"AH!" Spinner cried out, a bullet going through his arm and he put his hand over it, crying out in pain.

Lucas hid behind the dresser quickly, just dodging a bullet and bullets went everywhere into the walls and tv. Emma had lept up from the bed as soon as Sean stopped shooting to focus right on Jay who was slowly standing, glaring right back at Sean with anger in his eyes and Sean aimed at Jay's chest...he should know what real heart break felt like- Sean cried out in pain, Emma had grabbed the lamp from the side of the bed and smashed it behind his head before he could shoot Jay. The gun did go off and hit Jay in his other good shoulder though, "FUCK!" he cursed, turning and grabbing his shoulder painfully but still mustered the strength to go grab Emma, wincing in pain as he did so.

Lucas ran to Spinner, "Get up, get up!" he helped him and put his good arm over his shoulder and Spinner held his bad one and limped as fast as he could to get away.

Jay ran to Emma, grabbing her hand as they both stared at Sean crawling up from the bed he landed on after being hit. He groaned in pain, but still had a gun, so the two went running the way their friends did until Emma stopped at the stairs, "No, wait, Darcy!"

Jay cursed madly, "I'll get her! GO!" he pushed her down, blood slowly dripping from his wound and around his shirt. She wanted to go with him, but cursed and had to watch him go alone and fled downstairs like he asked, knowing he didn't want her to fight with him right now. It was probably the LEAST she could do since he just got SHOT because of her.

Jay ran to Darcy's room, slamming her rooms door open, not seeing Sean come out of the other bedroom behind him and head for the stairs, for Emma. Jay went to Darcys bed, and shook her shoulders, "Darcy, Darcy? Oh fuck, Darcy!" he yelled and she started to groan and wake up.

She fluttered her eyes open, and turned to Jay with a strange look "what?"

Jay stared at her hysterically. She SLEPT through all that noise?! "Sean is in the house, lets go!" Darcys eyes widened, already standing up and following him.

Emma, meanwhile, had ran into the kitchen. The doors went out the back door where she guessed Jane and Manny were, or maybe the girls went to get the cops.. she didn't blame them for running. She looked around for a knife, but before she went to grab one she heard a whisper, "Hey."

She turned around, like a deer in the headlights, and Sean stood there to then backhand her quickly, sending her down to the ground. He eyed the knife she went to get and grabbed it, holding that and a gun in his hands. "Were you.." he drifted off almost hurt, "Were you going to try and kill me?" he taunted.

Emma crawled back, horrified. She stared up at him hopelessly. There was no way out. His feet started to follow her as she tried to slide back as much as she could and she begged him, "Please stop this. I'm sorry!"

Behind them, the back door slowly opened, but none of them noticed.

Sean put the gun into the back of his jeans and played with the knife as he stared her down and then bent down slowly when she was backed to the counter, "No matter how sorry you are, or how over you think we are, or even if you think I'm really gone?..I'll always be around, Emma."

Her eyes flashed with fear, especially when he raised the knife over his head. Emma reacted as quick as she could, and gritted her teeth as she sat up and pushed her finger into his stab wound, the stitches ripped apart and he screamed in agony. From behind him, Manny had snuck up and bit hit hand (First thing she could think of okay?!) He cried out some more and dropped the knife in his hands and just then, Jay and Darcy had run into the kitchen too.

"GO!" Jay told Darcy, looking at the scene with wide eyes and pushed Emma's sister toward the back door. She raced out of and he grabbed Manny, pulling her back behind him and panicked, seeing Sean still over Emma but the blonde was brave, standing up and kneed Sean into the groin when he tried to stop her. He fell to the side in pain and agony, and Emma ran to Jay, hugging him tightly as he kissed her head and panted. Jesus CHRIST this was unreal.

"The cops are coming!" Lucas said, running inside from the back and they turned back to Sean who stood up and turned to them, his chest rising up and down from panting angrily and in a bit of pain. Jay looked him over, since Sean was shirtless his tattoo of Emma's name showed, and his wound was bleeding down his stomach, dripping on the floor.

"Just give up." Jay panted, pushing Emma behind him and taunted Sean, "You're already losing tons of blood."

"So are you." taunted Sean back.

Jay and both Emma looked at Jay's front shoulder, seeing his chest soaked in blood and Emma began to tremble and worry, "Jay.." she said, frightened for him now. Those cops better show up with ambulances.

"This is what she does you know?" Sean taunted Jay, slowly reaching for the gun at the back of his jeans, "Loving her means you have to shed some blood." he looked at Emma and back to Jay, "You really think you're man enough for that? You think you could kill for her?"

Jay was looking pale, and his wound stopped hurting, his shirt soaked with blood. That was probably bad, right? He snickered bitterly though, taunting Sean right back, "I think she'd rather you die for her then to kill for her." he watched his words eat up at Sean, who angrily brought his gun out.

"Sean, don't!" Emma ran infront of Jay who pulled something also out of his jeans.

"It's okay," Jay promised Emma.

Sean laughed at him, shaking the pistol in his hands to show it off, "I got a gun?"

"I got a taser." Jay simply replied, showing just which weapon he stole off the dead police officer outside earlier and aimed it faster at Sean. It's tasers shot out and attached to Sean's arm and chest, and started to buzz loudly.

Sean tried to hold his gun, but he shook and felt paralyzed. He fell down onto his knees, the gun fell to the ground first before he finally did too on his back, and Emma ran for the gun. Jay dropped the taser, and leaned on the counter tiredly and his forehead sweating, body running cold.. Shit. He was losing too much blood.

"SHOOT HIM!" Lucas yelled from the door as Emma stood up from grabbing the gun off the floor. Her eyes locked on Sean's, who laid on the ground and looked up at her like a sad puppy.

"Baby, don't." Sean begged.

Emma blinked her tears away, and tightened her hand on the gun, "I didn't want this to happen."

Sean slowly sat up, cringing while doing so from his wound and from just being TASERED. "we can change. We can fix this." he glanced fearfully at the gun, "Now drop the gun." he saw her slowly put the trigger off safety. Shit , she was going to do it. "Drop the fucking gun!" he shouted and coughed, bending while on his knees towards the floor again. Jesus, she had really re opened that wound of his. He glared up viciously and taunted at her shaking form, "Poor littleEmma. This is why *I* have to do all the big man stuff, and you know? Your parents are next! Your dumb, judgemental father and your slut of a mother. Than I'll slit your new boyfriends throat, hows that sound"-

Jay grabbed the gun from Emma, and pointed at Sean's head.


There was a scream, and then a loud thud by Seans body landing on the kitchen floor, and his eyes stayed open as blood leaked around him. He went cold...and then, he was dead.

"Sounds great." Jay muttered and dropped the gun, "Maybe later, though."

"Dude, you shot him right in the head." Lucas said with wide eyes.

Emma's mouth was even dropped, looking up at Jay who turned around to her and Lucas. He shrugged, "He said he was going to slit my throat." he glanced at his shoulder, "he also shot me." though, even with his own wounds, his cupped Emma's face and examined her closely, "You okay?" he whispered.

Emma looked up at him incredibly, but nodded in shock. He nodded back, piercing his lips together and grabbed her hand. They glanced once more behind their shoulders at Sean's dead body, and then heard sirens.

Cops were pulled up and running toward them. Lucas put his hands up and Emma rolled her eyes at him, "put your hands down Lucas."

An ambulence already had Spinner on a stretcher, and Jane looked to Lucas, "You're okay?" she asked frighteningly. Seemed she only went, and got the cops here pretty fast. Thank god.

Lucas nodded and insisted, "Go with Spin." he put an arm around Manny who ran to him, flying her arms around his neck.

"I'm so happy you're okay." she whispered.

Meanwhile, the cop went to Emma, and seemed to know everything going on, "He inside?"

Emma nodded, "Kitchen." she whispered the gasped when she felt Jay stumble a bit when they began to walk away and looked at him, his eyes barely open, "Jay you-" she looked around, panicked," HELP!"

Some paramedics ran over, one with a stretcher and Jay fell down to his knees. His eyes sight going blurry.

"JAY! Please Don't do this to me. Please!" was all he heard before it all went black, and felt her hands cupping his face.




Loving her meant you had to shed some blood.

(the sounds- something worth dying for)

When something's right, then something is worth to die for
When I feel that something is wrong, then something is worth to fight for
When something's right, then something is worth to die for
When I feel that something is wrong, then something is worth to fight for

Don't say goodbye, just leave an open door
I wanna hear you say, you give me something to die for
I wanna hear you say, you give me something to die for
I wanna hear you say, you give me something to die for

AN: ...The end? :) Start reviewing and maybe it won't be. REVIEW TO SAVE JAYS LIFE AND GET A SEQUEL (cause I do have some pretty good ideas). But if not, Im happy with this ending even if it means she lost Jay but still found a love who really loved her.