her waist, rubbing her stomach softly, "I can't wait to see you with our kids. It's going to be something special."

Liara chuckled, "Between the two of us I'm not sure you're going to have a chance to sit back and admire them. They'll be hellions."

"You say that like it's a bad thing."

Liara tried to rise up onto her elbows, but Shepard pushed her back down firmly, running her fingers down to Liara's center to trace the path her tongue had taken. She smirked to see Liara's toes curling, legs spreading farther apart to give her access. She kept her touch light as she brushed her thumb over Liara's nub, her other finger pushing gently into her as she leaned down to press her tongue once more along the seam.

Liara's hips arched off the bed as she panted, eyes staring blankly up at the ceiling. Her pupils had gone wide and dark and Shepard felt a shiver of anticipation at the thought of melding with her, but she could wait. It had been awhile since they had just taken their time to enjoy each other. Liara's fingers glided through her hair to take a gentle grip once again, whispering a small plea and tugging lightly as Shepard began to move back.

"I still don't have a name for our second." As she spoke, her fingers curled up into her lover, her thumb pressing firmly against her clit, feeling her walls contract around her fingers.

For all their conversation, Liara's release was quiet; her breath caught and her body froze, her eyes going wide in ecstasy. Shepard watched as she came down from her high, sighing softly with contentment.

Her voice was low and sultry when she at last found it in her to reply, "I don't think it's fair that I should have to think up all the names."

Shepard's eyes widened as Liara's biotics sparked warningly.

"Liara-" before she could finish the warning she found herself pinned beneath her lover.

"I also don't think it's fair that you should have all the fun." Liara leaned forward to catch her mouth in a kiss, tasting herself on Shepard's lips sent a thrill though her and she stroked contentedly at the curve of her lover's hip.

Shepard wrinkled her nose adorably, "You're incorrigible."

"That's why you love me, darling." Shepard's eyes widened with pleasure at the endearment. Let anyone else talk down to her in that sweet tone and she'd show them why she was chosen as the first human Spectre, but Liara was different, she had thar right.

Shepard's hand rose to pull her down for another kiss, creeping up the back of her sensitive neck so that Liara began to move against her, hands sweeping over her breasts slowly, plucking at her nipples teasingly until she groaned softly. Liara's lips moved down her throat to the hollow, nipping along her collar bone, her hands playing over an old battle-scar before her tongue moved down to trace it.

"What did you want to name our second?"

Shepard sighed thoughtfully, "That's more of a sound and less of a name, Shepard."

Liara could hear the smile in her voice when she replied, "My bad habits are rubbing off on you; I'll have to be more careful."

She started as she felt Liara's tongue mimicking her past action, licking at her a little desperately. Shepard's hand curled against her head, nails biting lightly into her sensitive flesh and Liara gasped against her, pushing her tongue roughly into her.

Any words Shepard had meant to say were lost as she writhed against her lover's mouth, one hand clutching the sheets for support as the other dipped down to Liara's sensitive neck.

Liara pulled back suddenly and Shepard keened at the loss, "Name, Shepard. What's her name?"

"Don't tease!"

"Turnabout's fair play as you always remind me. But you're right, I have a better idea."

Shepard cried out in surprise as Liara buried her face between her legs, kissing her as though they were mouth to mouth, two of her fingers thrusting in counterpoint to her tongue.

Shepard grit her teeth as she felt her muscles tensing, willing herself to hold on to some shred of sanity. Liara stopped suddenly, "Well?"

"Hannah. Might as well name them after our mothers. Now please."

Oh that sounded too pleading, Liara would surely draw it out now, just to be a tease.

Liara was of no mind to dally any longer, her hands drew Shepard's hips to her, massaging into the hollow at her hips as she began to lick and thrust once more.

Shepard cried out, legs twisting as her release hit her. Liara drew back to lock eyes with her, "Shepard."

Shepard calmed, sliding down slowly; her bones seemed to have melted sometime in the past few seconds.

"Shepard." There was definitely a smile in that voice now. Shepard grinned back as she opened her eyes.

"I think they are both wonderful names, but our problem now is that we don't have any children."

Liara crawled up her body slowly, laughing when Shepard caught her hips to pull her closer, moving leisurely against her.

"Not now, but we can fix that."

"Hmm. Shepard?"

"Yes, love?"

"Embrace eternity."