Hey guys :D I'm Baaaaacckkk! Sorry I was holiday so I couldn't really do any work on my fanfic but now the chapters done :D It's quite a long one probs my longest around 5k words? yeah :D So anyways sorry for going missing for quite a while. Anyways enjoy the fic!

I do not own Fairy Tail and I do not own the characters from it. Also I do not own Captain Miller he is from Battlefield 3 and Also I do not own the Reference to Assassin's Creed :3 Both of them go to DICE and UBISOFT

Chapter 5: Fear no Evil

In our current situation Natsu is surrounded by the men of the army with their guns pointed right at him whilst Erza was being glomped by all the women of the army and saying how cute it was that the Colonel and Pilot were now going out. However this caused an immense ruckus with the men as they glared at Natsu with jealously which led to the guns which then led to our next current situation. Natsu's Sniper Rifle now held by Erza and her swords being held by Natsu as the two were backed into the wall by the squealing girls and seething jealously from the men of the guild.

"Well..." Natsu started as he raised the swords up in a defensive stance.

"... This escalated quickly?" Erza finished as she raised Natsu's rifle flipping the safety off.

"ENOUGH!" A voice boomed through the barracks as it deafened to dead silence. "Now, all the commotion is over I suggest we should be congratulating our new pair and our very first couple in this army!" The army members cheered as Mira started to hand out glasses and champagne to celebrate the new couple.

The army partied pretty hard and soon at 11 evening everyone was at least sleeping or knocked out on the floor. The only people who seemed to be up were the General, Erza, Mira and Natsu who just found out that he was immune to alcohol after his 35th shot shocking Cana since she was the Army's best drinker.

Natsu was sitting down at an empty table with sniper bullets scattered on the table with the half the clips filled up with at least 6 bullets. It seemed like Natsu was putting the bullets in the clips.

Mira came over leaving the General and Erza to their own conversation and sat down beside Natsu; she observed how he seemed to be thinking about something then continuing with filling the clips in. Mira picked up a bullet and observed it noticing that it had no markings of an arms company but instead, the bottom of the bullet had a pattern of a dragon.

"Natsu, why are these bullets not made by any other make like NATO or POAA?" Natsu put the bullets down and looked at Mira's shining blue eyes. "These bullets are handmade."

Mira was confused "But-"

"By me." Now Mira was really confused, he made his own bullets? But how? Mira decided to change the subject.

"So Natsu, what do you think of the Army?"

Natsu smiled at that question. "Amusing, carefree, loud, noisy but all reliable. Definitely my type."

"And... you and Erza?" Natsu was caught by surprise with that question. "W-Were f-fine!"

"Oh? Doesn't seem like it" Mira smirked as Natsu face went extremely red. "What else do you want to k-know?!" Mira got closer to Natsu and whispered in his ear. "What you two did last night, I walked past her house and heard a lot of moaning and grunts." Mira started to have a nosebleed and so did Natsu has he recalled the memories of Erza's body glistering in the moonlight and the sensations shared through him and Erza.






Natsu blurred back into his own vision and Erza stood in front of him arms folded under her breasts making them bulge out more. This had a bad effect on Natsu as blood started to trickle down his nose but managed to keep it in.

"Y-Yes Erza?" Erza came behind Natsu and hugged him.

"We've got another mission..." Erza whined which was way too different from normal Erza as the rest of the army.

"Aw, really?!" Natsu said as he finished up with filling his clips in.

"You know Levy, Jet and Droy?"

"Yep, speaking of which I haven't seen them around..."

"Well our mission is basically a rescue mission."

Natsu turned around to face Erza "What happened?!" Erza put down a couple of sheets and folders down at the table he was sat at. "They were captured by the POA and are held 20 clicks North East of here."

Natsu stared contently at the documents as Erza continued. "At least half of our soldiers will come with us; it is a tank mission so it will be in groups of three since it takes three people to man the machine."

"So who will be with us then?" Natsu asked eyes still focused at the sheets and photographs of the 3 M.

"His name is Jonathan Miller, a captain, quite respectable around here and he is the tank engineer but that doesn't stop him being a killing machine in tanks." Erza smirked "He has a wife and kid who's 6 years old, comes to the hall often, he's just like his father."

Natsu put down the documents and looked at the digital clock above the bar. It read 2:42, "We should be getting to sleep now, by the way when do we leave?"

"0900 hours."

December 31st 1045 Hours (10:45) Approximately 12 Clicks North East 8 Clicks to Destination

Natsu was sat on top of an M1-ABRAMS tank looking at a small dinosaur toy figure that read at the bottom "Dad." This was Sergeant Jonathan Miller's son's gift to him before he left for the mission.

"Hey Miller, how far till we reach Abdu Safar?"

"Just hold up General, we'll be there in approximately 45 minutes and please can you give that back? I don't want to lose it." Miller said from the tank operator. Natsu jumped down into the tank and placed the dinosaur on top of the monitor, he saw Erza sitting down reading a manga called "Rave Master." Natsu walked up to her and sat next to her.

"45 Minutes to go honey," Erza said as she kept her eyes focused on the manga, Natsu put his head on her lap.

"*Sigh* I don't really like tanks, no offense Miller." Said man raised his hand up showing that he didn't mind.

"You're more of the Air force type aren't you?" He asked

"Indeed, but since a certain army damaged my Jet I would've been able to flown it alongside you guys."

"Hey! It wasn't our fault your Jet was trespassing our territory!" Erza intervened

"My jet was travelling at Mach 4 speed, how the Hell did your tracking devices manage to track me that fast?! Only technology from Japan can do that!"

"You should've done some research on here before you entered the Kingdom!"

"Yeah, you'd expect me to pull out a fucking laptop while I'm flying go on Foogle and research about this? I don't have the time!"

Miller rolled his eyes as he kept his eyes on the monitor and steering the tank accompanied by 6 other M1-ABRAMS tanks.

"They act like me and my wife... lovers' quarrel." He muttered under his breath, unfortunately Erza and Natsu managed to hear it.


"N-N-Nothing! I was just say-"

*FZZ* "This is Misfit 1-3 We have contact 1 click East, Phantom tanks I repeat, We have contact! Engage enemies!"

"Looks like we have some heat- hey what are those missiles?" Erza pointed on the monitor showing a small missile heading east with a smoke trail following it.

Natsu stood there in a thinking pose. "Oh! Those are Valkryrie missiles, inaccurate as fuck but will mess up your day if you get hit by one."

"Alright! We have spotted enemy vehicles at the east of our location, Erza get on the reloading compartment and Natsu take over the tank mobility and offensive state while I spot out the enemy tanks." Miller said as everyone got in positions.

A few minutes passed until 6 T-90A Phantom tanks were spotted. "Natsu! North east enemy tank closest to us, estimate angle of elevation 75 degrees."

"Roger that, Erza reload!"


"Alright firing!" the shell ejected out of the barrel and a few seconds passed before seeing an explosion.

"2-1 that was a confirmed hit over."

The squad of 7 Fairy Tail M1-ABRAMS tanks wiped out the squad of 6 enemy tanks. AH-1Z Viper Helicopters flew over the friendly tanks as they proceeded to move on forward.

30 Minutes Later

The group of 7 tanks went back onto the main road and followed it until they had reached of what seemed like a blockade but gunfire was heard and bullets ricocheted passed the soldiers.

"Natsu, do you mind if you could have a look of what the situation is right now?" Miller asked as Natsu opened the Trapdoor

"Will do just bear with." He grabbed his Rifle and Magnum .44 and cautiously crouched to the soldier who was the closest to him and grabbed him by the shirt.

"What the hell is going on here Rookie?!"

"C-Colonel S-sir the s-soldiers ambushed us and we need t-to blow up t-t-that r-radio tower." The soldier clearly scared and intimidated by Natsu.

"Goddammit give me the fucking C4, I'll do this myself." A soldier passed him 1 kg of C4 and the trigger, Natsu then proceeded to climb over the small concrete slab and sprinted across the road. Bullets flew passed him and some hit the ground as he sprinted towards the small radio tower. He got out his .44 and shot an unsuspecting enemy in the head splattering his brains all over the grass.

"Alright, now... put this here... and there... no wait that goes there... ah! There we go."

*Tank PA* "Natsu, get here quick we need to get a move on."

Natsu wasted no time as he sprinted towards the tank again dodging the bullets and finally he pressed the trigger causing a huge explosion behind him. He climbed into the tank and got into the 50. Caliber machine gun. "They'll know we're here so we'll be expecting some heavy infantry heat up ahead! You'll man the 50. Erza will stay in the reload station whilst helping me to aim." Miller said as he sat upright and put some futuristic glasses on.

Miller was right, or at least that was an understatement. There were infantry everywhere and appeared from nowhere and everywhere. Luckily Natsu being a good shot hit every target as they were moving forward to the rendezvous. An RPG-7 was fired and barely missed the tank; Miller rotated the cannon towards the building and demolished it leaving a crumbled building in its remains. Without realising it they rank over an enemy infantry which Natsu and Miller chuckled to shouting "ROADKILL!" Erza rolled her eyes at their childish antics. Natsu continued to open fire at the herd of Phantom troops flattening and demolishing them leaving no survivors. They ventured on with no trouble with 4 clicks to their destination and all rendezvoused at the overpass which was close to the city. They had stopped but then suddenly a rocket hit one of the tanks which disabled it.

"Shit! One of our tanks is disabled I need to go repair it! Erza you stay here with Natsu." Miller jumped out of the tank and got out his blowtorch whilst Natsu took out the Phantom troop that hit them.

FZZ *Radio Transmitter* "Attention squad Delta, Captain Miller, Colonel Scarlet and General Dragneel, there seems to be reports on the thermo scan of 7 enemy vehicles with High Explosives attached to it approximately to your easy ETA 40 Seconds prepare yourself."

"You heard that right Erza?" Natsu said as he reloaded the 50. Cal. Erza grabbed the RPG-7 from the weapons compartment of the Tank and also the M249. She set herself up next to Natsu.

"Of course I did darling should we show these Phantom freaks how we take down our enemies-"

"Fairy Tail style." Natsu finished off as he saw a white car in the distance.

"Natsu one on front!" Natsu opened fired at the Jihad vehicle destroying it in the process.

"There's one coming from the left road! I got this!" She grabbed the RPG-7 and fired in the direction of the Car exploding it in the process. "Wow! You've got a good shot honey!"

"What can I say? I like explosives." She smiled. She got back into the main battle tank and rotated the tank cannon to the pillars of the building and shot it down causing the building to collapse. It formed a dust cloud but it managed to block the oncoming Jihad cars.


Erza smiled gleefully "What?" Natsu face palmed but nevertheless he still loves his girlfriend.

"Wild and crazy just like in bed." Natsu remarked noticing the bright red face of Erza.

"S-Shut up! W-why are we talking about this now?"

"Alright guys let's get going we should be there approximately 10 minutes-" Miller stopped as he looked at Erza's red face and Natsu's cocky grin. He also noticed the huge building which was now toppled on the ground. "Did anything happen whilst I was gone...?"

"N-Nothing!" Erza said "L-Let's get going then!"

"Alright let's advance! It's just a few more clicks away, the more time we spend here the more time Levy, Jet and Droy suffer."

They all nodded their heads and went back inside the M1-ABRAMS.

City of Aighten

Natsu's first thoughts were 'What in God's hell happened here?'Natsu being the observer had flown past this city before and it was a green bright and colourful city. Now it was brown, dirty, broken. Rubble and debris were scattered out in big piles with building just clinging on by its steel frame. Bodies of the residents and some of the bodies of the Phantom soldiers littered the streets. Erza stared at the monitor wondering the exact same thing as Natsu. She had never been to the city before but judging by Natsu's face it wasn't like this when he had visited here. His face was full of anger and sadness, anger that the Phantom troops did this and sadness that he couldn't save the city. He had clenched his fists so had that it started to bleed. Erza saw this and snaked her hand towards his, opened it and entwined her hands with his. Natsu looked down at Erza's face which was filled with worry; he then smiled at her which reassured her that she was fine.

"Are you alright sweety?" Erza asked

"... Yeah I guess, it's that this city was so beautiful and completely opposite to what is currently is right now... It looked like a Nuke had been set off here..."

FZZST "You're not wrong there General." Natsu jumped at the voice and realised his radio transmitter was on.

"Jesus Christ Cole, scared the living shit out of me!"

"Pfft, As if, anyway. It has been reported that Phantom army had been testing miniscule prototype tectonic bombs in short MPTBs and unfortunately Aighten had got caught in it."

Natsu stared intently into nothingness and was thinking.

"These bombs were top classified, not even the Government had known any of these, the makers of these bombs were-"*BOOM* "Oh shit! We are under heavy fire! Requesting support from Bravo and Delta squad!"

Gunfire and explosions were heard and they heard the shouts of many troops as they charged towards the platoon of tanks.

"General what should we do-"

"DRIVE THROUGH THAT BUILDING!" Natsu seemed to have jumped out as he pointed to a building with its window smashed.

"W-Wha- Natsu are you out of your min-"

"JUST DO IT!" Natsu interrupted Erza and loaded his Rifle with heavy explosives rounds. Miller drove the tank straight through the building, walls were torn down, and papers were flying everywhere. The office table got crushed beneath the heavy tank. The other tanks followed Captain Millers tank albeit the tight space.

"Hey Miller where's Natsu? He was out there a second ago." Erza had a look of worry in her face.

"I think he's still at the other side of the building... what's he doing...?"

To Natsu

After the tanks had ploughed through the building, Natsu took the barrel of his sniper off revealing a small barrel sticking out of the gun. He reached inside his pocket and pulled out a blue glowing barrel and attached it to the smaller one. The sound of rotors approached his LZ, Natsu had to be fast or else he'll miss the shot. He then proceeded to put his sunglasses as the helicopter came into his sight.

'Well, I hope this goes well... fuck this shit." He pulled the stock of his M98MB causing the blue barrel to slowly spin before turning at a rapid pace. The barrel opened into an umbrella shape with rods sticking out at each corner of it and electricity gathered in the middle just above the biggest spike.


A blue beam ejected from the gun annihilating the Apache Helicopter's cockpit causing the chopper to explode into small debris. The sheer intensity and recoil of the blast had to make Natsu move two steps back. The light that was emitted from the beam was bright as the sun if not brighter. Just like thunder, it was there one seconds and the next it disappeared into the sky. The sound was so loud that it broke every window in the 3km vicinity, temporarily disabled the connections between every unit.

"Well, at least they know that we're here now." He said to himself whilst looking at his arms. "Shit that stung."

With Erza and Miller

"What the hell was that?!" Erza stabilised herself as the tank almost went haywire.

"Did you see that huge blue beam?! Like holy shit that was bright as hell!" Miller was keeping the tank intact and pushing all sorts of buttons. "I think that had something to do with Natsu..."

*Knock* *Knock*

" 'ellooooo, Miller! Erza! Open this goddamn thing." And out of nowhere he appeared on top of the tank waiting for someone to open the hatch.

"N-Natsu?! Was that you just then?! With the huge blue beam?" Natsu showed his arms and it showed his sleeves torn and stopped just below his shoulders with small scorch marks on his skin. The intensity of the laser had basically ripped his sleeves off his arms and slightly burning him.

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?! YOU COULD'VE GOTTEN KILLED OUT THERE! I WAS WOR-" Erza was silenced as a pair of lips silenced hers. Her face turned the same colour as her hair "W-W-What was t-that f-f-for..." She tilted her head down so her bangs could cover her blushed face. However, Natsu put her hand on her chin and tilted it up revealing her blushing face and whispered into her ear. "I'll think of some way to repay you for worrying about me."

Miller just sat there looking at the monitor driving the tank. 'God, Lovey dovey couples -.-.'

Eventually they had arrived at a hotel where 3 friendly tanks were parked at the front aiming at the building. As soon as the other tanks arrived they all got ready of their gear. 7 people huddled over a small table just outside of the hotel where a layout of the building lay. It had 9 floors with at least 50 rooms in each floor.

"Alright." Erza spoke up to get her attention. "From the thermal scan of the UAV scan, there are Phantoms heavily guarding the 5th floor and 7th and scan shows that there appeared to be 3 bodies strapped down to the chairs. We have just been confirmed that these three are indeed Levy, Jet and Droy." A murmur broke out between a few people. Erza coughed glaring at everyone. "So we will split into two groups; first group will start from the bottom and clear all the phantoms and the second group will take the ladders at the side to the roof. Gray, Lucy, Nab and Max, take your gear and head over to the ground floor. Me, Natsu and Captain Miller will head over to the roof. I will give you the signal to a-go." Everyone nodded their heads and scattered off to their tanks to get their equipment.

5 minutes later everyone was suited up with body armour and their firearms at the ready. Apart from Natsu which just wore his usual attire.

"Um, General Natsu? Why aren't you wearing any gear?" Staff Sergeant Nab asked him

"Whatever do you mean Staff Sergeant?" Natsu looked at Nab confused.

"I mean look at everyone else, everyone has gear. Even Colonel Erza!"

Natsu stared at him intently before sighing and closing eyes, "Fine if you really badly want to see my gear..." He opened his trench coat and flashed it out for everyone to see. Everyone's jaws dropped as they saw the arsenal he was loaded with. It consisted of 10 throwing knives, 2 .44 Magnums rested on the right hand side of the pocket. His belt loaded with all sorts of bullets, the signature sniper he would carry on was slung around his back. Erza was basically the same, AS VAL slung around her shoulder, 5 knives rested alongside both of her toned thighs, and a katana... what? Natsu looked at Erza. "Since when the hell did you start using a katana?" Erza simply smiled

"Since a very long time ago Natsu, a very long time ago."

"Natsu!" Said person turned around just in time to what seemed to be a metal wrist cover with a peculiar shape of an 'A' in the middle of it. He put it on and flexed his wrist; a blade came out from under it. Miller had found a weapon used by a famous assassin.

"Ah so my suspicions about this thing was correct."


"You see, this weapon was used by the famous Italian Assassin Ezio Auditore Da Firenze. He built a brotherhood which manifested of honest but deadly people. He currently still is alive in Italy and many of his followers use this close ranged weapon."

"You are correct general, aren't you going to ask where I got this from?"

"You got it from your wife, A.K.A Claudia Auditore or now Claudia Miller." Miller looked shocked and bewildered.

"How did you know sir?"

"Oh, I know everything."

And so the groups dispersed into two and got into their respectable areas. Erza leaned over the edge and give the go-go for the bottom group to start infiltrating.

"Alright you two the bottom group has started to move him let's go!"

Natsu pulled out a device and placed it on the roof, the device opened up a hole in the roof for them to enter. All three of them pulled out their weapons and walked alongside the walls peeking at every corner. The floor was clear and so they proceeded onto the 8th floor, there were 5 guards on patrol at this floor at the end of the corridor. Erza signalled Miller and Natsu to take them out. The two of them crouched into darkness and headed towards the guards, their backs were turned from Natsu and Miller giving both of them a chance to eliminate them. Natsu slit the throat of the guard in front of him and shot the guy's silenced gun into the other guard. Miller impaled the guard in front of him and shot through his body killing the unsuspecting guard next to him. They both turned their guns to the last guard's head which were placed at both of his temples. Miller and Natsu smiled evilly and shot their guns. Inside the guards head, the bullets met and collided. Such Badassery.

"Erza we're clear down here! How's the first group doing?" Erza walked towards to two soldiers and continued downstairs.

"They have cleared the 5th floor and are awaiting our arrival right now."

"How did they get up to the fifth floor so fast?"

"They used the elevator."

Miller and Natsu proceeded to facepalm while muttering 'We should've used the lift.'

"Anyways, we should get going the 7th floor is heavily guarded and they already know we're here so we might as well just take them all out." Erza and Natsu smiled

"We like how you think Miller." They both said before pulling out their knives and guns.

There was a hole leading to the 7th floor and it seemed many guards were patrolling the area, at least around 11 guards were there in total.

"Well, let's go!"

The trio jumped down and started going beserk, Miller had an M4A1 with a holographic sight, foregrip and laser sight. He had mowed down the 3 guards in front of him with supreme accuracy. Erza sliced a guards neck to her right and threw 4 knifes to the other 4 guards that were guarding the stairway. Natsu just decided to go all Assassins. He flexed his wrist making the contraption in his arm reveal a blade and stabbed guard in the face, He got it his knife and slashed the guard the right of him, threw a blade at another guard killing him and stabbing the guard to his right again leaving a bloody mess. Erza and Miller stared at Natsu,

"... What?"

"You leave a bloody mess just saying." Both of them deadpanned as Natsu sweatdropped.

"Whatever Erza honey give us that roped over there." Erza threw the rope to him as Natsu caught it. He attached the roped to a really heavy cabinet and then proceeded to attach it around his waist making a lasso loop.

"Natsu don't tell me what I think you're doing...-"

"Erza please signal the attack for the 6th floor." He said with an innocent smile. She hesitantly looked at the Radio transmitter and looked at Miller who slowly nodded.

"Ground team, you are to engage I repeat you are to engage the enemy." Erza and Miller headed towards the door with their guns at hold. They both looked at Natsu and he nodded giving them the signal to go.

Alright so let's just slow down time here, Erza and Miller shot the door open whilst the Ground team knocked down the door. As soon as the first shot fired Natsu's eyes turned into red dragon eye slits. He jumped out the window smashing it in the progress. As he fell towards the 6th floor he propelled himself against pure air and slicing the rope off smashing through the windows on the 6th floor. He took out his two .44 Magnums and shot every guard past him shouting "MOTHERFUUUUCCKKKEEEERRRSSS!" With supreme accuracy all the bullets went in between all the guard's eyes. It ended with Natsu sliding across his feet and his arms crossed over to make an X sign whilst the barrels of the guns were steaming.

"What are you staring at? Untie them right now!" Levy Jet and Droy were badly injured with blood running down their heads and bruises covered their bodies. A medic came in treating the wounds that they had. Lucy had tears welling up in her eyes as she saw her best friend in a state that could be considered dead. Natsu put his hand on her shoulder reassuring her. "Lieutenants don't cry Lucy; cry for when we finally win this war and get rid of the Phantoms."

"Yes s-sir." She saluted him with a smile on her face knowing that now Levy would be safe.

*FZZT* Echo to Delta, we are sending Black Hawks towards your location to pick your team up and secure the injured ETA 30 seconds. Over *FZZT*

"You heard that guys?! 30 seconds come on let's get them down to the patio! Friend Black Hawks are coming to pick us up."

"HOOAH!" The soldiers cheered with smiled on their faces.

At The Patio

The Black Hawks had touched down and were now currently loading the injured onto the Choppers.

*FZZT* Delta! There seems to be a huge horde of Phantoms coming your way! Quickly we get into the Chopper ASAP!

Erza was already in the chopper and Miller was about to go in but realised Natsu was climbing onto the .50 Cal.

"Natsu! Get back on! What do you think you're doing?!"

"Holding these guys off obviously. Now here catch." He threw a dinosaur toy at Miller, "Your boy wants you alive Miller, and so does your wife. I don't want to be a bearer of bad news and say that you had died in conflict. Now go, live with your family, at least you have one..."

Miller was shocked at the last word he said, Miller had tears running through his cheek.

"A-Affirmative sir..." and Saluted The General. Others in the Choppers looked at the General and Saluted

"Natsu? Why are you out there? Natsu? Natsu?! NATSU!" Natsu gave the chopper the signal to go. Miller had to hold Erza back with tears freely running down both of their tears.

"It's no use Erza... He'll be overrun... He'll either be dead... or captured..."

"THAT IDIOT! HE-HE-He could've taken me with him..." She broke down crying ignoring the fact that her squadmates were in the same chopper with them.

With Natsu

"I really love you Erza, but I gotta save you guys. I don't want to risk your life just because of these phantom fools Erza. You are mine and mine alone; I should protect you and guide you through the right path. I am your Guardian Angel; I will protect you no matter what consequences lay ahead." He looked up directly in the sky of where the choppers were. "I love you Erza." He jammed a wrench into the firing mechanism and shot. The bullets went out rapidly annihilating the oncoming horde of Phantoms but more and more came. The mounted gun eventually ran out of Ammo whilst the troops massed more and more. With all his skill he jumped into the herd of Phantoms and sliced the necks of the phantom guards; all in front of him dropped dead. He continued this close combat but was overwhelmed. Someone hit him in the back of the legs with the stock of the gun, he screamed out in pain. Cheering was heard around him and someone punched him in the side of the face causing him to fall on his front. Black shoes stood in front of Natsu.

"Jose..." He writhed out with a bitter tone.

"Hm, so this is a General... quite a catch we have here lads!" The phantom troops shouted out in response. "I will enjoy filming your death General." He said with a sadistic smile

Natsu smiled casually. "Not me Jose, You. He will come, and when he does. We will take out every. One. Of your forces. ONE. AT. A. TIME."

"DON'T GET COCKY WITH YOU BASTARD! KNOCK HIM OUT!" A soldier jabbed the stock of his gun into the back of Natsu's head. He fell into darkness smiling knowing that 'that' person would come, especially in this situation.

Fairy Tail HQ 1353 Hours (1:53pm) Outskirts of Arat

The hall was silent; all you could hear was the constant sniffling of the Colonel Erza. You could see that she was crying with her eyes puffed red and cheeks rosy red. Her hair was a mess and just constantly sobbed.

"WHY DID YOU LEAVE HIM?!" She kept hitting Miller in the chest "WHY COULDN'T... you take him...with us..." She fell down to her knees and continued sobbing her eyes out not caring the whole army was around her. Miller backed away with tears in his eye as well.


Miller's wife Claudia hugged him from behind.

"It's Ok he did it for a good cause..." His son also joined in the family hug.


Everyone turned around to see Makarov standing there with his hands behind his back.

"Good news, well, its better news than bad news... Natsu is alive but has been captured by Phantom and is located in Iran, Tehran. The border of Iran is just 29 clicks due east and another 7 clicks to the Tehran. We will launch a rescue mission immediately. You will be leading the rescue mission Erza. Pick a handful of soldiers and go."

Erza sniffed before standing up straight and regaining her composure. "Affirmative sir."

Miller looked at the dinosaur toy he had in his hand. "Jacob look here, this was a gift from me to you right? Well my comrade had kept an eye on it and just before all things went downhill from him. He gave it to me and said "Your boy needs you and so does your wife. Go." Those were the last words I ever heard about him... Now I want you to be strong my son. I will get my friend back no matter what." His son nodded and took the toy out of his hands and put it in his pocket.

Erza announced to the people who will go with her. The people who were chosen for the rescue mission were Jonathan Miller, Gray Fullbuster, Juvia Locksar and Misaki Shimoto.

"We will not stop until we rescue Natsu!"


396 Clicks from Tehran

A Black jet travelled at Mach 4 speed destroying the speed of sound. On the jet was imprinted a grey dragon and the glass was black tinted. It was a F-18 Super Hornet.

"Che, that idiot. Always getting himself caught. Guess I'll have to go after him." The man grinned before turning direction and heading to where Natsu is.

So did you like the reference I made with all these videogames? xD Read and Review! :P If you like it :D