Journal Dude

Haro people! It is I, your cute and awesome fanfic writer, Ajet-chama! *dodges tomatoes* I am here with yet another GumiLen story, because you see I always get random ideas out of nowhere and I just can't live peacefully without having the chance to put them to life.

Other people have probably had this idea, and I guess it's pretty overrated already, I don't know, but please give me a chance.

Summary: Len Kagamine is a fourteen-year-old nerd with no social life, with only his twin sister, a closet otaku, as company. On his birthday, his sister gave him a rather interesting gift...

So yeah, that's what my fic is going to be about. I hope you have fun reading!

Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership of the characters used in this fanfiction, as they belong to their respective companies. All I own here is the plot of the story.

December 27, 2012 [Thursday]

Yo journal dude.

That intro sounded manly, doesn't it? Please, don't find this thing I'm doing gay - Rin gave me this journal as a gift and I don't want to waste the only birthday gift I got.

Sometimes I wish I have a girlfriend. Oh well. Rin has a lot of functions. She can act like a sister, a friend, an enemy, a girlfriend (we don't have an incestuous relationship! it's just RP) and a mother. I guess I should be contented because she's all I'll ever have. Well I guess she's all I'll ever need. Whoa, that sounds cheesy.

Damn, why a journal? She could have given me something else, like a new game. I'd appreciate it more if she had given me a game, maybe an eroge. Oh well.

So... what am I supposed to write on this?! I have never kept a diary before!

I'll introduce myself, I guess. I am Kagamine Len, I just turned fourteen today... I am into games and anime, they serve as stress relievers. My twin sister Rin is all I have - my mother went off with someone else and my father committed suicide for her. If they're only going to leave us they shouldn't have fucked each other fifteen years ago!

I don't regret not having any friends, though. My games and the animes I watch are all I need. And Rin. If any of them disappears I can never live on.

My sister, too, is an otaku, except she's keeping it a secret. She's got a lot of friends at school, a long line of admirers, and good grades, such a model student, and she's scared it'll all disappear. Ugh, girls. I don't get it. What the hell is wrong with being an otaku? Why don't they accept the diversity of people? Whatever.

Oh, me saying "whatever" sounded gay. Damn. Know any other words that fit?

Anyway. I'm not going to keep my otaku-ness a secret because I don't need friends that I can only befriend if I pretend. Haha, befriend and pretend rhymed. I have bazillions of girlfriends, and I've got in their pants. Makes me sound manly now, eh? Haha. They're on the screen, but nevertheless. They've got cool personalities, and I know they love me.

I can't think of anything else to write now.

How do people end diaries? Ugh, never mind.

Um, bye, journal dude.

December 30, 2012 [Sunday]

Hello again, journal-dude!

Sorry, man, I almost forgot that you exist. I have to get used to having a diary I guess. I don't want to waste RinRin's precious gift. I treasure every single gift she gives to me, you see. She's the only one who bothers give me something.

Ah, no. I received a gift from her friend. I got an eroge. Can you believe that, my sister's bestfriend gave me an eroge. Just wow. It was newly released, something I've been saving up for, so I'm glad I already got it. Now I don't mind my sister telling her friends that her brother adored porn. At least that made me seem less gay. Gods, I sound like a pervert. Psh, like I'm not.

Anyway. Last Friday someone came over and discovered my dear sister's secret. That particular someone turned out to be a closet otaku, too, so yeah my sister's no longer alone. Yep, I am jealous, I admit it. Now she'll always come over and Rin will play video games with her and not with me.

I forgot her name, but she's got long teal hair, like Konata (of Lucky Star) and an annoyingly high-pitched voice. I guess I should befriend her, she seemed nice.

I have nothing else to write now... okay, bye, I gotta go playing with my new eroge. Thanks a bunch, teal-haired girl.

December 31, 2012 [Monday]

I'm back, journal-dude. Sometimes I wish you can reply, so I'll have someone else other than Rin.

This morning I asked Rin about the name of Miss Teal, and she said it's Miku after teasing me of having a crush on her because of the eroge she gave me. Hah, as if.

What is the purpose of diaries? I can't really think of anything else to write!

As much as I wouldn't want to waste RinRin's precious gift, I'd like to play something right now. I'll write on you again tomorrow. Bye, journal-dude.

It's pretty funny, you calling me journal-dude. Haha. Anyway, you can confide in me anything you want, like, your feelings, example, if you finally fell in love with Miss Teal or you had a fight with Rin. You can tell me anything.

...okay. I'm just sitting here, staring at you in horror because you started writing on yourself - without a pen - just like Tom Riddle's diary in Harry Potter. I'm probably dreaming.

Ugh, when will I stop receiving reactions like that?! I gave you a few days before speaking so you won't be so shocked, but you still reacted like that! Go ahead, throw me away like everyone does!

Oh my God... Journal-dude, you... you can... you can... you can reply!

Nope, no I can't. I REALLY CAN'T. By the way, I'm Megpoid, not "journal-dude".

Err... M-megpoid... what do I do... uhm, hello?

How the hell does one stutter while writing?

I don't know, uh- makes the conversation more realistic guess...

You're a weird one. So, what now?

Are you male or female?

Female. Diaries like these are always the opposite gender of their owner.

Oh. Cool... so RinRin gave me a girlfriend?

As if! And your sister had no idea about me. She thought I'm a normal diary. And no, I am not designed to be your girlfriend. If I become your girlfriend you'll feel bad because you can't fuck notebooks. You should go out with Miku.

I can think about you at night and


Whoa a tsundere notebook cutting me off! Haha! Anyway, I have to sleep now. Good night, Megpoid. Can I call you Gumi?

Good night, Len.

Wow, it actually feels good to receive a "good night" from someone other than Rin, even from a notebook.

Just sleep now.

Oookay. Do you sleep too? Won't you get bored?

Hello? Okay, good night, Gumi.

January 1, 2013 [Tuesday]

Hey Gumi! It's 2013! Happy new year, hun!

Happy new year, Len. And don't you address me with 'hun'!

Sure, sweetie-pie. What you up to?

Stop acting like we're a couple, forever-alone guy. Ah, poor you, all you have for a girlfriend is a notebook. And that notebook doesn't even treat you as a boyfriend.

I love tsunderes. I know you fell in love with me at first sight, Gumi dear.

Stop that or I'll stop responding to you.

Okay. Sorry.

Good. Now... don't you have something to say?

Oh, she's asking for a topic! Hm, let's see... oh, right, Miku and I had a conversation today!

So, what do you feel about her?

She's fine I guess. An otaku too, like I said before. Pretty interesting. I like her.

Man, that escalated quickly.

Haha. I hope we become better friends.

Yeah. Me too.

Anyway. Good night, Gumi, I want to sleep now.

Uh... sure. Okay. Good night.

So there, it's done! Sorry, it's probably not that interesting xD I hope you liked it! Please review if you have something to say! I'd totally appreciate criticism.

Have a nice day! Bye!

Ah, and by the way, I will also be inserting parts from Len's life, this won't fully be all about his diary, because there are things he never mentions in his diary.

Bye! See you on the next chapter!