From: Angry Brows
11:30 pm

Shoes. Check. Shirt. Check. Pants. Che- wait...Okay Check. Keys. Check.

"Man I'm breaking all types of traffic laws. I really hope they're okay." I said to myself while speeding down my street to Derek's. I'm used to Derek simply coming through my window if he needs something way past my personal set bedtime, that I haven't quite been able to actually follow since Scott was turned. But, he never texted. Ever.

My poor jeep came to a screeching halt behind his camaro in front of the newly renovated Hale house. After the whole Alpha pack debacle Ii randomly suggested Derek rebuild it since there aren't any threats for the time being and he couldn't keep living in subway cars. Who knew he would actually listen to me the 18 year old girl who's not really pack, but I'm always there anyway.

When I hopped out my jeep I saw that Jackson's porsche was..still there. So was Erica's car, and Allison's.

Did no one leave after I left? I thought to myself as I jumped the steps and busted into the house.

"Derek? Derek, where are you? DEREK?" I yelled.

"Shut up Stiles. I'm in here." He said from the living room around the the corner. And then I heard it. Crying or wailing coming from the living room.

"Who's screeching like tha-..." I froze in the doorway because I saw 7..babies. "What the hell?!" And I cringed Whoops baby ears. "I mean heck." I corrected myself. "Who's kids are these? Where are their parents? Did you kidnap them?"

"Stiles!" He growled. "Shut. Up" Well."I didn't kidnap these kids, okay. It's the pack."

That's when I saw it. The little boy on his hips looked about 6, had curly hair, very curly hair. And his eyes were so blue. I can't believe it. I walked closer to where Derek was standing.

"Isaac?" The little boy lifted his head off Derek's shoulder and stared at me. He looked back forth between Derek and me and. Sniffed me? His face lit up after and he launched himself at my body burying his head into my neck, almost knocking me over if Derek didn't grab my arms.

"Momma's home guys!" Isaac said into my neck. Hold the hell up. (I can still cuss in my head haha)

That's when all the noise stopped. I saw who I guess was Lydia with her Strawberry blonde hair sitting on top of Jackson with a coloring book in her hands look up at me and Jackson tried to inch his head up higher from under her.. Boyd and Scott looked away from Power Rangers. Wait. Power rangers is on at midnight. Huh. Then I saw Allison and Erica stop their hand game to look to me too. They all looked about 6 or 7. I was about to ask Derek what Isaac meant by momma when they all ran up to me, Boyd and Scott even pushed Derek out the way to tackle her legs. Yelling their own 'momma', or 'mommy' at me.

I glared down at Derek. While he looked pissed the two kids just knocked him off his feet, but I was too confused at the moment to laugh.

"Derek what the heck is going on!? And why on Earth do the they I'm their mom!?"

I guess I won't be going to sleep at my bedtime tonight either.