"What are you doing here!?" Emma freaked, sitting up from her bed in the middle of the night, "My parents will freak!"

Sean jumped in with his signature grin, dimples showing off and wearing his usual wife beater and jeans. He climbed on the bed and put her down on it softly, "It's fine, we'll be quiet." he kissed around her neck.

Emma's body was tense, wishing he'd stop showing up like this. She had sworn she locked her window as well? Maybe she dreamt it..

Her parents had 'banned' her from seeing Sean. He was a year older, and a bit of a bad boy in school with a bad reputation but Emma insisted he was a softy at heart..at least for her. But, her school marks had been going down since she met him but he was just so...charming and exciting. He also complained if she tried to ditch him for homework or anything really. "Sean.." she tried to protest.

She then got distracted when he kissed around her favorite spot on the neck and she moaned, wrapping her arms around him. At school, all the girls were jealous, Sean Cameron was a babe.. and he was all hers. Guess that was pretty nice to know too. But lately...she didn't feel like the lucky girl everyone claimed to be.

"Sean!" Emma gasped when he kissed to hard again her neck now, and gripped her wrists at the side of her head on the bed, "Sean thats hurts!" she gasped, sitting up as he finally let her go.

"Sorry." he blinked, "I didn't know." he insisted and watched her give him a look as she rubbed her sore wrists.."I just missed you."

"You saw me this morning." Emma teased, but smiled again a bit doopily. See? He had the charms..and being a 15 year old girl, she fell hard for them.


"Well this looks nice, doesn't it sweetie?" Christine Nelson asked her daughters. Emma gasped, waking up from the back seat and bolted abit. She swallowed hard, looking around and hoped nobody had saw the fright in her eyes.

She was 17 now, its been 2 years since that memory.. . and Sean had gotten much worst. But Emma hated talking about it.

Emma ran a hand through her longer blonde hair and noticed they were infront of their new house. She gazed up sadly but opened her door.

"Our last house was bigger." Darcy replied, folding her arms. This was Emma's sister.

Snake got out of the drivers side of the jeep. He turned to their other daughter, "What do you think, Em?"

Her eyes wondered around their new and big white house, "It's nice." she said. She had better manners than her other sister Darcy. Emma was 17 just recently, and Darcy was almost 16 but she acted as if she was oldest yet still a brat at the age of 5.

The blonde walked into a room with her stuff already all in it when everyone went to unpacking. Her room was large and she had a window cell to sit at which had pillows on it too. Her bed was at the other corner of her room, a tv on her dresser and all her posters hung up. Her walls were just white and the cover on her bed was red, her favorite color.

Darcy ran to her room and went straight to her closet. She snickered and turned to Emma, "I got the walk in closet.."

"I get my own bathroom." Emma said matter of factly. Darcy only angered for a split second.

"Whatever." Darcy said while leaving the room, "I can't wait for school! I'm going to be the new cheer captain and nobody better stand in my way."

"Sure Darc." Emma giggled a bit, watching her leave.

Emma opened her room window later on and stepped out on her balcony. She crossed her arms, getting a cold eary chill run through her and she stepped back, closing the window and making sure she locked it tight.

Degrassi High. Her and Darcy stood infront of their new school the next following week. Monday morning.

"Fresh meet." a guy said and whistled passing them.

"Ew." Darcy said loudly and turned to him with his group of friends, "Did you come out of the 90s? Didn't anyone tell you that skater look was out?" she taunted.

"Oooh!" his friends laughed and Darcy rolled her eyes at them and walked into the school with Emma.

"Nice ass blondie!" someone shouted and Emma looked back to glare and then went to go find her locker.


Darcy declared, "I'm going to adventure. Later." she immediately left Emma alone.

Emma went to tell her to wait but gave up. Like it mattered. As Emma sighed and was looking around the crowded school, a girl with long black hair was against the lockers and watching her with a low smirk.

"Sister?" the girl guessed and Emma finally noticed her.

Emma joked, "Well... we have the same DNA.."

Pretty AND funny, the girl noticed about Emma. She was starting to feel a good vibe with the girl. A start of a new friendship! And she was barely one to want to make any friends who were girls, or new at that, but Emma seemed different

"I have a brother." the girl said, trying to show sympathy and laughed lightly until someone barged past Emma, and the girl barked after him, "Are you blinde?"

"Everyones so..." Emma drifted, trying not to be mean by saying 'rude'... or something stupid like that.

"Ghetto? Slutty?" the girl watched somebody pass while holding a bible, "Religious? Take your pick."

"Intimidating." Emma admitted.

The girl giggled and nodded, "I get it, but they're really harmless flys just trying to make it by here. By the way, I'm Manny Santos." she greeted.

"Emma Nelson."

"Welcome to hell, Emma." she guided her to right, "This over here, is the science lab." Manny pointed.

Emma nodded and kept following her. Manny was showing her around everywhere and Emma was really liking the spunk in her, the wit, and she seemed to have the attention of all the boys in the school but as the girls turned a corner, a guy grabbed Manny, pulling her up against the wall with his hands on her hips, sliding to her ass.

Manny yelped but giggled and smiled while they kissed hard, "Lucas!"

Emma shifted awkwardly and looked away as Manny pulled away from the guy, "Emma, this is Lucas." she introduced with a slight blush.

The guy had a built figure and dark hair, with tattoo designs on the side of it. It made Emma nervous, feeling the familiar bad boy vibe coming off of him like somebody else she knew. She then had to remind herself, that didn't mean he was like him.

He had some hair on his chin and he gave her a slight nod of acknowledgement and a small smirk. Emma oddly waved with an uneasy smile.

"Are you going to class?" Manny asked him. She sounded a bit shocked. This made Emma wonder if the guy came to school at all?

"Only came to get Spinner." Lucas said while shaking his head no and kissed her neck.


He pulled away and asked her, "You want to come skip with?"

"Wanna?" Manny asked Emma, only interested if she would and shrugged her shoulder.

"I.. got to go to class." Emma muttered, playing with her hands and explained, "First day and all."

"Right." Lucas said eyeing Emma and glanced to Manny with a smirk and she giggled, shoving his chest as he left.

"He's not trying to be an asshole, that's just Lucas." Manny assured Emma who felt a bit stupid and 'geeky'. Manny went on, "He and the guys barely come to school."

"The guys?" Emma asked curiously.

Manny smiled and said, "Well.. if you stick with me, you can meet everyone."

"I'm not going anywhere." Emma insisted. She liked Manny so far much better than anyone else she'd met so far. She then asked, "So you and Luc-"

"Have been together since grade 10." Manny declared and Emma stared, Manny added, "On and off of course. Just so you don't hear any shit about me, I'll admit, yes, he knocked me up once. But I aborted."

"Really?" Emma asked, frowning deeply. That's sad. How can she be okay with that? This was one weird city already with their own dark secrets. Maybe she would fit in just fine.

"Let me guess, your against it?" Manny questioned and Emma shrugged.

"Personally I couldn't do it but your body your choice, right? How long ago?" she asked.

Manny smiled, liking that answer then explained, "2 years ago. I'm fine now. Half the school consider me a slut now though even though I've stuck with the same guy for years" Manny muttered and huffed, "I really hate this school."

"You've been dating that long? People should know you two must like.. love each other, right?" Emma asked and gave Manny a look when she laughed and shook her head

"Love? For me, sure. Him? I don't know. He's not an open book but Im not going to pressure him. He's always there for me at least." she informed.

Emma insisted silently to herself that that WAS love, but whatever. What'd she know right? Sean use to-


"Oh, the bell. I have 3rd with you so I'll meet you here." Manny promised and walked off but turned to hollar, "Have a good day, Emma Nelson."

"Thanks Manny." laughed Emma, walking into her science stood there confused now. Where was she suppose to sit?

"You must be the new girl." she heard and turned to a boy who was tall looking with blonde gelled hair and a good boy smile while wearing nice blue jeans and a button up white shirt. Kinda cute.. Emma nodded and slowly went to the guy who gestered to the seat beside him.

"Emma." she introduced herself. She already hated being called 'Fresh Meet' or 'New girl.'

"Peter." he said back, "Sorry, it's just... everyone knows everyone here. I know you're new. Where you from?"

"Far away."

"You are just going to love it here then." Peter said sarcastically.

Emma nervously played with her pencil, that's what she was thinking too...So basically the whole day sucked, every time she walked into a classroom, the stupid teachers had to introduce her to everyone infront of the class. How humiliating. She couldn't find Manny at lunch, so she sat with Peter and met a girl named Anya. Not bad, 3 friends in one day.

"How was school girls?" Snake asked his daughters when they got home.

Emma walked in first and said, "Good. I met some really nice people." Emma then remembered Lucas and said, "I think..." he wasn't SO nice, but he wasn't mean. Manny was quite the character, Peter wasn't afraid to talk a lot, and Anya was pretty sweet.

"What about you Darcy?" Snake asked as the younger daughter who came in and pushed her jacket and purse to their maid, Mary.

"I own that school." she just said, going up the stairs like she owned the house too

Emma snickered with Snake and then went to her room. That weekend, Emma had plans to go see a movie with her new friends Anya and Peter... but then her cellphone rang.

Emma answered, "Hello?"

"It's Manny." came the reply.

"Hey Manny." Emma greeted, falling back on her bed and putting on sneakers

"So I was wondering... you want to go to a bar tonight?" Manny curiously asked.

"A bar?" Emma asked and giggled a little, "Let me just remind you we're only 17."

"Oh my god, your so cute." came Manny's reply, "Pick you up at 9?"

"Well I..." Emma drifted off, remembering Anya and Peter. But Manny was..something, she was more fun. If that was mean or not to say. This sounded more appealing than a movie with a guy and girl who seemed to may be dating.

"You what?" Manny asked.

"Yeah sure." Emma then said.

Manny exclaimed, "Great! See you soon girl!" The two girls hung up and Emma sat in her bed. She looked at the clock beside her bed. 8 o clock. Her eyes widened and she went to get more ready then just sneakers, jeans and a shirt. Emma got showered and wore her hair in loose curls and wore tight blue jeans and a black striped strapless top. Her tanned skin glowed against the lace fabric. She looked hot. She was mostly trying to go for 'older' as she also put on heels.

She heard a honk and then her phone beeped with a text. Manny was outside. Emma went down the stairs as her mother passed, and saw her going out the door.

"Going to the movies with your new friend Anya?" she asked and Emma shut her eyes before turning to her.

"Yeah." she lied and opened the door, "See you later."

"Have a good time." she heard her mom say and closed the door behind her.

A red car was parked infront of her house and Manny was in the passanger seat, waving through her open window. Emma saw her wave slightly and gave a small smile. The driver was Lucas. Emma got in the back and Manny looked over her shoulder, "You look good. Really good!" she said and Emma noticed she looked better.. black mini skirt and a green crop tank top that showed off her tanned and smooth stomach, and belly botton ring. Her dark hair was also pinned straight. "Doesn't she look good?" Manny taunted Lucas, hitting his shoulder.

He smirked tauntingly but gazed back at Emma and shrugged, "yeah she's alright." he joked, knowing even if she did look hot, Manny didn't want him to go over board, she just wanted him to be nice. His girlfriend was taking quite a liking to this Emma so he guessed he'd give her a chance, "No classes tonight Emma?" Lucas teased, looking at the road to see if any cars were coming.

Emma put her seat belt on and rolled her eyes but smiled, "No, Lucas."

"Your sure?" he smirked, "It's your first week and all."

Manny slapped his arm and warned, "What did I say about being like this! Let her get use to your smugly face first." he sent her a playful glare.

"It's fine." Emma said with a light laugh and told Lucas, "I'm actually skipping classes tonight."

Manny hid her giggle and Lucas grinned, okay... the blonde wasn't bad. Kind of funny.

"Let's get going then." he said and drove out towards the bar. As he guided the girls up the side of a building, the girls walked behind and Emma looked around and glanced at Manny.

"Manny, are you sure we can get in?" she asked, and had a nervous bug in her stomach. Then again, she always did now.

"Positive." Manny simply stated.

Lucas held Manny's hand just before they went to the bar's door and nodded to a big guy, "Hey Charlie." he greets.

The big guy nodded once at them and opened the door, the three of them went in.

"What's up." a guy said passing them. Emma stood close to Manny as Lucas then guided infront of them again.

"Beers my ladies?" another guy asked, coming with two corona's in his hand.

He handed them each one and Manny introduced, "Emma, this is Spin." as she introduced, he tipped his 'invisible' hat, making both girls laugh.

"Your the new girl our school has been gossiping about. Good things." Spinner insists with a wink as Emma laughed a little.

"You might be talking about my sister. She's kind of annoying and makes sure she's noticed." Emma declared and he shook his head no.

"Nope. It's about a blonde. A pretty blonde." he assured and Emma raised an eyebrow, he was trying WAY too hard. She just wasn't looking, she had dumped her old boyfriend since moving here.

"Easy cowboy." Lucas joked, grabbing a pool stick to play some pool with the rest of his buddies..he examined his pool stick and asked, "Who's winning?"

"Solids." came a deep voice. Emma had to look to where it came from. The voice was so husky and..nice. A guy with dark hair brushing against his forehead stood there, lean and fit, wearing dark blue jeans and a black shirt that made you wonder how built he was underneath it all. He had lips that weren't to thin or thick, just perf-

"Guessing your solids." breathed Lucas, knowing he was the winner almost every game.

The mysterious guy with still no name yet, with the nice grey eyes noticed Emma finally. She caught his eye and looked down. He was just about to light a cigerette and paused, squinting his eyes to look her over. She was...new.

"Come meet the girls." Manny told Emma, grabbing her arm and dragging her to the girls. Emma almost fell over one of her heels!

"You drink?" a dark haired girl asked Emma, handing out a corona as Emma and Manny stopped infront. "Alex." she introduced.

Amy just rolled her eyes from beside Alex, not introducing herself but Emma knew her from gym class. Also rude in that class too.

"Ya, sometimes." Emma replied. Manny giggled to her reply and Alex also laughed but nodded, handing her a beer. They went to talking, and Emma was beginning to like this crowd.. minus Amy.

Emma tapped her fingers on her un opened beer, wondering if she should have some. She went to take off the top, but struggled when a flashback hit her hard..


Emma squished through a party til she found her way to her friend. She looked wide eyed, a bit nervous and even sickly "Is Sean here?" Emma asked Paige. She was the one who was threw this party.

"Em, you look like hell." Paige admitted, seeing how skitish Emma looked, "Want me to go call him?-" she put a hand on Emma's shoulder who yanked it off

"no!" Emma exclaimed and grabbed a cup of booze, "I don't." she hissed and walked off into the party. After some drinking and ignoring her friends' worried glances, she escaped up the stairs, trying to have a moment to breath. Ofcourse those 'worried' friends wouldn't ask whats wrong though, because she burned those bridges when Sean made her pick him over them. She put her cup down, before entering the bathroom. She didn't see a dark figure lure up the stairs after her, and drop a pill into her drink.


Emma snapped out of it, and just decided to just hold the drink, and not drink it. She learned her lesson before. Emma's eyes slowly glazed over to the pool table again. He was aiming the white ball at a solid, his friends waiting for him to just win already..eyes focusing on the bell with such concentration.

"Don't even think about it." teased Manny quietly in her ear.

Emma almost went red and looked at Manny. "What?" she asked.

"Jay." Manny simply said back.

Emma looked back to the mystery guy. So his name was Jay huh?

"I wasn't." Emma lied. Well, not for the reason Manny thought. I mean, Emma knew he was pretty attractive but thats how they lured you in. She was being careful right now, believe it or not. Keeping an eye on him, just in case.

"Every girl does." Manny insisted.

Emma insisted with a look of promise, "Not my type."

Manny just nodded slowly with a smirk on her face. She just couldn't believe Emma didnt see how hot Jay was, even she did! All the girls did.

Emma's eyes snuck one more glance back at him. She looked away quickly when he turned from the pool table and also looked right at her. Her breath stopped and she tried to avoid his gaze and listen to the conversation surrounding the girls as her heart pounded hard. Call it a nervous reflex whenever a guy was around her.

Then, another blonde came over to them, she had blonde honey hair and was quite milky skinned. She was pretty, with a rose tattoo on her forearm and a tight little black dress.

"Hey guys." she greeted, and Amy and Alex seemed to be only the ones who really greeted her. Emma politely waved. "Cute top. I'm Mel." she introduced to Emma, and really loved the blondes outfit. She was good looking too.. she then cornered her eyes at the guys, hoping the new girl didnt have an eye on any of them. Most especially Jay.

The girls were gossiping once again as Emma boredly decided to go for the drink in her hand. It was a closed beer, why not?

"Ow." Emma muttered and was trying to open her beer bottle as Jay walked by and grabbed her beer. He simply opened it easily, and gave it back to her, connecting eyes only for a second until he got a pool stick and went straight back to playing as if it didn't phase him. Meanwhile, Emma bluntly looked at the beer, then back at him..not noticing all the girls smirking and looking betweent hem.

Mel looked pissed.