Someone asked me to do a morning after sequel to this so here it is! In all its hangover, completely-passed-out and written-at-10-past-3-in-the-morning-so-don't-judge-me glory.

Dan awoke the next day with every joint in his body aching. He guessed despite his feverish attempts, he did end up getting drunk last night. He didn't remember most of it. Just small snippets of conversations and holding the hair or some random girl back while she threw up into the toilet.
He twisted his body, trying to get a good look of where he was. Dan realised he couldn't move much because someone else was sleeping next to him, blocking his view.
He pushed at the mass in front of him and it rolled onto the floor with a satisfying thump. Groaning, the person sat up, rubbing his head from where it had made contact with the ground. It was then that Dan realised that it was Phil. And then quite a large chunk of the night came flooding back. Did Phil remember the conversation as well as he did? There was only one way to find out.
"Morning." Phil spoke before he managed to say anything.
"Huh, what? Oh yeah, morning."
"You okay?"
"Yeah, fine. D'you remember anything from last night?" Phil looked at Dan who had bowed his head and… was he blushing? It didn't matter though; of course he remembered everything from last night! He didn't get drunk. He didn't want to. Obviously Dan did though; he had been hopping from sofa to sofa screaming his love for Phil at one point during the night. Phil smiled at the memory but quickly making a split second decision, answered Dan's question.
"No. I remember parts but not much." Shit! Why did he say that?
"Oh, neither do I." Dan's heart shattered where he sat, he felt like he had been punched in the head five times and was now feeling extremely dizzy. He lay down quickly before he collapsed and tried to blink back the tears. Tried.
Phil heard Dan's sobs easily and immediately felt bad. He quickly crawled over to where Dan was laying and pulled him into a hug. Dan tried to pull away but Phil wasn't having it. He held on for all he was worth and eventually, so did Dan. They both ended up sobbing uncontrollably into each other's shoulders until Phil pulled away, much to Dan's dislike.
"I'm so sorry Dan. I thought you wouldn't remember the conversation just like you haven't remembered making me film you dancing to Gangnam Style and, despite my many attempts to stop you, put it on YouTube. I thought you would just laugh in my face and move out because you thought it was weird that your best friend is in love with you an-" Phil was cut off by Dan's hand over his mouth.
"Urm, Phil… as much as I'd love to hear about what's never going to happen, answer this for me and make sure you tell me nothing but the truth, do you understand?" Phil nods. "Good… Is that video of me still on YouTube?" This caught Phil by surprise, but he nodded anyway. Before he had even finished the nod, Dan had gone. Phil brought his knees up to his chin thinking hard about what just happened. He had just left Phil just sat on the sofa, with no answer and feeling more alone than ever. He reached towards a laptop that was sitting underneath someone's shoe and turned it on. Thank god it doesn't have a password. Phil thinks before logging onto Twitter and seeing that sometime during the night, he had managed to tweeted the word 'ASs' with many responses. He quickly typed out a tweet explaining what had happened and signed onto his YouTube. He noticed he had a new inbox from YouTube and clicked on it a little to un-enthusiastically.
Danisnotonfire has made a video response to your video 'The Breakup'.
What was Dan doing? He clicked onto Dan's profile, taking a mental note that the Gangnam Style video had been taken down, and began to watch his most recent video called 'Urm… Confessions?'
Hi Phil.
"Hi Dan." Said Phil before realising he wasn't in the room.
So you've most likely noticed that I took the video down… Why am I such a twat when I get drunk?
Anyway you're probably wondering why I'm making this video instead of talking to you when you're in the other room… And why I've made this a response to this particular video.
Well, the first, I'm too shy. I'll find it really awkward seeing your response so I'll tell you over YouTube, it just seems easier. Also, I guess I should tell the fans sometime soon and this seems appropriate.
The second, it seemed like the perfect video to make a response for. Because… Well…
The video ended right there. Phil looked at the screen in shock while frantically raping the refresh button in an attempt to fix the apparently broken laptop.
"I love you." Phil blinked and looked up to see Dan standing in the doorway. He was leaning on the white frame and smiling slightly at Phil's shocked face.
"I love you." Dan repeated, a little more firmly. He was bright red and desperately wishing Phil would just give a response to him so he could either hug him and never let go or hide in one of the empty rooms.
Phil stood up and walked purposefully over to Dan.
"Why did we never do this earlier?" Phil murmurs, their faces inches from each other.
"Because you never realised how damn sexy I was until now?" Phil chuckles. Trust Dan to ruin a completely cheesy, yet perfect, moment.
"Hilarious." Phil states before leaning forwards and finally closing the gap between them.
And let me tell you something right now. Being the narrator for this story, and obviously knowing everything, Phil and Dan had never been more blissfully happy in their lives.

Some people think gay people are bad people.
Some people think gay people should die.
Some people believe that everyone should be straight.
Some people are stupid.

So here is the sequel that you asked me for. I got bored. It's terrible, I know. No need to rub it in. Either way I'm not writing anymore to this, it was only supposed to be a one shot :') But I did enjoy writing this story so thank you for reading it!:)
ThatOneOverTheTopPhanGirl x