Summary: Harry Potter was betrayed by the wizarding world. He lived for them, died for them, and fought for them throughout the course of his entire life, and after they'd taken everything that he had, they tossed him away. Now, in a new world, he'll have the chance to find a new path, free of other's manipulations...or will he? One thing's for sure, he'll never trust again.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Darker than Black. They belong to much richer people than I, who I am unwillingly jealous of. Seriously. There's this giant neon green beast in my soul (who looks kinda like Sebastian from Black Butler...odd. Why's he wearing a loincloth?) and he's all like, "I bet you wish you owned Harry Potter and Darker than Black." and I'm all like, "No, not really..." then he's all like, "No, you're jealous. Don't deny it. Think of all the money you could've had if you owned them!" and I'm all like, "...shut up. Stop being right before I find a way to destroy you." and he's like, "But-" and I'm like, "I don't freaking care if you're sexy! Go away!" All ideas belong to me though.

Talking - "What the crap is going on?"

Thinking - 'Why am I talking to myself?'

Parseltongue - Grarf, I arz a snake!

Warnings: Uh...nothing I guess. There's mild swearing throughout the duration of this fic (mostly from me in author's notes and stuff), but other than that, I'll give you a specific note. There's some mild allusions to torture as well.

A/N: Sup fanfic peepulation! I am KDTBpantherwulf, and I will be your fanfic writer for today! Please keep all limbs inside the ride, make sure you have no lose articles and went to the bathroom beforehand, and enjoy! Kay, so, this is my first ever fanfiction, so please, don't hate! Also, I'm American, so if there's any Britishy or Japanese things that I screw up, please tell me...cuz I don't have a clue. ^-^; Uhm...I think that's it for now. Reviews would be appreciated, but be warned that if you review, I will respond! And I'm crazy, so if you have parents that check your email for crazy shit, beware. ON TO MY FIC! Go on. Be free.


Betrayed. That's probably how he would feel if he were to dig deep enough inside himself to find 'betrayal' among the emotions he'd so painstakingly hidden away. The 21 year old wizard snorted in hollow annoyance, shifting from his position to another in an attempt to get warm, not that it was possible with the threadbare blanket he'd been given already covering the dirty floor and his clothes being full of holes. He felt the cold all the way through his bones. As if he'd want to face any sort of emotions in a place like this. Even if he did, it's not like he had them alphabetically organized or anything. It would take too much effort and energy to get through them just to find 'betrayal', and it wasn't an emotion he enjoyed anyway, so why bother? He continued to stare at the wall apathetically, his face not betraying his inner thoughts as yet another auror paused in his rounds to jeer at him.

"Potter, Potter, Potter. Poor precious Potter, all your crimes finally caught up with you." He sighed in mock sympathy. "If only you'd decided not to kill those innocent's sad to see a savior turn into a monster." He laughed before his amusement turned to a glare. "I hate people like you. Always thinking you're top dog." He spat on him before leaving, throwing a parting remark as he left, laughing. "Atleast you're finally where you deserve to be." As he continued on his way, the cell's occupant ignored him, and continued staring at the wall in front of him as though it held the secrets of the universe, his once bright emerald eyes dulled from lack of emotion. He brushed his long, black hair back from his eyes, a lightning bolt scar momentarily visible upon his dirty forehead. Harry Potter, boy-who-lived, man-who-conquered, and currently prisoner of askaban. 'Oh how the mighty have fallen'. He snorted in hollow amusement, just going through the motions, before his expression fell back into apathy. As another dementor passed, his mind flashed images at him that, though they used to be hurtful before he pushed away his emotions, no longer affected him.

Flashback to 4 years ago

Harry's breath came out in ragged gasps as he fled the battlefield, the jeers of the death eaters following him. He'd killed Voldemort a few hours before, but it was a hollow victory. The death eaters, instead of fleeing as the light side had thought they would, continued to fight back with an almost maniac energy, regrouping and fighting even harder than before. He dodged another Killing Curse, and sent back a hex of his own, smirking grimly when he heard screams. When the death eaters hadn't backed down after Voldemort's death, the light side was unprepared to continue fighting, having let their guard down when they paused to watch the spectacle that was Voldemort's defeat. Everyone had let their guards down. 'Even Ron and Hermione.' He thought, quickly wiping away the tears that formed in his eyes so as to clear his vision. Ginny had been killed while defending Neville, who was recovering from a cruciatus curse. Neville had gone into a berzerker rage and killed as many death eaters as he could before he was shot in the back with an avada kedavra. The 17 year old wizard once again wiped tears from his eyes and sending a curse behind him to delay his pursuers. Most of the Order was killed in the first few minutes of the blood bath, having been fighting their hardest throughout the entire battle. Though they'd tried their hardest, the light side was eventually forced to either flee or be killed, which was what Harry was doing now. He just had to get outside of Hogwarts' wards, then he could apparate away. He could see the marker that signified the edge of Hogwarts' wards.

'Closer, closer...almost there...' He forced his tired limbs to continue, convincing himself that rest was coming soon. Mere feet away from the marker, he was hit by a dark curse, he didn't know which. All he knew was pain, pain, pain, crippling pain, but he'd had worse, he could make it. He didn't know when he'd fallen to his knees, but he could make it. He ignored the blood pouring from his back and oozing sluggishly from his other wounds. ' close...' He crawled the last few feet, making it beyond the border and apparating away just as a death eater pointed his wand at him, his mouth already forming the words. "Avada Ke-" But it was too late, as he was gone. He arrived in a wooded area. He was too out of it to figure out where he was, but he subconciously knew he was away from the battlefield, far away from Britain. Safe. But... 'Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, Luna...all my friends are...gone...' He looked around him, but all he could see were trees. He dragged himself to the nearest one, laid himself down among its roots, and cried until he passed out.

Flashback End

As the dementor continued on, Harry's memories returned to the back of his mind. Harry snorted once again in hollow amusement. The dementors had, once his emotions were sealed away by his own doing, ignored him as though he were nothing more than a spot on the wall of his cell. However, though the dementors ignored him, the aurors did not. The one time he tried to escape, soon after getting rid of his emotions, thinking that because the dementors didn't notice him he could possibly escape, he had regretted it. Or rather he would if he could, but 'regret' was another of those emotions he didn't think it would bother him not to have. It was a good thing for him that he had a high pain tolerance, as even his limits had been tested by the punishment he suffered for his attempted escape.

One of the unfortunate outcomes of his failed escape was an increase in security. He was now monitered at all times with monitering charms and aurors, and, worst for him, he was cut off from his magic. Since when he was young, even before he knew about magic, he'd always felt a kind of energy inside him. It healed him when Uncle Vernon took it too far and injured him enough for it to show. It made him feel better with its warmth when he was sad, like a blanket of comfort soothing his aches and pains. He'd always loved his magic, even long before he knew what it was. Being cut off from it, even with his emotions sealed as they were, gave him a distinct sense of loss, a hunger for something he knew he was missing. When they'd first introduced him to the magic supressing metal cuffs, he had resisted, as his magic was his only chance of escape. Now he sometimes wished that he'd resisted harder, or that the cuffs were made of something like plastic, as they usually stole what little bit of heat he had. He huffed in mild annoyance as he tried to curl further in upon himself to keep some of his warmth. Mostly emotionless he may be, but he still had the survival instincts of any other human, and would like to stay alive, thank you very much. He huffed again, wrapping the edges of his blanked around himself, moving to the corner of his room furthest from his cell door and curling up there, as it was minimally warmer than the rest of his cell. Or...maybe that was just a fantasy created by his demented mind. He fell asleep to the sweet lulaby of taunts from the aurors, death threats, maniacal laughter, and hysterical screams of the other inmates, and the raspy breathing of dementors as they floated past his little patch of Hell.

A/N: Okay, so, yeah. This is my first chapter/background thingy of my Harry Potter/Darker than Black crossover. It's not much, but it's mine. We're not in the DTBverse yet, but we should get there in a couple of chapters or so. Since this is one of the only few on there, I can't really see what anyone would have to complain about (since it can't be cliche cause there aren't any others, and I'm pretty sure I got most of my spelling and grammar errors...), but please no flames. If anyone flames me, those flames will be used to heat my smores. Mmm...smores...AND COFFEE! Ah...sweet, sweet coffee. Nectar of the gods. I'd really appreciate it if you'd review! Pleeeease!