The Prologue

Castiel wasn't entirely sure how he ended up with a four year old child clutching to his leg. All he had wanted to do was to go to Sam and speak with him about... About... Something important, surely. But when he had appeared, he was immediately pushed back several inches by a small, brown haired child. Castiel awkwardly patted the boy's head.

"Um... May I help you, child?"

The boy looked up, and Castiel's eyes widened at the all to familiar puppy dog eyes. "Samuel?"

"C-Castiel..." Sam whimpered. Castiel knelt down in front of the youngest Winchester and held out his arms. Sam fell into his embrace, burying his face into the angel's shoulder. "I-I..."

"Sam, take deep breaths." Castiel tried to sooth. Sam sniffled and pulled back to look at his friend. "Now tell me what happened."

"D-Dean told m-me to come here to look for a l-lead, and when I g-got here there was a l-lady and s-she pointed h-her hand at me and now I-I'm all little!"

Castiel nodded slowly. "It seems to me like a witches curse. We should get you back to Dean, he will want to know what's happened to you."

Sam nodded slowly, rubbing at his eye with a pudgy fist. Castiel made to place his hand on Sam's forehead, then remembered that it was extremely dangerous to transport with a child. It could very easily cause permanent damage to Sam's organs.

"Uh... We seem to have a problem." Castiel looked around for something, ?anything?, that could help them. Sam looked up at him.


"Just... Sit tight a moment, Samuel." Castiel made to stand up, but was stopped by Sam grabbing at his sleeve.

"Don't leave me." He whispered fearfully. Castiel smiled gently and took Sam into his arms. Sam wrapped his legs around Cas's waist and locked his arms around his neck. It was clear to Castiel that Sam's mind was stuck somewhere between adult and child. He seemed to still have his adult memories, but also posses childlike tenancies, such as fear, and need to be close to someone. Well, Cas thought, at least he wasn't freaking out.

Castiel turned his head to the sky.

"As much as I resent doing this... Gabriel, Balthazar, I need you."

"Well isn't this a surprising turn of events." Castiel turned around to look at his brothers.

"I wouldn't have summoned you if it was not important." Castiel said gruffly, adjusting the child on his waist.

"I understand." Balthazar tilted his head to look at Sam. "Hello there, Samuel."

Sam looked up shyly. "H-hello, Balthazar."

"Certainly shrunk, haven't you?"

"Yes," Castiel intervined. "And that's why I need your help. I cannot teleport with him. I need you to take him somewhere safe while I go and tell Dean of his location."

"Can do, Cassie." Gabriel grinned. "There's a little ice cream place down the road. Sammy will love it."

"Sam? Or you?" Balthazar smirked.

"Both, I'm sure."

"Right." Castiel put Sam on the ground and knelt down in front of him. "Samuel, I am going to go and get Dean. You need to stay with Balthazar and Gabriel. Do not leave their sides. Understand?"

"Yes, Cas." Sam nodded, clasping his hands together nervously.

"We shouln't be more than an hour." Castiel said, before vanishing in a flurry of wings.

Sam turned slowly to look up at the two angels. Balthazar smiled gently and knelt down, just as Castiel had.

"You're safe, Sam. Don't worry." The angel assured. Sam nodded and sniffed.

"So how's about that ice cream, Sambo?" Gabriel offered his hand to the child with a grin. Sam returned the smile gently before taking the hand and following the two angels out of the warehouse.

When Castiel appeared, Dean was pacing the motel room furiously.

"Hello, Dean."

Dean spun around. "Cas! Have you seen Sam? I've been trying to call him but he won't answer his damn cell!"

"I was previously with him. It seems he has fallen victim to a witches curse." Dean's eyes widened.

"What?! Is he hurt? Where is he?" Dean came to stand directly in front of the angel.

"He is not hurt, I assure you. But the curse has left him reduced back into his four year old body." Castiel told him regretfully. Dean stood there in shock. After a minute, he spoke.

"Where is he?"

Castiel turned towards the door. "I'll show you. We'll have to take the Impala. I won't be able to transport you."

Sam laughed as Gabriel tossed him into the air once more. They had finished their ice creams (Balthazar had to get two as Gabriel had decided to drop the first one down his brothers shirt) and had found a nearby playpark in which to entertaine themselves. Sam, still having some adult dignity left in him, had straight out refused to let Balthazar push him on the swing, so Gabriel had engaged him in a game of chase. The park was empty, so noboby was around to see Gabriel totally not use his angel mojo to throw Sam several feet up into the air and catch him gently. Balthazar stood and laughed, occasionally putting in jibes about how Gabriel would make a fantastic mother.

"You mock me, and yet you were the one to wipe the ice cream of his chin and take him to the bathroom." Gabriel smirked.

"Whatever." Balthazar grumbled. Gabriel laughed, before catching sight of an approaching angel and human. He caught Sam once more then put him back on the grass.

"Why'd you stop?" Sam pouted. Gabriel gently turned him to look to the right. Sam's eyes widened as he saw who was coming.

"DE!" Sam squealed. He ran towards his brother, short pudgy arms outstretched. Dean swooped forwards and enveloped his brother in a hug.

"Sammy, are you hurt?" Dean pulled back, placing his hands on Sam's shoulders.

"No, I'm alwight." Sam assured with a grin. "Uncle Gabriel and Balthy were looking after me."

"Uncle Gabriel?" Castiel raised an eyebrow and looked at his brother. Gabriel shrugged.

"Figured if you were gonna be his mommy then we should get to be his uncles."

"Alright, but you can explain that to Dean."