I think it's rather obvious what this chapter is about judging by the title. The first kiss. Enjoy! :)

Prequel 5: The Kiss

Jesse's POV

Either way, Jesse knew that her audition changed everything. He'd had a crush on a couple girls in years past, Samantha, Trinity, Erin, but it was never like this. With Beca, his heart would race when she said his name and his breath would hitch whenever he saw her. He knew his face constantly flushed when she was around.

He tried to ignore the symptoms that Beca had on him, at first. Telling himself it was just his hormones going crazy around a, no doubt, beautiful girl. But, after 4 mouths of it, he knew there was something more to it.

Over winter break, Jesse and his family went to New York to visit his uncle Harry and his family. While he was away, Beca was on his mind constantly, so he knew he couldn't deny it any longer. He had feelings for Beca. Feelings he was just going to have to deal with on his own. He knew she didn't like him back. He knew he would have to face that fact and hope the feelings would go away soon.

When he got back to Nebraska, he knew his feelings were for real. He also knew Beca well enough that she wouldn't be on board with this for a while, if ever. So he decided not to tell her.

In April, he decided to ask her to prom. Only probably was, when was he going to do it. He walked over to Beca's house, to go and ask her.

"Jesse, hey! How are you?"

"I'm good. Is Beca around?"

"She's upstairs," pointing at the stairs with her thumb. "Come in," she said with a smile and stepped out of his way. Jesse slipped off his shoes and coat as Jenn called with a laugh, "Beca! Your boyfriend is here!"

"He's not my boyfriend!" Jesse heard Beca call back as he made his way up the stairs. He knocked over her bedroom door. "Come in," she said.

He stepped inside to find Beca sitting in be with her laptop and he chickened out. "Whatcha doin'?" he asked instead, sitting next to her.

"Nothing really."

"Cool, so do you want to watch a movie?" he asked.

"I guess, got one in mind?"

"Duh," he said and she looked over at him with a face of question. He tried to answer the look, but the words wouldn't come out and his eyes were glued to hers.

Beca's POV

They both sat there, eyes glue to each other. Jesse was the one to break the contact by glancing at her lips for a second then back to her eyes. She noticed this, of course, but didn't do anything to stop what happened next.

He started to lean towards her, ever so slowly. Before she realized it, she was leaning too. They leaned in until their lips were only a centimeter apart, when her bedroom door flew open.

Beca knew if their lips touch, all bets were off and the two of them couldn't ever be "just friends" ever again, so she closed her eyes and turned away from Jesse.

"What was that? What did I miss? Did I interrupt? We're you guys gonna kiss? Damnit!" Jenn yelled, walking back in the hall and stomping down the stairs.

Jesse cleared his throat and stood up. "I should probably go home," he stood.

"Jesse, wait," she tugged his shirt to stop him from leaving.

"What, Beca?"

"Look, Jesse. It isn't like that. We aren't like that."

"We'll , what if I want to be."

"You don't," she stated.

"Yes, I do."

"No, Jesse, you really don't."

"Yes, Beca, I really do," he said, brushing her bangs behind her ears and letting his hand linger there.

"Jesse. We're friends. Nothing more."

"What if I want to be more?"

"It's not that easy, Jess."

"Then, please. Do explain. Because it really is that easy."

"Jesse, you're my best friend. If we do this, we will never be able to go back to being just friends ever again. And what are we going to do if it ends badly?"

"It won't."

"But what if it does. Or what if you get bored of me?"

Jesse's POV

"Never," he said. He watched as she frantically tried to come up with another 'what if' to try make him doubt his feelings, so he took his chance to stop her.

"Jesse, what if-" she started, but he stepped forward and pressed his lips on hers, cutting her off. She kissed back for a moment before freezing and turning away from him. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Jesse, no."

He tried to not take too much offense to all of the no's, and watched Beca pace back and forth across the room, mumbling to herself. He'd never Beca go this crazy before, and he was really starting to get worried.

She walked past him, and he caught her hand. She stopped mumbling and they locked eyes for a moment. When she looked away from him, he pulled her in a for a hug.


"Yeah, Beca?"

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For saying no. I could tell by the look on your face you were trying not to be hurt by it, but I know you were."

"It's fine. I know you didn't, Becs."

"It's not fine. Those no's were my instincts kicking in."

"What instincts?"

"The ones that keep me from people," she said, her voice getting quieter and quieter. "But I don't want to be kept from you."

Jesse kissed the top of her head. "Beca?"


"Will you go to prom with me?"

"What?" she took a step back from him.

"Will you be my date to prom?"

Jenn squealed from the other side of the door. "Damnit, Beca! Don't be a bitch! Just say yes!"

"Get out of here, Jenn!" Beca yelled back. They heard giggling and footsteps make their way downstairs.

"So, will you?"

"Umm, yes, but only one stipulation."


"No cliché corsages or limos or fancy restaurants. None of that."

"What? No corsage?"

"No, corsage.


"No, flowers either."

"Damnit, Beca. You're no fun," he mock-pouted, sticking his bottom lip out like a little kid. When Beca started laughing, Jesse just smiled at her.