Heya guys! I hope you enjoy this. Yeah, I am aware I've used Mickaela once before. But I happen to love the name! I regret nothing! Please review! I love hearing what you guys like and everything!

Andi looked to her husband of three years with the same sad look on her face as he had. It was another mission she was assigned to with Hughes. She was good at her job, seeing the evidence in scenes no one would have caught, piecing together the evidence to catch the right crook. It was a good paying job with the Amestrian military with Grumman as Fuhrer. This time, the assignment was moving quickly south to Aerugo, just south of South City.

"I'll be fine, honey," Andi tried to assure him yet again.

Aside from the last few nights of sex, last night being the one where they went slow and easy, savoring the touch of each other like they had the first time they had sex, she'd been telling him it would be alright. She was good with people, making sure they didn't move any farther than she wanted them to. With this criminal, he likes to hide in towns for a few days before heading further out, thinking the military was close behind. He loved the game of cat and mouse.

"I know you will," he said as he looked to her with those golden eyes that seemed darker. "But, the last time, the bastard gave you a hand print bruise." Which you tried to hide from me when you got back, Ed thought as he finished his sentence.

"I know," Andi said, bowing her head toward his chest. "But you went off on missions and ended up in the hospital some of the time." She sighed a little.

"Besides, I'll miss you more."

He finally realized how she felt when he had to leave before he got his arm and his brother's body back. She never wanted him to leave, especially not when she'd just had their daughter. Now, he didn't want her to leave. Before, when he left, it was just her. Now they had a four year old little girl. A prodigy just like her father. If something would to happen to Andi, he'd be left with their daughter as a constant reminder of what Andi looked like. After all, Mickaela had her daddy's eyes and her momma's looks.

Andi kissed him again, a quick one before looking to him again. Edward looked back, his fingers disappearing into her hair as he cupped her cheek. Tears welled in her eyes. She'd been so tough, hardened to the point of uncaring, when she met him. Now, she was mush every time they were forced to separate from each other longer than a couple of days.

"Mommy, Mommy!" Mick called from Andi's leg as she tugged on her pant leg to get her mom's attention.

Andi and Ed looked down at her with a soft smile, trying to hide the sadness. It would near about break both of them if Mick started to cry and beg Andi not to leave. Andi picked her up, pushing some of the golden hair from her daughter's eyes, something Mick inherited from both her parents.

"Are you going to stay with Daddy?" Andi asked, trying to keep her voice from cracking.

Mickaela smiled, nodding her head. "Yes, Mommy."

Ed smiled softly, placing his hand on his daughter's back. A finger was against his wife's arm as she held up their little princess.

"Are you going to be a good girl for Mommy?"

Mick nodded again with certainty. There were times when she was a little hellion. Her terrible-twos came a little early for the Elric family; not that Ed and Andi weren't prepared for that. They were prepared for her terrible-twos when she was a newborn.

Andi smiled a little wider, hugging her close. "That's my little girl."

Mick wrapped her arms around Andi's neck, hugging it tightly before she broke the hug to kiss Andi's face. "Love you, Momma."

Andi felt a pang in her chest and a tear roll threaten to roll down her cheek. "I love you too, sweetheart." Andi hugged her tightly. "I love you so much, Mickaela."

This time, Ed joined in the hug, wrapping both his arms around his girls. One girl was the love of his life, and the other was his life. "I love you both," he said.

Mickaela giggled. "Daddy! You squishin' me!"

Andi chuckled a little, knowing that was going to happen a lot while she was gone. Mickaela was a daddy's girl. Always had been since Andi was pregnant with her. Ed eventually started chuckling himself, breaking his bear hug.

"Sorry, princess," he said as he rubbed the top of her head, which earned him a small scowl from her. She hated it when her hair was messed up like that, much like her mother.

Andi looked toward the train and back at her family. Soon, Maes was next to them. "Andi, are you ready?"

Andi looked to her feet and nodded, moment to say good bye. She looked to Ed with darkened eyes, threatening to let tears fall. "I have to go now, Mick," Andi said softly.

"No, Mommy, you stay with me and Daddy," Mick said as she gripped Andi's neck again in a tight hug.

Andi widened her eyes a little. Mick had always been one to let her go with hardly any protest. This was a first. She looked to Ed for support, then looked to her daughter. "It'll only be for a little while, Mick. You and Daddy can have snuggle time all you want, okay?"

Tears stained Mick's face. "No...no...no, I want you and daddy."

Andi wiped the tears from her cheeks, trying not to cry herself. "It'll be alright, sweetheart."

Ed hugged Mick. "Mick, you and I will have fun too, okay?"

Mick nodded, tears still rolling down her cheeks.

Andi kissed her cheek. "I love you, Mickaela."

Mick nodded again, rubbing her eyes from stray tears. "I love you too, Mommy."

Andi smiled, looking to her husband. Without a word, they kissed again. This time was passionate and longer than the first. Both were savoring the taste of the other on their lips. Neither one of them wanted to part when they did, but they both needed air.

Ed smiled. "I love you, Andi."

Andi smiled, feeling more tears threaten. "I love you more, Ed."

After hugging as a family one more time, Andi boarded the train with her co-worker, Maes. She leaned outside the window to watch her family disappear into specs. The train whistle blew, causing Mick to jump and crawl up Ed's body some. Tears rolled down Mick's face as the train started to move, carrying her mom away from her. Ed had said something to her, making Mick and Ed wave goodbye. Andi kept her stare on them, hearing Mick scream for Andi to come back and take her with her. Andi felt another pang in her heart. She wanted to take both of them but it was too dangerous.

As soon as their waves were no longer seen, and Mick's cries weren't heard, Andi sat back in her seat, pulling out a crumpled set of pictures from her inside jacket pocket. One was of her and Ed when she found out she was pregnant and he asked her to marry her. Her arms were around his neck as her cheek was pressed to his, both with a bright smile. It had seemed so long ago when it was just her and Ed like that; back when Ed had an automail arm.

Another was of the day Mick was born. Both of them had beamed with pride that day. Mick was beautiful like her mother with a mop of gold hair like her father. It was taken just after she was placed in her mother's arms for the first time. Ed kissed her temple against her sweaty, matted hair and the eye make-up starting to streak down her face. They were at an engagement party when she went into labor. Andi smiled at the thought as she looked at the third picture.
The third picture was of them on their wedding day. They were goofing off, trying to get Mick to smile that smile both loved when she laughed. Andi's dress had been white with a thick, red ribbon tied around her waist. Mick's was ivory with a white ribbon in her hair, which she promptly tried to take out. But this picture was like another moment set perfectly. Andi and Ed both were kissing, eventually blowing into her cheeks, making her squeal with laughter. It was her favorite thing to have her parents do.

The last one was of one she took of Mick and Ed. Ed was showing her how to open presents on her birthday. Ed had a bright pink bow on his head, and Mick had a bright blue one. Mick and Ed had looked up with a smile, a large present in front of her. She was so excited to get that red blanket with the alchemy flamel on one corner from her parents.
Andi looked out the window knowing that she'd be looking at those pictures constantly throughout the trip until she saw their smiling faces again.

Andi readied her gun to shoot, this wasn't what was planned. This was a war. The criminal had allies in the city that were odd to say the least. She had just overlooked it one time. Now, hers and Maes's crew was getting shot and shot at. These people couldn't be human. They just couldn't be. Too many unexplained events had happened. Andi leaned against the wall, covering herself from the battle to catch her breath.

God damn it, she thought, where the hell is Maes with back-up?

Andi stepped out enough to shoot at who was trying to attack her. It stumbled with the multiple shots she fired, but stood straight when they were done. The person-thing smiled wickedly, as his skin pushed out the bullets she just fired into his skin as it healed. Red sparks snapping around his skin. Andi stood there in disbelief, her gun lowered slightly.

The thing laughed. "Shocked, are you?" He placed his hand on his hip. "Hard to believe considering you're that pipsqueak's wife."

She looked to him, her eye brows furrowed. "Pipsqueak?"

Andi's husband was tall. He was taller than her by a good few inches without really looking. There was nothing pipsqueak about him.

The thing laughed manically. "Yes, pipsqueak. You know, Edward Elric."

Andi's eyes grew wide. How did they know who he husband was? She'd always maintained the secrecy of who her family was for a reason. Reasons like this. If he knew that she was married to him, what else did he know?

"Of course you would know him. He screwed you multiple times before he married you. I think he may have gotten you pregnant a time or two."

"Shut up!" she snapped, glaring at him, trying to stay focused and not get distracted by emotions. Just like Riza had taught her.

"What's wrong, beautiful?" He shape-shifted in front of her eyes, turning those thick, dread-locks like hair that reminded her of a palm tree into golden locks and golden eyes. Becoming the same height and the exact mirror image of her husband. "Don't you like it when I talk like this?"

Tears stung her eyes. He even had his voice down pat. "Shut up, you bastard!" She raised her gun to him again, preparing herself to shoot the face of her husband.

He made Ed's face pout. "Aw, come on, I don't like it when you call me that. It reminds me of-" this time he shifted into Brigadier General Mustang, "-me."

Andi gasped a little, "Roy." She kept her gun raised, ready to shoot the man who helped raise her.

Roy's face put his hands on his hips. "You know, this kind of shit could get you thrown in jail, Elric."

"I don't care," she said, her finger hot on the trigger. "You're not the real Roy. You're not Maes, and you're sure as fuck not my husband."

Roy formed back into his original, palm tree-esque self. "Now, you're just making things worse than what they are. Besides, it looked like you're ready to kill anyone of them."

"You're not them, therefore I can."

He gave me a devious smirk from the side of his mouth; his sharp teeth showing. "Could you shoot the face of-" his body shrank as he formed into a bright, golden eyed, golden haired, little girl with a smile like Andi's: innocent and sweet, "-your daughter?"

Andi stepped back, losing the battle against the tears. She'd been there for a week. A few days too long for her. Her gun lowered. She knew she couldn't do it. Mickaela was her life. Hers and Ed's.

He used her voice as he spoke. "Funny how one face could make even someone as heartless as you on missions, want to stop what they're doing. And yes, I knew you had a kid with that small pipsqueak with a little man complex."

"Envy! Quit playing around if you want the plan to be executed!" someone called from behind Andi as they walked.

Andi was too frozen to move, staring at the thing that wore the face of her little girl. Her gun was dropped to her side in a loose but firm hold.

"Aw, come on, Greed," the thing turned back into his original form, walking closer to Andi, who took a step back. She tried to remember the exits of the warehouse. "I was just having a little fun with her. After all, when we're through with her, she won't remember a damn thing anyway."

When the two of them were facing each other, Andi took the opportunity to run toward the broken window, willing to get cut up if it meant she'd live and get away from the bastard that could turn into anyone at any given moment. After an audible groan from one of the creatures, Andi wasn't paying much attention to who it was, they started to run after her.

"We can't let her get those military bastards. Then we'd have to take her in Central, where he is!" one called to the other as they ran at abnormal speeds as Andi kicked out the window to at least crawl through it.

Just as Andi was about to crawl through it, into the setting day, she felt someone pull her back, cutting her wrist open. She hissed from the pain, looking down to the shining crimson that pooled and streamed down her arm in a thick, bright stream.

"Oh, no, you're not going anywhere," the one called Greed said. "We've been planning and working too long and hard for this moment,and you're not going to fuck it up now, understood?"

The shape-shifting bastard looked to Andi, bending down a little so they were eye-level since Greed had a firm grip on her arm, yet forcing her to bow a little at the hips, forcing her arms behind her back. Greed's nails dug into her flesh, earning himself another curse and a hiss from the Major.

"Shouldn't we just do it now, Envy? You know, while we have her at our disposal."


Envy scanned the blonde bombshell, and what a bombshell she was. She could easily be the new Lust if something unfortunate were to happen to her. Her boobs were big and firm, even after the bitch had the kid, her hair was a brilliant dark gold, but so unlike her husband's, and she was one hell of a looker. Even in her dark jeans and her black tank that she normally wore to catch criminals with her hair down, did she look amazingly beautiful. A real natural beauty. No wonder she was so good at catching criminals, she was the face and looks of some angel.

"We might as well since we have her like this," Envy said as he walked from Andi toward the gun Andi dropped.

Greed dropped her to her knees, kicking them lightly behind her to make them bend to his will. Greed leaned into her ear, whispering seductively, "We promise not to mar that beautiful, creamy face of yours, Elric. You're too beautiful to have that gaudy tattoo on your face."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" she asked, her voice low and deadly.

Greed chuckled. "You'll find out soon enough, doll face."

Greed stood straighter as Envy slid back into Andi's focus. Envy swung her gun around like it was a toy. They smirked to each other, giving each other the reassuring nod to go ahead and start the next phase of the plan. All the while, Andi fought to get out of Greed's clutches. What were a few scars if she was going to live?

Envy brought her face up to face him. He saw the fire in her eyes. This had better work, he thought as he smirked to her, letting his sharp teeth show. "You know, you better hope your team decides to find you instead of chasing a ghost. Because, it'll be a fucking miracle if you survive this."

Andi growled. "If you think my husband is going to try to bring me back, you're mistaken. He wouldn't."

Envy chuckled as he turned the gun on her, ready to pull the trigger. "Yeah? We'll see about that, Andi Elric."

A shot rang into the new night and ended with a thud onto the warehouse floor.