DECHIMOCHAN: Hi guys, people who are reading this and what not. This is a small multi-chaptered fanfiction for the pairing 2759. Yup, not 5927. I was inspired by a chat with a friend about gender bending couples and having Tsuna still be the Male. Tsuna x female Gokudera came to mind. So... Ugh, enjoy and review if you like it, or dislike it. Thanks.

WARNINGS: Genderbend, perverted Tsuna, misspelling and possible misuse of verbs and English I guess.. [that about it]

She stared at him, he sat a sit ahead and to the left of her. A smile gracing her lips at seeing his head look up then back down to jot down the notes that were on the PowerPoint. All to quickly that time ended as the bell rang, quickly she stood, put away her notebook and pencils and went Over to his desk quickly.

"Juudaime, did you finish all your notes?"

The brunet looked up and looked down at his page, a wide grin on his face.

"I did! I tried paying more attention then usual, I have to study for the finals huh, Gokudera-chan?" Brown eyes turned up to the girl, white teeth flashing at her which made her nod all too quickly and happily.

"Yes, I'll help you study if you want Juudaime!" Gokudera said, flashing the same grin back at him, but her mode was ruined when a tan arm wrapped around her shoulders to pull her into a side hug. "Wha–?! Get off me, you baseball-idiot!"

"Now, now, 'Dera. You'll help me study too right?" Yamamoto easily dodged a punch to the jaw, but knew for the best, he should probably back off, or his luck might wear off and might actually be upper-cutted by the silver haired female. Turning his head at the class room door opening, he saw his girlfriend walk inside along with a friend. "Kyoko!"

"Takeshi!" Gokudera and Tsuna turned away as the two hugged each other and shared a quick kiss, talking about how they wished they shared a classroom this year. Gokudera sighed and shook her head, sitting down on Tsunas desk, her skirt tucked neatly under her bum as Tsuna turned in his seat to smile at the girl that came in with Kyoko.

"Hello, Haru."

"Tsuna-San, how are you this morning?" the girl giggled, all to happy to see her friend, and it annoyed Gokudera a bit, she never did take the best liking to Haru, having her all over Tsuna.

"I'm good but I'm kinda fried..." Tsuna groaned leaning forward, his elbow resting on his knee. "All this studying Reborn has me go through then school studies, but I'm determined at least." Haru smiled and nodded, understanding the situation that Tsuna was going through, it was like this for most of them. Finals determined in what classes they'd be in next year.

"I bet you're doing great, Tsuna-Kun, you're trying so hard that it's impossible that you'll get bad scores." Tsuna smiled and chuckled a bit, agreeing with Kyoko as to how the girl was trying to cheer him up. The group of five chatted for a bit and ate their lunch together and a few minutes before the bell, Haru dismissed herself. Soon after Kyoko and Yamamoto did as well, probably to go kiss under the stair case or something.

Tsuna leaned back in his back and blinked, realizing Gokudera had been sitting on his desk this whole time, at the moment, she was staring out the window, enjoying the few moments of comfortable silence between the two, now that everyone else had left. He took the chance to admire her. Her hair had taken a grow lately, to her shoulders, small twirls pointing outward at the ends. Her figure seeming naturally curvy but not hourglass, it was perfection. At that thought, Tsuna began to blush, shaking that self-comment away. She had grown into a young lady, much more lady like than what she was three years ago when he first met her, throwing her bombs at everyone, cussing, threatening and getting into fights day in and day out. Now she shouted at others but did nothing else, still a bit rude but she wouldn't be herself without being like that.


Tsuna blinked, he had been caught staring. His ears turning a bit red as he cocked his head up to look at Gokudera curious green eyes.

"Ye... Yeah?" Tsuna coughed to the side to his embarrassment, realizing how gruff his noise sounded, trying to get rid of the lump in his throat.

"Would... Would you like to come over.. To my place, I mean.." Tsunas face flushed a bit, seeing Gokudera turn away and twirl some of her shoulder length hair in between her fingers. would it just be her and himself? Possibly, Haru having to get home, Kyoko would wait for Yamamoto until baseball practice was over. He didn't get the chance to answer as she continued. "I-I mean..! To.. To study and such..." Gokudera looked away from Tsuna, face also red.

"I-I..." Why was he getting so nervous? He was comfortable with Gokudera, she came to his place all the time, even borrowed his clothes when Lambo would dirty hers. So, why was it so different to going to her home. "Sure. I would like.. Like to come over."

"Really?" she sounded a bit astounded but then her lips turned up into a wide smile, hopping off of Tsuna's desk, her skirt fluttering but she placed her hands on it, making it stop. Tsuna swallowed and nodded at her. "Great-! A-Ahh.. We'll study a lot, Juudaime!" and with that the bell rang, Yamamoto came back into the classroom a wide idiotic grin on his face, all to content with his school snogging, Gokudera back at her desk and class continued like usual. But... Tsuna couldn't concentrate now.

He placed his hand on his chest and felt his rapidly pounding heart. He felt that lump forming in his chest again and he didn't know why.. He hadn't felt like this since he liked Kyoko.. Tsuna stopped, his thoughts running wild in his head, leaning his elbow on his desk and his head in his palm. He calmed himself down. Coming down to one conclusion.

He, Tsunayoshi Sawada, liked Hayako Gokudera.

Ugh, how could he have not noticed this earlier.