Hello Everyone,

As promise, here a small epilogue on how our lovely family is doing after all the hard time they went through. A big thanks to Robyn-in-the-air for being my amazing beta-reviewer again!

Please people do not forget that reviewing really give us the courage to keep going and help us to get better ^^. Hope you will like this epilogue.

Now enjoy, and as usual I don't own anything!


"I'll send you the specifics when I'm sure," Tony stated, staring at the screen in front of him.

"Why don't you let us help you?"

"Don't push your luck too far, Maria. I'm keeping you in the loop and that's already more than you deserve after what SHIELD did to my family," Tony said flatly.

"I know, Tony." Maria Hill sighed deeply and added, "But you know as much as I do that you don't do it for me or anyone else. All of this goes beyond you, me or even SHIELD. It's about the earth itself."

"Maybe, but don't forget that my son is more important than anything for me." Tony stated.

"Maybe, but if they win…"

Tony cut her off, "Don't you dare finish that sentence! I know! That's why I'm working as hard as I can on it. Believe me, with all the analysis I've done, the protein we need is almost purified."

"I trust your capacities, Tony, it's just that more people are working on it and they have better chances! The threat is imminent."

"These terms are non negotiable!" Tony said firmly.

Maria Hill nodded in defeat on the screen, "Right. Well, keep me updated with the progress."

"Sure, I'm flying to the Avengers compound tomorrow for Peter's integration to the team. By the time I'm back, Jarvis should be done with the last simulation. We will take it from there," Tony explained.

"Perfect, I'll wait to hear from you then," Maria said. Before cutting the communication off, she added warmly, "Pass my regards to Pepper."

Tony chuckled and cut the connection. Your regards to Pepper, sure! He reiterated in his mind. After all that had happened, Pepper was not a very big fan of Hill or Fury. And he was not big fan of them either. But with the recent events regarding Stephen Strange, the disappearing of Banner and the radio silence from Asgard, everyone was on high alert. The hope that Dane's genome could contain a cure to an eventual alien threat was what everyone held on to. Even though it implied working on Dane's samples, Pepper was ok with it because Tony was leading it and she trusted Tony with their son. But she did made it clear that she didn't want any "agent" or anyone approaching Dane. And he was more than compliant about that, not willing to have anyone around their son either. Moreover, all his research was allowing to understand better what was going on with Dane and what could be the impact of his particular genes on his future.

Tony sighed heavily and made his way out of the workshop. When he arrived on the ground floor of the mansion, he heard music coming from the first floor. As he was climbing the stairs, he heard the clumsy melodic voices of Pepper and Dane singing on top of the music. He leaned at the embrasure of the door, enjoying the view.

"Si te vas, yo también me voy," Dane sang in his young small voice as he stood on the bed to attempt being at the same height as his mum.

"Si me das, yo también te doy," Pepper answered, with her beautiful tuneful voice while holding his little hands in hers.

Tony crossed his arms and stared at them for a while, his eyes full of adoration. It had been a bit more than two months since they all started living together and it felt so right. Sometimes, his heart hurt just thinking about what it took for them to get to this point. Eventually, Pepper noticed him in the corner of her sight and smiled brilliantly. Her smile dissipated all the tension and bad thoughts in him, as usual. He grinned back and entered the bedroom. "What kind of crappy music are you making my son listen to?" he joked.

"Dad!" Dane exclaimed and turned to see Tony.

"Yes of course, I forgot that if there isn't a screeching electric guitar all over the track, it's not labeled good music to you," Pepper said, amused.

Tony got closer and lifted his son into his arms, "Exactly my point!"

Pepper chucked, "We're allowed to listen to whatever we want while we are preparing YOUR suitcase for YOUR trip tomorrow." She emphasized, shaking her head. Sometimes, Pepper wondered how he managed to prepare his suitcase when she wasn't there.

"How long will you be gone?" Dane asked.

"Only a few days… " Tony started as Dane started to pout unhappily. His dad paused and added, "You know what? I just got an idea. Why don't you come with me?"

"Yeah!" Dane exclaimed excitedly.

"I think it's a very good idea, you haven't visit the new facilities of the Avengers, yet." Dane's smile grew wider, "and I would do with the little help there," he finished, this time looking toward Pepper.

Pepper shook her head hesitantly, "I don't know Tony. I…"

He cut her off, "There is a press conference, and you know how bad I am with press conferences. It'll be better if you're there to help with it."

"Mum! Say yes!" Dane insisted.

She came closer and caressed Dane's hair, "We'll see, let me talk with your dad about it first, okay?" she asked looking pointedly at Tony, She knew he was trapping her and she didn't approve.

Tony could feel Pepper tense. He needed something to relax her, "So you like this Spanish guy?" Tony asked to his son, shifting his eyes from Pepper.

"Yes!" Dane exclaimed.


"Yes Sir?"

"Bailando!" Tony exclaimed. Almost immediately, the music started from the ceiling. Tony smiled brightly at his son and lifted him back on the bed. "Watch this, kiddo!" He smirked, then turned to Pepper and grabbed her by the waist.

"Tony!" she protested.

"Yo te miro y se me corta la respiración, (I see you and this takes my breath away)" he sang to her while making her dance. "Cuando tú me miras se me sube el corazón, (When you look at me I feel my heart)"

"You really think you can get away with that?" she whispered and started to dance.

"Y en un silencio tu mirada dice mil palabras (And in silence your look tells a thousand of words)," he answered back smiling at her proudly. "La noche en la que te suplico que no salga el sol (The night when I'm begging of you not to let the sun rise)." He turned to wink at Dane who was giggling while watching his parents dancing.

She shook her head, "You are unbelievable!"

"Bailando!" he teased her, brushed his nose with hers and twirled her out of his arms, leaving them with their arms outstretched. When she came back in his arms, she giggled and he kept singing. "Tú cuerpo y el mío, Llenando el vacìo, Subiendo y bajando (Your body and mine filling the void, Moving up and down)."

She looked at him in the eyes and she sang in a soft voice, "Ese fuego por dentro, Me está enloqueciendo! (That fire inside me is driving me crazy, It's filling me up)." Tony smiled brightly at her.

A verse later, Tony shouted, "Ya no puedo más, Ya no puedo más (I can't take it any more I can't take it anymore)!" Pepper laughed, joined by Dane in the background, who was in hysterics. Tony twirled Pepper again, but this time let go of her hand. He walked back to Dane and yelled, "Watch out!" playfully. He walked back to Pepper dancing, "Yo quiero estar contigo, Vivir contigo, Bailar contigo, Tener contigo una noche loca (I want to be with you, to live with you, to dance with you, to have a crazy night with you)" and finally grabbed her by the waist again. "Ay besar tu boca (and kiss your mouth)," he finished while brushing his lips lightly on hers.

Pepper smiled at Tony lovingly and brushed a stray curl out of his face. "It's been ages since we danced like this."

Tony smiled back at her. "Your fault, you're always so reluctant to dance with me," he said while spinning her around. She shook her head at him and smiled that smile he knew all too well. "Come on, Pep, come with me tomorrow, it will be a good excuse for the three of us to spend time in New York together. We can even go to visit your mum on the way back," he pleaded.

Pepper sighed in defeat, "I need to pass by the HQ of SI in New York anyway."

Tony grinned and turned to Dane "She said YES!" he shouted

"Yaaaaaaaaaay!" Dane exclaimed, bouncing up and down on the bed enthusiastically.

"You two, I swear…" Pepper smiled fondly.

"Love you too, hon," Tony whispered reverently and kissed her again.

Five days later, Happy parked the car in front of the Potts' two-story house. Edna stood outside under the porch, waiting for them. Dane was the first one to burst out of the car.

"Grandma!" he shouted while running towards her.

Edna smiled at her grandson, "Sweetheart, welcome home," she said and bent down to hug him.

Meanwhile, Tony opened the door for Pepper and extended his hand to help her to step out. She smiled at the sight of her mum and Dane together. "See, she looks happy," Tony said as if to prove that coming there was a good idea.

"Believe me, it won't last," Pepper said though she didn't shift her gaze from her mum and son.

They started to walk toward them slowly hand in hand. "Maybe she wasn't been watching the TV," Tony offered.

Pepper looked at him in disbelief. "Yes, and maybe she hasn't watched the TV for the past few days, open a magazine or even just opened an internet browser?" she raised an eyebrow, "and before you even try, yes we have internet here!"

Tony chuckled, "it's not the internet connection here that I would have doubted!"

"Oh shut up!" she smacked his arm while they climbed the few steps and joined Edna. "Mum," Pepper said while extending her arms to hug her and kissed her.

"Ginny, I'm glad to see you," she said affectionately.

"Miss Potts," Tony said and offered her his hand.

"Tony." Edna spat out, and ignoring his outstretched hand, gave him a dark look before turning and entering the house. "I cooked someone's favorite blueberry pie," she sang to Dane.

"Yes!" Dane cried and rushed inside to follow his grandma.

"You were right, she saw it." Tony said in defeat.

"Yeah? No kidding," Pepper deadpanned while entering the house.

"Come on Pep, give me some credit. I proposed to you, it's supposed to be a good thing, after so many years and a kid! Your mum should be happy!" he whined and followed her into the house.

"Yeah, during a press conference surrounded by hundreds of journalists!" Pepper pointed out while stopping in the middle of the living room to look at him, "There are definitely more romantic way to do it!"

"Let's just say it's a very romantic Stark way to do it?" he offered. She sighed and shook her head in disbelief. He closed the distance between them. "And you said yes! That's the only thing that should matter no?" he smirked.

She leaned forward and kissed him softly on the lips to remove that damned smirk from his lips. "Soon to be Virginia Stark," he whispered softly against her lips.

Pepper couldn't contain the laugh, and turned quickly in the direction of the kitchen, trying to not let him see her smile. "It's Potts-Stark Tony! I've told you this many times!"

Tony grinned playfully, so in love, and followed her. "A negotiation can be made for Stark-Potts," he teased.

Potts-Stark or Stark-Potts, it doesn't really matter to him, keeping her forever next to him was the only thing that actually matter! This is what his life was now. And Tony wouldn't have it any other way.