Chapter 1:

Aunt May P.O.V

Peter was acting strangely.

It had all started when those poor children lost their homes and had joined the Parker residence.

She ran through them in her mind:

Sam- He seemed so warm hearted, offering to help out around the house but then he kept arguing with Peter. May had never heard Peter get all stressy with someone before and was hearing more and more arguments every day.

Luke- At first May had pitted him, most probably because of his broken arm. She hadn't asked but she had the feeling it happened during a fight. Peter was usually such a peaceful boy, but she had walked into the boy's room once and had found peter and Luke locked in a vicious wrestling match with the others watching and laughing.

Danny- Danny was described by peter as 'chilling' and now she knew why. Several times she had found him meditating in the garden or in the spare room. But she had also stepped into a room and found him repeating a violent series of kicks, punches and jumps. Well, never judge a book by it's cover.

Ava-Then there was Ava. She was a calm and sensible girl. She finished homework, read many difficult books and actually managed to stop the boy's petty arguments. That girl had guts.

Well, she guessed the boys were just growing up.

One thing still troubled her.

The suits.

When May was cleaning out peter's wardrobe and right at the back, she had found five bright costumes and she recognised them.

The first was a suit of pure white with a eared mask. Next to that was a yellow and black suit which was very wide, a perfect fit for a muscular body. There was also a green costume with a yellow mask and next to that was a dark blue and yellow outfit. Above those May had found a pair of razor sharp claws, a blue helmet and dark glasses.

This was suspicious as these were the costumes of the famous White tiger, Power man, Iron fist and Nova. But this wasn't what was troubling her.

Behind the others, one suit was left- it was blue and red with a webbed design all over.

It was the suit of spider man.

Why were these in her nephew's room? Why were they even in her house? These questions troubled her. These heroes had enemies and if they came here…


The heroes wouldn't put innocent people in danger unless- no. it was imposable!

Then she remembered Ava's sternness, Luke's strength, Danny's skill and Sam's big mouth.

But where did peter fit into the puzzle?

The spider man costume.

No, he can't be.

Hardly seeing him around.

He was with his friends.

But which ones?

Why was this voice even in her head?

Because I am. Oh wait… sorry…

That was better.

Sadly it did make sense, peter's sudden disappearances, falling a little behind in school and his muscles. She was sure peter didn't work out at the gym, heck! They didn't even have one near. But he was doing some sort of training.

"oh you are in trouble young man!" May muttered softly, we are going to have a talk- you, and, me!

So here you go- my first ultimate spider man story if you like, Favourite me and my story!

If you have read it- LEAVE A REVIEW!

Thank you all, see you all on Candy Mountain.