
Chapter 1

Their fight started the same way as usual. He pushed too hard, she panicked and threw her walls up. They both reacted in their own ways, Beca by raising her voice, shouting at him, Jesse by getting quieter and quieter until he spoke one-word answers only, but even in the heat of an argument there were lines the two didn't cross because no matter how much they fought, they still loved each other. It was often the same argument, over and over, and they would often make up after an hour or two at most.

It was one of these fights that occurred the night of Friday, 17th of January, 2013, when we found the two fighting just outside of their favorite diner. Emerging from the diner, Beca had laughed and made some joke neither of them could remember, and Jesse had, on impulse, told her, "I love you,"

Beca, upon hearing those words, freaked out, and withdrew into her shell, returning to her old habits of using sarcasm and wit.

Jesse soon grew angry, the worry that he might lose her taking it's toll, and ended up driving her further away. Soon enough the conversation turned back to Beca's walls and Jesse's pushiness, and away from the three words that started the argument.

"I thought I meant enough to you for you to open up to me a little bit," Jesse stated in a quiet voice.

"And I thought I meant enough to you for you to not bolt at the first sign that this might be difficult! I'm done, Jesse," Beca shouted, turning and crossing the road, looking down at her feet.

"Beca!" She heard Jesse shout, and she felt a strong force shove her off the road and onto the pathway. Beca heard tires screeching, and a lady's horrified screaming somewhere behind her. She turned, ignoring the cuts on her hands and bruises covering her body, and saw Jesse lying face up on the road.

"Jesse!" She screamed, crawling to his side, ignoring the pain in her foot that she was pretty sure was a bruised ankle, "No, no, no, no Jesse!" She cried, tears welling in her eyes. She turned to scream at the woman to call the ambulance, but to her relief the lady was already on the phone.

"Beca?" Jesse asked hoarsely, and Beca switched her attention back to her boyfriend, "You're alright, right? I got you out of the way in time?" Jesse asked worriedly. Tears now streaming freely down her face, Beca nodded.

"Yes, you stupid idiot, I'm fine. Why did you do that? You should hate me, you should've watched me get hit by that car. Why did you save me, you goddamn moron?" Beca sobbed, grasping Jesse's hand tightly as he winced, and his eyes started to close.

"No, no, no, Jesse, look at me. Keep your eyes open! Stay awake Jesse! Jesse!" Beca shouted as Jesse's eyes flickered closed. Cradling his head in her lap, Beca waited for the ambulance, and, unsure as to what she should be doing, just stroked his face and whispered sweet nothings in his ear.

At some point after Jesse fell unconscious, the woman came over, still on the phone to the ambulance to assess his condition. Beca wasn't paying attention. All she could think about was what could happen if Jesse didn't make it. His face when he said he loved her. His face when she didn't say the words in return.

After what felt like forever the ambulance arrived. After doing a few things, they loaded Jesse onto a bed and put him in the ambulance, and Beca made a move to follow him, but was stopped by a middle-aged paramedic.

"Are you his wife or close family?" He asked, and Beca, not thinking of anything but staying with Jesse, snapped,

"Wife," Before climbing into the back of the ambulance and taking his hand again.