Hey guys so this story i have been planning for a while and its going to be a one shot but if you guys like it , i might continue it for a two or even three shot, so review and tell me what you think. :) enjoy and i don't own anything.

"so are you sure you boys are making dinner tonight" Mrs Kinght questioned.

" Yes mum we said we would, and were going to " Kendall said

" Okay well since last time you cooked you almost set the house on fire I'm taking me and and katie out to see that new movie kiss and tell and then I'm taking us out for diner." Mrs Knight said feeling bad because she didn't want to eat her sons food.

"You mean you're not staying for dinner" Kendall said with puppy dog eyes.

" No sorry sweetie" Mrs knight apologised.

" Its ok i understand ,well have fun" Kendall said.

" We will see you later" Mrs knight said, her and katie walking out of the apartment.

"Well lets get started Logan ,James you get the pans hot and ill get the steak out the freezer"Kendall said

"What about me?" Carlos questioned feeling upset that he had been left out.

"well when mrs knight said WE almost set the house on fire she meant you, she was just trying to be nice, so maybe you should sit this one out" James said trying not to sound rude.

" i swear we i put the steaks in here " Kendall said scratching his head.

" You guys always leave me out" Carlos said pouting.

" Carlos were sorry , if you'd really like to help, then you can go down stairs and sneak into the freezer and get some steak." Logan said suggesting the idea.

"No" Carlos said sternly.

"what" Kendall said

" I said NO, you guys are always leaving me out of things that you do and you still expect me to run around and do stuff for you, well it stops now" Carlos said walking out the door.

Kendall ran out the door after his friend . " Carlos wait" Kendall yelled.

" Go away kendall" Carlos spoke not making eye contact.

" Look I'm sorry"

"well you should be"

" Do you want to get the steak,because if you don't ill get it im already half there anyway" Kendall said

'Ill get your stupid steaks but thats it" Carlos said walking towards the plamwoods kitchen .

" Thank you, i guess ill meet you back at the apartment then " Kendall said walking off even thought he could tell that carols was still mad at him.

" Yeah whatever"

Carlos walked towards the kitchen. " stupid Kendall thinks he can take control, like he doesn't make mistakes its not my fault i'm so clumsy" Carlos mumbled as he approached the kitchen freezer.

-back at the apartment-

" Hey Kendall wheres Carlos? " Logan asked

" Hes getting some steaks" Kendall replied.

" So im guessing hes not mad anymore" James said

" Oh no hes still mad but he said he would get the steaks"

" So he's mad but he still getting the steaks?, that doesn't make sense" Logan said raising an eyebrow.

" it doesn't have to as long as we keep everyone safe and the apartment lets try not to burn it down" Kendall said with a crooked smile.

- back at the freezer-

Carlos was holding the door open with a sack of patties , he wondered in side, shivering and the temperature diffrence." Okay where abouts do you keep stea- BANG

Carlos turned around to find the freezer door had slammed shut.

"no, no,no shit" Carlos ran towards the door slipping in the process and twisting his ankle. " ow ow ow" Carlos let a small tear fall as he clutched his throbbing ankle.

Carlos's body temperature was dropping dramatically, and hid heart was beating faster as an attempt to keep his body warm.

Carlos stopped his whimpering, and took out his phone to find that his battery had died " Kendall was right, i always mess everthing up" Carlos said to himself.

Carlos brought his hand up to his head to find he had a small cut above his eyebrow he must of hit his head when he fell, " You know what Carlos you don't need them y-you, c-can get out o-of here." Carlos mumbled and welcomed the oncoming darkness. "g-guys?"

So what did you think, leave it as a oneshot right pretty shitty , anyway review and when i get back of my holiday i will update my other stores, and thank you to all of those people who are still reading them:)

xx Amy