NOTE: Back to the work – it took me a lot of endeavor to actually move my lazy butt and write something down for Desiring… I've lost the heart for that story, especially when I can see that I can do so much better, as for example in Strike a Pose! Gosh, I need to stop sending you all to sleep before the chapter even started.

Maaan, I've read the previous chapters. I'm truly surprised why you liked them in the first place – so many substantive, logical, grammar mistakes… Geez. I need to rewrite all of 's what you get when you don't have a Beta.

Besides, I have a feeling that the story doesn't make much sense, does it? Well, up to you and your opinions. :)

Anyway, nothing's changed and I still don't own anything here.

The next morning came fast enough for Erza Scarlet to be tired, even though she had just slept for quite a few full hours. She squeezed her eyes tighter and wrinkled her nose, refusing to let the sunlight creep into her sleepy, fragile eyes. Not quite yet.

As every day right after the wake up Erza started to plan her day ahead of time. Getting up, eating something and moving to Era as fast as she could have in her obvious state. Therefore, she had a strong feeling there was something which she had clearly forgotten about. Suddenly, the redhead snapped her eyes open and hissed on the sensation of too much light going into her fragile eyes at once.

Rubbing her face, the Titania slowly got used to the daylight, then took a moment to gaze around. She had called to her mind what she had forgotten about – Teresa, her senile, churlish, and eerie companion. Erza frowned. What had happened there? Should she have searched for the old woman, or just let go? Maybe Teresa had got tired of her fellowship and had gone ahead of her? But… What if there was more to that, for example some bandits had attacked their place while sleeping and had taken Teresa as a hostage?

Stop it, idiot. You can't do anything about it now, can you. Just go ahead, you have a mission to fulfill, Erza told herself and sighed. Subsequent to some struggle she had decided to let go of the topic, accepting that she had had to continue her passage alone. Moreover, she felt terribly hungry, definitely for more food than was left in her bag. No wonder, after all, she had two people to feed. The redhead stroke her belly and unwillingly smiled, then and started to prepare the breakfast.

Soon enough, the Reequip Mage was ready to continue her journey. She stood up and put a hand over her eyes, looking for the right direction to get to the main road. Finally, she encountered it and moved ahead, positive about reaching her destination on the same day.

The heat of the day was almost ferocious, and it was only before midday. Erza had walked several kilometers and was already exhausted. She sat down in the shadow and drank some of the left water she had carried with herself. At that rate, reaching Era was becoming more than unrealistic for the pregnant woman, if not simply abstract.

Apparently, the Fate had pitied the redhead and when she was bracing both her body and mind to move on, she had spotted an one-horse buggy. Ignoring the previous dumbness of her body, she jumped up, excited.

"Hello! Excuse me!" She yelled and waved her hand on the traveler. However, the carter did not seem to slow down. Erza fumed and stood in the middle of the road with her hand reached ahead. "Stop!"

"Lady, are you out of your mind?" He shouted and stopped his horse. "I'm in a hurry here."

"Are you going to Era?"

"Yeah. But I don't want any companion, so…" He spat and tried to make the horse go, but he woman caught the rein.

"I'm going with you and that's it. I can pay you, but I need to get there today. Will you, please, now make a place for a tired, pregnant woman?"

"Pregnant?" The man eyed her up and down. "Doesn't look like…"

"But I am." Erza cocked an eyebrow at him, awaiting for the reply.

"Well… I guess that's all right, after all…" He scratched his chin and moved a bit. "Come on."

"Thank you."

The redhead sat beside him and the buggy moved. Having a moment to rest, she felt a little better.

"So, Era? What business do you have in that sick town?" The man started a conversation.

"I need to visit the Council."

"The Council! You know them?!"

"Of course." She sighed and closed her eyes. "I'm a mage."

"Figured." He smirked. "I'm Nathaniel. Going there to visit someone. Although I don't know whether it's still reasonable. After all, there's that evil power coming there and stuff…"

"Do you know anything more?" Erza glanced at her companion.

"Not really… Just that it's truly a horrible thing."

Scarlet did not ask about anything more. True evil. Something bad. The Zeref's Power. It all sounded extremely bad. If Jellal wanted to stop that only with his Crime Sorcière, they were lost. She had to make them change their minds… If only her pregnancy, Jellal's child were enough… No, it's not enough.

The horse was going in a constant tempo, pulling the buggy like it was used to it. Nathaniel was humming some farmer song, sensing Erza's bad mood and discontentment. Suddenly, feeling a little guilty for her hostility and shameful behavior towards that nice man, she began asking him questions about his life. The charioteer visibly warmed up and started to tell her the story of his life. The woman was half-listening, half-daydreaming. She had too much to think about to focus only on his blabbing.

For example, how to plan the conversation with Jellal, if she were to meet him at all.

Finally, after a few hours, the man stopped his horse and whistled.

"We're here. In Era. The Council is that way, miss."

"Thank you so much. I don't know how I can repay you, but here's some money." The Reequip mage bowed down and handed him a small leather pouch. "I'm truly grateful."

"You didn't have to…" Nathaniel murmured, but accepted them anyway. "I'll be coming back in a week, if you need a ride… Find me in a Fish-Out tavern."

"Surely. Goodbye, Nathaniel-san."

Having said that, Erza turned around and walked away, gazing around. She remembered Era differently, but it had been many years since she had been there last time. No wonder it had changed.

However, one place was visible from the very distance; the Magic Council. The redhead sighed and went ahead, directing herself to the castle-like building.

Was Jellal there yet? Did the Council members know about the danger coming at them, ready to attack any time? And what would she do? Come in and announce the bad news? She stopped and groaned. She realized one thing: there was no plan. At all. She said anything about Jellal – she would be busted. She spilled something about the evil – not much better, she would be taken as a crazy woman.

"So, what now?" Erza asked herself. At last, she spotted a hotel next to the road and decided to stay over for one night in order to think over some plan. Heck, she had to have one!

Therefore, the Reequip mage sighed and went into the inn only to find it almost empty. There was an elder man sitting beside the desk at the reception. She frowned. What was that? Era was one of the most populated and most visited cities, so why…

"Oh! A customer!" The older man yelled and stood up with a smile. "Welcome! Do you need a room? We have plenty…"

"Good afternoon." The woman bowed a little. "Is there a reason to why there are not too many people?"

"W-well…" The inn's owner bit his lip, visibly afraid of losing his customer.

"Go on, I need to stay here anyway." She insisted.

"You see, miss, there are rumors about a cataclysm coming to town and some monster killing every life on its way… They say" He started to whisper. "That it wants to annihilate the Council itself!"

"I see." Erza answered and took out some money. "I need a room for a few days. For now, let's say for five."

"With pleasure." The man smiled and took the payment, then passed a key. "Everything's there, miss. Enjoy your stay here."

"Thank you."

Meanwhile, Jellal, Ultear, and Meredy were walking for a whole day just to reach the Erza town. It took them longer than they thought, but after 10pm they finally say Era's lights.

"We made it, huh?" Asked Meredy with joy.

"For now. We need so much more." Ultear reminded her daughter-like friend and patted her head. She smirked when she looked at the town. Was Erza already there? After all, the redhead had said she had been walking there in order to find Jellal Fernandes. And the brunette knew why.

"Let's go." The man muttered and flashed like a shadow.

"Jellal, wait. What do you want to do?"

"Set up camp next to the gates." He answered without stopping.

"Why can't we stay at some inn? Jellyyyyyy…" Whined Meredy and tugged at his sleeve.


"But why?!"

"Just no!"

"Meredy, stop it. You know him." Ultear rolled her eyes.

The pink-haired woman sighed with resignation and followed their leader.

Little did anyone know that there was a figure observing them through the trees, memorizing every word. When the three people moved on, it was entirely sure they were to refrain the Dark Forces on their own. At least, they intended to try.

The shadow smiled evilly.

"I think Lady Brigitte would like to be informed about it."

So, it was lame, or at least I think so.

I really need to rewrite the rest of the chapters, but I doubt if I'll be having time to do that before July. So, stay tuned.

The story's no longer on hold.

Thanks to all of you.