Felix had returned home to Fix-It Felix, Jr. and slept away what little was left of Sunday, sleeping well into Monday, which was the second day of the arcade's "weekend." It wasn't for a while that Felix agreed to go back out to Tapper's. He and Ralph met up there with both of the Kohuts.
The night was actually not unenjoyable- Felix had a good time, despite still desperately missing his wife. He knew that he would eventually accept the new Calhoun. He wouldn't love her, not again; but, as it turned out, she was already accounted for, as she and her game's Kohut were an item. Both Felix and the old Kohut found that interesting, but neither of them were upset. Same game, and same programming, but after hours they weren't the same characters.
Calhoun offered the original Kohut and his soldiers spots in her Hero's Duty, if they wanted them, but Kohut declined. And though he promised to check with the boys, he had a feeling they would, too. They had already found their place in Game Central Station, and they didn't want to step on any toes.
Felix wasn't sure if these congregations at Tapper's would become habit- maybe the new Calhoun would find her closest friends elsewhere in the arcade. But he wouldn't mind too horribly if they did.
Though he was coping fairly well, Felix excused himself a bit early from Tapper's, claiming that he was tired. However, his path diverged and took him towards Hero's Duty, not Fix-It Felix, Jr. For the first time in far too long, he looked up at the memorial plaque for a few minutes. Then he sat beneath it in the bench; his eyes were closed, but he didn't sleep. He stayed there until he was worried that he would be too tired to make it home, and when he finally reached his apartment, he slept soundly in the center of his bed.
Author's Note: Decided to give you guys that are still following the last of the chapters in one go to apologize for taking so long to update. Please review and let me know what you thought!